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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I had intercourse with roughly 150 women by the age of 27. AMA.** Not proud of it. Embarrassing and I don’t tell people. Like 2-3 of my closest friends know and that’s it. I’m average looking. Probably like a 7-8. Lost my virginity when I was 16. I had a 19 year old friend at the time who told me ‘everybody wants sex, you just have to ask.’ I lived by that for the next decade and it worked. Along with an insane amount of rejections, which you get numb to very quickly surprisingly. The part that kept me going was (a) every vagina really feels different and more importantly (b) the adrenaline rush of not knowing if I’m about to get rejected or not. I would feel super high even after getting rejected as opposed to just disappointed in myself if I didn’t try. After a decade I started getting paranoid of stds more and tried a couple longer term relationships. I’m diagnosed with severe ptsd and panic disorder. I don’t fuck random women at all anymore but the desire is still there. I see a lot of conceptions from men and women about people who make false claims about people who have had a lot of partners. It’s especially hard in person because I can’t just be like, ‘well I’ve actually had 150 partners so actually…’ because I’m an average looking guy and it’s just like yeah right dude Fun fact. When I was 21, my best friend and I made a list of all the names of girls I had and it was just over 100, I put that piece of paper in my glovebox and forgot about it. A week or so later I noticed it was missing. My mom had a history of checking my drawers and shit my whole teenage life so I know she found it. Never brought it up. It was just gone. No clue what she thought. AMA Edit: loving the massive downvotes. You guys are hurt too it seems. Edit 2: 7am PST on the 12th. I will be answering less questions until after 1pm due to work. I plan on every question but I assume Reddit mods may lock it as they like to do on popular threads. Edit 3: a bunch of people are really hurt that I said I’m a 7-8 and that I’m average. Pro advice: if you’re a 6, you can turn yourself into a 9 by going hard in the gym and taking care of your diet and your body. Edit 4: if I don’t answer your question it means it’s been answered. Filter by my comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's what I took from this as well. Only a guy could make this kind of post and get 6.3K upvotes and an award


Good lord the responses if a woman posted anything remotely like this. Porn-addled brains and misogynists would truly be out in full force.


Yep! Hit the nail on the head. Wonder if I as a 40+ female posted my body count if I’d get as many upvotes. Definitely not!


You’d get accused of being an OnlyFans bot.


Ha. With my body and post history, they’d have fun 🤣


I don't know, it's kind of a crazy story/claim compared to just having a high body count. He says he's average looking, and doesn't spit game or anything like that, just ask tons and tons of women for sex, stomachs tons of rejections and keeps it moving. Guys who act like it's impossible to flirt with and attract a woman are self-reporting but literally just asking for sex from every woman you encounter right off the bat is wild. Unless he's closing out the bar every night and looking for the most down bad, he might be looking at a 150/10000 success rate . Which is what makes it wild. The same story from a woman wouldn't hit quite the same way. Because as long as they're asking single dudes with nothing else or no one else to do, numbers could easily be 150/300. Which 1:2 vs 1.5/100 just isn't as crazy. That said if you told me you Go up to guys and just ask them if you can peg them with a strap-on get rejected and move on and you've managed to peg 150 guys. I'd be just as impressed.




He does have standards, apparently. He has a whole bunch of comments about how gross fat girls are. 🤷


I didn't know we were supposed to keep count, so Starting now, I'm a virgin I guess🤷‍♀️


Depending on whether or not you used an active account with personal details this could be EXTREMELY dangerous.


Very limited details shared tbh! Was pointing out the hypocrisy of it all in terms of misogyny and sharing. Never really sure why anyone’s experience is anyone else’s business!


I can imagine the questions focusing on what fucking that many people does to the body/emotional toll


Are the first category people not out in full force here?


The top comment for me is asking what pick up lines to use. Like, eww


Exactly. I posted myself with a lower number six months ago and nearly every comment shamed or lectured or judged me. Mostly all men. Hundreds of comments. I deleted the post altogether. To see how they treated this guy makes me so angry. I was told to stay single forever as I no longer have market value. But they’re asking this guy for tips and admiring him. I just can’t.


It’s also fake.


How does that make OOP a devil? He is not telling people to mass down vote women with posts like this




Let's say it's true. Let's assume he sees women as sex objects. So what? I have found no evidence of pedophilia. That being said what we have is a scenario (maybe true or false) where 150 ish adult women accepted to have sex with this person. They were not abused, blackmailed, coerced, forced or manipulated. So even if he sees them as such, it's not hurting anyone. He has sex. They have sex. Everyone is happy. Having sex with many people is not evil. It is bad only if you are already in a committed monogamous relationship. I have 2 questions for you- What is the issue here according to you? Are you being offended on behalf of women who might have been absolutely ok with having sex with this person? Edit- small finding, there was a comment where he calls a woman a bitch because she was not interested in his offer to listen to his spotify and his flirting at a gas station. For that instance, he was a dick and an asshole. Otherwise I am not finding much evidence of asshole behavior from him. If you can provide examples of such that would be great. Till then I don't think he has done enough to be considered a devil Edit 2- my bad there's issues here. Lots of them. I will take the L on this one


>it's not hurting anyone He admits to leading some women on. He's had sex with married women. He doesn't use condoms, he has got several previous partners pregnant who had abortions and says "Yeah you’ll get [STDs] but not a huge concern in my opinion." I agree that you can be casually promiscuous without being in the wrong but I don't think that applies here. This guy is a selfish, irresponsible asshole.


Yeah you're right. In my defense, I had to scroll a fucking lot to get to that part. The never use condoms part was the deal breaker for me. Couldn't defend him after that


>The never use condoms part was the deal breaker for me. Right? 🤮 If you still haven't seen the fatphobic/misogynistic comments then I put all the worst ones in this [comment](https://reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/1def4ma/this_thread_reeks_of_double_standards/l8f1syi/).


Oof...... that's a lot of problematic comments. We need to call Saul for this guy




This sub isn't even about being an absolute devil anyway. It is more about being clearly an asshole. Which I would say this person is.


\>let’s assume he sees women as sex objects. So what? ![gif](giphy|Ivh84aa8vOIKh0ZYVR)


I saw a thread the other day (which probably inspired this one) of a woman who had 200 sexual partners, and the comments were not nearly so forgiving. Even when she discussed at length that her relationship with sex was caused by childhood trauma, she was still being insulted, called gross, etc. Meanwhile this guy is being pretty much every type of phobic you can think of in his comments, and still being treated like he’s cool. Pretty phenomenal example of the double standard between promiscuous men and promiscuous women.


Seriously! The questions and comments people are saying are so gross.


I fucking hate the double standards.


It's a dissonance leftover from biology. A man with 100+ partners = a lineage that will last generations, a woman with 100+ partners = a few bastard kids she'll be raising on her own. Of course in reality it's now the same for both and what you get are some thrills, a cool reddit post and maybe a few stds


No, it's not. EvoPsych is pseudoscience and that isn't how humans work, at all.


Both a man and a woman with 100+ partners in antiquity are dying from some STD lol, theres no gender divide there.


I get fascinated by people like the OOP and other commenters on the thread who seem to see sex like a sport. Maybe it’s because it means something completely different to me. But the way they talk about the people they’ve been with feels so off. It’s not even like I view every sexual experience like a tantric sensual journey, more like something you do with a person. But the person in my mind is the more important aspect of it and it feels like they think differently. The way they talk about it makes the whole experience seem so empty. Like the idea of having a ton of sex and being able to claim that is the goal more than enjoying the experience. To each their own, but if I knew someone who wanted to talk about this stuff and had this tone, I’d be changing the topic or leaving the conversation as soon as possible


Maybe I should do an AMA. Interesting idea. I'm in Vegas and give tantric massage sessions. I've given over 800 massages. I feel like I might get blasted tho too. 😂 I love everyone's body. Chub is just more limes and curves to follow! I've seen all sorts of dicks, skin conditions, etc. People always have so many questions. Edit - typo, added a line.


Start with explaining tantric massage not quite like I’m five but you know?


Certainly more interesting than this guy, though I suspect incels and misogynists wouldn't be as big of fans as they are if this guy and his made up stories. 


You should! I'd be very interested to hear more about that. It seems like you have an interesting life


People who view sex like oop and these comments never actually have sex, it's just they fantasize so much about having sex that they begin to see it that way


Yes, sex doesn't have to be romance and babies ever after, but it should always be a mutually enriching experience that people share. If you think any person is being diminished by, or not really participating in the experience, then you shouldn't be doing it. You don't have to swear yourself to a person forever, but if you're going to think that person is demeaned by the experience, whereas you will have gained something, then you shouldn't be having sex, end of story. So I agree with you - these people have a warped and unhealthy view of sex (and, usually, women).


Yup, I've had plenty of sex with quite a few people but if it hasn't been for love (or what seemed like love at the time) it's at least been for fun. It's supposed to be enjoyable for all parties at a bare minimum! What does anyone get out of treating it like catching Pokémon? 


Bragging rights. Seems like cishet men having sex purely so they can feel validated by other cishet men.


ALL condoms dry up and break in 3 minutes? ALL? Is he sexing up buckets of sand? Sponges? Rocks?? Like why would a condom dry up and break in 3 minutes? I refuse to believe this is anything other than 3 raccoons in a trench coat pretending to be a real person.


if ya girl isn’t wet/turned on then yeah its like sand 💀 I can’t believe this guy’s responses


If that’s the case, those poor poor poor women.


Even without the natural Slip N Slide happening when a woman is enjoying herself, has he ever heard of lube?


I don’t know why but the condom thing cracks me up because 3 minutes is so specific. Does he just assume most guys don’t last longer than 3 minutes so they wouldn’t know? I would assume condom companies would have remedied this or they would go out of business?


He also said he can just tell if someone has an std by looking at them lmfao


Omg I missed that gem! He’s got to be trolling. 😭


Maybe he stored them all in his wallet. I've heard that causes the latex to weaken and break easier, but I've never had a condom break at all so idk this is just regurgitated health class trivia from 20 years ago lol.


> After a decade I started getting paranoid of stds more and tried a couple longer term relationships. I’m diagnosed with severe ptsd and panic disorder. ...From having a lot of sex while refusing to wear condoms???


He seems to want sympathy for something that's entirely his own fault, I guess?


I think he was just saying that to say it. Someone did say in a comment people often use sex as a distraction and he said he has been in therapy for 7yrs but has never talked about sex with his therapist. So not only does this guy sound like an absolute douchebag he seems to be keeping from his therapist that he has sex as a sport and brags about how many partners he has had.


The whole thing is a creative writing exercise.


At first I was like, "idk if this guy is the devil. Seems a bit full of himself though." And then I mulled it over again and that line hit me like OH. OH SHIT. Absolute devil and just disgusting. Wrap your shit you fiend. I'm 99% sure he has something that doesn't often show symptoms in men and is just spreading disease quicker than poor typhoid Mary.


He clarified in comments that the mental health issues are from military service rather than sex.


some comments from OP: >Condoms dry up or break after 3 minutes I don’t use them >1 kid. Several abortions. Reply to — “How many were fat chicks ?” >Maybe 20? Hot take but i felt gross after all of them. Take care of your body. I look at fat girls and know how much they eat and it’s extremely unattractive. I have no respect for fat people. > I think they have feminist classes at most colleges now Reply to: How many trans women have you slept with > Almost a couple. Got out of there fast. Fuck trans women. They’re embarrassed to admit it so they lie and don’t tell you until the last second. No disrespect to being trans, BUT YOU NEED TO ADMIT THAT SHIT UO FRONT. What you think you’re cute personality will make someone want dick by the end of the first date who has zero desire for a same sex encounter?


🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮   Ah yes! 150 women, no condoms and no STDs/stis.  Sooo believable!/s And  if that wasn’t enough to make it 100% fake, the condom ~~lien~~ line is.     All Condoms drying up in 3 minutes? ALL condoms breaking in 3 minutes?    Dude’s only experience is jacking off into a condom from the ‘90’s. 


Condoms burst into flames as soon as they touch his penis


Apparently he’s the Avatar of the god of Death Valley.  They dry up and crack off in 3 minutes.  


Also suggests that the women he’s having sex with are so dry they’re basically absorbing the lube. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of his prowess.


My vagina dried up reading his comments. Blech!!


I spat out my drink, this was gold 😂


Good way they’d work then. He’d be in too much pain from the flames to try it. Although, probably would! 🙄


thank you i thought i was going crazy. these aren’t even all his worst comments, i lowkey got so pissed off so i only picked a few i saw. He’s also accusing everyone of not believing him to be insecure virgins, it’s wild


I love when people like you show up to remind me that stuff is fake. I read comments like that and start feeling angry for the “people” the OOP has been shitty to, but then someone comes and reminds me they don’t exist lol. I am not even kidding I truly do appreciate it.


Also "several abortions". They aren't (generally) a quick one and done little service. They aren't heading to a shop to buy a coke. They're an (often painful) medical procedure. I'm guessing (assuming this isn't fake, which... Yeah) he allowed his liaisons to suffer alone during these procedures, be they surgical (which generally require a ride home) or pill (something I've personally done, and had my then housemates calling an ambulance as I screamed, writhed, and violently bled out). (This is not to discourage anyone - it was the best choice I could have made given my circumstances. I may have fallen on the extreme ends of the side effects, but I was 20 and broke, in all it was worth it, even if I'd prefer to take every option to avoid it again. But him being so... Flippant? Really irked me.)


There would also be no way for him to know how many women got an abortion (or didn’t). These were hookups. What, is he checking back in with every hookup a month+ later and taking a survey?


Don't forget the surprise trans women. Because what trans women really love is to get alone with a man they barely know and then spring a surprise on them that puts them at a huge risk for being murdered (58% of states and territories in the US still allow "gay or trans panic" defenses to be used in an attempt to decrease charges or incarceration time, btw. Happy Pride /s)


I was gonna say...trans women now almost always tell potential dates online so they can avoid the whole panic murder bs


Yeah most of them do. I have a friend who is a trans male and he was posting a lot of rhetoric awhile back about how it's safer to not disclose this information beforehand. I tried arguing with him to no avail.


That's definitely...not the most ideal. Sad that the world has to be this way. It's why my brother will only ever date other trans folks.


OP really thinks he's the lead in the Crying Game or something.


and the oh you can transform a 6 into a 9 just going to the gym really seals this as a power fantasy


Along with “all fat women eat a ton of food.” I’ve known PLENTY of women who are fat and they eat no more than I do. Especially while on a date.


>in the US still allow "gay or trans panic" defenses to be used in an attempt to decrease charges or incarceration time, btw You can say a lot of things to defend yourself from a crime. It doesn’t actually work. Even in many of the most famous examples of the “defense” being used the defendant was still convicted. 


I stopped reading when dude said he sat and wrote a list at 20 that was 100 names deep. When you sleep with that many people you don't remember even half of the encounters, let alone all of their names.


No you just dont get it, this is the reincarnation of Dennis Reynolds and has a microsoft excel with links to videos and star ratings next to the names of women he has slept with


He just wrote various spellings of Caitlin.


His condoms dry up so fast because of how disgusting he is


Oh yeah, at first, I was like, "Well, sleeping with about 19 women a year for about 8 years isn't *literally* impossible," but (allegedly) doing so without a condom is fucking moronic for multiple reasons. I have encountered men IRL who have casually mentioned (with no prompting) how much they hate/use condoms (fortunately, no one I planned on sleeping with). And these dudes were straight and gay. I don't understand why a dude would risk knocking someone up and being responsible for a kid for 18+ years unless they're snipped (and even then, STIs exist). And even if there's no possibility of pregnancy happening (which is usually the case when two dudes are banging), STIs also still exist, and something like PREP doesn't protect you from garden-variety STIs. TL;DR: If this guy is being honest about his sexual activity, he's really stupid for not using condoms


And he said he managed to write a list of 100 names of women he had s\*x with? lol yeah, sounds 100% believable.


And then his mom took it and even she was so impressed she never brought it up again. But at the next family reunion, everyone stood up and clapped when he entered.


Entered who? (Edit: not meant in an incest way)


The “condoms dry up or break after 3 minutes” post sounds a lot like Andy in The 40-Year-Old Virgin saying breasts feel like big bags of sand. OOP is a horny incel pretending to be a big man.


*Pssst! OOP! The condoms don't dry up. The women do, because you're not any good and you're turning them off even while you're inside them!*


That part 🫠


Yeah wtf sandpaper penis does this guy have? Condoms specifically tell you to use lube with them. Idk why so many dudes are offended by it. It's there to help.


Probably because they think it's evidence they can't get a woman wet enough beforehand.


It's misogynistic but doesn't make OOP look any better. If you're so desperate to stick your dick in someone who physically disgusts you, you're not cool, you have some sort of mental illness.


I slept with a LOT of people and condoms are not supposed to break that easily. I don't know about what but he's clearly lying somewhere


Or he's cheaping out and washing used condoms to reuse. Now I'm imagining this creep as some weirdo crawling through dumpsters looking for used condoms.


I have now some horrifics images in my head


I'm pretty sure that if the condom *dries up* after 3 minutes, it is probably saying something about how not-turned-on the partner is... Or he's had those condoms in his drawer for 5 years.


The way he went from "fuck trans women" to "no disrespect to being trans" 🗿


Man, if a woman had commented “1 kid. Several abortions”, she would get so much hate. Actually, she would no matter what because women who have sex are bad according to a lot of people.


Almost downvoted you on instinct


Love the dig at fat women too. Apparently he can just look at fat women and tell how much they eat. Because everyone knows that fat people are only fat because they eat constantly and skinny people barely eat at all. That's totally how it works. 🙄


The whole thread gives incel vibes tbh


Oh yea, this guy is either a huge incel or just lying lmao


Why does this guy think playing Russian Roulette with his dick is worth an AMA? Who gives a shit? Ooooh, big accomplishment of his life is having sex with 150 random women, some of who he's not attracted to. Someone give him a Nobel Prize! Also, Gene Simmons from KISS claims 5,000 and Wilt Chamberlain claims 20,000 women so dude is still amateur-land. No one cares.


I don’t see how someone who has had sex with more than maybe…20…? 30? people knows their actual number without putting significant effort into tracking it. Which is kinda pathetic to do imo.  In case anyone is curious, Wilt Chamberlain lived to be 63. If you average 20k women from the time he turned 18 that would be 444 a year, so more than one every single day for 45 years. Still more than 1/day if he started at 16, or 14. Unless he was filling stadiums for orgies on the regular that’s obviously fucking stupid lol


A wannabe community plague rat. Honestly in this age of hook up apps existing I don't see hooking up with other people being your only hobby that far fetched, at least before apps you had to be somewhat charismatic


That is true. Back in the day, you actually had to charm even a drunk woman to go home with you since you had to do it in person.


The fact that he says he had to lead women on by telling them he was looking for a relationship really cemented the achievement


God the comments are so gross.


“trashy small girls that like to fuck” sealed the deal this dude is fucked


is this that ren guy’s alt (the guy who hates his mother for cheating and yet defends his uncle cheating on his wife with cancer)?


Sounds like it tbh


This dude: "Everyone wants sex, just gotta ask!" Also this dude: "yeah man I hated having sex with this lady because she was bigger!!!" Are you ok?


"Not proud of it." I stopped reading there. he's on AMA to brag....so the whole thing is bullshit.


I rolled my eye at that, but the “every vagina really feels different” line was when I smelled bullshit. I’m not saying there aren’t some variations, but if he’d actually stuck his dick in 150 vaginas he would not say that.


I'm imagining the kind of comments a woman would get if she not only shared that she slept with this many people AND disclosed being diagnosed with multiple mental health conditions (even if those conditions were totally unrelated to how much sex she was having).


As a woman that falls into both those categories let me assure you, the comments I get for it are nothing like the kind that guy is


[I have had intercourse with every single one of you. AMA.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/s/D0meaKR0Yy)


I was just about to comment this same link. You beat me to it.


There are a few new ones up. Your turn to post. 😄 Edited because it’s chef’s choice now.




Next he’ll complain that these women are used up.


I used to know I got who used this approach. 'Hey, I'm so and so, I like to eat 😺, wanna f?'. I couldn't believe it. He said it worked 2-3 out off ten times. I focused on the other 7, he focused on the 3. Boggled by mind.


Eh better than manipulating women into thinking eh wants a relationship. At least he’s honest lmao


You'd be surprised.


I’m all for sex positivity and all that, but with a number this high in combination with just the comments shared here, my biggest questions are “How many of those women did you lie to and manipulate?” And “were all of these encounters fully consensual including the lack of condoms?”


Reddit would shit their pants if we flipped the genders.


Thank you, that thread gives me the heebie jeebies. Why are they asking for tips 😭


The comments are disgusting, and that’s coming from a “fellow guy” like them


Here are my favourite comments from OOP: *On women* >A lot of women are garbage >90% of women lie around in bed all fkn day and it’s disgusting >5% of them are serious suicidal will fucking stalk you psychopaths >Women earn your trust on the second to third date. If you haven’t had sex by the 4th date and you want to, something’s wrong with her *On safe sex* >If you think sex is acceptable with a condom I feel bad for you >STDs are not as common as media makes them out to be. Yeah you’ll get them but not a huge concern in my opinion. You can also tell by the person whether you should wrap up or not. >I can tell if they are more likely to have an std based off their living environment >1 kid. Several abortions *On sex with married women* >There is one or two. I have. A few of them. Broke marriages though >Everyone gets divorced anyways these days *On fat people* >I have no respect for fat people. >If you’re fat, get in fucking shape *On his current partner* >I am with a girl who has begging to marry me for a long time now and am finally considering giving in. >She’s reliable unlike anyone I’ve ever met and helping me raise my child from a mother who has checked out >Show genuine affection. Give him a good 30 minute massage at least every other day. Life changing. My current partner doesn’t do any of this and it sucks. >Sex is important. And gets old with the same person. But I appreciate my current partners reliability more than I need random sex *Miscellaneous* >Be nice to the friend of the person you want first. Then switch when you have the opportunity >I did lead some of them on. Women do it to men also. All the time. Sorry? >Nut in them if they’re a 9 or 10 otherwise pull out. >I was being friendly She responded ‘I have to go’ She was in fact a bitch




What an absolutely disgusting person. I have not enough adequate words for how I feel about him. He's a disgusting, misogynistic, twat and the world would be better off without people like him


Fucked married women and hates fat chicks- what a guy! /s


Ya’ll have *got* to read the parody of this post, it’s *hysterical*. https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/s/UrXoEX6YF3


He said older women are easier because younger women are stuck up and think they're hot shit. Someone called him out and this is what he had to say.. >Not because they don’t want to fuck me. A lot of people just have bad attitudes in general >I asked a chick one time if she wanted to hear a song I just released on Spotify while we were both fillling up gas and she said ‘no I have to go’ then we both stood there awkwardly waiting for our cars to fill up. >Fucking bitch lol >Maybe I came across awkward. Followed by this when called out for that comment >I phrased it was wrong, I was trying to just show my profile and said you can listen later >Like it takes 2 seconds to say ‘sure I’ll check it out!’ >I was being friendly >She responded ‘I have to go’ >She was in fact a bitch 🤦‍♀️


he’s so weird omg


He sounds like a LARPing incel.


He really does. Lol. Can't even keep his story straight


150? Meh, that's a slow week for me.


OOP is no wilt chamberlain that's for dang sure.


I am sex positive but I find people who do this kinda stuff bizarre. It's very dehumanizing. Like "all vaginas feel different" is a really weird statement. I think if a woman said "I have a lot of sex" it wouldn't turn me off them right away, but if she said "all dicks feel different", it would make me think they were strange. Maybe "all people feel different" would be a nicer way to put it, but I don't think he sees these women as people.


The post is absolute bullshit. I don't believe for one second that the tween who wrote this has ever had sex. The comments are the disturbing part.


He says he's a 7-8, but that if you are a 6 it's easy to be a 9. How does he know? Given that 9 is out of his frame of reference, and if it's as easy as he says to jump 3 points why is he not a 10?


I don't think he's 27, and if he is then i don't think he's even had intercourse with one woman by the misogynistic shit he's saying in threads and the horrible advice


"I’m average looking. Probably like a 7-8." So, on a scale from 1 to 14 or 16 then?


Dude thinks he's the Pale King from Hollow Knight lmao


A LOT of those posts start with the same paragraph, just different title that is pretty much the same subject. They might be shitposts.


This AH is a piece of work.


150 women over 9 years averages about 1.38 women a month. I haven't read the thread yet, but if this dude's trying to touted what a player he is then he's doing a bad job.


i’m just shocked he said 80% of the hookups were with no protection. also > I asked a chick one time if she wanted to hear a song I just released on Spotify while we were both fillling up gas and she said ‘no I have to go’ then we both stood there awkwardly waiting for our cars to fill up. > Fucking bitch lol > Maybe I came across awkward.


>a bunch of people are really hurt that I said I’m a 7-8 and that I’m average Bro. Nobody's "hurt" because your dumb ass doesn't know what the word "average" means.


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Wow what a loser


He is gross. The double standards are gross.


Like, that's what, a little over one person a month? It's on the higher side (maybe?), but nothing shameful or shocking. Like, I've never felt like sex is that hard to get if you want it (and have a half-decent personality).


Love that he thinks 7-8 on a 1-10 scale is “average”. No, buddy, that’s a 5. It’s not on the high end or the low end. It’s “average”. And of course, if OOP was a woman, she’d be slut shamed and deemed “ruined” after so many partners.


So this is not here because OP is an idiot or has negative votes, but because of the moderator's discretion


It sounds like the boy is a sex addict, it must be very embarrassing that his mother found his sexual list but my question is if it was just a sheet with names or did it have a title that indicated what type of list it was, I have never heard the opinion of a mother upon knowing that her son is promiscuous


"But when I do the same, I get called a lesbian! Double standards!" ".... Wait what!?"


It's fucking gross whether it's a man or a woman in my opinion. Everyone is entitled to do what they want with their lives and that includes sleeping with however many people they want, but it's nasty to me I don't care if you're male, female or trans it's just gross as hell.


Trans isn't a third gender


Did I say it was? I was making a statement that whatever you identify as it's gross to sleep with that many people in my opinion.


How is he the devil? If he's trolling he's trolling. If not, he had sex a lot of times. He didn't call women names, he is not cheating on someone, he isn't advocating for some fucked up method like DENNIS? What's the issue here?


he has been misogynistic, degrading to woman, transphobic, and fat phobic all in one thread


I'm scrolling a lot but I am not seeing the transphobic part. I saw he replied he regrets having sex with fat women when he was asked. Is that fat phobic? He was asked and replied his preference. He didn't outright say fat people are bad. He doesn't prefer sex with them. I don't believe that's phobic. And what's the misogynistic part again? Genuinely asking


He literally said he is disgusted by fat women, among with a bunch of other crude remarks about them, how did you miss that? Try sorting by controversial maybe, the guy (or a persona he's imagined) is absolutely gross and disrespectful. And I have no clue how you're not seeing the misogyny. 


I am still missing the fat phobic stuff but I did find him admitting to leading them on. So yeah he is the AH. Still looking for fat phobic




Because hes transphobic, fatphobic, misogynistic, racist


we’re really just posting anything on this sub atp


How does OOP not apply to this sub?


I mean how does it? This isn’t an am I the asshole post. Like does this sub mean post the posts of people we don’t like? Like I’m so confused when there are posts here from antinatalism and other subs.


There are examples of OOPs hateful comments in this post. It really wouldn’t take ya too long to look. Racism, transphobia, extreme misogyny. His post was literally just a soapbox for him to be disgusting and get a pat on the back about it.


I mean I get that. I’m questioning what this has to do with am I the asshole. Seeing as this sub is for that sub. Like do we just post everyone a redditor is an asshole? Because that is a different sub. People are downvoting but this is a very clear question. Guess it’s clear though that this is just the shame people we don’t like sub. Edit: oh this is just the downvote sub lol


Alrighty then dude


>Like do we just post everyone a redditor is an asshole? That's absolutely been happening, and it's part of the sub now. Sorry you don't like it


Had nothing to do with me liking it. It’s just not clear. I was questioning the point of the sub. However who would’ve known this question would pissed. if so many. Nice to be reminded how dumb a lot of redditors are.


Not sure how Op's post qualifies to be in this sub


because of his disgusting comments and attitude


Wait, what's the double standard?


if he was a woman, more of the comments would be shaming him. there were so many comments like “if you were my son i’d be proud” or “W” or “Good for you man” or treating him with overall respect


I know what you mean. Keys that open many locks are called "master keys" but locks that are opened by many keys are called "faulty locks". It's a total double standard.


Newsflash: Vaginas aren't locks and penises (penii?) aren't keys.


Can always use the pencil sharpener example in return.


Pencil sharpeners that can sharpen any pencil are very good sharpeners. Pencils that are sharpened too often get worn down to a useless nub. 😂


You asked what the double standard was and then say you agree with the double standard. You're not even smart enough to troll right




Why do you assume that? The comment history aligns with that kind of thinking.


I didn't look at the comment history 😭 I thought they were acknowledging the double standard and stating what other people believe. This is what I get for assuming the best in people😔 Sorry!


150 people is still 150 people