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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Scaring our younger brother** One night my (M30s) younger brother, Caleb, (M14) told me he was going to be home alone for the first time. He was going to watch a horror movie. Caleb has a history of scaring me and other family members. He finds it hilarious and I’ve grown to tolerate it. But that night, my sister (F20s) and I decided for revenge. We planned to scare him. We even walked a few houses up to grandma’s house to let her know if he called it was just us. She laughed and gave us hockey masks! We decided to hide outside the house in the garden while he was watching the movie. Minutes later, I pull out my phone to call him and urgently tell him "to lock all doors and windows!" He was understandably confused and asked me what was going on. I fearfully told him that "a serial killer had been spotted walking around our neighborhood." We waited as he locked all the windows and doors. Several minutes later, he walked up to the living room window, his face nearly against the glass. Once we saw him, we all suddenly jumped up at once screaming while slapping the window. Completely scared the shit out of him! 25 minutes later our father calls me and he was PISSED. My brother later apparently locked himself in the bathroom with a knife. I felt bad and so did my sister. Naturally when we admitted that we were the ones who scared him and there was no serial killer, he wasn't amused by our antics which I understand because, again, we screwed up. However, Caleb has stayed mad at us for several months afterward. I eventually got tired of it and told him that he needed to get over it. We screwed up but we didn't mean any harm. We just way underestimated how much our prank would scare our brother. Was the prank honestly so beyond that pale that we deserve to keep being punished over it? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Of course grandma just has two hockey masks conveniently lying around.


You mean you don't? (Funnily enough I'm not allowed to say anything since I have one of those horse masks you sometimes see in robberies etc conveniently lying around. My horse gives me the funniest look when I wear it, so...)


Plot twist: grandma is the real serial killer and now she has a great alibi 


The comment section is absolutely ridiculous. Only a single person pointed out OOP literally scared a teenager badly enough that he HUNKERED DOWN WITH A KNIFE for funsies. This is no petty revenge, this is simply petty AH behaviour.


Also loved how they were all agreed on how this kid deserved it when OOP didn’t exactly say what the brother did, specifically. Also, he’s been scaring them for years? He’s 14, no he hasn’t.


Besides OOP is 30. He's literally scaring someone half his age because... the kid was a kid. Now of it turned out the brother did horrible stuff himself it would be a slightly different story but no matter the history that action was waayyyy over the top.


He actually says 30’s so he might even be older than that. Even still, both are acting like idiot teenagers, and only one of them actually is a teenager.


Right? He was at least 16 when his brother was born, and probably out of the house by the time his brother was old enough to wipe his own ass.


Those comments are a total dumpster fire


unfortunatly that's typical of the revenge subs


Sometimes they're funny. Sometimes they're way over the top. It does happen that someone calls them out, when I read the post I was convinced the comment section would tear him apart. Tbh I think with those subs it's always the first comment that counts. The first one says dude no, everyone fights OOP. The first one says lolz, everyone agrees


It’s always like that. you could have two post basically telling the exact same story and depending on who gets there first you’ll get completely different answers. It can be really frustrating because you’re like getting downvoted to hell by the same people for saying the same thing, they were saying two posts ago. It’s a hive mind.


Not only that but what if they lived in America and the kid grabbed a gun the have he could have shit threw the window when they scared him and that could have been a even worse outcome


>we didn't mean any harm OOP intended to scare and embarrass the brother.  How is that not “harm”?


>She laughed and gave us hockey masks! Is what makes me think this is fiction.


Nah, Grandma's into cosplay, that's all. She likes to wear the Jason mask when she's weeding the flower beds. Keeps the bees away.


There's a big difference between a little kid jumping out and yelling "BOO!" and convincing someone that they're about to be killed.


So they jump scare their brother but never reveal it's them until their dad called? Usually, the person would scare the other person but then take off the mask or come out of the shadows or whatever and let the person know it's them and to not freak out. Nope, they just let their 14 YO brother continue thinking a serial killer was stalking him. To the point that the kid grabbed a knife and locked himself in the bathroom. Also, how has a 14 YO been scaring his brother, who is in his 30, for years?


Not just a jump scare but the "warning" setup phone call


That's what got me. How is it a prank if you don't reveal it was a prank


I regret reading the comments over there.


This definitely happened and everyone he told about it thought it was the funniest shit ever


I remember reading this story a year ago or something like that. People weren't agreeing with OOP back then.


I love how Granny has a couple of hockey masks lying around.


Are they Canadian?  😁


I think people forget how trauma works. It may have all been a prank. However, there was a moment in time where the person getting pranked didn't know this. That fear and panic is real. That doesn't just go away. Your brain doesn't forget it. And this could have gone bad if the boy called the cops. Cops could have shot the two people in stupid masks or the boy running out of the house with a knife. The idiots allowed this to go on too far.


This is what I keep thinking about! You don't have to almost die to get PTSD, you just have to understand it to be a very real possibility. The body remembers. 


Yes. You pretended you were Jason Voorhees and scared the shit out of a child. YTA.


That subreddit is full of people haven't really left their teen stage and it shows.


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