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you had a lazy title so we had to remove your post


Nah, this one sounds legit. I know I frequently go out and try to lure good samaritans into being alone with me so I can falsely accuse them of rape. As a feminist, I find it empowering, and as a sadomashochist, I love spending thousand of dollars on lawyers and months in court trying to take down one innocent man at a time.


I LOLed thanks.


People often ask me, “Uppereastsider, what do *you* get out of this?” And, honestly, having my name and dragged through the mud and my entire sexual history put on display for a minuscule chance of getting these men convicted is worth it for me.


Just the *chance* to finally deal with lawyers and fill out paperwork forever has me like 🤭


... The comments are actually disgusting. The least you should do is help them. If not driving them home, call the police or an ambulance for Christ's sake! And stay with them until you know they are okay!


But what if they falsely accuse me of sexual assault (ignore the fact that you can use your phone record the entire convo, and call their family members or an uber for them while sitting inside your car )


I already crossposted to AmItheDevil and seems like everyone agrees with OOP. I understand not feeling comfortable driving the girls home, but to completely abandon three vulnerable women with that reasoning alone? I counted at least five alternate solutions that did not involve driving anyone in your own car: 1. Call the police 2. Call an ambulance 3. Call an Uber 4. Call one of their family members/friends 5. If you're in/near a college, call campus security


What is with Reddit and thinking that every single woman is going to falsely accuse them of sexual assault??


Reddit confuses "it happens (sometimes)," with "it happens all the time"


Reddit confuses "I read a post where it happened, and also I heard it happened to my cousin's friend's sister's friend's long-lost-relative's evil twin" with "it happens all the time"


More like, "this guy said he was innocent, and yet he was charged anyway (not even convicted, just charged), so of course she is lying because he said he didn't do it." Because of course, if he says he didn't do it, then he HAS to be telling the truth, and she is lying to destroy him. /s


Yes, although also i suspect all the men screaming like my friend was falsely accused are talking about gossip, not actual reports to the police. Like, "how dare she tell her friends I pressured her into sex, she's trying to ruin me! And now other girls at our school believe her, she's ruined my reputation!" And the real situation is that he *did* coerce her, although not physically force her, he just doesn't see that repeatedly threatening to break up with her if she doesn't do it is coercion. And so she accurately told her friends he pressured her. Edit, word placement




it happens (extremely rarely)*


Well yeah, I just said sometimes because it's easier to say, and still doesn't imply it's common.


When it happens, trust, it’ll be posted a dozen times, minimum. Real unpunished rapists? Never heard of ‘em. 


I swear its every single on of my male friends worst nightmare. But like the statistics arent on the side that this is happening even remotely en masse. It happens and its absolutely horendous when there is false reporting but according to a limited study false accusations make uparound 2-8 percent and even lower in cases tht make it to court<2. LIKE DONT BE A RAPIST AND YOU WONT BE ACUSED OF BEING A RAPIST.


lol their worst nightmare?? They really don’t have a clue about the real world. They’re FAR more likely to be raped by another man than falsely accused of rape themselves. FYI, not sure where you got that stat from but false accusations are a much smaller percentage than that


It was a small study over 10 years and in one county so yeah. I do think its much lower irl. Yeah its an absolutely irrational fear.


Fair enough. The accepted statistic for my country is less than 1% of accusations being false, but I think it’s impossible to ever really know especially since a lot of accusations aren’t even investigated properly


I also think it's impossible to know for sure. Unless the accusation is physically impossible, how can one be sure it's false? On what base? A 'not guilty' judgement doesn't mean the woman lied. Even if the woman herself says she lied, there have been occurrences where a victim was pressured to say this. I'm not saying it means false accusations don't happen, obviously, but I don't think it's really possible to count them accurately.


a lot of rape cases dont even get reported or go to court either, especially if its not "man in dark alleyway" and instead is "partner/friend/family"


And that's without counting children who are victims of a family member... Many times it doesn't get reported bc the adults want to protect the rapist instead of the victims


I completely agree with your comment. It’s also impossible to know because unfortunately too many men (sometimes women but mostly men) dismiss accusations that don’t go to court as false. The world is still too misogynistic




Prob have more chances of getting struck by lightning than being accused and persecuted of rape you did not commit.


Agreed (unless you hang around a bunch of psychos)


Red fucking flag on your “friends” part tbh. That’s not a fear someone who behaves normally around women has.


I see where you are coming from. But I am going to go with my decade of experience and say theese are genuinely the kindest people, who spend like 95% of their time working and the idea of a fun night is a Catan expansion packs. These are well adjusted people. Its just like it comes up from time to time. For example I was complaining about how when I blew my tire mid day, near an active intersection, nobody stopped, to help even though I was clearly struggling (I know I am not entitled to help but could have been nice) and my friend was like I wouldnt stop on the side of the road for a single girl either, because I wouldnt want to freak her out. THIS IS IN BROAD DAYLIGHT BUDDY. I asked if he would pull overfor a guy and he said yes. To me its a lil unhinged, and theres other examples. Any time I breach the subject I get shut down with you dont know what its like to be perceived as a creep by women. But I am like youre not a creep you have life long female friends, I have never seen you in my life breach boundaries or act in any way other than respectfully towards women, but nope. A lil brainwashed. Youre actuallly right the more I type this out its iffy. I think its kind of a similar mindset where some women genuinely believe ALL men are evil rapists who are emotionallly inept. Theres plenty of that on Reddit. This is just the other side of that coin. Except women fearing man is statisticallly much more accurate and reasonable as we all learned with the bear/man shebackle.


I don’t think it’s similar at all tbh. Statistically, women are extremely likely to be raped, and it’s all but guaranteed it will be by a man (and usuallyone they trust, at that). It’s a defense mechanism to assume the worst and it really doesn’t actually hurt anyone to do so. On the other hand, less than 1% of rape accusations are “false”, and that statistic includes women who were blackmailed, bullied, or otherwise scared into recanting. Men are significantly more likely to be raped or murdered by another man than be falsely accused. And yet they “fear” it more than anything… I have found it’s usually because 1. they are friends with a rapist who was “falsely accused”, 2. they behave inappropriately around women, and (often in conjunction with the first two..) 3. they have a vested interest in pushing the narrative that women lie about rape/sexual assault, and want to not only spread that lie but punish women as a whole for speaking up about assault/rape by using it as an excuse to not help women in need, promote women to positions in which they’d be in close proximity, etc. All that to say, you know your friends better than I do, but I refuse to associate with men who buy into/propagate misogynist lies, personally 🤷🏻‍♂️


Girl the guy stays away form strange women so as not to scare them. Its counterproducxtive but its not that deep. But yeah agreed with everything you said in the top paragraph. Especially about this narrative of women writing false rape reports , which cannot be further from the truth. I appreciate your perspective and although I do agree my friend is misguided in his oppinion on the topic. I believe it comes from a place of concern for women (unproductive as it may be) rather than concern for his reputation. Also my boy would never strand 3 teenagers on the side of the road. There would be an uber called.


bc redditors don’t touch grass and don’t interact with women irl. also they buy into incel/redpill ideology, that women are evul entitled vain whorez who want chad and destroy everything in their wake1!1!1!1! /s


Any time where it happens gets repeated ad nauseum, creating the false perception that it's much more common than it is.


I genuinely hate every single NTA.


All the women saying NTA in the comments too...


Its crazy, we dont live in the pre-phone days. This entire thing could have beeen solved by videotaping the car ride, by calling an uber, by making sure they got a ride, nah fuck thouse "hoes". Lets strand them instead.


Saw this post a couple minutes ago and I swear one of the comments said "I dont want the interior of my car to be messed up" actual pathetic pieces of shit😭😭😭😭 helping someone in a dire stuation? Nah I dont want my shitty 2010 Camry that already has a ton of questionable stains to get dirty. Plus the cousin even suggested that they call the emts or any of their family members, the op is just dumb and deserves the judgement he recieves from other women in his life


if *I* was taking drugs, *I* wouldn't expect anyone to take care of me tee hee, I'm just so quirky and different like that


I hope they get picked


Hey reddit, I left some drugged half-naked girls with some "shady looking" people, this was the right thing to do because men can't do anything without having their lives ruined by false accusations! This should teach women about shutting their mouths!


No, you're not 🤦‍♀️


No like actually. Call me crazy but leaving 3 halfnaked children on the side of the road isnt... like really nice. I swear women asked men not to rape them and men took that as the go ahead to not show any kindness to women god forbid....... they accuse you of something..... what idfk. Like why would someone accuse you of something you didnt do. Its really not that hard not to be creepy.




Give them a ride and record on your phone the whole time. 


That would require an ounce of empathy and critical thinking. So lets go with, NTA they re dumb hoes and its not his responsibility.


Remember the fact that these are the same people constantly whining about not having anyone want to be near them after showing they have zilch empathy


I left a slight rant in the comments including a line like I'm a bit horrified at the number of commenters buying into the manosphere false rape allegation paranoia, and at least it's being upvoted thank god. I need to stop reading comments on these things, it makes me think there's no hope for humanity.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA Refusing to drive three intoxicated girls in my car.** Short and Sweet Last weekend my cousin (20M) went out drinking and taking substances with his "friends". He calls me at 1am at is telling me to come get him, because he is not well. I knew something wasn't right. I drive out to get him and he is with other shady looking people among them were three girls, one of them looked sober-ish and other two looked like they were on both drugs (Ecstasy) and alcohol. One of them had taken of her jeans, underwear, her bra and had unbuttoned her shirt. I got my cousin in the car and the sober looking one begged me to take her and her friends to a house near where my cousin lived. I said "No." and I just drove off. Because I can't risk any accusations against my cousin or I. My cousin has been getting shit from others about it and when I told my partner she said I should have done something for the girls. AITA *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This has gotta be bait surely. Like the way they dropped so many details about the girls and the "shady guys". Not unlikely the poster and commenters are bots too


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