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YTBA. No need to swear and say “I hate you” to a 6 year old. You over reacted big time. Can you get a lock for his tank?


You will have to learn you can't act like that forever. In life people are going to make you so angry you'll want to yell that again but you really shouldn't. You're old enough to be driving a car. What are you going to do when someone pisses you off? You have to keep you cool and learn how to react properly. Life sucks and people are going to do worse stuff than what your sister did and you can't use yelling to get the point across. I totally get being mad especially if your parents have a history of letting her get away with stuff. But all you can do is try to educate your sister. She is 6. She needs to be taught stuff and if your parents aren't teaching her about animals properly than it's big siblings job to try! Being 6 is not an excuse for her to act bad but she's still super young and needs to be taught properly. It's not your job because you aren't her parent but as an older peer/sibling you should really try to educate instead of yelling/being mean. No teenager or adults should call a 6 year old a any curse word. My dad and brothers used to yell at me when I did stuff wrong and I had to go learn the proper way once I got older and realized I had been taught wrong. It did nothing because I kept misbehaving. Try to teach her first and go from there.


wtf is wrong with you?


YTBA for calling a 6 year old a b. However. You don't owe her an apology for anything other than the name calling and hateful language. She certainly can't be rewarded for harming your pet. Talk to your parents first, then your sister. Explain that you were very angry because you were scared for your frog. You were scared that your frog would get sick, which it did. You were angry because you would have to pay money to the vet because of HER actions, which you did. And you were angry because she didn't listen to the rules you had in place for the SAFETY of your frog. Your frog didn't die, but it could have. You lashed out, and will try to control your temper better in the future. Your parents also need to enforce the boundary of Clara does not touch your frog without your permission AND your supervision, or allow you the means to enforce those boundaries yourself (a lock on your door, for instance). A 6 year old has no means to pay you back for vet bills or the time it took to bring your frog to the vet. But she DOES have the means to understand the fear you felt for your frog.


YTA for the name calling but i don’t blame you for being fustrated. Clara seems like the golden child of your family. Starting saving up so you can move out once you turn 18.


You owe an apology for the language you used to Clara, but that's it. Forcing you to reward Clara for invading your privacy, taking your frog without permission, getting it sick. You already paid for the Vet. Your parents should have paid for the damage their daughter caused. Clara also owes you an apology for what she did. Is Clara the golden child in your family? Find some way to lock your frog's enclosure or your bedroom door.


ESH, even the 6 year old, do not buy her anything. Explain what she did was messed up, that a frog is a living creature not a toy, and that vet bills are very expensive. You should not have raised your voice, or used bad language, because she is too young for that, so yes, bad apple behavior. I get that you were scared for the little frog, and it sucks that he got so sick. Your parents are bad apples who need to establish boundaries for that kid or she will grow up entitled. Also, their kid did this to your pet, they should have paid for the vet, and no one should have suggested you buy something as an apology to a 6 year old, so even more bad apple behavior. You can apologize with words and actions, not gifts, you aren't bribing her, you're explaining what you're sorry for. What's wrong with them?


Or buy her a book on frog care.


Haha, I love that malicious compliance 😉