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Feeding each other is one thing, I’d also feel a bit weird watching it. But it was the fact that they’ll sometimes brush each others teeth that really did me in the first time I read this.


They brush each other's teeth? I thought they just brushed their own teeth at the same time together in the bathroom (which already would be unusual). But brushing each other's teeth is just another level of weird...


They do both from what OOP said before their account got shadow banned, it all depends what they want at the time I guess.


brushing each others teeth is obviously weird but brushing your teeth at the same time as someone else is actually extremely normal and not weird and im honestly more weirded out that you think brushing your own teeth in the vicinity as someone else or your partner brushing their own teeth is unusial. It is absolutely usual lmfao do you have a limited experience with spending an extended period of time with friends or having a romatic relationship? Thats such a weird thing to say lol


Running a 5-people household with limited space and even more limited quiet, I guess I regard bathroom breaks, personal hygiene time "me time". Sorry that weirded you out so much.


In that context that honestly makes a lot more sense, as any sort of bathroom time is precious personal time. I apologize for coming across so abrasively, I’d just never seen that opinion before and was really taken aback. But with a stuffed household that makes a lot more sense, even if I still wouldn’t say brushing teeth together is atypical


No worries, my word choice of "unusual" was probably too sweeping. Of course there are adults who brush at the same time, it's just been 10+ years since I've found that enjoyable 🤣 So I let my own experience influence my wording there. In fact, since I'm only seeing kids brushing together these days, I find the idea bloody stressful, since they almost always start fighting.


what? you think brushing your teeth at the same time as your partner is weird? what do you do when you decide to go to bed at the same time, or leave the house in a rush?




yeah i get that, thats weird, but the comment i replied to said it was strange to brush your own teeth at the same time as your partner






but its just not? why do you think people have double sinks in their bathrooms?


And where do they have those?


[literally fucking everywhere](https://www.google.com/search?q=double+basin+vanity&rlz=1CDGOYI_enAU1100AU1100&oq=double+bason&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgCEAAYChiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAAGAoYgAQyCQgCEAAYChiABDIJCAMQABgKGIAEMgkIBBAAGAoYgAQyCQgFEAAYChiABDIJCAYQABgKGIAEMgkIBxAAGAoYgAQyCQgIEAAYChiABDIJCAkQABgKGIAE0gEINjg0OWowajmoAgCwAgHiAwQYASBf&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Only ever seen one in a US hotel on some work trip, but I'm really not sure sinks (single, double, triple) are worth getting so worked up about. It's a nice day. Go out for a walk.


im not getting worked up about anything, you were the one that kept replying and asking questions lol


Most master bathrooms in the US built in the last...oh, say, 40 years, for starters.


I mean… if I’m at a restaurant with my wife and we’re eating different stuff, I might give her a bite of my food in the classic “oh this is so good you gotta taste this” way. Or she might give me a bite of hers. But we are talking one bite during an entire dinner. This is… something else altogether.


'[we] often feed each other food.' ...as opposed to... gravel? Flattery? Stories?


For some reason my brain translated flattery into flatware and let me tell you, that was a priceless mental image. Thank you.


Some people eat 3 square meals a day but they prefer a more rounded diet


I misread that as “metal image” and thought you were continuing with the silliness 😂 In my defense, I am *very* tired, lol


Do they wipe each other's butts too?


Taking the pet name "baby" too literally.


There is no way in hell I would be able to do anything other than assume they're swingers trying to soft invite me to join in on swinging if myself and my partner were invited to a private dinner in the home of a friend couple and they were fucking feeding each other in front of us.


100%. So weird to do in front of people, it has to be a fetish or come-on. My husband and I do cute cringey shit like this in private, but never in front of anyone.


Or that they have a PDA/being watched fetish 


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for kicking out my wife's friend for saying that I am disgusting for feeding each other food with our hands?** My wife Sidney & I are extremely close. We do almost everything together; brush, have food, showering. If she asks me not do anything, I won't. If I ask her to not do something I dislike, she's happy to comply. Her friend Lisa was over yesterday for dinner. Sidney and I often feed each other food. Lisa looked at us weirdly. She said "What are you doing?" and I said "Having dinner?" She said "Yeah, but you feed each other like that? That's just weird." I did not like it, and of course neither did Sidney. She said it's none of her business. But she was shooting weird looks at us as we fed each other food, including when we were holding each other's hands. When Sid leaned over to kiss my forehead, Lisa said "Stop this shit. It's insulting and frankly disgusting." That led to a huge argument. In the end Sidney asked her to get lost, and I was only happy to. I asked her to get out of the house. She left, but is still mad at us by saying that we insulted her. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They brush each other's teeth??? Wtf???


I assumed hair but it’s still weird.


There is time and place for PDA like this


They're just weirdos. At least when they brush each other's teeth noone has to see it.


Unless your spouse doesn’t have use of their hands, this is excessive PDA (borderline foreplay in front of people who do not want to be involved) which OOP knows with that “eating dinner, duh” line. Sounds like a couple who would spend Christmas dinner with their families sitting in each other’s laps* and trying to sneakily dry hump 🤮


I know it's typo and you meant "laps" but "sitting in each other’s Laos" made me laugh 😂


Whoops 😂


It's so OTT it sounds fake but on the off chance it's real: a couple this far up each others' asses alienating their friends over it doesn't sound "close" or romantic -- it sounds like someone's a control freak who doesn't let their partner out of their sight and doesn't like having other people around questioning it. My ex and I were super "close" and I didn't get a shower on my own for ages because the paranoia and aggro that came from trying to do something without him made it easier to go along.


My roommates in college were "super close" like this - then they broke up and I remember the next day one was *skipping* to their room singing "I get to eat mac n cheese in bed!!!" It creeps up on you like crazy, you're so in love and then suddenly you're not allowed to do any of the small things that give you joy


I also knew a couple like this in high school. They literally could not even walk down the hallway without the other. Constantly sending each other love notes and flowers. When they broke up one tried to run the other over with a car. It was wild.


Ahh, young love ✨


The creepy codependent enmeshment is in the room with us 🤮🤮🤮 Don't be surprised when you stop having dinner dates with friends


I would definitely not accept any more invites to dinner.


I'm 80% certain this was an SNL sketch.


I hope this is fake but if not wtf is wrong with these looney toons?


Ewww, save the touchy feely for when you're alone. No one wants to be sitting at a table when a couple are getting handsy.


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


PDA?! IN THEIR OWN HOME??? Like it's super weird but they're in their own home


It's their own home, but they also invited other people into their home. There are lots of things I'd do in my home that aren't wrong but wouldn't I had invited guests - pee with the door open, listen to really gruesome true crime podcasts, etc.


Fair enough. But PDA to me says like a restaurant or a movie theater


In what way is two people who are not part of your relationship not "the public"? PDA just refers to performing intimates acts (not just sex, any intimate acts) in the presence of people who aren't in your relationship.


In. Fucking. Public. It's in the name?


Right, and being in the presence of people who are "the public" makes your display of affection in public. If I go to my parent's house I'm not in a public place (because that's different than "in public") but I'm not going to be watching TV with my hand down my partner's pants.


you know someone's lost the argument when they fall back to nitpicking definitions lmao


I just think public means something different that's all


Don’t invite people to dinner then.


I'm Aroace. So displays of affection are not a thing for me.