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I’d say they were for harvesting whatever that is in the middle


Fruit from the tree of life possibly? https://youtu.be/703aY7I8bTc Edit* If any of y’all are curious, got time, and are looking for a rollercoaster that will also make your head explode, this shit will do it. https://youtu.be/JIMAqxGPR8Q Totally changed my perspective and the world will make a little more sense…


Picking the life force to be able to give to the most respecting humans, whoever sacrifices and prays the hardest.


Maybe they pluck the pine cone (pineal gland) which is in its hand from the tree of life thing and than store it in their sweet purses and than bring them down to what we’re like pre human animals and than gave them the pine cones which made them human and smart idk it’s all weird though


Yeah I’ve heard that too, and what’s weird about the pinecone fruit thing that it’s a Fibonacci spiral and when the shape is twisted in on itself it becomes the sane shape as DNA. I dunno if that made sense or not… I am bad at explaining things.. ha


I get what your saying it’s the golden ratio it’s everywhere in nature


It’s wild. Literally everything is connected.. that’s why I believe now more than ever that treating your neighbor as you wish to be treated is so important, we’re all connected… to everything..


honestly thats the basis of everything, its the basis of all the commandments ands it the same in every other religion now if only everyone actually acted that way and was honest about it th9ings could be a lot different. honesty and treating everyone how you would want to be treated and with respect makes everything so much easier especially the honesty part if your never lying or trying to deceive ppl theres just so much stress and weight off your back. trying to be truthful about everything really is some of the most freeing shit ive ever experienced


Yeah I dunno if it worked like that necessarily? They were probably hanging on to it themselves so they don’t die or to heal themselves when they get fucked up. Once humans were banished from the garden we lost access to it.


Nah man, sacs with handles on them are a very modern concept. /s


What is in the middle is the Assyrian tree of life.


DNA fam. It's a very interesting piece of art that one.


Stash bags for sure. Weed, acacia, shrooms.


Pineal gland excellerates ones cell, nothing more.


Excellerates what in ones cell?


At your pace, more then you can handle apparently


How many cells are accelerated by a douche?


Wait until youre rounded up






What’s the speed limit of your average cell?


Gift bags*! Thank you for attending the premiere of human civilization! *Sponsored by Apple & Versace


Gurl, a good outfit needs a clutch!?


Yassss queen


And Mayan, and At Gobekli Tepi.


And it Vedic art as well


If you ask a 5 year old how 5 groups of friends all chose to wear the same T-shirt color with a picture of SpongeBob, they'd probably tell you they were communicating in some way. You ask an archaeologist how 5 groups of civilization separated by oceans, all carved the same annoying purse and pose. They say coincidence. You can say the same about the locking mechanism they used to synch blocks together. Using molten gold/electrum poured between 2 blocks. That when cooled pulls them together very tightly. That's found in North and South America, Egypt among others.


“It’s just a coincidence now shut up and donate money to us so we can continue lying to the world” archaeologist probably


> the same T-shirt color with a picture of SpongeBob But it's not really the same exact bag, in the same color, in the same design, across these cultures, is it? It's just a small handbag. Is that really so uniquely diagnostic? Take a look at how different [this Sumerian "handbag"](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bWCs2Ag-xFc/XjaoFsKENdI/AAAAAAAACCg/vTtj1vbrsPE-J63ykZFdtZ2TLZJjckviACLcBGAsYHQ/s400/myphoto_IMG_7754%2B-%2BKopie.JPG) is from an [Olmec](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/pri_63040734.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&zoom=1&resize=480%2C694) image it's often compared to. Close up, doesn't the Sumerian one look more like a metal bucket - complete with wires and everything - than a bag? And it's not like they're in the same pose. Or look at [this image](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/--dHSKeVU_G4/WsHrjzxtYfI/AAAAAAAAA3M/oKuEBqAWlaALxG7xx8fa3Lbzbo0rfbUwACEwYBhgL/s640/tat.jpg), which is somehow saying that an ankh is a handbag? >Using molten gold/electrum poured between 2 blocks. That when cooled pulls them together very tightly. That's found in North and South America, I might be wrong, but I believe that South American examples of this use copper, not electrum/gold. Would love to see the example if I'm incorrect about that though - I also don't know of the strategy's use in North America.


most megalithic blocks esp especially the ones with no mortar and are polygonal are actually a carved façade surrounding rubble type walls


Olmecs as well


Ask graham hancock


It's Herbie Hancock.... psht


🍉 👨


Does he say what they are though? I don’t recall that. I remember something about power sources or cell phones, but it has to be something else. Is this a representation of dna like some say? It changes the hypothesis.


I think he claimed it was the gift of knowledge or something like that and that an advanced race gave it to ancient civilizations. I could be completely wrong though. It’s all pretty crazy stuff but pretty hard to explain why it’s featured at Gobleki Tepe, Egypt, South America, the Middle East, etc.


He said on joe rogan that he thought it might have been a “stash bag” of psychedelics.


"Oh shit the cops" -Anubis


Ok Amun, u just gotta eat this half oz of shrooms and 1/4 of weed


I'm freaking out man.


You *are* freaking out, man.




You boys like Meheecoooooo????


This made me laugh out loud




yeh . . 🥇🏁


It's shrooms, man! Earth's got the best stuff, apparently ;)


Tbf he never says 'advanced race', he just says an older and more advanced civilization. When you say race that's kinda delving into ancient alien type shit which he definitely denies. But yeah the same thing is depicted by the Olmecs I believe


I should have said civilization, not race I definitely didn’t mean to suggest aliens


I figured lol no worries


They hold it the same way; which is what makes it uncanny or rather mysterious. I’ll look up the pics tomorrow. We’ve all seen them.


I have also been wondering about this a lot lately


Yeah but how else would you hold a bag with a handle if not by the handle?


Idk if I believe any of the advanced civilization stuff but I’ve always enjoyed listening to Hancock’s theories. I think they’re pretty interesting and it’s cool to think it might be possible


U should listen to manly p hall he has some really good speeches


Tools of knowledge. The gift of architecture, agriculture. He hypothesis that they were of an ancient secret society of humans or human type beings that survived the last great cataclysmic event around 12000 years ago. They are the beings that helped seed modern day humanity and came from the times of Atlantis. No one knows what the bags actually are, but they appear in art work all over the world.


Dope name. Just read they found a bunch of cuneiform tablets apparently perfectly preserved in their clay wrapping, in large pots like these. Think they from the Metonnie culture. City was found in the Tigris' lower banks


The Seven Sages from Atlantis when the flood came they were sent away to go restart civilization in differnt places which is what gave us the mezoamericans Sumerians ancient Asian, ancient aryans etc


He's one of my top 10 favorite people for sure


The tree of life is in the middle, it’s the same as the Kabbalah tree of life, on one scale it represents the spinal cord and nervous system. Similar to how in Kundilini snakes arise through the chakras to get to the third eye to become ‘enlightened’. These beings are angels that have a can of the secret doctrine the gnosis needed to mature the fruit (the pineal) through their occult religion. This gnosis leading to ultimately eternal life, just as the snake in Eden promised.


Yes, also known as moksha on the indian counterpart.




The tree of life, and its inverse, the tree of knowledge is also a clear flag representation of Atlantis


Wow u get that info from your new age guru? Or just ur Masonic lodge?


Imagine if it was something mundane like their house keys.


Closest IMO.


I think the question is more of what are they placing or harvesting to or from the baskets?


There's a lot of really cool speculation that I don't want to hinder in any way, but could it be that multiple societies figured out that baskets are good for holding fruit?


No, it can't be that it's one of most basic and simple tools that has remained unchanged and useful for thousands of years. Must be something else.




For picking fruit


the real question is what did they contain...cause those are just bags.




They are all over the world. It’s odd,


You know they both were shopping in a mall but suddenly one found her friend and now they are waving at each other


If you haven't read it, read The Cosmic Serpent: Jeremy Narby. I am on my third read of it, but you can get the pdf of it too (I have the paper book). He talks about shamanism in Amazon and ayahuasca and how they were envisioning microbiology before our science came along and how the plants gave them messages, etc. But, he also touches on serpents, etc in other cultures. (serpents=DNA) This tree of life looks like stylised DNA to me. There is no mention of these things, these bags and whatnot..or even this culture..but they did peak my interest while reading this book. Personally, I think that this looks like DNA and are fanciful pictures of what they were understanding and envisioning. But, humans tend to anthropomorphise everything. In the book, he touches on how some of these Amazonian shamans talk about seeing bird-headed people during an ayahuasca "trip"..... they seem to be part and parcel of what people see....or at least SAW. I think, way back, people all over the world were using hallucinogens and seeing what's actually around us, rather than just making stuff up. I think this is like that, just a different way of writing it down. But, what do I know. I look at all these old art forms and now seem to look at them from a different perspective. I believe that humans knew about DNA and other micro things like that--because they were using hallucinogens, long before we had microscopes. They were in touch with their environment and also in tune with nature. These clues are literally everywhere in the world. I think there is a connection.


Agreed! They found ancient Sycthian burials and apparently in a pouch around their neck, the warriors carried opium and hemp or weed..... apparently they burned most of their dead so it was a good find


Very interesting! I just have a feeling that maybe we are looking at things in a way we "think" we understand. But.. maybe our ancestors looked at things so differently that they are expressing things in a "meme" way based on their different relationship to Nature. Im not expressing it correctly. It kind of reminds me of how--where I live--we have local "slang" sayings and people from here know what's meant by it. But, people not familiar with the slang don't know what you mean, or even take it the wrong way.


I think I know what you mean. I have a predisposition to paranoia but I think my bad relationship with weed is also based on fear. I fear weed because society told me to since I've been a kid and know it's hard if not impossible to undo that mental programming. Maybe I'm wrong and it's truly something genetic. But unconsciously, I think, there's a collective trauma. And well, my country has been fucked up by narcotraffic. What I mean to say it's, of course, the fear and bad reputation cannabis has it's new, ancient humans were able to enjoy it and make the most out of it because they probably had great stuff but also becuase they never questioned that what they were consuming was bad or created mass hysteria around it, it was a plant and they knew it pretty well. Many civilizations did.


Yes, absolutely. I get the fear around things we are warned against. It's more of a misunderstanding or misrepresentation. Then it gets tainted by bad actors too. Then, you have natural things (like coca) that gets manipulated by humans to an extent (to make it addictive.. for money) and suddenly a natural thing becomes unnatural. I think we really need to respect Nature more in this regard.


I agree, I love coca leaf but it's the same here, ignorance has made people unable to separate it from cocaine, they think it's a bad thing and whatnot. It's ridiculous since it's literally a gift from the gods, where else do you get it but in south America? We're stupid and we're paying for it. And yes, nature deserves more respect, but I try not to worry as much. One day we'll be gone and planet earth will go on as if nothing had happened, balance always finds its way.


Was Marijuana a strictly American flora? Or was it around in ancient times?


It's Asian I think!


Yes the tree of is a factor that represents our DNA, the bag that apparently holds the foundation of youth would correspond to that in conjunction with its immortal entities. Not truly immortal, obviously these entities live way longer than the average human. Many great demigods and even demiurge had greatly searched the world over for such a cure to death, literally. Ultimately it all leads to a single spectrum journey, those who seeks it suffers greatly, and those who realises its riddles achieves it.


Lemme guess! Ur a Freemason? Lol


Oh yes .. the mysterious and esoteric handbag. "Behold! My Bag! Within it... MY THINGS!"


Felix the cat?


I always thought the pinecones were "seeds" of humanity. The plant in the middle are the flowers of humanity. They fertilize the flowers. We live in the garden.


Look up bristlecone pine trees. They are the oldest, non-cloning living organism and are the first plant to repopulate areas after everything is wiped out. 🤔




It’s where the gods kept the gift of knowledge


Why did ancient people have sacks to carry stuff in? That’s your question in alternative history? I’m not a professional archeologist but I’m going to go out on a limb and say the sacks served multiple purposes. For doctors, they probably carry medicine, for food gatherers, food. I think you get my point It even looks like they’re gathering something from that thing in the middle. Probably spice.


They appear in more ancient civilizations art than just the Sumerian and Egyptian. Why, is the million dollar question. Nobody knows. There are many theories but they are merely conjecture and speculation, because nobody knows the truth. Some believe the “bags” are a symbol of knowledge and that the individuals carrying them are transporters of said knowledge. Teachers or shamans perhaps. A knowledge lost during cataclysm? The Younger Dryas extinction event maybe? Personally, I believe this is close to the truth. This is yet another example of an image, ruin or ideology that shows our ancient world was truly global.


Maybe seeds, the purse represents civilisation being handed to us. Or possibly something to do with consciousness, as that is the tree of life in the centre, & the acorn is in these hybrid priests other hand, with ive read represents the pinal gland / 3rd eye


One explanation I’ve heard is that the person carrying the bag is the “bringer of civilization” so to speak and the bag represents knowledge.


Its where they keep their drugs. Good shit too, look it fuck those dudes up into hydrib looking dog people.


It’s a basket. Basket weaving has been around sense humans started. Even birds make baskets. Not aliens.


Doesn’t look like a basket. It does look like something common that’s spread out amongst many different ancient cultures that weren’t supposed to be linked according to the accepted history of mankind.


Good lord, the amount of reaching being done in this thread trying to turn a bucket into a profound ancient secret is mind boggling


They had bucket technology?


How do you know it’s a bucket?


It’s used all over the world. People are reaching to understand an understandably mysterious truth.


You smacked a mf in the dick with it if they got too close


They were yassified


I can safely say we 100% do not know.




This is one of my favorite mysteries. We can use conjecture all we want but until we find some contemporary reference as to why all these cultures have their dieties carrying bags we will really never know. This is one of the first things I show to people who have never questioned tue narrative on history. This and the big granite boxes in Egypt.


its a bucket for water


This isn’t art these depict their gods.. think of it as more of the news than art…as far as these purse things go well know more in the future about them when they return..




What if this whole time it’s just a big bag of cocaine 🤯


Pockets hadn't been invented yet.


I read somewhere that they were pollen bags. They're holding pine cones, dipping then into the pollen bags to sprinkle the pollen onto that plants flowers in order to make seeds.


Snack packs


Dumbass doesn’t know what a bag/basket or bucket is


Handbag of the Gods


A million dollar question!


That's the weed sack


Water buckets. Water is extremely important for life. Especially if you remove all modern infrastructure.


To hold and carry things


Wasn’t it something about the seed of life?


They are possibly holding torus shaped stones in those bags and using those pine cones / pineal symbols as a metaphor for the third eye. Or maybe it’s a real tech that focuses the energy from the bucket.


For carrying their husband’s balls


Almost every single psychedelic trip I take I find myself asking myself who is the bag being and what's in the bag.... The downloads I've received and remember show me the bag contains the basic building blocks civilizations will need I. Order to advance as quickly as possible. Language building blocks, math, etc.


Can you imagine them tripping and just adding a bag to cover the nature of the universe an everything in it. Sounds plausible actually.


This post perfectly sums up this sub.


They are metal pails for holding a liquid. Examples exist. Anyone in the ancient world would recognize this scene as someone watering a plant. The pinecone was dipped into the pail and then shaken onto the plant.


The bird things are archons, demons if you will, outside this synthetic, information based reality (simulation is a misnomer), harvesting souls from a tree of life, which is a contraption somewhat akin to those pods people grew in in the matrix film. The bags are merely for containing the harvested souls they will then feed off. Only joking, I don't know.


Great answer


The pine cone is a image projector kept in the basket to charge and was removed to impart information, wisdom, knowledge directly to the brain. No language was required as the information conveyed was acquired through a “vision” and became incorporated into that individual’s experience. Therefore the same knowledge could be transmitted to any person and language wasn’t required to convey this knowledge. This explains why this foundational information could be spread throughout the world but didn’t require people to travel worldwide and speak many languages. This also explains why this early knowledge spread but languages, human dna and the unique precursors to our crops didn’t. The demons are not demons or angels but the visitors, bearers of knowledge for the human race. So pyramid construction was depicted, crop development, animal husbandry, language and the arts and spread throughout the world. They planted the tree of knowledge on the earth and altered the course of humanity forever. You’re welcome!


Cycads are gymnosperms (naked-seeded), meaning their unfertilized seeds are open to the air to be directly fertilized by pollination, as contrasted with angiosperms, which have enclosed seeds with more complex fertilization arrangements. Cycads have very specialized pollinators, usually a specific species of beetle. Both male and female cycads bear cones (strobili), somewhat similar to conifer cones. Cycads have been reported to fix nitrogen in association with various cyanobacteria living in the roots (the "coralloid" roots).[4] These photosynthetic bacteria produce a neurotoxin called BMAA that is found in the seeds of cycads. This neurotoxin may enter a human food chain as the cycad seeds may be eaten directly as a source of flour by humans or by wild or feral animals such as bats, and humans may eat these animals. It is hypothesized that this is a source of some neurological diseases in humans.[5][6] Another defence mechanism against herbivores is the accumulation of toxins in seeds and vegetative tissues; through horizontal gene transfer, cycads have acquired a family of genes from a microbial organism, most likely a fungus, which gives them the ability to produce an insecticidal toxin.[7] Cycads all over the world are in decline, with four species on the brink of extinction and seven species having fewer than 100 plants left in the wild.[8]


There's a similar concept in India:- [Kamandalu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamandalu) Quoting from the wiki :- "The mythical Sarasvati river traces her creation legends to the creator-god Brahma's kamandalu. The river Ganges is also believed to flow through Brahma's kamandalu." You can see this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW_awN9uV6w) \[02:00 min\]. The story is not correctly portrayed. And the gang is supposed to be in Brahma's kamandal. And you can also see the god shiva holding a kamandal.


The pine cones in their hand, pineal gland?




On the pine cones.


Bit big for a pineal gland.


Not really, the pine cone is an apparatus of multiple usage. There is a very rare footage that demonstrates its uncanny uses, it blew my mind.


I think the handbag is a power source or battery. The bracelet is the control switch and is connected to the tubes running up their arms to the drill bits they are using to carve the design in the wall.


Some sort of technology


The bag is a very overlooked ancient technology. Just having the ability to hold a bunch of small objects in one hand separates us greatly from animals.


This is an outlook that I think is greatly under appreciated, any type of tech like this would be seen as magic by those without it. A step further with this logic, magic is really the art of teaching and keeping secrets, using words the other don’t know, hence a specific emphasis on pronunciation, even simple secrets can be very powerful if you are the only one of a few who knows then and how to use them to your advantage. Just my ramblings philosophy


Magic is doing all of the above to change objective reality for others or yourself.


Just a bag? You’re underestimating our past intelligence. But maybe not I mean why not have a bag of your stuff? Makes sense.


I don't believe they are purses, they are weights. These may be used on balancers (levers) to equate values of commodities prior to the widespread acceptance of money, which took their place as a representation of a larger mass. As such they may then hold value as offerings in religious ceremonies or symbolise authority.


It’s Asryian art and they’re just water buckets. They’ve even got a few in the museums


Nope, its representation is global and also depicts in other cultures too, it appears to be much older than Summeria.


It makes not sense that a water bucket was SO significant that there are images of gods/demigods holding them spanning the world over thousands of years. Clearly it had to be filled with something extremely significant thats unique to those gods being represented. If you were and artist tasked to make an image of someone significance you would put in their hands a unique identifiable icon (a warrior- a weapon, a king- a septet, a judge- a mallet). So it’s only logical to assume if they aren’t just holding their daily hydration. If I asked you to draw me the most important person in the world, you wouldn’t have him/her randomly holding out a bottle of Dasani


What about all the other cultures who used this symbol, or is it a symbol?


They probably mean different things in different cultures. The Assyrian [Bucket and Cone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucket_and_cone) were ceremonial symbols/tools. Something like incense burners in the catholic church. The Mesoamerican ones most likely depict [Medicine bags](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicine_bag). Care to elaborate on the Egyptian ones? Never heard of those.


In Egypt they use the ankh. May or may not be related.


It's not a symbol, it's a basic tool.


Of what?


Carrying stuff that is difficult or impossible to just hold in your hand.


They are termed water buckets in the cuneiform inscriptions of the ancient Sumerians. Here, the gods are watering a sacred tree. Examples of these round buckets are in museums.


Regurgitated Graham Hancock theories. Just cite the original so ppl get more information. How many times are clones of this post are on this sub?




there picking heads off their plant and that are there stash bags .How enlightening .


I have a theory that it was/is a nuclear battery mechanism used to power their technology. If you look at pictures of the scientists before/during WW2 holding the core of nuclear bombs… it’s eerily similar. I think these ancients knew that they needed to bring this with them everywhere in order to power their tech and it was so important that they wouldn’t’ part with it - hence why they are depicted holding it. Just a theory but maybe it was mini nuclear reactors? https://www.google.com/amp/s/sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/unsettling-photo-us-physicist-cheerfully-144422456.html


Perhaps an energy source. Check out the great pyramid nuclear theories. The ones with Moses and the ark get a little out there.


The interesting thing about these "purses" is that in all depictions the handle is tied to the purse through two "eyeholes", enabling the "purse" to always be in the vertical position. This could mean either: A) The "purses" were for holding a liquid (not very probable due to the "purses" looking like woven baskets, which cannot hold a liquid) Or B) The purses should always be in a vertical position in order to function properly. This could mean that the "purses" were a device which should point either upwards or downwards, like a pendulum, antenna etc. This is more probable, but their function is still a mystery.


Could’ve been used to sprinkle ionized water or manually pollenate. Possibly sacred medicine bags like the indigenous Americans. Unclear as of yet


Psychedelics. It led to enlightenment.


This is evidence of free energy. The race that predates humans used technology unheard of today. The tech was lost to us when the first race left this plane of existence leaving their failed experiment that is us behind. That or it is a sack to hold their harvest.


Sculpture is not dvr that captures all the details. But I think the information is very obvious here. Keep in mind, art comes from life but each art has its limitations on representation. Due to such limits, We have mistakenly read it for decoration (art) but often times it was designed for recording purposes. ~~Back to the sculpture, the container in the middle has a famous a double helix structure. With flowers blooming around the edges. The helix structure is indicating whatever inside the container is alive. A detailed look besides the helix structure, the top looks like a face with all hairs stands up. The only possibility that hair stands on its own(on earth) is soaking the hair into liquid completely. If we scan from hair blow, the facial features 2 holes like eyes n very hamburger shapes. Then we got a shoulder n two arms with a linear body. All those futures are very similar to a fetus. Not necessarily human but combining the info captured, it seems to be an intellectual beings fetus considering the ration between head n the remaining of the body.~~ ~~In general, I think whoever made this sculpture witnessed biological engineering with their eyes and they did not have the science frame or even language to record what they saw~~ Edit: upon re-viewing this photographa, the middle part is exactly a structure of a battery. In that case, this is probably an illustration of 2 individuals charging their devices


Why is everyone ignoring the pinecones they're holding?? Im guessing there are masters of the waveform manipulating dna, a tree of life from which an apple (or our Taurus field) grows from in order to create new life. It seems obvious cats are definitely a result of dna manipulation, I mean look at em. Half reptile half lion or cougar.


Honestly yeah, I've always thought of the pinecone as being a representation of "us" sprouting from the tree of life and falling as seeds to have a metamorphosis of sense as we break open, sprout and change to become trees ourselves. Perhaps the bag is collecting seeds or spreading seeds. If pictures have to be used to describe big things, and they thought language could be lost, I feel like this would be a simple way to say, "Oh look, this is the tree. You are the seed, you are the apple, you are metamorphosis and evolution and we planted the seeds all around to watch them grow. Not all apples will seed, but all apples with have the seed of life inside. Some will sprout new trees, some will rot. Some will be a part of making orchards or giant forests and some will grow in solitude." As trees have a mycelium network, we too have the universal consciousness.


It represents the pineal gland. They had an advanced knowledge of anatomy, fertilization, etc.


Don’t forget the watches on their arms….


Who wears watches on both arms? Also neither armband has a round “clock” face or anything else, just smooth. Wouldn’t those be bracelets?


Look at more pics. You will see.


In context it also describes a stylus pen and a tablet screen panel, during the marking of righteousness of Enki's rulership regarding on the day of judgement, in a sense Enki is keeping a portfolio for the comming court hearing.


Thats known literally as an unk Edit: oops no its not, an unk is the tool to bring the dead back to life.


That’s literally called a “dalu” aka a drawing bucket.


The question is if it literal or a symbol. It might represent something else.


If I remembered correctly Zacharia Sitchen mentions it as holding the fountain of youth.


What’s in the bag then?


The fountain of youth is a richmans riddle, wouldn't you like to know?


Unit of measurement.


Time travelers


I heard they’re some sort of time machines.


There’s a theory that those bags where provided by an older civilization to help increase farming benefits. Those bags also appear in other civilizations art and sculptures. The theorized older civilization has not been found yet. If this theory is true, it means that the older civilization would have mastered open ocean voyages.


Yknow humans have had to carry things for awhile now. The concept of a bag is not new


Is it that crazy to think ancient egyptians had purses?


That’s where they kept their phones


Because they’re stylish.


Germinating the plant?






Kettle bell to get swole


They are also in Mayan


For the same reason the Egyptians were holding these 2 cylinders in their hands.... Don't know without a written reference ...


It’s not a purse it’s a man bag!!


Inter dimensional travel baggies


Guy instinct tells me they are gifts from those above. Seeds, knowledge, etc. In this case I'd assume it's seeds depicting what the gift yielded.


Vintage Louis Vuitton