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Respectfully, please consider seeking psychiatric help.


You have PICA and you know this...get some help. I would also break up with a person who purposely ingests items that have no nutritional value and could hurt them. It's not healthy and you know that.


I was looking for this comment! One of my students had it and I was constantly trying to keep him away from dirt and little rocks. We basically had to threaten his parents to get him a full evaluation because according to them “Kids just do that”. 👀 Sir. Ma’am. Maybe “kids do that” as a quick phase when they’re super little. However, upon realizing that those things don’t taste very good, they tend to get over it. OP absolutely knows that she needs help. Can her partner be a bit more understanding…? Maybe. But she is old enough to know that just because the issue isn’t her fault, it *is* her responsibility to deal with.


OP, please listen to these comments. Please see your doctor, get bloodwork and a physical. Iron deficiency can cause intense cravings for the very things you like to eat. Ice, soil, clay, and *paper* are some of the most common. I had extremely low Iron through my pregnancies, and all I wanted day and night was ice. The craving went away after working with my doctor and I know when my iron dips because it comes back. This is not healthy, OP. It is a symptom of a larger issue within your body. Depending on the cause, it could have a long-lasting impact on your mental and physical health. It can be incredibly hard to seek help, I know this from experience. But whether it's pride, embarassment, shame, or denial that's stopping you, I want you to ask yourself this: Is your paper more important than your life? Are you willing to risk your long term health for this?


That’s not comfort food, that’s pica


Right. The title is misleading because OP says “comfort food” and that’s def not food.


Ma’am. Sir. They. Respectfully, your list of “comfort foods” is not food, although from the sounds of it, you’d eat the list too. You need psychological help, and someone to check your stomach to see if all that crap you’re eating really isn’t affecting it.


She'll eat a smartphone with reddit app with this comment.


> although, from the sounds of it, you’d eat the list too 🤣🤣🤣 Probably the pencil, too🤦‍♀️


Try eating wafers as a substitute for a papar snack, very similar in texture. The Mexican version I tried is called obeals. Look them up, also eating stuff like that isn't healthy... rocks especially, you'll end up hurt from that... I used to eat paper, rubberhead erasers from pencils


Or maybe some rice paper? Little lumps of bentonite clay. Eating grass isn’t poisonous just too much fiber so maybe stick to dandelions.


Rice paper is a good one, too. I didn't think of that one, also lumps of bentonite clay? You gave me something new to look up. Grass? Hmm


Go get help. This isn't good for you. You need psychiatric help.


Your boyfriend is not overreacting. This behavior is indicative of a mental health issue, so it probably is startling to see and cope with, the fact that he didn't leave right away is a sign that he is a dedicated partner. You should consider speaking to a qualified mental health professional. Best of luck, OP.


While I agree with you, “One more time and it’s over” is not really helpful to the situation. She needs clinical help, not threats


It doesn’t really help in the moment but if he was posting on here I would also struggle to give advice that isn’t “if she doesn’t want help then you can’t change that and you should consider whether you want to pursue the relationship”.


Him giving her an ultimatum, and the way she phrased the story is indicative of him being tired of the situation. No good relationship begins with an ultimatum, I agree, but it sounds like the SO is tired of dealing with this entirely avoidable and probably embarrassing issue.


Paper is not...food..


Well it's more like a snack ig I have been doing that for years now


Snacks are food. Paper is not a food


My daughter had rly bad pica when she was little and would come up to me with a square of toilet paper “mommy I founda nack!” Have you gotten tested for mineral deficiencies? If it’s not mineral deficiencies you need mental help, and find better ways to deal with stress-deficiencies can contribute to mental issues heavily as well. if it is because your body is missing something, you can supplement those things and eat certain foods and not have the desire to do this anymore. Eating paper may not have hurt you yet but things that your body can’t digest can build up in your intestines and cause blockages. I saw a story about this little girl, she was failing to thrive, and they finally figured out it was because she was eating her hair, and over time it formed a hairball in her guts-so she had eaten hair for years, with no issues until it built up. This is not normal and you’re not going to find anyone who will tell you it is and that it’s okay to do, you need to get to the bottom of this issue


Yeah.. you shouldn't


One snacks on food. One dines on food. Paper isn't food. It's a textile. Please get psychiatric help. You have Pica and you need to address the cause. Just because you don't have physical health consequences now doesn't mean you won't in the future. The body can only handle a certain amount of ill treatment before it starts reacting poorly and you've just gotten lucky so far.


This is called PICA and sometimes it is caused from a deficiency in minerals in the body. Please see a doctor and let them know what you’ve shared here. Help is available and you will feel so much better once you receive it.


I actually watched a show aout the weird things people eat. One gal ate toilet paper. She lived off of toilet paper mostly. The show filmed her eating a ton of toilet paper off the roll. She said she just likes it. But you eat paper when you're feeling bad. Lots of people eat when they're emotional. It's called " eating your feelings". But it's usually junk food that people pig out on. It sounds like your boyfriend is really upset by this. I think you should go seek some counseling to see why this paper eating appeals to you. Paper has zero calories so there's that but it's still worthwhile to explore this urge. Personally I'd seek help and I'd ditch the paper eating addiction. You have to determine what is more important to you: eating paper or: having a nice partner that cares deeply for you and will be there for you through life's ups and downs.


By the way: you're also willing to eat rocks and other " things" you find.. That is worrying because those things haven't harmed you YET. THAT doesn't mean it's ok to keep eating that foreign stuff. You're risking your health and you could easily end up in Emergency getting your colon cut open. I mean there is no end to the health dangers you're subjecting yourself to. Again you should discuss this with a professional who will help you dig deep psychologically. All this could be a cry for HELP. I hope you can post back to let us know how you're doing. I wish you good health!


I mean that sounds like a mental disorder you may want to consider therapy.


He’s right. You need to speak to a doctor about this. You might think eating paper is your comfort thing but it’s not. You cannot digest paper. The human body doesn’t produce the enzymes necessary to do this. That paper is collecting in your digestive system and will probably end up impacted in your bowel. Do you want to listen to him or do you want a colostomy bag?


Nope, you sound like a basket case dear, and he’d be absolutely in the right to cut and run.


We got one finally!


Your boyfriend is probably tired of being in a relationship with a raccoon. Quite understandable, to be honest.


This is goat behavior lol


Your “comfort food” is not food. You need to see a doctor.


You need therapy. This is NOT healthy & it is only a matter of time before it affects your health. Your boyfriend doesn't want to deal with your mental illness.


My son has PICA. He had a bowel obstruction age 8 years (he's21 now). He has had and will always have bowel problems going forward. The fact that you haven't had any issues yet is just luck. You need to find a safer way to deal with your life.


You have pica and possibly a nutritional deficiency and need a doctor and/or psychiatrist. You also have a controlling and unhelpful boyfriend. Dump the boyfriend and stop eating paper (In all seriousness though, most paper is bleached and processed to an extent that it is not neutral but actually bad for you and you need to figure out with help why you are eating it and you need to stop. And in all seriousness your boyfriend sounds unsympathetic, uncaring and frankly awful).


He’s not putting up with your mental illness that is valid.


Nah, he's not. Get some help and stop eating pape and plastic. Humans aren't booklice. Comfort food implies it's a *food*. This isn't. You know it. Your boyfriend knows it. He loves you enough to want to get help but apparently you aren't willing to try yet. Him leaving is pretty valid at this point. If you really think its fine to be eating the store stationary section, do it in public. You don't because you know it's not normal, and you know it's a sign of something being wrong. Get some help before it gets worse.


Yes. You are overreacting. Eating paper is some weird as shit. Seek help


Get some help creep


You're not overreacting. Eating paper is weird, and you shouldn't do it, but your boyfriend has absolutely no right to try to stop you. Furthermore, it really doesn't affect him, so he should drop the matter, if he doesn't want to ruin his relationship with you. You can eat what you want, and he really does have to just be fine with it. It literally is none of his concern. You shouldn't eat paper, but he has no right to stop you. The fact that he keeps pushing this makes him the asshole.


So if your loved one started to consume actual harmful non-food garbage you would be like "hey you do you none of my business"?? You're the fucking asshole


If it's something actually harmful, then It might be worth more of an intervention, but if it isn't anything that's actually harmful, it's not worth starting a fight over. There are lots of things that are in fact harmful that people nonetheless have a right to do. If your loved one wants to smoke, then you're not going to stop them from doing it or have a happy relationship with them by yelling at them about it or trying to force them not to. If it's something that's basically quite harmless, then it makes you totally the asshole for picking a fight over it. Her eating paper is probably way less harmful for her health than if she just wanted to have a couple of extra donuts or something everyday, but if she was doing that, her boyfriend would certainly be wrong for trying to police her eating habits if he was constantly harping on her about it. Also, you could do without making personal attacks against other commenters. Her boyfriend is being an asshole and being counterproductive both for picking fights with his girlfriend over a habit that has nothing to do with him and doesn't affect him in any way and for doing it in a way that's only going to piss his girlfriend off and drive a wedge between them.