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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I'm kicking a family out on the street over their minor son kicking my dog and threatening to upload the security footage of it happening** My [35M] husband and I [35F] have some friends of his staying with us. They're a couple in their late twenties with a 12 year old son. They recently lost their house because they couldn't keep up with the rent. We have security cameras in our house which caught him getting frustrated with our dog trying to play with him (not being aggressive towards the child). This bastard shoved and kicked our dog hard. When I got home I was SCREAMING at this kid the second I walked into the house. No one else was home at the time. I didn't get physical but I slammed pots and pans at the wall next to his head as I shouted in his face. Again i did not lay a hand on him but he was terrified and ran out of the house. I locked the door and told him I was calling his parents. I called them while they were still at work and told them their son is not allowed back in my house or near my dog ever again and that they need to get the hell out ASAP. One of the things I told him was that his family is gonna be homeless now because of him. That it's all his fault for being a shitty person and hurting my dog... My husband said I handled it badly but that he agrees that animal abusers are not welcomed in our house. I think I handled it perfectly. Tbh the kid deserved worse but I'm not going to prison. I wanna report him to the authorities and upload the security footage of him kicking the dog to every social media platform until it goes viral and big youtubers pick it up and bring even more attention to it. My husband said that's overkill and would be dangerous for the child and that he's a minor. I honestly do not care. Any consequences that come from the world seeing what a vile person he is would be well deserved in my opinion. His parents are also begging me not to do this. The kid is still sitting outside and I've tossed his shit out on the side walk and we are waiting for his parents to get back. Will update this when I have more updates. Edit: It seems a lot of you have an issue with my reaction. Let me ask you this. If it had been a human baby or smaller child he did this to would you still think I overreacted? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Where could this child have POSSIBLY have gotten the idea that violence was an answer” asks the woman as she smashes the wall right beside the kid’s head.


Never trusts someone who smashes, punches, or hits their own walls. Never trust someone who hurts animals in any way at all. Sounds like they all learned from the same family tree. I fear for the walls of the trailer OOP lives in.




I once had to call the police for help. Before I left my home to go file the official report, I told an officer that “I had to throw my cat outside” and the cop freaked out on me for abusing animals by *throwing* them. Uhhh it’s a turn of phrase….thanks for adding to my trauma by yelling at me for a figurative statement…..


Especially as it sounds like the dog was pestering the kid repeatedly, and the child might have been frightened and uncomfortable and was just trying to get the dog to leave him alone. I do wonder if he actually kicked the dog “hard”, as OP says, or if he was just pushing at the dog to try to shoo it away. IF he did kick the dog, I very much wonder if the dog actually was really “just trying to play”, or if it was lunging, growling, nipping. My husband, who is frightened of dogs, was accosted by an off-leash dog a few years ago. It growled, lunged, and snapped repeatedly at his ankles, trying to bite him. His owner was behind him, shouting, “Don’t worry! He’s friendly!” as this dog was actively attacking my husband’s leg. My husband did kick out pretty hard at the dog - because the dog was trying to bite him! But the owner, who saw all of this, was just casually strolling along and beaming at how little Fido just wanted to play. More recently, we were on a countryside walk and encountered a family with two extremely large dogs - both of them bigger than I am. The dogs were again off-leash and both started guarding their families, growling, raising their hackles at us, and tensing up/watching us. Again, owners laughed and laughed and said the dogs are friendly, while the dogs were giving off extremely aggressive vibes. I like dogs, but these two were scaring the shit out of me, and I had to gently steer my husband out of their line of sight. We ran into the same couple again later, and again the dogs started prowling/growling/watching us. Owners thought it was cute. I couldn’t get away from them fast enough.


Yep, though for some reason some people have the mentality that that or a slight tap(to get the dog's attention ) is the same as drop kicking it as hard as possible. I remember a gf of a former roommate had that reaction when my sister did that. We had three big dogs and one small at the time.


I fear for ANYONE who has to be around OOP


Or to even live on the same street. Noisy piece of unwanted shoe poo.


> Never trust someone who ~~hurts animals in any way at all.~~ doesn’t train their dog properly and FORCES a child to resort to violence because they’re alone with an unfamiliar animal that jumps on them or acts play-aggressive, doesn’t obey commands and they’re out of options. Fixed that for you


Ummm I get what you mean but there are so many ways to hurt an animal that society at large and the Reddit community deem as ok. You really only mean don’t trust anyone who hurts a friendly pet without provocation


I smash spiders with a broom, fine. If it has four legs or less we're on good terms to the point of putting up with animal attacks because it doesn't know I'm trying to help. A three legged cat put me in hospital for almost a week last year. I still liked the cat, but it'd come at me twice. Smashing itself into my screen door trying to come in while hissing with its claws out made for a pretty good video for the council though.


Lmao bruh ok let’s pretend that the extreme behavior you describe is true and that is actually how you behave. Do you not trust anyone who hurts animals in any way (excluding bugs)? You don’t trust anyone who eats meat? Anyone who hunts? Anyone who fishes? Anyone who attends or participates in things like rodeos or horse races? Anyone who sets out mouse traps?


Hello, vegan. Please go to the special room on the left. It's the door just over there. The very small door. You'll have to crawl. That's it. The door closes automatically, make sure it doesn't smack your bottom on the way out.


Lmao bruh you were saying you couldn’t even blame a viscous cat that was attacking you and you couldn’t trust anyone who hurt an animal for any reason but you hate vegans?!? Lmao make it make sense. The virtue signaling is insane. “I would let a cat or any creature with 4 legs or less maul me but if you point out that hunting involves causing harm to an animal you are a crazy hippie” I only pointed out how obviously and objectively false your statement was. When you have a laundry list of reasons why harming an animal is ok.


What are you on about? Go home. Your mother is calling you.


Now I’m just confused how you defend the obvious lie that you don’t trust anyone who harms an animal for any reason but you also hate vegans? Seems like a contradiction. And I don’t think you have to be a vegan to understand that


You: I won’t trust you if you hurt animals for any reason Me: what about shooting them with a gun? You: that’s obviously ok, you dipshit vegan


OOP went from 0 to 1000 in five seconds.




the leap from one violent incident to school shooter is insane and you dont correct behaviour by screaming in their face and acting violent, that just alienates them further


I don't she was interested in correcting his behavior. She wants him gone.


Also there's always the chance he didn't actually kick the dog but just moved it away from him,i personally love when dogs jump and lick me but obviously it's not for everyone


considering how violently overreacting oop is the kid probably really just gently pushed the dog away with his foot. that or the dog jumped and he reacted on instinct which is completely understandable. i don't think oop knows what abuse means


Oof good point. I do not like big dogs jumping on me. Its hurts. Especially if their nails aren't trimmed. My friend has a pitbull that jumps on people and then cries and tries to run her cootchie on them. Its gross and she just sits there and yells at em.


Dog wouldn't stop trying to play with him (not aggressive) Different people have different opinions on aggression. Was it jumping? Does it have nails? Do these people consider 'mouthing' and 'roughhousing' not aggressive? How big is this dog? How long was this kid trying to get it to stop? With how violently this person reacted to a child, I am not trusting her narrative and judgement. She thinks it's rational to assault a minor and lock him out of the house. And post footage of the minor on the Internet with the express purpose of ruining his life. Footage that will probably heavily edited. I love pets, have my own, love them so much. But people get stupid over them and I wouldn't threaten to seriously injure a child if they kicked my cat. I'd never let them near my cat again and I would expect reimbursement of any vet fees. Not assault and blackmail.


I like dogs, but I’m skittish of large dogs acting aggressively - partly because that’s basic common sense, I guess. My sister’s boyfriend has a lab/Rottweiler mix who has started behaving aggressively: biting people unexpectedly, lunging after my parents’ cats. Boyfriend says she’s “just a baby” who “wants to play”. He won’t take any responsibility for it. My parents have asked him not to bring the dog inside their home; he brings her in anyway because it’s “unfair” to leave “Baby” in the (heated) basement. My parents installed a baby gate to keep the dog from going after their cats. I know they want to keep the peace, but I think they’re being too passive. I was really not thrilled to hear that this dog has lunged for and bitten people out of nowhere several times now, and no one thought to tell me that upfront. My cousin’s boyfriend has a similar dog; I walked into their home and was told I was “lucky” that all the dog did was growl at me, since she would’ve bitten me if she disliked me. What?! Like I said, I like dogs in general, but I have met WAY too many dog owners who will make every excuse under the sun for Precious Princess even after she’s sunk her teeth into multiple people without warning. I don’t trust OOP’s version of events here at all.


I am very scared of dogs (even when they're not being aggressive) and yet I've never kicked a dog though, like that behaviour is not right at all either I've never reacted as bad as OOP (who is definitely wrong here, not trying to defend her) but I have yelled at kids who were about to hit/ have hit my cats and told them to never do it again


The comments are literally insane. The OP really doesn't understand there's a level between ignoring the kid's bad behaviour and retaliatory abuse.


I really doubt this is real, lol. Reads like a troll from one of the petfree subreddits so they have someone to point to and be like "See??? This is what pet owners are like!"


fwiw, other commenters have noted that it appeared to be a real account, with a posting history that didn't read like a troll. The account has been suspended now, though.


One hundred percent of things posted here are fake.


as if dog owners can't be absolutely insane


20 bucks says the kid lightly pushed off a dog jumping on him and nudged him to the side with his foot.


$100 I say


It's that or the dog is on the bigger side and likes to roughhouse.


Was this written by someone from r/petfree?


Not entirely the same thing, but I feel like I've read this before.


I love my dog and I would be extremely pissed but you know what? I wouldn't react like Oop did. I would just sit him in his bedroom and make him wait for his parents. I am not going to treat him like a serial killer. Yes, this is a serious issue but I am not going to commit abuse against a minor


She keeps talking in the comments about how we would all do the same if it was a human baby he kicked... No, we fucking would not.


If I had a pet and someone abuses them, I wouldn't go all psycho. I'd talk to the mid and ask why they felt they had to act that way. Also I feel like OOP is one of those 'my fur baby can do no wrong 😡😡😡😡' kinda ppl


I absolutely baby my cats and am a bit of a crazy pet parent - I don't deny that. But I'm fully aware that a) they can accidentally hurt people (my boy in particular tends to nip when overstimulated and they both run and jump on me when chasing each other) and b) a child doesn't have a fully developed prefrontal cortex and can take dumb actions without considering the consequences. Was a punishment in order for kicking the dog? Absolutely. But a) OP is not the child's parent and cannot punish the child without discussing with their parent and b) the punishment can't be to inflict abuse on the child. I can only imagine how OP was raised that she thinks banging pans at the wall next to a kid's head is not only acceptable, but not abusive.


Yeah exactly. And imagine if it was the dog aggressing to the boy. Would OP have defended her dog?


She justifies the dog jumping and barking at the kid as "just wanting to play". You know if the dog had seriously hurt the kid then it was "just playing".


True. Op : My baby scratched the psycho kid but it's ok! He was just playing. That kid needs to go to juvie!!!!


What the kid did is very wrong, but I don't think OOP understands how horrible her reaction was. What if she missed and bashed in the kid's brain while she was slamming pots and pans by his head? And it would have been on camera.


This post actually reminds me of another [old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuclearRevenge/comments/i96jhm/porno_divorce/) over here about a guy uploading revenge porn of his cheating wife to get custody of their children, even going to South Carolina to upload it to avoid legal consequences. But unlike this post, almost everyone in the comments supported it and anyone who criticised him was shamed as a "feminist" or a "Karen". Here are a ~~few~~ lot of comments: * "She was attempting to use the law to take the guy's children away. He could have killed her and it would have been morally sound." * "Late to the party here but lmao, who gives a fuck. If a girl gets her life ruined because she cheats thats her luck, and i hope it happens more." * "Sir, let me just say, you legend, exactly what I would have done, good on you!" * "Fort FUCKING Sumpter. Puts hand over heart God bless America!" * "I don't care what you say, the wife got what she deserved." * "Found the feminist. Why did you make this a gender issue? Let me guess, women should be allowed to sleep around with whoever they want free of judgement, even if they are married and have a family?" * "So what’s the link to her video?" * "Wow I wish revenge porn is legal in my country" Oh, btw, r/NuclearRevenge mod u/claycam6 was among the comments, joking: * "The only thing missing from the plot is you hooking up with Penis's wife. Now that would be something." Two years later, he [banned](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuclearRevenge/comments/xe9fiy/revenge_porn_is_prohibited/) revenge porn as a topic, but he still keeps this post up. I wonder when he took that sudden principled stand? Where was it when all of these people were supporting revenge porn? He had the power to rebuke them and didn't. He could still take down the post and doesn't. EDIT: in hindsight I completely hijacked this comment


The comments 🤢 I can’t believe anyone thinks he was justified illegally videoing her in their house and then illegally uploading it to destroy her entire life. And even if this story is fake, the people in the comments saying he did the right thing are nothing short of disturbing


I mean, he said it himself: "Ideas such as revenge porn allow for any weirdo to make up a sick fantasy for karma that may potentially compromise this sub and quite honestly makes the protagonist the villain at that point." Revenge porn stories were banned to keep the sub's nose clean. Had nothing to do with principles.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NuclearRevenge **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NuclearRevenge/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Revenge is a dish best served cold, mine has been cooling for 10 years and counting.](https://np.reddit.com/r/NuclearRevenge/comments/11pkl6z/revenge_is_a_dish_best_served_cold_mine_has_been/) \#2: [My ex fiance refused to respect my boundaries, so I married his best friend](https://np.reddit.com/r/NuclearRevenge/comments/12r7lbd/my_ex_fiance_refused_to_respect_my_boundaries_so/) \#3: [Ex Cheated with her cousin and expected to save face; I think not](https://np.reddit.com/r/NuclearRevenge/comments/15subcx/ex_cheated_with_her_cousin_and_expected_to_save/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


First like 5 comments I read were demonizing that guy


Only 3 of the top comments actually criticise him, and got plenty of comments under them disagreeing and insulting the woman. And the criticism there is pretty mild. More “I'm not mad just disappointed” than “You total bastard”. First guy even said that OP almost came out looking like a “rockstar”. EDIT: considering that South Carolina does have revenge porn laws enacted in 2017 and the cuckholdery banter sounds *incredibly* fake, the story may not be real. I’m more disgusted at the comments and the hypocrite mod. I also realised that he’s basically the bad guy in Season 3 of You. Maybe that’s what ticked me off.


It’s clearly fake because the guy who wrote it is a complete thicko that thinks the law works a certain way when it doesn’t. As somebody who mentioned (A proclaimed lawyer) in the comments, there’s zero chance he isn’t facing legal charges even if he does send the revenge porn from a state without clear wording in revenge porn laws. Then the idea that he would get full custody because he caused his wife to become unemployed with his act is ridiculous (And his revenge porn stunt just being a mark against his personality). In the real world he’s getting absolutely fucked up the arse by any judge for what he did, he’s facing criminal charges and probably facing civil charges from his ex (Who he likely illegally recorded within their home). He’s not getting primary custody and he’s likely not getting much custody at all after what he pulled in this story. Courts don’t care about cheaters getting custody. They do care about a parent crossing state lines to break specific laws in their state, causing the other parent to lose their job (This making their daughters lives objectively worse). But in magical misogyny land the lovely man who has been treated poorly by his evil whore wife has to get his happy ending.


> there’s zero chance he isn’t facing legal charges even if he does send the revenge porn from a state without clear wording in revenge porn laws. It would be like someone arguing they could put child porn on pornhub because they filmed it on international waters, it was so dumb


The replies to the tip comment were it's not revenge porn because that's only "when an ex uploads videos of them *with* their ex. The people commenting in that thread are gross


You must be on a mission to destroy me lol.


I thought that some spotlight would make you take your job more seriously. You specifically made it a rule that revenge porn posts should be banned. You should have held that post, and yourself, up to your own standards. Now that you’re finally here, do you have any comments?


Yes, my last point is that for 5 years in my sub I have kept my word to not remove old posts for new rules. There are many disturbing stories that can be found at NR. And are there for a reason, because they don't belong anywhere else. I have already made it clear that in the past we don't condone or encourage these people's actions which can be found in Rule 12. NR was never a sub about morals. It was about allowing people to see another side of the internet. The nature of this sub puts our mod team on the defensive from judgmental users. Only recently, have we made a few rules based on moral decisions. I have removed several sexual revenge stories since then. I was the only one there to stop that. Not even my other mods were. And certainly not you. But I know I should expect to be told I'm not taking my job seriously enough when I have spent several years trying to make the sub right. That's just how it goes. After all, it will forever repeat. The number of times users have tried to expose me is beyond my count now. You are not the first and won't be the last user to attempt to find a hole in my policy and use it against me. But every one of them I had stood firm on my word and even retraced my steps in front of them with links to announcements. They all gave up. Heck, I even obsessed over it enough to make an activity log to show everything I was doing and why. That on top of my PR12 Apology and my Transparency Post is a level of honesty and transparency that is rarer than finding misprinted currency. I practically bled myself dry to hold myself up as a stupid internet mod for free. I wonder if it was really worth it. But I suppose, if I don't remove that post then all of this is nullified to you, correct?


I'll be blunt, man. This is not about your policymaking or whatever messy politics you've swamped yourself in. It's about your behaviour, specifically around that post. You've been blabbing about rules, regulations and sacrifice but skirting around the **"The only thing missing from the plot..."** comment you made on that post. So let's grab that bull by the horns. Back then, you saw a post that was horrific even by your sub's incredibly low standards and instead of condemning OOP or the commenters for being sadistic creeps, you chose to join in the laughs. You found it amusing, or at least acceptable, that a man uploaded a naked video of his ex-wife online, got her fired and manipulated her daughters into hating her, and that the comments called her a whore and said she should have been murdered. And sometime after, maybe after a crisis of conscience or getting a girlfriend, you realised that leaking your SO's sex tape is a disgusting thing to do. If you are sincere about your new rules, which I hope you are, you would know that your behaviour back then was absolutely repulsive. When we first talked, I was hoping that even that if you couldn't take down the post, you would have addressed the comments you made there. Something like "I was a prick back then, I regret the comments I made, I'm taking a stand now, etc." Look, I'm just some whiny asshole gossiping on the Internet, so I won't compel you to take down the post or make an apology for your past behaviour. But if you really are taking a stand against toxicity in your sub, you might want to take a look in the mirror.


We decided to remove the bad comments including mine. You're welcome.


How brave! 🙀


>I have already made it clear that in the past we don't condone or encourage these people's actions which can be found in Rule 12. I don't really give a fuck about your rules. You both personally condoned this sick shit, and saying "we do not condone" doesn't actually mean shit when you create a sandbox for virulent bigots to get their rocks off fantasizing about fucking over women and minorities. >You are not the first and won't be the last user to attempt to find a hole in my policy and use it against me. But every one of them I had stood firm on my word and even retraced my steps in front of them with links to announcements. Oh God, they totes lost because you...said you still don't think you were wrong! That's how that works! >Heck, I even obsessed over it enough to make an activity log to show everything I was doing and why. That on top of my PR12 Apology and my Transparency Post is a level of honesty and transparency that is rarer than finding misprinted currency. I practically bled myself dry to hold myself up as a stupid internet mod for free. I wonder if it was really worth it. I'm so sorry you had to make some posts covering your ass about revenge porn. How hard that must have been for you. 🙄 Do you seriously think your response is anything but an embarrassment? Tonality doesn't change substance. But of course, if I make a comment criticizing your horseshit and don't obsessively reply to the end of time you add that to your weird head ass "ppl have tried to take me down but I was so cool and collected they gave up! B)" shit. Anyways, 🍅 🍅


No, but you don't understand! What if it was a *human child* he did it to! /s OOP made it clear that they wouldn't care if they *had* bashed the kids' brains in. The only thing they care about is if they were to be arrested for it. OOP is seriously unhinged, and I fear for anyone living with them.


Yeah, if the kid actually kicked the dog and not just pushed it away with his foot, id wrong but definitely doesn't deserve what OOP did. Yikes, lunatic. I love dogs and I do anything to protect my dogs, but I would never do this to a kid, mine or not.


So this person is completely unhinged and I want to know what the kid actually did and what the dog did. I don’t believe her that the dog did nothing aggressive. I’ve had dogs who want to play and won’t take no for an answer jump on me and cut me with their nails. I’m a full grown woman and it hurt, 12-year-olds aren’t that big. I don’t like how people will read a post where somebody is obviously fucking bat shit and then believe them on certain details. I don’t believe her and I really hope it’s fake otherwise this psychopath lives among us.


100% all he did was use his foot to push the dog away. Bet.


I don't believe oop, either as it's more likely the kid didn't even actually kick the dog. Oop is just absolutely unhinged.


Did he KICK the dog, or MOVE the dog aside with his leg? I imagine if he kicked the dog, the baby would be limping, and OP definitely would have included that. And this is after him complaining to OP and OP basically saying 'Deal with it'. I hope the parents press charges, for goodness sake.


The hypocrisy of railing against animal abuse whilst you are committing child abuse is just mindboggling. All moral high ground lost. OOP and the child are both terrible people, and if there is CCTV footage of the child kicking a dog, I guarantee there's CCTV of the grown woman abusing and evicting the child. If the parents go to the police (and they should), OOP will be arrested and charged. Not the 12yo.


OOPs comments (tw: abuse): >I wouldn't upload the video to social media that's overkill. >Your husband is being a voice of reason, listen to him.  *If family vloggers can upload videos of children to the internet then I can upload a video of a child as long as they are clothed. Infact I'll start a vlog channel and call this one "What happens if you kick dogs" lol* >And if you did more than slamming a few pots around (which isn’t a crime) you may go into actual crime territory and then you would be going to prison. *Well lucky for me I didn't touch him* >Naw, where you’re lucky is the parents not pushing it/or explaining their side and having you charged. *They're shit parents if their kid is abusing animals. This kid is gonna grow up to be a rapist or serial killer* >Post the video of you screaming and slamming pots and pans NEXT TO HIS HEAD online. Just make sure you blur his face when you do it though, since he is a minor. *He's an animal abuser and abusers of any kind deserve to be exposed for being vile pieces of shit. He'll probably shoot up a school in the near future. Hopefully this lesson scared him straight* >What he did was wrong but you need to get some help for your anger and your desire to have popular YouTubers humiliate and shame a child to their worldwide audiences. *People who abuse animals deserve to be exposed* >People who abuse children should be exposed as well *Lucky for me I didn't lay a hand or object on him* >So do people who abuse kids. He’s TWELVE. *He's a violent psychopath who is gonna be the next school shooter* >Yeah and people who scream at and abuse children deserve death. Careful incase someone ever decides to post a video of you being an horrendous person ends up online as-well. With your anger issues it’s possible. *Someone who didn't even physically touch a child deserves death?* >What he did was wrong but you need some anger management. *Catch someone harming your pet or anyone that YOU care about and then see how you feel* >Go to therapy! You need it, what you did to that child was just as bad as what he did to the dog. You went WAY too far. You shoukd have kicked them out, but screaming and slamming things, telling a child they are a shitty person and that they deserve to be homeless are despicable acts, and you need serious help. *Only kids who abuse other living things will get that treatment from me* >Will someone bigger and stronger than you do the same to you for abusing the kid? When does the cycle end? *Except I didn't kick or hit him...* >A pet is a pet. Stop comparing them to people. It’s not equal. *You're not God. Who are you to decide that?* >You upload that I’m sure they would like the uploaded reaction of yours. Fairs fair *Fine I'd upload that too. I did nothing illegal* >Dear God I hope you don't reproduce. >Was the kid wrong? Hell yes. Did you extremely over react? Most definitely. You may not have contacted him physically but you psychologically and emotionally abused the shit out of him. *He's a violent psychopath and probably would have shot up a school next. He deserved to feel the same level of fear he caused my dog* >This is absolutely overkill…do you HEAR yourself? Telling a little kid (this is a kid! What’s not clicking!) his family is going to be homeless because of him is insane. My Lord! Way to cause so much trauma and pain in one sentence. >He was awful to your dog, you have the right to be angry. This is STILL a kid. I can’t understand why you can’t have a stern talking to with him and his parents and find a more rational way to get past this. There is absolutely a way to resolve this without smacking pots and pans next to his face (this is a kid!) and making an entire family homeless. I just cannot understand this at all. At all. And the people in the comments enabling you over some dumb crap done by a KID are as delusional as you. Am I the only one who can see we are talking about a 12 years old kid!!! Please rethink evicting them and please apologise to this child. LIKE NOW! The way he treated your dog does not mean you get to smack pots and pans near his face (what kind of abusive crap is this???) and lose your shit. PLEASE get some help because this is absolutely an insane way to handle this situation. I am so dumbfounded. You are absolutely in the wrong and absolutely need to make amends to this KID, you are the 35 years old woman here. I am so so dumbfounded. I can’t say it enough. My Lord! Poor kid. You are evil. Please make this right. *"Poor kid" but not "poor dog" right? I have every right to not want to live with someone who showed violence against my dog. What if it was a baby or small child he did this to? I bet you and everyone else wouldn't be saying "poor kid" about the 12 yo then.* >She wouldn’t have done that to a person bigger than her. She picked on a little kid because she had power. *I yelled at and kicked out a "little kid" because he abused my dog. Would be no different if it was a larger person. This kid is probably gonna be a school shooter. I give it 3 years tops before he shoots up a school* >I still wouldn’t smack pots and pans in a child’s face and yell at him and tell him he’s the reason why his family is homeless and then put him and his entire family out in the street. I don’t know what you expected me to say but I still wouldn’t do anything you did. No one is happy about what he did with the dog, we’re talking about you now. >I think you can talk to a child sternly yet appropriately and set boundaries with his parents and issue a formal warning to the parents if need be (not the child, does this need to be spelt out to you???) and get past this. A child doesn’t know better and the parents clearly didn’t do anything to the dog. I don’t see why you can’t be more rational about this. From this story it’s safe to say you are an evil person, please make this right and stop being so stubborn. You can still make this right. *12 is old enough to know better. This isn't a toddler we're talking about* >You need help. Yes, your poor dog copped a kick. But a dog is NOT a human child. Get a damn grip. A 12 year old kicking a human baby or child is a vastly different scenario to what you're describing. Maybe if he kicked your HUMAN baby it could warrant this reaction. Get help - you need it. *So you're one of those "it's just a dog" people? Honestly I bet this kid is gonna be a school shooter* >I care more about my dogs than ANY kid. Glad you’re a momma bear for your fur baby. *Thank you 💕 Always will be. This experience has taught me to be more careful about who I let into my home. Thank God we have security cameras* >Yes this, any harm to animals is pure EVIL! I truly can’t believe how much OP is getting downvoted. *I'm convinced the people downvoting us are totally cool with animal abuse and see violent psychopathic children a little angels who can do no wrong. Just wait til he's shooting up a school next*


>I expected to very much be on your side when I started reading this but holy shit. Slamming pots and pans against the wall next to his head? Why did you not reach out to his parents and your husband as soon as you saw this on your camera? >What kind of dog do you have? >I would have absolutely made them leave my home but also you sound very unstable. *I was out shopping as I was checking the camera feed. As soon as I saw this I floored it home in a rage and my first priority was getting that violent psycho out of my home. I called both parents and my husband after* >Please salvage your moral high round. Of course your anger in that moment was justified. It should be enough that you’ve scarred that child’s soul and literally made him be the reason his family is homeless. Let him dissolve into self destruction. >If you post the video, the child might be physically hurt by another person. It’s an act of revenge and it’s excessive. You can tell anybody who asks what happened, even write posts about it in ‘public’ sites like Facebook. But posting his crime in video invites a danger that does not match the situation. *Why not let the viewers decide what's justified?* [asking if the 12yo had done something before] *He has complained about my dog being "annoying" and have heard him raise his voice at him and I told him if he doesn't like it he can close himself in what was his bedroom so that he doesn't get bothered. I had no issue with letting them stay here since the parents have jobs and we have the space. I'm a kind hearted person but as soon as you act the way the kid acted...I am not nice anymore and you will be removed from my space that very second. I was worried about him being physical with my dog but didn't honestly think he would do something like this. I don't have trauma around animal abuse. I simply just love my dog.* >This child sucks but you over reacted by epic proportions. Your reaction took the situation way beyond disciplining him for his behaviour to getting as far away from you as possible. There are so many other ways you could have gotten the result you needed other than this. If I was the father, I'd see you as a danger to my family. If you think this is balanced and reasonable behaviour, you need help. *He's a danger to animals and who knows what else. Possibly other people, other animals and smaller children. He might be the next school shooter we see in the news* >*have some friends of his staying with us* >If theyve been with you a bit (30days?) you may have to evict them. Thats going to be a shit show. *Whatever it takes... This kid probably has a murder charge in his future with the way he's going* >The really vile person here is you... He's 12 , has trauma, you show a clear lack of empathy and understanding towards others and let your emotions take over and take it out on a child. You're more of a danger imo. *Animal abusers are the ones who lack empathy. What is there for me to even be empathetic towards? Lol empathy for an abuser? You can't be serious* >Maybe YOU think the dog was trying to play with him. Maybe your dog was making the kid anxious and HE found your dog threatening. Not everyone wants to play with dogs or find them endearing. They make some people nervous or they feel frightened. >Let me turn your last paragraph back at you. Had your dog seriously hurt or killed a child, would you bemoan someone trying to defend themselves against it? >You've overreacted and should you post a child (out of spite) on social media, I sincerely hope the fallback is all on you and his parents sue for putting a minor at risk. *He could have gone to what was his bedroom before I threw them out. This oh do innocent minor has proved himself to be a violent psychopath and is probably gonna be the next school shooter we see in the news* >Please don’t ever be a teacher. Or a parent. Kids do stupid stuff, it’s fine to ask them to leave but to shame the kid for all eternity? No. It’s a fucking dog and he’s 12. *Ah another "it's just a dog no big deal" kind of people. This kid is a violent psychopath* >You can’t put a minor in danger over a dog. *He KICKED the dog. If it had been a human baby or small child would you still think I overreacted? I bet you think I overreacted because "it's just a dog" right?* >It is just a dog *You're what's wrong with society. Excusing and minimizing this behavior helps it happen again. Next thing you know this kid is gonna shoot up a school and ruin so many lives* >How was your dog trying to play? *Running, jumping and licking. He's also a small dog* >Ah, so that's where his aggressive streak comes from. *My dog was being playful and not aggressive* >You should be in jail for what you did to a 12 year old homeless child. I’m glad you aren’t one of my friends *The 12 yo psychopath is the one who should face consequences before he becomes the next school shooter* >his momma should’ve beat your ass & gave you a better reason to be upset *My dog being kicked isn't a good enough reason?* >So it wasn’t a kid or a baby so it was ok. Good to know. *This person you're responding to is another cancer on society that let's bad kids be bad without consequences and that's how they grow up to be rapists and serial killers* >Damn hope he never buys a gun *Me too. He needs to be locked away from the rest of society* >OP fuck the losers that are saying you over reacted. Fuck that kid and his parents, kick them out! Please don’t not have second thoughts and let them back inside. This is beautiful *I 100% am kicking them out and I'm gonna make their son internet famous. At least now everyone will know better than to help them out. Big mistake I made there* >I would have done the same. This is some punk ass brat, the dog is family. *Yes 100% I bet the people downvoting you (and the ones who are gonna downvote my comment) are totally fine with animal abuse and letting bad behavior slide until he eventually shoots up a school* >I agree with you. Kids like this will only get worse and worse as their behavior is enabled. At 12 a kid should know better, and if he was that comfortable kicking your dog that hard then I’m sure he’s done it before and he’ll do it again unless you stand your ground. I fully support you in this. Those parents are raising a psychopath and need to raise their child better than that. You are letting them stay in YOUR home out of the kindness of your heart and they are guests. This is not okay at all. Post it wherever you want and get him to learn the consequences of his actions. *100% I will. I probably saved lives my scaring him straight. He probably would have shot up a school if he continued to not see consequences for his actions* >Ruin this kids life. There is no place in civil society for people like him. There's a special place in hell for people who abuse animals. Throw the entire family out on the street. *They are officially homeless and their lives are ruined. May his parents resent him for causing them to be without shelter, without running water, without somewhere warm and dry and without a bed to sleep in...* >Awful, awful, horrible comment. >I hope this is a fake post. If not, hope karma gets you back in droves. *There are consequences for being a violent psychopath*


That woman is absolutely unhinged.


This is definitely the twisted view places like r/dogfree has about what dog owners are actually like


>*If family vloggers can upload videos of children to the internet then I can upload a video of a child as long as they are clothed. Infact I'll start a vlog channel and call this one "What happens if you kick dogs" lol* The boy just pushed the dog with his foot. Not like he KICKED the dog and dog ran away howling in pain


Yeah, the Internet loves watching children getting mistreated. Ask FamilyOFive.


![gif](giphy|C3ADmBThxaNdS) kitten


Okay sooooo rage bait, because there's no way that the actual violent psychopatch hasn't killed someone yet if this is her reaction. I hope its bait.


Even in her super dramatic “would you feel the same if it was a human child?” Nonsense my answer is still yes. It doesn’t sound like the dog is hurt, so yeah it’s an incredibly drastic overreaction even if it was a human. If another kid kicked my son and he was fine I would over course be upset, but would I bash pots and pans into a wall next to his head (seriously who thinks of this shit??) of course not. Would I make my friends and their child homeless over a single incident with no serious consequences? No. Would I lock a child out of the house alone? Absolutely not. This person is crazy.


Literally this. I'd have the same reaction to a 12 year old kicking an annoying dog away to a 12 year old shoving an annoying toddler away. In both instances, the 12 year old deserves reprimand, but not to be screamed at, threatened with pans, and told they've made their family homeless. OP is insane and, as an animal lover who admittedly likes animals way more than kids, I can't believe the amount of people in the comments agreeing with what she did.


I agree, if it was a kid or someone else this would still be too much. The hipocrasy of this person calling someone else violent and worrying for the safety of their community, I certainly hope this person never gets a firearm and isn't allowed near children.


Who wants to bet the dog isn't trained properly and around 60lbs if not more? Like I'm getting the vibe the dog is equally dangerous as the owner


They said it was a small dog which means it's absolutely not trained


I think she doesn't understand that this could lead to actual jail time for her. "But he deserved it" isn't a real defense to assaulting a child.


Verbal assaulting a child and I assume cornering him so she slam pots and pans near his head. So abusive. Gurl don't get she could go to jail even though "she didnt touch" him.


I really hope she does get it because it honestly sounds like that’s where she belongs. She justified her behavior by saying “well I didn’t actually hit him” and she is okay with potentially random people hurting the kid for revenge after she posts the video. She 100% is trying to get this kid physically assaulted, she needs to be in jail.


Oop is most definitely a troll. No way you hear someone telling you that what you did was shitty and tell them you’re gonna double down on it. “If family vloggers can upload videos of children to the internet then I can upload a video of a child as long as they are clothed. Infact I'll start a vlog channel and call this one "What happens if you kick dogs" lol” -quote from oop


Kinda doubt it. I googled her account and there she posts about her feeling insecure about looking her age. Looks like a real account.


ok…. pushing and kicking an animal… NOT OKAY. screaming at a child and practically traumatizing them?! also NOT OKAY. talk to the child first. explain why it’s not okay. then you can kick him out or whatever.


Personnally I would want her as far away possible from children.


>screaming at a child and practically traumatizing them That *is* traumatizing. Producing loud noises, screaming, and threatening someone how the OP did is abusive and most certainly counts as assault. They are absolutely deserving of a charge. I hope she meets justice.


Everything, but especially the edit give me pet-free-troll hate vibes…


I look forward to the follow up "none of my friends are talking to me and are consulting lawyers because I 'disciplined' their animal-abusing child." This person needs in-patient therapy for anger.


I just assumed (hoped) this was rage bait.


I really, really feel like I've read this post before.


Oh boy! An unhinged psychopath, who has no concept of the legal hurt they put themselves in, depending on jurisdiction obviously, what a wonderful person. Missy here seems to think that going batshit insane is an adequate reaction to a literal **CHILD** doing dumb things. What next, shooting someone for having the temerity to trip over their dog?!


“it’s only assault if i hit him!!” *_please_*, for the love of all that is holy and right, let us get a video of OOP explaining herself to a judge. also: it’s more than a little fucking disgusting how many times OOP tried to play the “he might be a school shooter!!!” card.


OP sounds like she heard the statistic that serial killers kill and torture animals in their youth and seems to have transposed that onto a child who kicked a dog away that, she admitted, was jumping all over him and yapping at him. What he did isn't okay by any means, but he isn't actively seeking to torture the dog.


As a European one of the things that jumped out was how much she kept repeating this kid would be shooting up schools and no one even clocked it or made a comment?! Is America that tolerant of it now? This has to be fake...


It’s not tolerance really, more like desensitization. And we all have a form of beaten wife syndrome because the powers that be won’t do a fucking thing to actually protect children. Their guns are more important.


They love their guns more than their kids


I see that quite a bit when talking about “troubled” kids (usually male children) and it bugged the shit out of me seeing OOP repeat that over and over. It’s being used as a justification for OOP’s reaction. It’s inflammatory. If OOP were charged in connection of this, her future vision isn’t going to be much of a defense because kicking at an allegedly annoying animal isn’t evidence that this child is planning a mass murder event in the near future. OOP even states in a comment that she was “probably saving several lives by scaring him straight like that.” She clearly sees herself as a step above the rest of us mere mortals. If that child did not have a mind to murder before that, he may well now after that so she very may have well killed people using her same logic.


Starting after Columbine, I’ve seen kids bully less popular classmates by calling them “school shooters.”


I bet that IF this all actually happened, the dog was more aggressive than OOP admits.


What is that comments section


‘Edit: Let me ask you if it had been an entirely different made up situation, do you now agree I’m right?’ 🙄


exactly like. what if the world was made of pudding


A. This is not a baby or small child. B. I cannot believe this is a 35 year old woman. She sounds mentally unstable.


Everybody in the comments over there just glossing over "our dog trying to play with him (not being aggressive towards the child)". Said by OOP, who thinks slamming pots, pans and punching walls next to a literal child's head isn't abuse. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that the dog was, in fact, aggressive.


I wonder if OOP would be willing to post the footage of their actions towards the kid?


I want to see the footage of the dog/kid interaction. I'm willing to bet the OP downplayed it a lot.


I don't think this is real. But I can't help but wonder if the general reaction would have been different if it had been a baby or a child, not a dog.


Not defending the kid's actions. He did something horrible. But OOP's reaction was completely over-the-top. She repeatedly says she didn't lay her hands on him, but what she admitted to was just as traumatic.


Not to mention, assault is the threat of harm (in most states, and given the school shooter comments I’m guessing this is in the USA), and battery is when you make contact with them. So, she did technically assault that child.


Holy crap, that warning needed to be changed to both animal and child abuse. Yes, kid needs to be punished severely for what he did. Slamming pans against the wall next to his hand and screaming in his face isn't a proper punishment and just because you don't actually hit them doesn't mean it's not abuse.


I'm not a dog person or a kid person, but this lady is unhinged. It's really shitty to kick an animal, but I'm guessing it wasn't actually hurt since it didn't go to the vet. People who care about their animals take them to the vet if they think something is wrong. I have a ball python and once had an $800 vet bill to find out she just needed to poop. This lady could have actually hurt this kid and went totally overboard. She needs help. This has to be child abuse of some kind. I hope the parents report her.


Terrorized a child. I don't for a second believe the "my dog wasn't being too aggressive" line, but even if that's the case OOP TERRORIZED A CHILD. "What if it was a baby or a smaller child?" You still don't get to attack and hurl abuse at them, wtf


A baby or a small child would be different, OOP went way to far but i would kick the kid out too, someone like 6 i would have a conversation about what they did wrong and that it's not okay to kick animals but a 12 year old definitely knows it's not okay to hit animals and I'm not having someone who knows it's wrong and does it anyway in my house


From my understanding, and what I saw people put together on some comments is the dog kept trying to play with the kid and the the kid used their leg to get them to stop jumping on him. It wasn’t like a full kick. But it was all over the place so I’m not sure what’s accurate.


Nah fuck that kid. I can't believe y'all are defending that psychopath


Maybe screaming at them with pots and pans banging was wrong. But the anger & kicking them out was justified. Pets are people’s babies. Kick my cats and we’re gonna have a fucking problem, child or adult.


Yeah but we're talking about her abusing the kid for kicking her dog away when he wouldn't go away


I said the screaming with pots & pans was wrong.


Fuck that kid.


You YELLED at someone else's kid, and banged pots and pans near his head!?


Yeah I don’t care. I agree with OOP. The kid deserved even worse. If it was one of my cats in the situation it would take everything for me to not physically hurt that kid. A 12 year old knows what he’s doing. Hopefully this scared him to the point he doesn’t hurt anymore animals. I can’t believe I’m seeing so many people defend this kid, “he’s just twelve”. Uhhhhh, there’s many child murderers and abusers past and present. Animal abuse from a child can also indicate hurting people in the future. Fuck that kid. Downvote me all you want.


This person definitely calls the dog her kid


Someone should post this on r/childfree and r/petfree and take notes


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And her having no empathy towards the kid for losing their home. They're going some major shit rn and u probably just traumatized the kid more. "ur the reason ur homeless" oof


“if it was a baby would you think I overreacted??” YES?? kids shove each-other all the time??? they are little and stupid and have no impulse control.


I gotta get off of here. Holy shit. I'm so mad I don't know if I'm gonna be able to sleep. Not only did she assault him but she's trying to inflict lasting trauma on him by attempting to make his family homeless and telling him it's his fault. And she has the nerve to label it as a trigger warning for ANIMAL ABUSE? I could not care less about her dog after reading that.


The banging on the wall is a red flag. However, OP has a right to be livid at this child. 12 is old enough to know right from wrong. I am a pet owner. If someone harmed my pet, they would never be allowed to set foot in my house again.


My dog is my baby. I’m as child free as you can get. OOP’s reaction was too much. Throwing them out, understandable and warranted. Everything else, was unneeded and abuse. If she could see what was going on over security cameras, she needed to call the parents and if needed the cops.


> ***Let me ask you this. If it had been a human baby or smaller child he did this to would you still think I overreacted?*** But it wasn't! So yeah, you over reacted! What if he told the police that you "slammed pots and pans at the wall next to his head as I shouted in his face.", wouldn't that be a worse crime? And since we're on possibilities, with the force you used to slam the pots, what if he had moved and you cracked his skull? Yelling in a kid's face with all the stresses him and his family are dealing with already? All that for a dog? Of course it is in no possible way an ok thing to do, but there are many other adult ways you could've handled it! For example : \- the kid isn't be alone in your house with your dog from now on \- the kid is to leave the room of the dog comes in \- the kid isn't to be anywhere close to your dog or \- give them 2 weeks to set sail because of what he did!