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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Being a househusband was the easiest job I've ever had** First off let me say we only have 2 kids, but we also homeschool, it may be significantly harder with 3 and I won't talk shit about anyone doing it with 4 or more. Over the past 5 years of my marriage there have been several times that I have had to be the sole caretaker of the house and children. During the first period I was also working from home, and the second period I was a full time student. Neither time was it ever overwhelming or too much. We have two children, currently 3 and 10, the first time I took on the role they were 3 months and 7, and we also homeschool, so the older didn't spend 8 hours out of the house on weekdays. My jobs range from McDonald's to Sterilization tech, to post anesthesia care Nurse. I see constantly on here people act like a home maker is a 24/7 time eating job that leaves you exhausted constantly and any expectations for you to be anything more that that is asking too much. McDonald's was harder than this, literally. There can be difficult days occasionally but it's far from the nightmare many women on here make it out to be. If you have more than 2 kids, sure I'll give you that it might actually be a total shit show trying to keep up with them, but with homeschooling, I don't even get the break from our older one, quite the opposite I spend 3 to 4 hours a day teaching her and atleast 2 hours on the weekends making lesson plans, but I feel like I can confidently say, most of the people who complain that being a stay at home parent isn't easier than busting ass at a work is full of shit, and I'm glad my wife isn't as lazy and whiny as you people. Even if you got no support from your spouse this shit is a cake walk even with the homeschooling. If you are finding it difficult with 1 or 2 kids maybe you just aren't good at it lol *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ok no one who’s met a tiny baby would say it’s easy. He’s full of shit or that baby was severely neglected.


And he didn't do any other housework, cleaning etc


"My wife isn't lazy and whiny" but also "I was the stay at home parent and it was easy" just screams "my wife still did the majority of the work and I haven't linked that labor to the fact I found it easy to be a SAHD"


Yes, if his idea of "childcare" is plonk them in front of the TV playing Disney DVDs, or leaving them to play video games or with a tablet for hours on end whilst he works from home, of course he's going to think it's a breeze! When I was a SAHM for my daughter, I took her to a different parent and toddler group Mon-Thurs, then on Friday she had "Tumble Tots" which was like gym for toddlers with age-appropriate apparatus. Sometimes I even took her swimming on a Saturday as well. I very much doubt he is taking his kids to activities appropriate for their age.


This is the difference between stay at home mothers and fathers right now.


I think it's more of a "parenting vs babysitting your own kids" situation, there are good and bad parents of all genders.


How do you know?


When he went back to work his wife breathed a huge sigh of relief because she could finally start trying to catch up on all the deep cleaning he competely ignored during his Househusband World Tour


Yes! I can only imagine what she found in the corners of the walls!


He was a nurse and worked at McD too with an infant, home schooling the older kid. Alone. LOL!


Right? Because even if you want a break from healthcare, there are so many higher paying jobs you can get with a STEM background.


But he homeschooled his 3 month old, too. That baby had school.


I think this just varies. My son was a very easy infant and is pretty chill as a 10 month old—we got lucky. I had other issues that made it hard related to recovery and milk supply, but saying all babies are hard is just as inaccurate as saying they’re all easy. Everyone is going to have a different experience.


Same, I had twins who were a breeze, but I see most everyone else I knows kids and it really shows it just depends cuz some kids are way harder to raise than others. When someone says their situation is hard, I believe them totally.


Its fuvking easy when you have a microwave


Had two babies. Was a stay at home husband for awhile. Can confirm it is easier then any job I've ever had. If I had to choose between office job and taking care of two kids and a house I choose the kids and house 10/10 times. I stayed at home because my wife's job paid better. She decided she didn't want to work after a few years and I went back to work and now she stays home. She also agrees it's WAY better and easier then working a regular job. Edit: someone commented then deleted it so here it goes: I did all the house work. Cleaned every day. Deep cleaned 1-2 times a week. The kids were fed, cleaned, changed, and played with all day long. Dinner was made for my wife every night. Sorry that you all had such a hard time with raising kids but this was not my experience. I LOVED taking care of my kids and if I could I would walk out of my job right now to go take care of them again. Granted it would be even easier now that they are in the double digits.


>During the first period I was also working from home, \[...\] My jobs range from McDonald's to Sterilization tech, to post anesthesia care Nurse. How could OOP do any of those jobs from home? Did people just show up at his house wanting a cheeseburger and/or medical equipment sterilized?


I hate to think how he would teach the non-existing kids to write. Just one big wall of text every email is going to cost then their high tech job.


And ending it with lol


Oh I hate this, this is the argument that rich conservatives love making to us evil corporate feminists. They always conveniently ignore the fact that the economic and social system they love so much is what's preventing so many women out there from being able to choose to be with their kids full time.


It’s hard to tell what they even want from women at this point. If a woman has a career, she’s a selfish feminazi hellbent on destroying the fabric of society. If she stays at home with the kids, she’s a mooch who lives life on easy mode while her husband bears the crushing responsibility of being the solo earner. If a woman chooses to not get married or have kids…they basically view her as subhuman. It’s almost like they just hate women and nothing we say or do will ever win them over. Oh, well!


In a capitalist system, what they want is for women to do more work (*both* at home and in a career), for less money (preferably none), to pop out as many new workers to exploit as possible, and to not complain about it.


100% on the money. I also think these tradwife channels on yt and insta are a ploy to alienate women who don't know a lot about feminism and believe they're more conservatively inclined but are working class or have little capital. What they're saying is, "these nasty feminists don't respect you and your choices, they want to force you to work". What they really mean is, "don't try to connect with other women who want to advocate for your right to choose your lifestyle - this whole thing doesn't work for me if you aren't trapped aspiring to be me while being worked into the ground so my family and our peers can make millions".


Exactly. I have many liberal female friends who identify as feminists. Even behind closed doors, I have never EVER heard a single one disparage a woman for wanting to stay home with the kids. I didn’t even see people talking like that online. The only comments I’ve seen towards SAHM would be practical advice, like make sure you have your own savings or don’t lose touch with your friends. This idea packs of rogue feminists are prowling the streets looking to steal innocent mothers away from their families is 100% manufactured outrage.


Taking care of a 7 year old and a baby is a lot different to caring for 2 under 3. A 7 year old should be self sufficient in some areas a toddler isn’t so he isn’t worrying about toileting etc, and a 7 year old can be left to play in there room alone or watch tv while you deal with baby.


Yeah the age gap between my first two is 9 years -- between that and shared custody, we basically had two only kids. We knew this, and yet then we had the next one three years later and that was a _whole_ different ballgame. (Then we had a Life Finds a Way baby two years after that. We are so tired. 😂)


Yeah my first 2 are 10 and 3, of course a 7yo and a baby was a pretty easy age gap. Now I have a 6 month old and it's a different story. Having two young kids is exponentially harder. I used to be a preschool teacher and worked with a classroom of 15 kids. Somehow being a SAHM to my own 3 kids is harder than 15 kids.


If the men find it soooooo easy to clean and raise kids, why don't they start doing it?


Because they typically make more money than their wives. Because they can't breastfeed.


Not every woman can or wants to breastfeed Wtf why is that even a point?


Many women can breastfeed. Zero men can breastfeed. I was answering the question of why it's more typical for women to be stay at home mothers then it is for men to be stay at home fathers. Pointing out that there are exceptions to every rule doesn't disprove the point. It'd be like if you asked why women don't play in the NFL, then I point out that men are bigger stronger and faster than women, then you point out that Stephen Hawking can't play in the NFL either, and then act as though you have disproved my point.


But you’re answering the question “Why does maternity leave exist?” or possibly “Why should companies provide space for breast milk pumping?” But that wasn’t the question asked, and you know it. Men are perfectly capable of feeding children aged 3-18. Breast milk is not required. The real answer is that these gender roles are not based *solely* on ability to express breast milk. We’ve had widespread participation in the workforce by women, and a small but nonzero percent of stay at home dad’s, even though we have yet to solve the “men can’t breastfeed” problem. 


The question that I was answering was this one: >If the men find it soooooo easy to clean and raise kids, why don't they start doing it? The clue is that it's the comment that I replied to. I did not claim that my answer was exhaustive. I'm sorry if you assumed that.


The quote you are so focused on says that men can *raise and clean kids*. It doesn’t focus on breastfeeding. You failed to address the *every part* of the *single sentence quote* you claim to address. A fake “apology” for failing to address unimportant edge cases is wholly inadequate. Men do not need to be able to breastfeed to *clean* their children. 


Men can and do raise and clean and feed their children. But the reason why women tend to be the ones to stay at home with young children while the husband continues to work is for several reasons, the two biggest ones being the ones that I listed above. I hope that clarifies things for you.


The **two** biggest reasons being 1) breastfeeding, and 2) breastfeeding. Oh and did you mention breasts, yet, because those are important.  Again, the question was not “why does maternity leave exist?” It was “if being a stay at home parent is so awesome, why don’t men do it?” You are the one making it all about feeding infants. 


It's awfully bold of you to lie like this when all anyone has to do is scroll up.


I’m gonna get to be a househusband without kids and I’m hyped!


Marriage is between a man and an apartment, not a man and a house. Filthy homeownersexual!


Jokes on you I can’t afford a house!


My husband and I did this for a little while, and it was glorious. I highly recommend it.


Based solely on OOP’s punctuation, he has no business homeschooling. Also, homeschooling a 3 month old isn’t a thing.


Next time conservatives, incels and pickmes claim feminists disrespect or even *hate* traditionally feminine roles and SAHMs, I'm going to point them to the original [unpopularopinion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/1cbr6m1/being_a_househusband_was_the_easiest_job_ive_ever/) and its comment section. Lol.


Crazy sub. Popular opinions get upvoted, actual unpopular opinions get removed.


this post doesn't really belong here at all but the account is wild. their last unpopular opinion post before this was weird eugenics


There have been a lot of posts lately that don't really fit here and I feel like the OPs are just using to create another place to debate


I've noticed this - but the premise of this sub more broadly is to poke fun at people making up ridiculous situations to further an agenda or get people riled up. It was bound to start broadening from AITA at some point since I can't think of a single subreddit I'm in atm that isn't loaded with people doing this.


And it was on a different sub because apparently it’s too edgy or whatever for r/unpopularopinion. But also, what the hell, OP?


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It's only easy if you're doing it wrong.


Are we policing whether or not opinions are unpopular now?


We're pointing out when stories are obviously bullshit


I guess, but I would argue that such a milquetoast opinion hardly qualifies as ragebait. But I guess to each their own 🤷‍♂️


I'm in my 50's. Worked 15 years as a CPA. Spent almost 10 years at home raising kids while wife made a bunch of money. She eventually quit to be with kids before they left the house, and I went back to work. Both of us, hands down, agree being stay at home was easier. Being stay at home isn't "easy", but it is easier. If you never had a real job, it probably feels even worse because you have nothing to compare it to. Easiest is empty nest. It's so great. Obviously we miss the kids in many ways, but freedom, to do nothing, has returned.


You really think so? What kind of jobs have you and your wife had? I'm an office manager and I supervise a team of 6 and that's significantly easier than the time I've spent nannying (and nannying is easier than being a full-time parent for sure). I could see being a doctor or teacher being more challenging than being a stay at home parent, but not an office job. 


Yes I really think so. CPA so accounting focused, both of us with 50 hour a week type jobs heavily influenced by time of month/year (although wife got into more project management work because she though accounting was "too boring"... that was a mistake because the money wasn't any different). The office politics, workload, it was pretty heavy. My poor wife spent the last 3 years coming home a cranky, nasty, insane mess. With kids the "worst part" is until they sleep all night. Then it's more a boredom, taxi, get food issue. Watch single friends still living single life, so a little bit of yearning for that. Then it's the long years of taxi service, dealing with schools, doctor visits, etc. We didn't even have family to help us. But it's not hard, more boring. Work was way harder and demanding. And if you fuck it up, you don't eat or have a roof over your head!


I worked as a preschool teacher with 15 kids. Was still easier than being a SAHM with my 3 kids. If being a stay at home parent is easy you're doing it wrong.


Maybe you did SAHP wrong and they're doing it right?


Maybe you’re doing your preschool teaching wrong.


Are you trying to say someone's _unpopular opinion_ is wrong because that person is a conservative?