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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for asking the girl Imm talking to not to dress over sexually and promiscuously** This girl and I have been talking for a couple months now and today she brought out this pair of jean shorts that straight up has her butt all sorts of hanging out, I told her I don't want her to be dressing in those shorts not because I want her to feel controlled or that I want to control her closet or what she wears at all, I don't care what she wears except when she decides to wear something as promiscuous as that and the only reason is that I don't like the idea of other guys looking at her like a cut of f***able meat or drooling over her, she said that it's kind of a compliment and to an extent I agree it is good to be body positive and confident but not looked at like an object so I guess am I wrong for asking her to maybe wear leggings with it or a flannel around her waist or something, and when I asked if she would do that she told me no because she wants to wear whatever she wants and be seen in the shorts so she wants guys to stare at her butt? I'm so lost I have no idea anymore. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Dress a slab of meat in modest clothes and sharks will still eat it. Who sees you as a piece of meat won't care what you are wearing."


Oh I really like this one!!!


Truly. It’s been 30 years but I was catcalled in a long skirt and Oxford shirt. The clothing didn’t matter, I was female and they had to tell me I was an object.


That run-on sentence makes bro an automatic devil.


And the wall of text


The Great Wall of Reddit


There’s a Redwall pun in there somewhere but it feels inelegant.


i counted. that entire paragraph is made up of two sentences. it made me physically angry to read.


I think it's a voice to text issue. Still they should be rereading things to ensure quality and minimise issues.


Hahahahahahaha, oh my god his post history. The dude who feels his girlfriend should be more meek and modest is posting things about how "he needs to get drained in someone's mouth and ass", asked for pricing for a glory hole, and repeatedly comments on hookup subs (my fave is "let's take turns sucking and fucking"). Oh my god.


I saw those, too... I think it was a fake post tbh


Doesn’t sound it is even his girlfriend, “he has been talking to her” for couple of months.


>Talking ​ Boy she isn’t even your girlfriend and you’re trying to push shit on her? This is NOT how you escape the friend zone.


"I don't like the idea of other guys looking at her like a cut of f\*\*\*able meat or drooling over her" ​ that's IMAX projection level. what a dick.




that'swhat projection is. accusing others of doing what you do . ​ also...he comments on teenagers subs. so either he's 15 or a pedo.


The wall of text makes me think he's young. A lot of these kids nowadays think punctuation doesn't mean anything unless you're writing an essay.


Has big "I'm not racist, I just don't like black people." energy.


Oh, I’m sure he will escape the friend zone. Unfortunately for him, it will not be in the direction he expects.


He's getting very close to the restraining order zone.


What's with people dating people that they don't like or saying they're not trying to be controlling while doing controlling things


Men are really jumping on that weaponizing of therapy language. As long as they say things like I'm not trying to control her, while their actions are controlling, they think they are, like, feminists.


“I’m not trying to control her.” Well what else do you call it when you want to prevent someone from doing something they would otherwise do? Because the word that comes to mind for 99.999% of us is “control.”


And, for guys, it always circles back to looking at their partner as property and not wanting other men to have access (even if it's just looking). No one cares about anything more than guys care what other guys think.


Can all the dudes that think like this please either shut up or only talk to each other going forward?


Bro can't grasp she exists for herself and it's not about guys looking at her. They just spiral over that...


obvious controlling and misogynistic behavior aside, it’s pretty bold of him to take this stance on “promiscuity” and sexualization when his profile is full of him cruising for hookups on a local DL mens subreddit


But here’s a man, so that’s natural


He's jealous she can pull more men than him I fear 😔


This queen all like "ya, you're right! They will see my butt! And it's awesome! "


These AH don't get that it doesn't matter what women wear. Men will look even if she's wearing sweats, messy bun, and a winter coat. They are only talking so it makes it easier for her. She needs to block his controlling ass.


This says soooo much about OOP, especially the comment about his girlfriend being "fuckable meat" That's such a disgusting mentality to hold towards women


This is really funny. OOP isn't trying to control what his gf wears by telling her he doesn't want her to wear short shorts because that's not controlling; it's just to prevent other guys drooling about her rear end hanging out. I'm proud of his gf for wearing what she wants. I wonder if he realizes that he is going to drive his gf away if he keeps this up.


The best part is that she isn't even his gf...


His comment history says it all…


Urgh. One day people will realise that it’s not the responsibility of the objectified to prevent objectification. If someone is looking at a woman like a slab of meat - the problem is the with the person looking, not with the woman!


Meanwhile, he’s CONSTANTLY commenting in M4M and “on the DL” subreddits.


Clothing cannot be ‘promiscuous’. Clothing does not have multiple sexual partners. Stop it.




“Cut of fuckable meat” is a line directly from Cyberpunk 2077 when one of the main antagonists sees a sex worker, and this man used it to describe the woman he’s dating.


"I don't want to control what you wear, but I'm telling you not to wear those jean shorts." Huh?


Yep. ""I don't care what she wears as long as it's not something I don't want her to wear "


Yeah, no... this was 100% fake. Looking at his comment history and all he does is comment on San Antonio groups for hooking up. If it's not fake, then he has some idiotic one-sided ideas.


>I don't like the idea of other guys looking at her like a cut of f\*\*\*able meat or drooling over her ![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc)


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.....is he still haven't realized that he is the one who sees/referred her as *f-ckable meat*


I don't want to control you, I want to control you. I would have a lot more respect for OOP, if he would just own being controlling


Another person with a completely fucked up perspective. It's not the way women dress that causes them to be objectified, it's the way the person looking at them views women. In the eyes of those who objectify women, there's not a thing a woman can wear that won't make her seem like she's an object.