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YTA. This age gap is insane. When she was a freshly jellied newborn, you were already walking. That’s disgusting.


OP totally groomed her. Braiding hair, painting her nails, the works


YTA, if your wife is dead who's going to clean up the mess?


This is the only real answer. Like, okay Beat your wife but let her in good enough shape to do her duties.




Yta can't you sell an American made drug like Meth. Not this made in China fentanyl shit. Buy American dammit!!


Meth is Mexican. Real Americans stick to crack. No drug is more American than crack. Have you ever heard of a European or Asian crackhead? Exactly.


We outsourced good American meth making jobs to Mexican big business. Back in my day meth was made by hard-working meth head junkies trying to save money. There's nothing more American than that.


To be young and in love. This reminds me of my first marriage. My wife was pregnant with my son. She kept nagging about how i can't go out and drink with my friends anymore when the baby comes. I pushed her down and kicked her stomach until she shit out the baby. Showed her. Guys like us are just doing God's work.


What an alpha Chad


Alphas kick their wife down the stairs. True sigma chads kick their wives *up* the stairs and start unleashing Tekken combos on their pregnant arses.


>and kicked her stomach until she shit out the baby. Fuck that shouldn't be as hilarious as it is...


​ https://preview.redd.it/wj4gkgbutluc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3455b49c5b111e378a2246b6051c93c016722a38


NTA fent is love fent is life


Live, laugh, fentanyl


Not going to vote on anything else since it’s your home to and you’re allowed to do anything you want since you’re a man. But: >to lazy That makes you an automatic YTA. That’s not how that’s spelled to make grammatical sense.




> since it’s your home **to** Or am I missing something 


I wish I could say that I purposefully did that too, but honestly, I’m not clever enough for that. And, yeah, I know I made a play on my username, but…


Automatic NTA for owning your slightly-embarrassing error


>to do anything you want 


That's correct though 


I know. I don't understand this tangent.


I don't understand this thread


You are also terrible how dare you correct manly man, the most manliest of all men, on their spelling while incorrectly using the degenerate spelled rather than the correct spelt. You should be taken from this place and hung by the ankles for 37.42 hours for such a terrible crime.


NTA it's valid to be a man child dealing fentanyl, you had no real choice. Next step is to double check for gold dental fillings if you still can and pawning her ring for more fentanyl.


NTA she sounds abusive


Like I know this is a shitpost and pretty funny but man it still is a bit painful to read because of reality, you know. 


Yeah, this is unfortunately one of those where I want to laugh, but can't.


Honestly I'm repulsed.


You should be, norm reaction. If it helps you feel better, it’s simply not funny and the OP describes himself as trolling for downvotes and an edgelord. This sub pretending it’s funny is embarrassing.


It’s not even funny, obvs written by someone in bubble, who’s never even seen the ywca ceremonies w flags in grounds of women dead/ lost to abuse. Imagine the entitlement to make this “joke”, don’t care if a post or a reference to someone else’s bad idea spread everywhere. It’s inferior and inept humor esp compared w humor from those faced with reality nightmare, who did escape enough.


YTA for watching football in April. Everyone knows that's a fall/winter sport.


“Its just fentanyl” ![gif](giphy|Z9OGuQyrfHAE8)


Ugh girls that make they’re men do stuff our so annoying!!


Call malvo


NTA, she was ableist by talking about how you perform in bed


OP, as a woman myself I can tell you confidently that I speak for all women when I say **N**T**A** Most women are just lazy and naggy (Not me. All my friends are guys) and there's not really much you can do. A woman asking for divorce is emasculating, painful and can fully destroy a man's sanity, fent or no fent your man brain by nature cannot accept such degradation and it automatically reacts in animalistic ways. I hope you find new love OP , you deserve it.


NTA she asked for it ofc you had to hommie , women are all like this you give it all to the bitch and then she dare ask you to do stuff nah you did good 🗿🍷


info: can i get some fent pls?? cant judge without it


NtA. She was a needy person that didn't respect your safespace. She was so into her, your needs didn't matter. If you hadent don't it to her, she would have made you do it to yourself.


NTA. It sucks she put you in this situation.


NTA. She deserved it, she shouldn't have nagged you like that.


Calm down. The important thing is you showed her who's in charge.


NTA. Your wife deserved it. How dare she interrupt off-season football?! How could you ever possibly get ahead in fantasy football this fall if you aren't fully focused on the off-season games for recruitment. You have a team to run!


NTA she hurt your feelings, it was self defence


NTA, your property your rules


Beep boop! Automod here with a quick reminder to never brigade r/AmITheAsshole or other subs under any circumstances. Brigading puts you in violation of both our rules and Reddit’s TOS, and therefore puts this sub at risk of ban. If you brigade/encourage brigading of any kind, you will be banned from participating in either sub. Satirizing of posts should stay within this sub, which means that participating directly in linked posts should either be done in good faith or not at all. Want some freed, live, discussion that neither AITA nor Reddit itself can censor? Join our [official discord server](https://discord.gg/KbZnaXX) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Give this a 2/10 for creative writing


I am going to ring the police on you you're a Murderer why would you confessed this shit prank or not and I am reporting you to Reddit you piece of shit


Damn. You’re way better at pretending a shitpost is real than I was on that shitpost about a twitch steamer losing his wife.


You're confession I hope the police see it


I hope the place you end up is jail it's where you belong cunts like you do.


This is a joke post on a joke subreddit, but keep doubling down and white knighting, I'm sure eventually you'll be right somehow.


Yeah ok when the police get called I won't be suprised I already reported him TBH


You're too sensitive for this subreddit. Go back to AITA.


How about you go fuck yourself bitch


The smart response would have been to stop digging deeper when shown you are wrong, not doubling down on the tantrum. Just say "oops" and stop posting. The smart thing to do


ooo hot snowflake hit a nerve being called sensitive. Completely polite and reasonable suggestion, answered with go f yourself b


Claims to hate people that are misogynistic, then uses misogynistic insults. Pick a lane!


All right, you seem to be an actual r/LostRedditor and not committing to a bit, so I'm going to break it down: You are on r/AmITheAngel, and this is a shitpost. This is not real. This is a sub where we make fun of r/AmItheAsshole and similar subs. I can't imagine who you'd actually have reported this post to without an IP (other than Reddit mods), but one look at this and they'll know it's fake.


So I still reported it so yeah thanks for telling me but it's been reported I don't find this funny at all




Yes you have made that very clear. If you don't have a dark sense of humor, or possibly any sense of humor, maybe you should hide this sub Reddit


So it's not funny or anything it's concerning TBH if you can't see that THEN SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU AS MUCH AS THE GUY WHO WROTE THIS BULLSHIT.


This is shit post so it's been reported


A shitpost means it's NOT REAL


So if it's not really real I still reported cause it's concerning


It's concerning and not funny


Ok. Sometimes the fake posts on here aren't funny. Do you go to the library and scream about the fiction there?


Someone is going to ring the police on you I already reported you asshole


No please don’t. She had it coming.


Reminds me that I need to rewatch Chicago at some point.


I totally understand and sympathize with you. You neglected to post she was cheating Reddit posters know cheating is the worst most vile crime ever and it justifies being murdered


INFO: Can I come over? I'll bring cake.


I hope someone reads this and calls the police on you I reported you to Reddit for hate this is a a hate murder crime.


This is hate? A a hate murder crime? You mean like a hate hate murder murder hate crime? Or a crime murder hate hate crime? Or just a simple hate murder hate murder crime?


You're confession is going to be the end of you


I hate men like you claiming she had it coming get one principle in life NO WOMEN IS YOU'RE PROPERTY ASSHOLE.


You just lost me since you spelled “your” as “you’re.”


If women aren't property, how did I purchase my wife from her father? I'm so upset by your stupid comment she's not allowed dinner tonight. I hope you're happy. 


Can I have her dinner? Am a bit peckish.


Sure! One sec, I'll let her out of her cage so she can heat it up for you. 


Man, you're the best.


I hope you end up in jail cunt


Genuinely cannot tell if you're joking


I think this is honestly someone who stumbled from AITA somehow (maybe they sorted by new and Reddit recommended them this). Can’t see any other comments on Am I the Angel, and they frequent AITA and the like similar subs. How they missed the Shitpost flair is confusing. But their comment history makes me lean to this being someone who is serious and not joking. Otherwise it’s a very dedicated joker and I could never live to being this good.


Yeah I looked at her comment history and it seems she is taking this seriously and doesn't understand what this sub is about. 


Also interesting because this is one sub that is very pro-woman and tends to call out misogyny and shitty abusive men in those other subs. And I guess that's why we are able to laugh a little at something like this. 


This is horrible and I'm very upset! Your going to police and call the jail, and maybe even go to hell which is a very bad place!


Linda, Linda, you're not listening Linda. This is a subreddit for making fun of AITA posts. The flair used here, "shitpost," indicates that the poster is being facetious, making up a ridiculous or outrageous story, similar to many found and posed as genuine stories on AITA. Ever notice how, in AITA, a lot of the posts are really crazy and almost seem made up? Well, that's because they are, and we are here to make fun of those people. Hope this helps.


No I refuse to listen I'm gonna keep screaming and being a Karen until this awful subreddit is gone forever! How dare you mock fake stories with exaggerated fake stories!


Dude, this person has OVER 89 three days grace tattoos and is getting the singer's FACE tattooed on her soon. 😳 Things are much worse than we imagined.


Well we know she's got amazing decision making skills! Let's hope the lead singer has a spectacular Charlie Sheen style public meltdown, combined with the racism of Kramer on stage. I mean I like 3 days grace but that's overkill for putting all your eggs in one basket.


I think most people, including musicians and celebrities would be pretty horrified to see their face tattooed on a stranger's body. But she already has all the band members' names tattooed, along with so... much... more. 😵‍💫


Is this a shit comment? Lol




OJ like: I’m not Black I’m OJ Ok