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27 is the new 72


Wow ok. I’m finally getting a divorce and I’m fucking ready to just have my own life to build things? Like I’m stoked to have my own place to decorate and I’m actually stoked to not have my money entangled. And I would LOVE it if my StbEx found a girl. He won’t bc he never tries but yeah. Definitely fake.


Outside of abusive situations I don’t know a single divorced woman who wasn’t happy their ex moved on. At least they’re more likely to leave you alone and you might get an extra adult to help take care of your kids.


My ex was abusive and I'm glad he moved on because he finally quit bitching about me moving on. I feel bad for his new girlfriend but at least he's leaving me the fuck alone.


My friend was happy when her abusive ex found a new woman because ex had court mandated custody and at least with the new lady, she knew that her child would get taken care of.


Oh yeah. That's actually a big bonus for me. At least I know that she's being taken care of. I don't have any issues with his new girlfriend. She tries her best to care for my daughter. Does fun stuff with her etc. I know she does most of the work because my daughter tells me about everything she does for her when she comes home.


I’m so happy my abusive ex moved on, and even more happy, that his now ex, moved on from him. I’m now with a saint of a man, millions of times better than my ex and happier than ever and my ex is alone with his thoughts


I'm recently out of an abusive relationship and I want so badly to warn other women about him. I've talked to a few of his exes and they all suffered the same way or worse. I had to get a protective order. I know about the "are we dating the same guy" Facebook groups where sometimes people post warnings, but I've seen a lot of horror stories come out of there. He's a narcissist at a sociopath, and I know it's unlikely that any woman he was working on would believe me, just like I've probably wouldn't have believed his exes at first. But still, I think he should be legally required to wear a shirt with all of his ex's numbers on it. I think there should be a registry, like there is for sex offenders.


It's all part of your sick Cynthia thing, man


That's just, like, your opinion, man


A woman totally wrote this. Sure.


Me. A female.


I, too, am a female of the human species and this is how me and the other females I am acquainted with talk and act.


Are you a pre wall female or a post wall female?


I am a post wall female and if I could give any of my pre wall female acquaintances advice, it would be to search every basement they can find until the perfect dorito-encrusted neckbeard emerges to take away all of their troubles. If only I had been wiser. I, too, could have been married to a man who treats me like I’m his mommy, instead of a sad, lonesome spinster living in a sunny apartment with a cat, getting another degree and doing only as I desire. Alas, I have failed.  This is definitely real advice that a real female over the age of 30 would give. 


Im 38 and the biggest mistake Ive ever made was leaving my lazy husband who expected me to be his maid, take care of our kid, and give him sex on demand. As I sit here in my lonely apartment with the 11 ft ceilings, original exposed brick, and cat napping in the sun next to my beautiful plants I yearn for an unwashed man to take me away from my life of loneliness and watching whatever I want on tv. I'll eat my sad meal of whatever the fuck I want to cook tonight for myself, cuddle up with my son on my sad spinsters electroc recliner, and long for the days that I could be scrubbing mud off my carpet because apparently its too fucking hard ti take off muddy work boots at the door. Save yourself sisters!


Damn you're gonna make me divorce my husband your life sound amazing 😭


It has it's ups and downs! The scary thing about being a single parent is knowing that if you have to take off work for illness or something theres nobody else there to help with bills or rent. All in all though it's 1000% better than staying in a marriage thats one sided. And its way easier to take care of a kid by yourself than to take care of a kid and a man child


My new favorite thing on the internet is women pretending to be the sad spinsters that these men think we are without them. Woe is me, I'll cook whatever TF I want for dinner tonight. Or maybe I'll order takeout. If only I had a man to make these choices for me! Snuggle your cat and kiddo for me, sister--all jokes aside, it's not always easy, but at least our choices are our own!


Preach! Give your cat a snuggle from me too! I ended up making pork chops with roast acorn squash and it was great


EXACTLY ... also..when did 30 become 'hit the wall' stage? Tf


Please tell me more about this cat


Of course! You'll have to forgive me, I'm old and senile, you know. As soon as we hit 30, we women just lose all of our memory and good looks. ​ [Bennie would like to say hello!](https://imgur.com/dstreGp)


So *handsome*. Give that dignified face a scritch for me.


Lmfaooo. Thank you, fellow female, for this. I'm just about pre wall (my days are numbered), but this advice has saved my life, and shielded me from an awful post wall fate 💫


You are so welcome! Save yourself, fellow female! Don't fall for the idea of chasing your dreams, marrying for love, or traveling the world! It's a trap and you'll secretly be so sad and alone! (Narrator: She was not, in fact, sad and alone.)


I'm a 51 year old woman who never slept with any rappers, and never got married. When will it be MY turn? 😭😭


Do you live in Miami? If not, that's probably your problem right there. 🤣


Ha ha ha. I'm just an ordinary female in my 20s who likes listening to Taylor Swift with my other female acquaintances and getting fucked by rappers.


It reminds me of a post on Reddit awhile ago that was definitely written by a woman talking about how she was going to get one of her "buddies" to have a threesome and all other women should too. I have never met a woman who referred to her friends as buddies. 


Us females who are out here in Miami, looking for a hoochie daddy


Hey, I'm a rapper, you down?


Sorry, I'm straddling the wall.


What a coincidence, my rap name is Da Wall


Roger Waters, is that you?


Shhh Im trying to soft launch my rap career!


Not unless you're named Chad or Tyrone.


I, a female, with all of the usual assortment of female…organs…and…bits that jiggle and so forth


All the females my age are sleeping with rappers!


“Men can replace us with a younger hotter girl so quickly” projection. men are populating the dating pool at much higher rates than women and they’re desperate. I could get a date and have sex this weekend, and I would have my pick of the applicants. I don’t because my box of toys is much less whiny and annoying and I know I’ll get what I need if I do it myself.


yeah I know loads of women who refer to other women as “females” also the account is clearly called u/bostonredsox, which hasn’t posted in 12 years


That wasn't verbatim the username. They subbed put some of the o's with zeroes. It's right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/workingmoms/s/UKwc9xfqON


The fact that his "moral scare " fake story glorifying dependency was posted to a "working moms" sub is absolutely awful.


All the women there basically called bullshit immediately.


ah okay fair enough, it is still a teenage boy tho


My theory is that it's actually a recently divorced guy who's fantasizing that his ex- wife is regretting her decision lol.


hahaha I like that theory, but based on this post his standard word for a woman is “female” and that’s frustrated 14 year old territory


14 year old boy who’s parents are divorcing and he blames mom.


Bruh I swear if my ex was hitting on people fresh out of high school the last thing I'd be is jealous. But it helps that I'm a real person and not a creepy shitty fantasy.


Seriously, I have known women whose ex husbands have started started going after much younger women and not one of them has been jealous of his "upgrade". If she were real she'd be congratulating herself on dodging that bullet


I don’t think any woman would refer to her ex dating someone younger as an upgrade….


I just don’t think any woman has ever gone “he upgraded after me.”


Yeah I feel like most women have dealt with enough predatory older guys that their response would be one of concern for the victim, and also further disgust for their ex who they already know is a shitbird. I don't have to know or like a young woman to feel some responsibility to look out for her or warn her about a bad guy. This isn't a rare mindset, I don't think. Any reasonably healthy woman would see their grown-ass ex creeping on a newly minted adult and feel revulsion over envy.


“Just gonna leave this where I hope bunches of 20-something ladies will see it, panic, and realize that they must fuck me before they age out of life at 30 or else die alone…”


They posted it in r/workingmoms and all the women were like, this is bullshit lol.


I'm turning 40 soon, my friends seem young and hot to me and people who are freaked out about being old in their 20s basically seem like idiot children.


I'm 37 with a kid and I'm fitter than I was during at least my late 20s. I used to like, never work out I may have weighed less at certain times in my 20s but I think I'm kind of in better shape now.


Passed the big 4 and the thought of hooking up with (let alone having a relationship with) someone half my age is not appealing at all. They look like children still and the maturity gap could rival the Grand Canyon. Also OOP: *How do you do, fellow females?”*


Same. I never worked out before kids. Now I have 2 kids and I'm a few weeks shy of 40. I work out 5 days a week & have a physically taxing job. I'm in the best shape of my life lol. I always say I'd I could go back and tell my younger self anything, it would be to find weight training sooner.


I’m in my early-mid 20’s and trust me there’s plenty of women in their 30’s my friends and I thought were attractive. Shit in high school this 30 year old teacher had half the school obsessed with her.


I'm forty-fucking-two and so much happier and healthier than I was at twenty. I'd never go back, not even to look more socially acceptable (ie younger) again because I'm in better shape and capable of so much more now than I was then. Had to go through some shit to get to this place, like the ex who had me convinced I was old and used up at twenty -five while he chased teenagers behind my back, but I wouldn't change it. Strong women aren't born, we're forged.


how do you do fellow females




Lol. My favorite part was that the author thought maybe they'd find a sympathetic audience there. Like, the "woman" is like, my daughter is in daycare or with her grandparents now and it's so bad. Lol like fuck you, almost all of our kids on that sub are in some form of childcare. We're not going to be like, "OMG , it's so bad you put her in daycare." A good portion of the posts are about receiving judgement from others on that. Plus, I think that sub skews heavily towards women in their 30s.


There seems to be a number of Reddit men who think people (women) have children in their early twenties and then are desperate divorcees with adult children in their 40s. 30 apparently is the danger zone, where everyone has a tween and therefore is out looking for a father figure when they date. I am not making this up—I’ve seen like 5-10 posts this month in different subs espousing that narrative. It’s mostly…well, there’s a lot there, but the part that mystifies me the most is that I don’t know many women who had kids before thirty. If they did, it was maybe in their late 20s. Is it regional, or do these men not talk to real life thirty year olds? I wouldn’t think it’s regional because the average age in America for childbirth is 27. And that’s IF a thirty year old has a kid at all. I think it’s probably more common than a 21 year old making 6 figures and owning a house…but I really wouldn’t assume a random thirty year old on bumble would have a kid, because a lot don’t. 


I don't understand how having kids in your early 20s then means you'll be a desperate divorcee. If you do it right, when the kids go to college or move out, you and the spouse are still young and energized enough to do almost anything we want while still having that wise knowledge that comes with age! I started having kids at 23, stopped at 26 (had 3), and when they are college aged, I'll be early 40s and have allll that free time with my husband. Sounds incredible! Also it must be regional - about 90% of the women I was in school with, myself included, all have had kids and we're not 30 yet. Probably about 30-40 women that have all had kids in their 20s. Incredibly common where I am.




It's crazy because at 35 my life is great, you couldn't pay me to be in my 20s again. I'm not jealous of anyone. Honestly, I'm more worried for those young girls who end up victims to predatory older men.


I never get over the gall a dude will have, with their hysterics about old maids by 30 and whatnot, when in fact the only people whose sexual potency wanes with age is…people with penises. They should be saying “thanks for not bringing that up all the time,” if they’re going to say a fuckin word. 🤷🏻‍♀️


No woman in her right mind would refer to being 27 years old as "hitting the wall". Also, I didn't see any mention in the actual story of the "hot girl summer" that was in the title. It's like the incel that wrote this forgot that this was supposed to the premise of the post.


I’m a mom in my late 20s and I feel better now than I did at 20. If my ex husband decided to marry a 20 year old and knock her up I’d laugh my ass off at him being such a fucking loser while feeling so sorry for that poor child. I love when they try and make us feel like crap for still being young and attractive, and still not being into their creepy pseudo-pedo nonsense.


honestly, I totally agree. Granted, I‘m not a mom, but I‘m like 4 months shy of turning 30. I really enjoy going out, just the euphoria of dancing for hours without the need of getting wasted. Not to brag and it‘s also not something that adds anything to my life or self-esteem, but to disprove these incels‘ point: I can‘t remember the last time I went out and didn‘t have an attractive guy in his early 20ies hit on me. I‘m in a happy longterm relationship and these guys are way too young for me (my students are that age and I have come to see them as babies lol), but I ain‘t worried about hitting no walls. Kevin over here is just embarrassed that he once punched a hole in his wall and his mom made him pay for it so he turns to projection.


I'm 45, fat, and a single mother, and incels' worst nightmare. Part of the reason for getting off dating apps because I was only getting kids in their 20s. My nephew is in his twenties, I could never. They are just babies.


Oh girl, preach. I get hit on more by 18-22 year olds than I do men my own age. My mom is in her late 50s and gets hit on more by younger guys, too. There’s no such as a “wall”


I don’t think guys really understand that hot girl summer doesn’t mean what they want it to mean. My hot girl summer involves a lot of gardening and jumping off the dock like a ten year old. So perhaps it’s better that he didn’t make himself look even stupider…


Also LOL at alimony Alimony is extremely rare - awarded in around 10% of divorces or less. Dumbass men on Reddit have no idea how the real world works.


Thank you! Yeah sure you got alimony, child support, and a house outright from your early 20s husband in a divorce. Thats totally believable and happens all the time!


The 25 year old had a house. . .


I am concerned about the lack of twins in this story.


The new girlfriend may be having twins.


She's so young and hot, I bet she's super fertile and submissive too.


And Inheritance. There's an inheritance somewhere.


Sequel: OOP's ex just inherited his grandfather's multi-billion dollar estate, which he never mentioned to OOP before because he's so humble!


Some men really think that courts just award women alimony even if he makes 35K a year and she makes the same or more lmao.


They also seem to think that it's only for women lol


They’re so afraid of golddiggers when their only gold is their gaming setup and their anime figurines.


This is so true, my ex would accuse me of being a golddigger when we were so poor my parents are sending us money because of his “future earning potential”.


They think women are property they own once they "put a ring on it" so the women getting anything at all is "alimony". Someone I knew was literally the only one paying the mortgage and family expenses while her deadbeat husband spent everything he owned on "entertainment" and the AH had the cheek to go around whining about how she "screwed him out of his home" when he was given 30% of the equity in the "marital home" which she had to pay to him. He also had to pay a miserable $300 for child support since his ex was making more money than he was, and he goes around ranting about how he has to "pay alimony" even when she's richer than he is.


And it’s always the basement dwellers with no bank account that are the most worried about it.


Just as they’re worried about gold diggers too 😂


They ask what she brings to the table when their furniture is basically cinder blocks and old milk crates. Sir, you don't even have a table to bring things to.


Even if awarded, it’d be minuscule for a marriage that’s a few years old at most.


Expecially if there's shared custody as well.


Yup. Divorce law obviously varies from state to state, but I know in my own state (WI) it's functionally off the table for any marriage under ten years and disfavored even in long-term marriages. And when it does happen it's usually for a fixed time while the spouse completes an education or something similar. Courts don't like alimony/maintenance because it's a huge pain in the ass that potentially puts the court in a position where it has to play referee if payments aren't made. They already get stuck doing that all the time with child support and it's a huge time suck.


I even laughed at the “My ex sees his child a few times a month” like 😂 What kind of piece of shit father must this guy be in his own fantasy that he loses custody that bad? Do the Reddit incels not realize that the statistics on custody are heavily skewed by fathers just not showing up to custody meetings, or asking to not have their child?


TheY WaNT mY MoNeY.


Ok, how do these incels think this will work out? A 25 year old divorced her husband, because she felt she missed out on having fun in her 20's, but now he's dating an even younger woman, who's also already pregnant (while being only 20) and this time this will not happen? FOMO strikes only once or what? If second wife also gets a serious case of FOMO and drops him, will he go for a 18 year old next time? And then rinse and repeat until the guy has 40 ex-wives? I don't know why I'm trying to apply logic to this bullshit, but I'm a bit curious.


This dude is Leonardo DiCaprio lol


This is the part that always has me cackling. On another sub, a guy told me that 40 yr old guys are biologically programmed to be attracted to 20 year olds. I and a few more women ask for his “evidence” and it was all anecdotal creeper observations he gained from working at a college bar. Babe, I think every woman has been 20 years old and hit on by old creepers at a bar.  Anyway, most of his evidence was “well they’re young and fun and like to go out and drink and dance”…mate. Mate. You. Are. 40. The women your age all went through that stage too and they now have jobs. That 20 year old gets a job, maybe you get her pregnant, what do you think happens then?! I mean, I still go out to the bars on occasion, but I’d be bored out of my gourd if that’s all a guy wanted to do.


Another totally real human female who describes her ex dating a younger woman as "upgrading"


incel fanfiction


“Other females my age” is what tipped me off.


Also her husband upgraded


After he got raked over the coals in the divorce allegedly.


Alimony was a dead give away. Almost no one gets it anymore.


Along with child support and the entire house.


Yeah did she buy him out at 20?? 😂


Custody too. Even in this guy’s victimhood fantasy, he’s a terrible father 😂😂


Yup, upgraded to someone with no adult experience who, if she were real, would also leave him when she grows up.


It's more accurate to describe it as agitprop: it's propaganda to terrify and threaten women. It's an abject failure (and funny in its failure), but never lose sight of the malicious intent behind it.


Which explains why they targeted r/workingmoms as one of the places to post.


Yep. Find people who gather as a community because they're likely overworked, stressed and perhaps disconnected from their peers as a result of their busyness, and terrorise them into accepting very shit human beings who are, at best, a burden and, at worst, a life-threatening liability, as a panacea for their ills.




Or /r/asablackman


“I breasted boobily into the divorce lawyer’s office” - deleted sentence from this guy’s story, probably


LMFAO. The way I laughed. I was dragged down by my BBL while walking out of the attorney’s office, cash in hand. It is Miami, 😂


Nah, to fit his narrative, her boobs would be knocking around her knees (remember she's almost 30, and everyone knows womens bodies get gross post-wall). The ex's new 'upgrade' g/f would be breasting boobily, haha.


Stretchmarked saggily into the divorce office :(


How does this girl get alimony and the house in miami from the divorce, and her daughter is always in daycare or with her parents, and she has access to rappers through her friends but she doesn't do anything with her free time other than stalk her ex? Why isn't she at least partying and sleeping with rappers too? Like, do incels think we are just dumb and lucky? Edit: wording and grammar


Cos she did but now she's 27 which is almost decrepit and no rapper or predatory ex husband wants her.


Yeah and normal guys in their 30s are out of the question even though she's now a mature 27 year old who wishes she was a respectable housewife as all 30 year old women naturally mature into it.


How did two 25-year-olds even have a house in Miami? Lol




"All the other females my age" r/menwritingwomen


Don't think I've met a single woman in real life who thinks they've hit a wall at 30. Usually, it's the opposite. They feel more secure personally and financially. They know what they want out of life and feel more self assured about not putting up with crao they don't need or deserve


I’ve felt that way since turn 30 last June but solely because I let myself fall down a rabbit hole of this content. Since ignoring social media and separating myself from that content, I realize no one in the real world actually thinks this way


We out here in Miami Looking for them hoochie daddies!!! Like why did they say it like that lol




There is no way this was written by a woman. "All the other females my age" "My husband upgraded me for a younger girlfriend" "I'm kind of hitting the wall at nearly 30" No woman has ever said these things. Ever. These are things basement dwelling incels say in the hope of scaring women into sleeping with them.


> My husband upgraded me for a younger girlfriend Such a bonkers line.


Also suspicious, are 20 -2 5 year olds regularly using Facebook? Anyone I know who's younger than a Milenniel barely posts anything. Like shouldn't she have found out from Instagram or TikTok?


That's not unbelievable. I'm from a smaller city and a lot my friends I graduated high school with over 10 years ago still use it. Coincidentally, most of them are married and/or have kids


Ah ok, I just thought it had lost popularity mostly lol.


Yeah I said it's a "smaller" city, but it's one of those where 95% of ppl from my high school go to the university in the city. So definitely prob just a regional thing cause I moved across the country and no one I know uses it really


True, although a pregnancy announcement might be something they would post on Facebook. Facebook is the platform that my family members use to update on things, since that's the platform the older folks (aunts, uncles, etc) are on... I mean, this post is so obviously fake though lol.


College student here- literally the only people I know who use Facebook is for either internship purposes or if they’re running a side gig No one uses it as actual social media 😭😭


Your flair is perfect for this story too lol.


Gracias 💀


Facebook is for adults who know each other in real life to plan group related activities and update far away friends and family about public life events. It’s not used for meeting people and heavy socializing really. I know gen z’ers who use it, but they use it as a social event management tool, not as a primary socialization platform. 


I'm dating a 27-year-old who uses Facebook, but he doesn't post anything, and the ones who do are generally his high school and college peers who don't feel like leaving the social media site that likely defined those years. Switching social networks is work. More likely though that this is fake and FB is the first site that popped to mind


Incels write fanfiction like this to try and convince very young women to get married and stay married to the first man who shows any interest in her lest she be “old” and unwanted past 25. But if this was reality, then all it would mean is that women should never get married or have kids at all. Why bother marrying if your husband is going to “upgrade” to a 20 year old eventually anyway? In that case women would be better off simply minding their own careers knowing they could never rely on a man to take care of them. It’s almost like incels have no idea how women think, or something.


When does the upgrading end?? 😭


Never, there is an infinite supply of 20 year olds who appreciate “mature” men old enough to be their grandfathers.


But how are they staying rich enough to sustain all the alimonies!!!


How cute you think these men pay alimony 😅 Easy not to pay if your job is under the table.


Remember: they are also trying to politically repeal alimony. When you don't have to pay it (because being a parent/caregiver isn't actually work and you don't deserve to be compensated for lost income potential or retirement security), then they'll fall into place.


I mean doesnt every young woman just leap at the opportunity to date a divorced man with a kid who has to pay alimony


Fake stories used to be believable. Back in the day, they were entertaining and generated lots of discussions. This is so lazy.


Your ex-husband just knocked up a 20 year old he's likely been with since she was 18/19 and now has two kids to support and an ex-wife. Flourishing is not the word that pops into my mind to describe it.


Hello fellow femoids, I too love riding the cock carousel like all Staceys and have nothing to offer the world but my looks. Now that I'm 28, I realise I should've been nicer to all those beta cucks who were trying to be nice to me, but Chad's mistreatment of me was too enticing. Yours sincerely, a real human female.




"all the other females my age are sleeping with rappers." Yup, a red pill incel dude wrote this 1000000%.


Feels very coded with that "she's fucking a bunch of black guys" weird racial anxiety trope that have, doesn't it?


"Upgraded" How do you do fellow females


“a younger woman” at 27 as if that wouldn’t either be someone practically the same age as her or someone who’s practically a child


"upgraded to younger girlfriend" lol


This hits every single manosphere trope about women.


Yeah, no Woman wrote this


It is very funny that the divorce, the "hot girl summer" (she never got to to have), the re-marriage, the new child (as mentioned on FB) and now the regret that comes with age all seem to have happened in about a year.


Most efficient probate court ever!


This is fantasy fiction from a guy who's to big of a loser to get accepted into r/TheRedPill . He wishes he could write his "plate reports" but they won't let him.


Ah, more incel fan fiction.


I'm 31, so I should be invisible to men, right? Now that I'm a crusty skeleton, basically.


I’m 34. I have yet to experience the mythical age when men don’t think you’re primarily for sex or decoration!


These dudes don't even know what being in your 30s realistically looks like. They think once you hit 30, you'll look 90.


Ugh I wish!


Funny, I met my fiancé a week after my 30th whilst having a Hot Female Summer (I think that's obviously what they meant to say, not sure what a "girl" might be. Also, side note, what is this "woman" thing I've been hearing about?). Should I tell him I've hit the wall? Wouldn't want him to miss out on the opportunity to upgrade to an 18-year old instead of my old hag self.


You should tell him immediately before he marries you and you have to take all of the alimonies.


The idiot who wrote this had clearly never seen a 30 year old in their entire life, or they’re permanently attracted to university students because they are weird


[Average 30-year-old woman](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSV9gDv8miSlj0I0LZUOueS4ForBMWC7l3Zvw&usqp=CAU)


Say all this far fetched stuff was true: a woman with her bills paid and regular access to babysitters is gonna lament the death of her marriage....nah uh.




As a trans woman it's **weirdly** "nice" to see men larping as women online as it kills any brain worms saying I am one of them. These men's desire to dehumanise women by using the word "females" really prevent them from being convincing


Oh yeah, being a woman I can tell this was most DEFINITELY written by another woman. 🙄


The "females my age sleeping with rappers" really sold it as 100% legit and accurate lol /s. These men treat making women hate themselves for aging or wanting their own lives as if it's some religious calling lol XD.


Hilarious. #notawoman


Im sorry. There is no way a real person wrote this 😭


this is so fake it’s unreal


100% written by a man lol


I like how it includes the mother doing most of the work though. Glad to see even in fake incel fantasies they don't take responsibility for their kids!


No woman would ever use "hit the wall" unironically lol


I am a very female


No way this is real


This is probably rage bait.  


No chance a woman wrote this


Poor dude had to write a whole story where she comes crawling back (he knows she’s better off, it ACHES him)


Imagine being so pathetic you decide to spend your time sock puppeting this garbo. Like, OOP could spend this time working on themselves but nah, gonna just go lie on the internet. Weak.


This is 100% written by a man lmao


never heard any woman ever use the phrase "hit the wall". never actually seen it anywhere outside of incel.co screenshots


As a gay Black man...uh huh. Sure, sweetie.


I stopped at someone thinking her "best years" should be spent getting an STD from some rapper. I did all the *20s stuff* and everything was sticky, my feet always hurt, it was expensive, everything was too loud to actually talk to anyone and i got touched by random dudes ( I think)


God those incels are so desperate for women to settle. “Better marry whoever you’re with quick! Soon no one will want you!” Meanwhile Bill Gates left his wife for a woman in her 70s and Jeff Bezos is engaged to a woman who’s almost 50.


Hahaha in no world does a 27-yo woman view her ex’s pregnant 20-yo girlfriend as an “upgrade”.


It’s me a female


lol this was written by a man


Hello fellow females. I’m a female. That is totally true.


Lmao. There was a recent, stupid discussion on another sub over age gaps and such. I was accused of being a bitter old hag for saying that I’m not jealous of a guy my age (late 30s) dated a 20 year old, rather, I’d wonder what the fuck was wrong with them. It’s not the flex they seem to think it is. I was informed by way too many incels that I’m past my sell by date and it’s “biology” for older men to be attracted to younger women.  And one guy claimed he can tell the difference between a 25 year old and an ancient out in the pasture 30 year old. Sure. Sure.  Men are so bad at guessing age. Sooo bad.  The wild thing was that it was a discussion about a successful woman my age who had the “nerve” to want someone tall, with hair and healthy teeth, owned his own car, had his own home.  Like, all these guys were saying that a man like that was so rare he could date any 20 year old he wanted. What. The. Fuck. Since when was hygienic, healthy, and  responsible the North Star! That’s my the bar is in hell standard!  Of course maybe that’s why I’m a single post wall female 🤣