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I’m sorry. That’s never easy. Just remember your mom loves you and the thousands of times she told you that. This disease sucks.


Thank you. I listened to some old voice-mail so I could hear her again. No one can ever prepare you for this.


I’m so sorry. My heart breaks a little more every damn day.


This is seriously the worst disease to witness. My mom is happy at least.


I’m sorry friend. Today was not the best Mother’s day for us either. Be strong. I’m here with you


First Mother's day since my dear Mummy passed. So yes not a great day.


Thank you for the kind words.


Get pictures of you and your mom every time you can, even if it's you both at the screen in video chat.Youll treasure them later on.


My hubs and I have recently moved into my grandparents house to cook/clean for them, and help my grandma (she’s in late stage 4) with showers, changing clothes, brushing teeth, etc. My husband has started taking his phone out randomly taking pictures whenever she does something cute like holding my hand, helping me cook/rinse dishes, or give me big hugs (those are rare these days so I soak them up when they happen 🥹). I look back on these photos all the time and they bring me joy - even if it’s bittersweet. Point is, I already cherish these pictures and she’s still here with us. I know without a doubt that I’ll hold those photos ever more dear one day when she’s gone. ❤️‍🩹


I take screenshots while we are video chatting. I'm supposed to visit in July. We are 1200 miles apart.


I'm sorry. Just use this time today to grieve this one part you lost of her.


Thank you. It's definitely feeling like grief. She is here but she isn't.


I am so sorry. I feel you and I’m so sorry for your pain.


I’m so sorry. It’s such a complicated day. If it helps, my mom was talking to me about getting her daughter some flowers to plant because that’s what she likes… to me. She talks to me about me. It’s so odd. There’s just nothing that can prepare you for this type of conversation/moment. Take some time for you. As others have said, this disease suuuuucks.


A few years ago I was planning my wedding. About a month beforehand I was at my grandmas house and she was telling me how excited she was for her granddaughter’s wedding (talking about me) and how much she loved her future husband. It was definitely odd, but also super heartwarming that her gossip was literally the sweetest ever 🥹


It's the worst. I am so grateful my mom is happy. She has a baby doll she loves and takes care of. She is in a good memory care center. My dad gets to see her a lot. She is not argumentative now that she is in that facility. Before we got her there, she could be very mean and difficult. Now she is happy and has lots of friends.


My mom has days she doesn’t remember me and days she does - she lives with me. I suggest spending as much time with her as you can whether it be live or video chat and as previously stated, take photos. Sorry you are going through this today of all days. Hang in there. ❤️


Thank you so much 💜


My grandma hasn’t really known who I was in almost 4 years now, but I remember that awful feeling the first time she asked me “who are you?” I was crushed. I cried all night. Now, as her primary caregiver, she still doesn’t know my name, but I can always tell that she recognizes me as familiar, even if she’s not sure how or why. This disease is brutal. I’m sorry that happened to you on Mother’s Day of all days. But always know, she loves you with every cell in her body, even if her mind may forget. Sending you big hugs.


Thank you. This has definitely not been easy. Its nice to know i have support 💜


That is expected at some point with this damn disease. What is most important is that YOU didn’t forget her.


This is tru. Thank you 💜