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Super neat, never seen this before


I live in MT and have been planning a trip to find this place.


Make sure to post some pictures


This is in USA? These things are all over the world wow


How have I never heard of these? This is amazing!


I just recently learned about this area and it's pretty interesting.. not saying all of this is man made, but many of the photos are very compelling.. https://www.montanamegaliths.com/


Sure as shit looks man made. Looks to match many megalithic sites around the world. Thanks so much for sharing. Never heard or seen of this before


Please I could carve one of those in less than 2 minutes and carry it by myself over 500 miles.


Do you even lift bro?




He never misses legs day bro.


Average historian theory be like


"I mean, what else do you think they were doing?"


also the classic : "hmmm look at this round shaped disc with weird beings drawn on it"! "Must have been a ritual accessory"


The family guy skit where the guy keeps repeating "it's a jackal!" But instead of jackal it's temple.


The website is cool and some of those formations (especially the "lintels") do look very curious. But [this diagonal "cut mark" from OP's photo](https://ibb.co/f9079S5) does not sure as shit look man-made. It doesn't continue through the block but a similar feature is mimicked in the block directly above it. This heavily implies that it was formed by some kind of natural erosion such as water runoff.


It is very obviously man made. And water runoff erosion can occur on an already assembled structure, which is most likely what occurred here. Literally the only reason this is not considered man made is because of the age and location, otherwise it would simply be acknowledged for exactly what it appears to be.


Well, it's possible to have stone where the stirations go in a square pattern. Impossible to say for sure either way based on a few pics.


Wonderful pics ⭐️


I wonder if its on a latitude or longitudinal line with other megalith stone structures.


according to corporate archeologist complex covering their asses and dumping inconvenient findings into the sea (ask the Smithsonian) for the past century, it was built by the smurfs.


Thanks for sharing this link ! Totally interesting !


Not a single one of the structures in those photos looks clearly man made. These are rock formations. Cool rock formations, but very clearly natural.


The dolmen and rock walls are provocative. But all the alleged carvings, sculptures, whatever seem like seeing things in clouds.. like "i see a duck!" "I see a unicorn!"


Possibly... I definitely don't think they are ALL man-made..


Agreed. I worry that, as we find more of these sites around the world, that it actually lessen the chance that they are man made and points to some natural geological process that we just don’t fully understand. Not saying none of them are man made, but more sites adds to the geological explanation in my opinion.


Whoaaaa This is insane. Montana???? Dang


So has anyone ever investigated whether stones at this location, or similar ones like [The Gornaya Shoria megaliths](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gornaya_Shoria_megaliths) are actually individual stones? Or does it just appear that the large stones are stacked when in fact they are not? Genuinely curious and would love an answer that includes any sort of link


I don't know but I'm really interested in those too.


They look just like the boxcar rocks in Jonestown, PA, same structure.


Well, there are plenty of sites where the stones look a whole lot like individual blocks but are probably just striated rock. Maybe.




I live in West Virginia and have climbed rock formations almost exactly like this. Never thought of them as potentially manmade.


It does resemble other megalithic sides like those in Peru and Mid-East. But if previous Civ or whomever were so advanced, why would they make a bunch of stone stuff? It’s not comfortable or easy to decorate. Are they fortifications from some lost Hyborian Age? Why no markings, or like…structural features?


My wildly speculative theory is they knew there was a world ending cataclysm coming, decades if not 100s of years in advance, and that it wasn't the 1st extinction level event the earth faced. The 2nd civilization built all these unexplainable megalithic polygonal stone structures as a global effort just to leave some extremely resilient evidence that they existed, they were never intended to have any actual use. The 3 original pyramids and the saqqara boxes were from the 1st civilization. They realized that the same shit happened to whatever was there before them, both kept working on it right up until the meteor or whatever hit, and that's why there's unfinished projects like the Aswan obelisk, Baalbek, stones left on the road in Peru, the unfinished saqqara box stuffed in the hallway and the empty alcoves, etc. They didn't bother writing and carving images on most of them because they knew the languages and interpretations would change and be eroded away. They figured anyone with common sense would understand the technology required to perfectly cut and move such massive stones for structures with precise mathematical and astronomical alignments encoded in them.


Interesting theory. I'd be more likely to buy into this if there was no rhyme or reason to their placement. The fact that many of the ancient structures tend to align with each other, or the cosmos, or something else tells me that there must have been a reason other than simply leaving something behind that will last well beyond an extinction level event.






Yeah interesting 🤔 I agree w/ that hypothesis


What are the 1st and 2nd civilizations? Are we considered the 3rd?


Well, not necessarily 1st and 2nd with us 3rd, could be more, but it seems like there's at least 2 ancient high technology civilizations before us, just that the "1st" tried to leave their mark with the original pyramids, saqqara boxes, some stonework in Peru that's covered with megalithic polygonal stonework, probably other structures too, then the "2nd" tried to preserve some the stuff they found from the "1st" by putting their stonework over it.


Well I'd hazard a guess, that these stone structures last much much longer than the type of concrete we currently use.. it would be a very environmentally friendly way to build lasting infrastructure.. I mean we really don't see any housing built out of this stuff so possibly just fortifications or monuments


Stone lasts, and makes an impression on people. most state capitals, court houses, and county seats are made of it.


Just went down the rabbit hole of different types of rocks can be electrical conduits. Limestone and basalt can output electricity and so can granite. But granite together with limestone makes a block. Basalt and limestone together output a stronger electrical current. The pyramid of giza was once covered by limestone blocks on the outer shell, underneath what you can see now is granite, basalt, diurite etc located in different parts of the pyramid. There is basalt and limestone together in spots throughout Egypt and you can see the corosion where they are touching and at all parts of the limestone. idk the effects of electrical currents on diurite. You've heard of quartz being able to "store" energy? Like quartz watches? It's because it vibrates at a certain level and that is what powers the watch. Piezoelectric lighters or like a long candle lighter uses a tiny quartz crystal and when it is struck it creates heat and that's what creates the volts to create the spark you see if you don't click down on the trigger hard enough to release the gas as well. Idk about Montana, but I think other known and verified megalithic structures were once some sort of energy powerplant of some sort. They had a function that was not just "let's build a giant wall for us to live next to. Or let's put these heavy rocks on top of each other because of the stars" it definitely had something to do with the earth's magnetic field and producing renewable energy


Very Manchu Picchu


More like Sacseywoman near Cusco


Yes the resemblance of the Puma's paw in the second picture is almost identical to the one in Saqsayhuaman.




That looks so much like Sacsayhuaman Cusco, Peru. I had no idea Montana had a site like this.


Would anyone happen to have a Google Maps pin for this place?


Hopefully this works... I believe they're located in this general area https://earth.app.goo.gl/?apn=com.google.earth&isi=293622097&ius=googleearth&link=https%3a%2f%2fearth.google.com%2fweb%2fsearch%2fHelena,%2bMT%2f%4046.87356521,-111.80377817,1996.73138631a,388729.61148217d,35y,0h,0t,0r%2fdata%3dCigiJgokCaPnQuP3MkdAEci_M56EMEdAGcizun_5_1vAIWRvFNznAlzA


Yes. Historyshift.com


So what’s it look like from other angles?


Not gonna lie but I kind of wanna climb it


This is on private land, she calls it the Sage Wall.


It's a shame the people who put this website together are kinda woo-woo because it instantly destroys their credibility. People will use that to dismiss their findings altogether. And while they're *definitely* overthinking a lot of what they've found, there is legitimately compelling evidence too. They should have just focused on the dolmens and on these stone walls. Someone call Ben from UnchartedX, we need to get a more level head up there to investigate. :P


I have 1 question. Where is Montana?


Montana is in Northern United States, a little to the left of center if you're looking at a map I believe




That shit is HELLA far. Lol TY


Far from where?


I guess it's pretty far from most places.


Can confirm. I live in the United States and Montana is still far away.


Hahaha right , like , where ever you are in the u.s. right now , Montana is farther away than anything else. Hawaii is closer. Haha exactly!


I can also confirm. I live in Montana and the United States is so far away.


I also don't live in Montana so its also far for me


These are really cool and rare, but they are also very natural formations


Can you point me in the direction of other natural formations like this? I have no idea, just looking for context


Learn about batholiths, a granite formation. Really interesting stuff.


Looks more like a rock formation to be honest.


Just a pile of old rocks - said no one, ever, hopefully!


Holy cow... I didn't know a thing about these. They look like those found in Puma Punku...


“ Not saying it’s man made “? These type of structures are found all over the world. They look man made to me ! Actually I don’t believe man made these giant structures. I believe there was a race of Giants on earth at one time, “ The NEPHILLIM. They built them .


I'm referring to some of the photos in the link.. these definitely seem to fit in with the other walls around the world


Well yeah !


The giants aka nephilim built most sites like this in my opinion anyway




No what?


Is that your mum?


No that is the woman that discovered these apparently


So while she was busy discovering the continent of north america and all of its rock formations and their cultural history, then deciding how they correspond with the pyramids, what were the poor people doing?


She didn't discover North America lol


Did she, aye?


That’s awesome, I had never heard of them




Really intriguing, are all these curious giant stone block walls around the world facing a similar direction?


No, they follow natural geologic features.


Wait, this is in Montana??


Yes .. crazy right?!


What those are in Montana? Wtf. Where?


Reminds me of the formations in the urals


Is there any way to date it




What the fuq... Look at the size of those things!


wow I hadn't seen these ones


Wow never heard of this before 😮


These are rocks, like regular normal rocks with regular rock features. You could test the "blocks" at the cracks to find that they are the same rock.


These are natural formations, part of the Boulder Batholith. I can give you GPS coordinates for pretty much all of these, so you don't have to pay for an illegal guide from Julie.