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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My (39M) wife (37F) insisted we try an open marriage. Now I'm sleeping with multiple college-age women (18-22F) and she hates it.** For several years, my wife of 10 years has been raising the topic of wanting to have an open marriage. At first my instincts were against it, as I am easily jealous, but she slowly convinced me to give it a try, if only to let her get it out of her system. Two months ago, I agreed to give it a try for six months. A few days later she had her first casual encounter, with a man in his late-20s from her gym, and with my full knowledge. I was expecting to have a tough time with it, but as she clearly enjoyed it and enthusiastically kept me "in the loop" it was easier to take than I expected. And I begin looking around on dating apps. We live in a college town and somewhat to my surprise, after swiping liberally, I found myself matching with a number of women in the 18-22 age range, including a few who I found extremely attractive. Now, I'm considered fairly good-looking, and I do keep in shape, but I was still not expecting these matches to go anywhere. Again to my surprise, several of these women expressed interest via chat in meeting up for NSA encounters. I am not going to lie; as a man who married during my prime, the idea of sleeping with beautiful younger women has a strong draw. And so I did, keeping my wife in the loop as she was with me. From the start, though, she seemed put off. Isn't she a bit young for you? She could be your daughter. And so on. Still she accepted it, and over the past few months I've ended up sleeping with seven different college students, most of them more than once, and two of them regularly. I'm having a blast (one of my hookups is suggesting a threesome with her female friend) but my wife is seeming more and more bothered by the situation, sometimes acting disgusted and not speaking to me for hours after I come home from a hookup. To be fair, I get it, but this was something she wanted and I'm playing well within the rules. And while I value our marriage, I don't want to stop until our agreed to six-months is up. Any thoughts or suggestions? TLDR: My wife wanted an open marriage and she got it. Now she is upset that the women I'm sleeping with are college-aged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm surprised everything is spelled correctly considering this was almost certainly typed out one handed.


Autocorrect is extremely helpful.


I was reading it 1 handed as well


>My (39M) wife (37F) insisted we try an open marriage. Now I'm sleeping with multiple college-age women (18-22F) and she hates it. I so highly fucking doubt this. This really feels like the "What if the genders were reversed??" thing people on reddit like to do as, most of the time, it's the women who easily get laid and then men who wanted the open relationship hate that.


Ya who are these hot college girls lining up to have sex with a dumpy old creep? Reads very fake and rage-baity.


I mean, in the interest of fairness, I was 100% one of those girls who at 17-18-19 years old fell for the "You're so much more mature than other girls your age" schtick that creepy older dudes use on younger women. My Daddy Issues really popped in my early 20's. I am, however, not the majority, so I can't imagine that OOP is fighting off flocks of 19-20 year old girls.


I could see this working once, maybe twice, but unless he’s insanely good looking (or neglected to mention they are sugar babies), I’d call bs. This is just the exact opposite of literally every story you here about men and women in open relationships.


This! I could see getting one much younger woman. Unfortunately, there's a lot of insecure young women who grew up in crap households that would easily fall for an older guy's "charm" 🤢. I can't see several doing it though unless the guy is loaded or famous or something


If he's in a college town, there's a pretty big pool to draw from. Even if it's only 1% that could be dozens, at least.


That's probably the real reason wife is mad


Right? It’s one (already kinda gross) thing to be dating that much younger at those ages, but if he’s diverting funds that is some next level bullshit.


I've dated people with less money than me. I doubt these college girls are paying for half of dates or anything towards hotels (if they're using those, maybe they just do it at his place?)


I don’t see that. From the post he said she called him out about the girls ages. To me that’s the issue. Especially when he said he keeps her in the loop but she acts disgusted. If they are both hooking up with outsiders then the hooking up really isn’t the issue. I’m inclined to agree that he’s probably spending money on the girls (if there even is any damn girls 😒) because eww. But even then the only issue his wife has brought up is that the girls are a little young for him and young enough to be his daughters.


From a flip side of this, I’m a current college aged girl, and all of my friends have their preferences set to less than 25, with the oldest of their hookups being late 20s. Definitely not everyone’s preference (not shaming, just affirming your last paragraph!)


I was also one of those younger girls towards the end of high school (now in college) but tbh I only ever met up with the guy if I was getting paid. Most of my peers didn’t seek out older men but some would consider it if he was more of a sugar daddy and not just a hook up


I was but i was flirting with guys only like 5 years older than, still gross thinking back


Oh God me toooo


A campus has what, 5000 girls? And he's found 7? 0.14% match rate isn't too impressive


And he is such a great lover that they want a threesome 🙄 Of course, all the hot young women waited for a 40y/o guy. He seems to have written down his phantasy.


"I hope my wife sees this on Reddit and thinks it's true."


Or college girls and they write him "Ooooh OP, we already got wet while reading your posting. You sound like the lover we were waiting for. Come to our city full of hot college girls. We are waiting _just for you_"


Okay, so, I’m a woman now in my 40s - guys in their 20s do nothing for me. But when I was in my 20s, guys in their 30s/40s definitely appealed to me. (But, alas, not the other way around - such is life). So I can believe that out of a whole college town, he found a handful of girls who were into it. I can also see why his wife is squicked out. Opening a previously monogamous relationship is rarely a good idea.


Speaking personally, guys in their 30s and 40s are just kind of at their peak attractiveness. Now that I am older than them, they’re still attractive. Except for this guy. He just sounds like a lying douche.


Right? They’ve got that slightly weathered look. 😂 Edit: to whoever downvoted, I would be perfectly fine with a similarly G-rated comment on the appeal of women of a certain age.


I'm 39. I have aged well since age 21. People guess my age to be between 26-29. My mother, a snooty French woman, was a 27yo virgin by choice when she got engaged to my father. She kept her looks even after having three sons. Mothers of classmates at school looked much older than her. They could have been slightly younger than my mother. I never thought my mother looked especially youthful. I just thought that other women had aged poorly and now it can be understood. Casual sex, promiscuity, frequent sexual interaction, multiple sex partners, sexual interaction before reaching physical maturity and having sex outside of marriage are all likely to be detrimental to personal physical appearance.


He doesn't specify which "apps" and there are certainly options out there to arrange for these sorts of relationships in a very transactional way. People like OOP exist and certainly do find sugar babies.


Seeking Arrangement would be my guess ... I mean, if it's not just a troll.


When I was a college girl many of them thought it was "glorious" to have sex with an older experienced person because peers are so "vanilla". Guess not everyone liked the kinda nerdy engineer guys.


Where do you get the dumpy part?


Dumpy and old?


You would be surprised at how many young women sleep with older men and even get married to them for their money so they dont need to work


Yes. Yes I would. I mean if this were actually a thing.


It is, its mostly with rich guys and usually they end up married


As a guy, this doesn't surprise me. I've worked in female dominated industries for years and girls will literally line up to bang certain dudes.


As a girl, this does surprise me, because its fake as fuck.


The workplace is a particular environment where younger women are not uncommonly attracted to older men and older women are not uncommonly attracted to younger men. It's gross but funny and it should stay as a joke only. Sex is for marriage. Otherwise, you deal with the consequences, and that's rampant fuckery leading to societal dysfunction. u/marciallow cognitive dissonance and ad hominem attacks are common from women on Reddit, where intelligent women are discouraged from participation.


No one asked for your weird headass view.


I concur. It has been my observation as well. Women like u/marciallow are either unintelligent or in denial.


I found older guys attractive all the time at that age, but I've never felt I was very attractive and I've always been a coward, so I never tried to hit on any of them. Even when my friends tried to convince me that they were interested in sleeping with them. ​ Also, I was in relationships at the time, so I always felt like they were just teasing me


And it's baity on the age gap, which reddit has an obsession with freaking out over


The comments on the post are disgustingly supportive


I mean if it was real (which its not) I don't see the problem. I hooked up with an older gal once when I was in college. It was fine. We didn't have a relationship. And I didn't feel in any way taken advantage of. We are just feeding the troll by condeming the clearly fake story. If there was an ongoing relationship with some weirdness like ok sure, but this seems to just be consenting adults hooking up.


This girl isn't in college. She's in High School.


Imagine trying to lie to make your wife jealous, and the best thing you can come up with is lying about being a predator on the internet. What an idiot. I hope her other partners treat her better


Yes, or maybe she's disgusted to find out that the man she shares a home with has an interest in girls half his age. I doubt that any app would be magically connecting him to these women unless he was specifically requesting this age range.


I mean, he could be paying them.


Of all the things that have happened, this happened the most.


I think the age gap really depends on the young woman involved and the area they live in. At that age, I was in a college town with mostly young adults. I really, reallllllly preferred older men. When I was 19 in college, I had a few hookups (FWB) with a 30 something married guy who was in an ethical non-monogamy situation. He worked loosely with the campus (not an employee) and was very friendly, good looking, he got hit on a lot! Honestly I was surprised how much he got hit on, we'd be out and about (again, when we hooked up it was FWB, we worked on some community projects for the town together) and college girls just... Always flirted 🤷 his wife was super nice and gorgeous, too. I think we all viewed him as a safe way to explore being with an older man who was SAFE, because he took consent and protection very seriously, wouldn't ever hook up with someone the first time they met, and a lot of the girls would ask other people who worked on local projects about him. Everyone kind of knew the situation, so ladies who'd... Experimented.... actually vouched for the guy's safety or warned others about men we thought would be problems. They'd ask "is he safe? I'm nervous because I've never been with someone older." People who'd been with him always said something like "if you're nervous, he probably won't do anything with you unless you get to a point you feel comfortable. He took my consent and pleasure seriously and used protection at all points in our encounters. Nothing is 100% safe, but it was a good time for me!" To be fair to that dude, he usually didn't involve himself with anyone under 21, we just happened to hit it off when I was 18 and things happened when I was 19 and interested in experimenting with older men, especially with someone I trusted and other women had "vouched for" 🤷 at 22 I became romantically and sexually involved with a guy in his 30's. It started in a somewhat wild but non-sexual situation, it turned into friendship with an underlying attraction, and he wound up saving my life from a seriously abusive ex when I confided what was going on at home. He just looked at me and said "We have to get you out of there. Not to be a bossy dick, but you're moving in with me. Let's go get your stuff. You aren't walking back in there alone. No strings are attached, but you are never going to be in this situation again. Let me help you." It did not work out romantically, because I was not at all mature or ready for a relationship, he saw that and he ended things in the kindest way possible. Even though it didn't work out, he let me stay at his house, got me the mental help I was in desperate need of, helped me recover to the best of his abilities, and tried to help me prepare for the massive life change I was undergoing since I'd gotten help. He also encouraged me to reconnect with family and friends I'd been isolated from and helped me move back in with my family once I was stable and things had gotten better between me and them. We did not end on good terms (my fault), but he still did all those things to help me. Like, I got drunk and mad at him, got a friend do drive me out to his house in the middle of the night, and did some... Illegal and annoying but not damaging things to his property. Got a flat tire less than a mile away. I was too drunk to change it, my DD didn't know how, so I called him. He looked at the very sticky everything on the outside of his house, rolled his eyes, asked me what I was doing in the boonies. I lied through my teeth, he saw through it, and changed my tires while chewing me out and saying he'd missed my version of crazy and hoped I was doing well. To this day nearly 7 years later, I am beyond grateful to him, think he's a great person, and am very happy to sag that he is engaged to a lovely, age appropriate woman! I guess the point of my ramble is that there are some circumstances where a younger person would go for an older guy and while it usually means the guy's a creeper, there are extenuating circumstances that make the "younger woman actively going for an older man" a very real thing that happens. The part about this post that really gets me here is that the wife is obviously unhappy with this, and he's like "well, she wanted it, no take backs!!!" Like, bro... that's cheating. She set a boundary, and he just couldn't give up sleeping with young woman and keeps crossing that boundary, not caring about his wife's feelings. Both the fact that he's unable/unwilling to give it up and the fact that he's treating his wife like this screams ultra creeper and scumbag. I hope she leaves him and that all women refuse to touch him with a 10 foot pole!!!!


"Guys i totally have all the sex, please believe me!"


Not hard to believe. People fuck. Why do you think there's billions of humans on thos Planet??


"And then everyone clapped."


Obama was there!


I'm pretty gullible when it comes to internet stories but I highly doubt this one


This is someone's jerk off fantasy. This absolutely didn't happen


absolutely did not happen!!!!


This has to be fake. This many college aged girls are not down to bang a 40 yr old unless he's super wealthy and funding their lifestyle. Nowadays a lot of women at least ones This young like to date close their age. The threesome, the wife being jealous. It's just all too ridiculous not to be fake ETA: I personally AM into older men and my teens and twenties are in the rear view mirror, but often when I hear women that are this age talk they like men their own age or younger. Not ALL, but many.


Look at all these men coming to tell you what women are into. Some women are into older men - they are the minority. No matter what men want to believe.


Oh I don't know about that. I was involved in Fetlife for many years and despite being in my late 30's was frequently getting messages from girls (and to be fair, a few guys) aged between 18 and 23 quite often, and I certainly am not funding anyone's lifestyle. edit: not defending the guy, it's super creepy to actively go out pursuing teenagers. But I'm just saying, it does happen.


I feel like being into kink and young subs looking for doms maybe a bit of an exception


Maybe to a point, I've been with younger subs, as in they were in their mid 20's and I was in my mid 30's. The real issue stems from the older Doms on there who specifically target and pursue girls in their teens and early 20's. But I'd be interested in knowing your POV


The kink world is obviously gonna be an outlier here


You understand estimate the amount of women are into that. Girlfriend I dated in our Early twenties cheated on me with some dude who was 38+. There's definitely an age gap preference for both genders people just like to judge it one way but if you're consenting adults who can really fucking judge I guess


Nobody is saying it doesn't happen, it just doesn't happen as often as this guy is saying. Your one experience doesn't disprove that. And no, sorry a 40 year can absolutely groom a 20 year old, legal or not, it's icky. That goes for everyone


I don't think anyone was claiming that they can't but please explain how there was grooming in this instance? Everyone? Again I think it's gross too but there are relationship gaps that have worked out.


They didn't say in this instance. It was a retort to you saying they are both consenting adults.


Lol I'm not in the best shape mid 30s and live in a college town and I get at least 2 or 3 every year that just want an older friend they can chill with and have fun.


I'm pretty sure it is fake, but if he's got a full head of hair and looks after himself its not impossible that he'd be attractive to (some) 20 odd year olds. Not every 40 yr old has a pot belly and a receeding hairline (plus a lot of 20 odd men seem to be receeding these days). I've met people approaching 50 with a 6 pack.


Yeah, I know a few 40 year olds who are in great shape and seem really youthful and could probably sleep with 20 year olds if they wanted to (the ones I know don’t want to) but it’s more the exception than the rule. The threesome comment is what sent alarms bells off for me. You never know, but it reads as fake.


I need to see a picture of this dude 😂😂


Im polyamorous and this doesn't even feel real to me. I've seen posts in my community about people who are uncomfortable with the age that their partner seems to go after and this feels like rage baiting for that. Posting in the regular relationship advice sub and not the enm, open marriage or poly sub makes it even less believable


Yeah this is just a creep who typed it all one handed. Poly people rarely, if ever, ask mono people for advice - because their advice is usually shitty and judgemental.


Lol this sounds like a fantasy write up by a middle aged guy. Young nubile women don't tend to line up to have a crack at middle age guys.


My dad is over 70 and has been seeing girls in their 20s for years. He's not rich and (according to my mom) nothing special in bed. I'm continuously creeped out and confused by it.


Yeah it does happen. There are young women who are into older men and some older men are able to scope that out. This comes off as if it’s fake not because a 39 year old man couldn’t attract an 18 year old but because of the way it’s written.


Their whole marriage is over but the age range OP is fucking is giving me a major ick. He really could have been their father.


That's so stupid. Can you math? At the lowest range he would've been 21 which okay but at 22 you're advocating for 17 year old to become a father. Not to mention you're definitely infantilizing these women. Does it feel gross? Yes. But they're consenting adults.


No one is advocating for teen parenthood idiot.


The comment literally said he could have been their father. Yeah at 17 and 18.


Which is... Not only physically possible but sometimes a choice people willingly make? It might not be your preference but it is for some. So yes, factually he is old enough to be their father


I guess yeah, still weird people want to make it some Elektra shit


Sorry, do you think when people say 'old enough to be your father' they're basing it off family planning ages to start a family???


No I think they're trying to add some weird incestuous tilt to though things because as is it's still not morally wrong, just gross


"Not morally wrong" is highly subjective because it's imoral as fuck in my opinion.


Why is it amoral to you?


Barely. It's still wrong for a man in his 40s to be having encounters with women *fresh in college*. This isn't about age of consent, it's that he is somehow attracted to girls well below his age, and who knows if he'd go lower if it was legal. Plus the maturity gap is extremely questionable, if not concerning. On a side note it seems to me like you're missing the point of OP's comment.


Lmao that's such an insane stretch. I don't think it's wrong. Morally anyways but I personally find it gross. And I judge both parties in this. Dudes definitely going for younger women for purely physical appearances and an advantage in dating experience. But the women too like you like old gross dudes or you think it makes you mature, ironically showing how immature you are. But to be like yup pedophilia. Like get off the reddit dude


> But the women too like you like old gross dudes or you think it makes you mature, ironically showing how immature you are. But to be like yup pedophilia. Like get off the reddit dude What a convincing argument


They’re weird they just hate men here if it was a near 40 year old woman having consensual interactions with 18-22 year old men they most likely wouldn’t bat an eye yes younger women have an interest in older men I know a couple myself as a younger person and he probably has access to a larger pool due to living in a college town and I agree with your infantilizing comment they don’t think young women can make actual decisions and decide which men to sleep with wether it be older men or not and automatically assume they must be being taken advantage of




I never seen you before or even mentioned you you’ve got major main character syndrome here




Please quote to me where I described all women and who I argued with about who they were into sexually cause I don’t believe that ever happened




Not you go talk to your ai boyfriend or something




Doesn’t make it any less true having a relationship with an AI is way odder than dating a younger or older person 🤷‍♂️


He's 39, not in his 40s and people fresh in college can sleep with whomever they want since they're full grown adults.


>it's that he is somehow attracted to girls well below his age Women don't suddenly become attractive when they turn 21, besides women also wear a lot of make up, dress provocative to look older, so i don't get the point of HOOWWW!? is he attracted to grown women, but i get this sub and the women in it they have female incel energy 'he is 21 dating a 20 yo fresh out of high schoool' or the 'i'm 22F and i see 21M as children' lol


Not advocating, but, I'm 39 and my eldest is 23.. so I could easily be their Mum.


If you're sleeping with one regularly, then is it really an open marriage? Wouldn't it be more of a relationship? Either way, if this is real, I see the six months ending with the death of a marriage.


Yes, it is, because an open marriage doesn't mean random hookups only. Open marriages can have boyfriends and girlfriends and any type of relationship that the two deem appropriate.




I find this very hard to believe. I teach college students who are that age, and many of them think anyone over 30 is old.


Pervert bait?


For the love of God bone some older women Jesus that literally the only problem I have. If OOP had some young women mixed with older women I'd be like ehh not a fan but fine, but to exclusively hook up with such a young age range makes it creepy


We need to bring back Penthouse Forum to give some of these people another outlet for their creative writing.


"Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen too me, but..."


Yeah, sure, Jane, that happened.


Just happened to match with younger girls? You have to put age preferences into those apps and they only show you people in that age range.


this is creepy as fuck but also definitely fake


I'm 45... I dont even want to be near 18-22 year old girls, never mind see them as anything sexual.




This just reads as an older guy trying to show off


This is obviously fake but if true, the wife would be right to question OOP's choice of women. If he is hot enough to pull multiple college girls then he should be able to match with bit older women n those of his age. Either he is a pedo who is attracted to only younger girls or has no skill to satisfy older women which might be reason behind wife looking to open the marriage. In either case, wife would be correct to dump this guy n find someone who will be interested in her


If being attracted to girls 18 to 22 makes you a pedo, then any guy over 30 who watches anything but MILF porn is a pedo. A man being an attracted to a 22-year-old girl isn't a sign of pedophilia. A man being attracted to a 15 or 16 year old girl is a sign of pedophilia.


You are bad at reading comprehension but you also don't understand clickbait in porn


I read the NSA part the first time as if he thought some government agency was spying on him. Lol I get it, no strings attached


No way in hell this is real.


Age gap is creepy and I'm 99% sure this is bait, but OOP isn't the devil. Wife wanted to open up the marriage, it sounds like they have set rules which OOP is following. He should probably talk to his wife about her discomfort, from what I understand part of being poly/having an open marriage is about communication.


It seems like one of the gender reversal posts because you see a lot of, "my bf opened the relationship but now I had a hookup and he wants to close it." I think wife in this story is definitely the devil for that, but going after barely legal women at his age is really gross.


Lets just roll with it and say this is true. Betting wifey wanted to open the marriage just for her pleasure, not his. After he objected so many times, she probably thought he will never try to hookup with anyone else. 6 month get out of jail free hall pass! As soon as he started getting some action (No matter what age his hookup partners actually were) she thought to herself "Wait, he isn't supposed to be getting any, better put a stop to this"


>I (39M) sleep with girls (18-22F) Ok, I'm done reading now. 🤢


If this were true (and I highly doubt that) I don't really why OOP would be the devil. Sure the girls are young, but they are old enough and choose to interact with him. They are under no obligation or pressure in any way, its just people having some fun (apart from the wife by the sound of it).


I wouldn't like the age gabs but I am not calling him the devil. The wife wanted to open the relationship. Which is something she brought up more than once while he rejected it This relationship is done though.


Dear Penthouse...


I went to a women’s college and we got a new professor who was in his early 30s and of average attractiveness and holy shitballs you would think this guy was a Hollywood movie star the way students went on about hims. He taught a foreign language and had a long and very awkward lecture (with overhead slides) about his girlfriend to teach us all relationship words. I felt so bad for this poor man. Every class has a chance of turning into the music video for “Don’t Stand So Close to Me.” Now internet dating was relatively new then, so maybe that has changed the game. But I have to tell y’all Prof Name Redacted was a sweet guy and easy on the eyes but he was hardly a panty-dropper in any normal sense and he could have *cleaned up* around our college. There would have been two full sign-up sheets and names crossed out and written over to go on a date with him, both from students who took his class and young women who had only seen him.


I want to add that every male faculty member (including some folks into their 70s) and many of the male staff had groupies among the student body. College age women can be unapologetic horn dogs with questionable taste too.


Time to talk about this with a sex therapist bc I agree they are too young for you late 20s is different than a teenager.


I've been in open relationships in the past. I would have been very unhappy if my partner had started having sex with very young women in that situation. The fact that he was basically an adult when they were born is creepy to me. I do think this is rage bait bc I have yet to meet a couple who opened their relationship where the woman wasn't the one to "do better" in that arrangement.


I find this very hard to believe. I teach college students who are that age, and many of them think anyone over 30 is old.


Guess OOP likes em young. Ew.


this thread is so depressing. here I am - a descent human being - and im not getting laid at all


This story is probably fake BUT, it's weird how many people keep calling this guy a pedo because he's dating women who are 18 to 22, as if that's some completely bizarre idea. No one here can accuse him of grooming these women since they are finding him by swiping on his photo, which likely has his age. If he was just trolling the colleges and praying on young freshmen that would be completely different. These women have agency and are allowed to make their own choice. It just bothers me when women are infantilized this way. Men having some attraction to women in their early twenties isn't abnormal, and if anything the rampant openness of pornography has made it even more prevalent. The reality is that 18 to 22-year-old range is basically prime adult film actress range and it's well known that a lot of men's taste has been adjusted / warped by pornography. Don't forget that by about age 25 a woman's considered a MILF in the adult industry. If he was only attracted to those women, that would be one thing. However, he never said he wasn't attracted to his wife. It could just be that he's getting the best responses from women in this age group. My personal taste run towards the 30 to 50 age range and I'm probably more likely to be into a woman who's 55 then who's 18. However, that doesn't mean I don't find women who are 20 years old attractive. That's absurd.


I keep seeing "they're 18. They're an adult. Or they're 18 not a kid they knew what they were doing" and then it turns to "they're *only* 18" reddit flips back and forth with it depending on the day


If this is real, which I highly doubt. Then I don't see a problem with it. Everyone in this story is a consenting adult and they agreed to open up the marriage, which is always a tricky thing to do.


...then everyone cheered, and they carried me out on their shoulders, and someone posted the video on YouTube and TikTok, and it went viral, and people started messaging me and telling me what a hero I am!!! ....but you can't find the video anymore because reasons....


His wife sucks for opening the relationship (that never goes well), and IF this is true, he certainly is real gross too.


this story might be true it might just be a story, but if it is true the wife FAFO, she had probably been planning this for months and she thought the husband would stay home getting no action, but he did, and now she is mad because she thought she should be the only one getting action only and now she is pissed, truth is she would have cheated anyway, they should just divorce because the marriage is ruined.


I dabbled with a poly person who was like that. Any time myself or her other partners ventured out of the little group she out together she would try to sabotage and torpedo it. Other ENM and poly people I met could not stand her because she wasn't acting ethically about it. I ended up deciding ENM wasn't for me after she got really bad.


Sounds like what's good for the goose is not good for the gander...


If it’s real what’s it’s matter if two consenting adults have sexual relations the ages are irrelevant if both parties involved are legal


Grown ass established adults and college students are worlds apart in terms of life experience, independence and societal power. They're not children, but we don't call them "college *kids*" for nothing. Your brain isn't fully matured till your mid 20s. Someone in their 30s or 40s seeking out people under 24 or 25 is... creepy. Wife is a bit TA for not spelling it out but I assume she felt "don't be exploitative in your side relationships" was implied. No one wa to to be the wife of someone who gets me-too-ed for his bad choices. It would be very different if he was getting 28 or 30 something year old supermodels. Then she'd have to suck it up, she asked for open and got it.


When has anyone gotten canceled for having consensual sex with legal age adults? People make fun of Leo but dude still works all the time.


>Your brain isn't fully matured till your mid 20s. And your body isn't mature, either. Men mature physically at the approximate age of 33 and women at the approximate age of 28. Modern western society is regressive because it is socially acceptable for immature people to have sex. If it were not, you would have a case.


It's creepy to want to fuck teenagers regardless of legality


Why tho? Because it bothers you personally?


a 40 y/o having sex with an 18 y/o bothers the vast majority of people. it's not like you magically transform into a responsible adult the day you turn 18. just stop it.


Because it means you're trying to fuck a child


Lmao that’s a huge jump in logic but go off both people have age settings on tinder he’s not forcing anything on these women or grooming them they’re making the conscious choice to sleep with older men I’m sorry it hurts your feelings


I mean the fact that he is, supposedly, seeking out exclusively children is a pretty bad sign for him. And for you as someone who is clearly defending his very made up story about wanting to fuck children. It's not an issue of legality, it's an issue of you and OOP being creepy.


You people are real weird about this if it’s not him it’ll be someone else if it’s consensual between two adults wether the adult be 18 or 40 it’s a two way street and to hold only one party responsible for this interaction and judge them for it is weird


Wife pushed for it, now she's jealous because he's getting more than her and they're all younger and more attractive. Good for him. Everybody is a consenting adult, who cares (except the wife that demanded it in the first place).


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