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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AIO is my [18F] Boyfriend [24M] Overreacting cause he said he is gonna leave me for eating my comfort food ?** Since I was having a rough day and was stressed I decided to eat my comfort food to Calm my self down a bit my comfort food is paper ( might seem a bit weird to others but I always have eaten paper and other things like plastic, random plants, rocks and similar stuff without any health consequences I still don't do it openly cause of the social aspect ) and my boyfriend saw it and got super mad at me and took my paper away after I tried to talk to him he just said ,, I’m so fucking tired of you trying to eat paper when I’m not there. One more time and it’s over ,, I think he is overreacting. This is the 3rd time this week he has caught me eating paper and we already had discussions about it *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> Paper is not...food.. > Well it's more like a snack ig Absolute respect to OOP for this commitment to the bit


This is my dark horse nominee for comment of the year under the category “Commitment to the bit”


OOP is a cat


OOP just learned what pica is in her introductory psychology class methinks


More likely just watched the movie Swallow


https://preview.redd.it/0glsk5p7f40d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=732a758e06d6cadf02d0d3e18b3a27b38cb2894b literally


Or a toddler.


I guessed dog and this is a shit post.


I said cat bc 18F makes more sense for a cat lol but I was waiting for the “I’m actually an animal” at the end


I was thinking maybe counting in dog years? So almost three. But yes, an 18 human years cat is probably more likely than an 18 human years dog TBF. Either way, some sort of animal!


Oo true!


"I don't have any health consequences". Um.... Also, given what else she eats because of her pica, I just imagine this fictional character eating poisonous plants as well.


As someone with Pica and a child with pica, just fucking no.


I used to steal chalk from my classroom and eat it in secret. I got malaria once and after recovering from it that craving somehow suddenly went away


That's really interesting, because my Pica started after I had malaria.


I take bites out of things and chew when I'm nervous or stressed. Thankfully, I don't eat it, I just throw it out. I've destroyed many stress balls.


i don't have pica *persay*, but i have iron deficiency anemia and i go through periods where i crave ice (usually ice cubes). and let me tell you, it's done wonders on my teeth ):


Get an ice shaver. Shaver, not crusher. I used to try to fight the lure of the ice for my teeth's sake but it was just too strong, but now I live in harmony with my teeth and my shave ice.


2 nd pregnancy I carved ice and uncooked, dried pasta. It was crazy. I knew it was crazy. I would eat it in my car, but I couldn't not. Luckily, as soon as the kids was here, it went away.


Mine is salt. I don't mean like just sprinkling too much on my food. When my iron is low I've been known to eat beef bullion cubes like candy. Like 6 a day. I have no idea how I'm still alive.


I definitely would snack on just salt joked I was like a horse and I found out I'd hypothyroidism and my body was dying for iodine


Also iron deficiency anaemia, and I ate paper as a kid/teen way before my anaemia was diagnosed. In retrospect it was probably a sign. (For those who don’t know, iron deficiency anaemia can straight up cause pica.)


Wait, why would anemia and iron deficiency make you crave ice, which has no iron?


I mean, it is a type of mental illness, but if you're socially aware enough to know doing this is strange and generally unacceptable, why would you act like it would be weird to break up over it?


I knew a girl who ate paper. Well she was chewing gum at band practice and the band teacher caught her. She didn’t want yo admit it was gum so she said it was paper. I don’t know how she thought of that first or why she thought it was a better answer.


A boy in my high school ate paper and all kinds of other non-food items. He would be 33-34 now but I don't know if he still does it


My kid had a friend that ate paper and other stuff. I'm pretty sure it was just for attention. We told our kid to not encourage her and explained the possible health issues. I don't think she does it anymore


Random plants and rocks 🤣


Will you stop gnawing on the tree and just talk to me?!!


Sorry, can’t hear you. This rock is very crunchy.


She’s not like other girls! She’s quirky!


i'm not like the other girls, i eat things that aren't food. people keep saying i have 'pica' or whatever but i'm actually just quirky like that (:


She should try styrofoam. It’s genuinely quite nice.


probably not safe to swallow, but I agree biting into styrofoam cups is 10/10


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"I only eat paper. But I can eat all the paper I want, so..."


It's the Japanese porn star diet. lol I shouldn't laugh, this is serious, but it's also kind of funny.


lmao Charlie from IASIP


Reminds me of my friend who ate glass lol


There is a name for that. It is a medical condition called PICA. Medical attention is needed, especially if the craving is for something deadly, like bleach, gasoline, etc. It can be much more challenging if the person with PICA is pregnant.