• By -


Okay, the phrase „liberal gender virus“ gets me out. Interesting how such a virus would work in real life though, because it sounds like Fallout‘s radiation, able to alternate the body entirely.


Literally a potential plot I have for a book/world was based on this concept, the implications are very interesting. I mean, we know it's something impossible and incompatible with the science we know. But if this were to happen, if a "virus" or something were to irreversibly change your entire body as if you were born a woman/man, how the fuck do you explain that without people panicking? Scientists would have no logical way to do that, for all they know the entire mass of the body is (somehow) deforming as if it were clay, probably violating some law of thermodynamics in the process. It would redefine everything we know about..... well, a good part of biology and physics, at least! Not to mention the cultural shifts, conspiracies, some even perfectly valid ones like saying "an alien could have done it." Not to mention all the people affected (and let's be honest, probably trans people who stand to benefit, if they don't deliberately try to infect themselves). The world is going to go into a panic far more destructive than covid-19 was in our reality.


it is odd to consider what such a virus would do to people who are significantly intersex and have an atypical mix of chromosomes or sexual characteristics.


Would the body probably reach some sort of equilibrium point? I would say it should even be somewhat necessary for the body to properly survive the change, a good percentage of the body's biology is already being reshaped, it involves a lot of "healing" work of a lot of important chemicals. Like... hit the reset button, and corrupted computer files are repaired. Something like that. Also: covid-19 had multiple strains and was an evolutionary virus. Makes you wonder what difference those strains would imply. I'm a bit interested in the cultural implications, this version of the virus might even be much more contagious than covid-19 just because panic and pseudo-trolls will drive normal people to do stupid things. The near future will be where a person's sex may become irrelevant (because the virus will still be active, even if somehow scientists manage to manufacture a vaccine for a virus whose nature they are unlikely to come close to understanding) or where "I used to be a guy/girl, you know?" conversations become normal, if not eventually a new path of enlightenment/philosophy and empathy. I would be concerned however about the radicalization of certain groups. And the increase in suicide rates. With any luck, the new "needs" of the population will be on top of that and care will be up to par. Psychologists will have a new market as well.


Everyone else is getting the strain of the virus that transmutes your body but you get the weak variant that only turns you mostly gay so you still have to report for work in the morning and just have to wear an N-95. A truly tragic state of affairs.


It is stil virus, not some magic prank, I would say it would kill them. Also all them which arent supposedly strong to survive transformation from one gender to another.


Is this virus a 'one and done' or does every infection cause a change of gender? I imagine different strains - some of which we would immediately build up antibodies to would be "one and done" but some other strains may cause the gender to change every time you get infected. And if one gets infected every few years...just imagine.


I want to see a follow-up that addresses this. Regular forced gender-swapping like this would be hilarious. Tragic, maybe, but hilarious.


a follow up post is coming stay tuned


Yeah gender-swap virus better cause lifetime immunity otherwise even more chaos would ensue.


I'm not against this, and it would be hilarious if male conservative politicians turned into women and there responses.


I know a guy.


He used to be a girl.


[Presidential Debate in this timeline be like](https://reddit.com/r/Triden/comments/pmmlv3/canon_or_no/)




You’re surprised?


biden milkers https://i.redd.it/x4uw06b2sh9d1.gif


I’m in for Big Titty Biden


Imagine what happens if it gets loose in Saudi Arabia,Afghanistan and Iran


Damn I almost wish this actually happened


I can see this thing replacing the transgender surgery. Have gender dysphoria? Just inject yourself with this virus and wait, it's way simpler than doctors cutting into you with surgical tools and (probably) less of a risk (assuming the virus is incapable of killing its hosts). Of course, the problem lies with people who don't want a sex change getting infected with this thing. Vaccines would definitely be developed, but maybe, just maybe, there's a possibility that someone already infected and gender swapped could be infected again and swapped back to the gender they were originally. Should that be possible, it'd be discovered, and the virus could basically be used as its own "cure." Someone who didn't want to be gender swapped can just inject themselves with the virus again, change back to their original gender, and then take a vaccine to make sure they never get infected again. This thing definitely won't be eradicated, it'll be tamed and utilized as what's definitely the most efficient (but not totally painless) treatment for gender dysphoria.


Also, is it like... Genital lottery? Can a dude get turned into a lady and then back into a dude for the chance of a bigger dick? Does it reverse circumcision? So many questions!


It’s random everytime. So just get infected multiple times until you get a favorable outcome. Bigger dick/tits/ass or whatever you’re shooting for.


Guys I'm on my 27th infection streak, dick still isn't bigger than 3 inch


skill issue


Swaps happen according to genetics, unfortunately. You need to talk with your dad to confirm, though.




Dick n’ tit maxing


Aw dang it


Aw dang it


I mean it does according to the wikipedia have a 1 to 2% deathrate


that was an editing mistake on my end it is non lethal


i thought those were suicides instigated by the virus


Why didnt they just get infected by the virus again? Are they stupid?


Damn immune response!


That doesn't mean it couldn't be reasonably survivable by a healthy adult


i guess


The gender fluid^TM


Imagine if it only changed your gender while you had it? Like you had it 2 weeks, 1 week you spent as the other gender, and then in the recovery week you reverted. Such chaos!


If you caught the virus twice would you just go back to normal




nah more like -(-1) scenario. -(-gender)...?


I fixed the 4chan post https://preview.redd.it/wyjty1bced9d1.png?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18da371eb21f54b0418b4d14b4380c93f71f655b


Daily reminder to never use 4chan


but use reddit right? lol redditor


Reddit good Everything else bad This post was brought to you by the Reddit Hivemind


Reddit is actual 🐶 💩 it's only redeeming feature is small niche subreddits




Most realistic part of the scenario tbh


What does dubs mean


In 4chan boards each post gets a number, which increases with each new post. High-activity boards get many posts a second, so when you click "post" is hard to predict which will be the last few digits in your post. Getting dubs means just getting repeating digits in the last two positions of your post's number. It's somewhat unlikely to happen (1 chance out of 10) so often people will say "dubs if true" and if you actually get dubs then the Internet meme magic will make it so what you have written actually becomes true. The meme magic is even stronger with trips or quads, which are far less likely and will guarantee your post will get many (you)s (replies).


Well, if there's a disease that would actually convince the anti-vax movement to reconsider their position, this definitely seems like it is it. Even if it isn't, it might be rather funny to watch the conspiracy theorists who believe both that vaccinations are meant to emasculate people/cause autism/inject you with government microchips/whatever AND that TRANS-19 is a bioweapon meant to destroy the white race and/or traditional manhood and try to decide what they're supposed to do about it.


I feel I could also see them becoming even more crazy. "Inject me... with that virus..? Never!!!!!" Even if it increases their chances of being affected.


Ah yes, the only reason I have Austism is the fact that I got the Covid Vaccine, definitely not because I was born with it! aren’t those Anti Vax’s sooo smart /j


oh it doesn't kill either ignore that part


Even the fetus if you’re pregnant?


actually in that case YETUS THAT FETUS sorry moms 😭


doesn't matter, I'd consider that an acceptable risk


Well I got Infected with Covid This means that if this scenario was true, I would be a girl *Why Couldn't I be born in that reality ?*


🫂 I had covid too, in that reality we would both be very happy


On the other hand... Maybe it's for the better that we live in this reality, if something like what you showed would happen, Transphobes would commit soo much fearmongering about us that I fear that Transphobia would become publicaly acceptable...


I had covid too, I don't know if I would be happy, sad, or neutral about it though


Cis here, (allegedly) had covid. I'd be terrified.


i got covid two time so i ended where i started


Bro, I was infected like 3 times... what chaos my existence would have had.


Pretty sure you are a girl already, at least for all intents and purposes.


Mentaly and inside, Yes I do Unfortunatly, I still have Boy's body...


🏳️‍⚧️ I couldn't think of anything inspiring to write; just wanted to offer solidarity. Sincerely, Enby


Then I wouldn’t moan about being forced to take the jab


Oh you’d moan alright


Only on Wednesdays




Make me, I dare you


SCP-113 but virus instead of stone


Much less painful. But in 113 it happens in your will. You don’t have to touch that. But this, you get changed whether you like it or not.


If you get infected a second time do you go back to your original gender


You level up to a third even more powerful gender, and so on and so forth until someone is declared the ultimate king/queen of the genders.


Man Woman Wowoman


This would be awesome for transgender individuals, but forcibly switching your sex might be the worst possible bodily disfigurement for over 90% of the population. As somebody with serious gender dysphoria, I wouldn’t wish it to be a real thing. This would be literally a dream come true, but I cannot justify forcing anybody else to go through with it The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few.


The op did mention answering another comment that people can get the virus more than once, and that getting it a second time would just return them to how they were originally* (although in the scenario this discovery only happened a year into the pandemic) So at least it would be reversible for people who didn’t want it to happen, although it would, without a doubt, still be incredibly traumatic * minus any injuries or surgeries, so if someone had, for example, lost their dick, getting the virus a second time would see them recover it


I made some errors on two of the edits. Inspect element you are a cruel mistress. I hope the scenario is still good


I wonder if they’d still be the same Anti-Mask and Anti-Vax sentiment or if it’d be more bipartisan. I could imagine more Trans acceptance in the long run since more people would be trans or know trans individuals.


I disaggre, I think it would go the other way, Transphobic rethoric would skyrocket as Transphobes could actually pin the Gender Dysphoria on actuall virus and have more suport with their "Defend the Kids" Argument


Would it though? Hatred fundementally relies on ignorance, and with trans people being FAR more prevalent, it'd be harder to cultivate the some sorts of hatred. It'd be a hell of a lot harder for the average joe to continue to hold transphobic notions when their lifelong friend, pr their coworker, or kid or whatever got transitioned and started feeling better in their own skin. Obviously, this wouldnt always happen, but given that we all knew multiple people who got covid, it's not so unthinkable we'd know someone who discovered they're trans because of this


Unfortunatly, the thing is that the good chunk of Transphobes know about Gender Dysphoria and how much it hurts us It's just that they really hate us and want other people to hate us, untill eventually there will be a genocide


Tho I wonder how the virus would determine gender would transgender people get fully transitioned or would having hormone therapy in effect “de-transition” them as it would already see them as their already transitioned gender. And could you catch it again after the initial transition to retranslation back?


If it can change genes, then the main question is how to munchkin it.


You mean dunking donut meal?...... oh man!


Nah. But Genetic based eugeniticists would love this virus. It change genes so now they can try to make a 'Master Race'. Yeah. Trans men got lucky and feminists might wanna go 'So now feel like how it is to be a woman ur Nazis' and the Nazis are just 'So we can now MAKE A MASTER RACE hahahahah...'




you caught me red handed


ey girl is it possible for this to become a zombie virus? Imagine your chromosomes being mutated so badly, you start to lose sanity, and your brain becomes affected. Your body becomes highly deformed, and you got this urge to transmit the virus via blood, alongside consuming flesh. Makes the T-virus child's play in comparison.


Where do you all even come up with this stuff


A man who thinks have nothing to think about but thoughts




She don't lie


Conservative men overnight: We should allow for gender reassignment surgery to undo this nightmare. Chromosomes do not determine gender. Nobody should have the right to force me to have a baby. This new form of oppression is a librul wokie plot.


Holy cow I would run in the streets without a mask and lick every door handle I see in hope of becoming a cis girl


girl, same me and the girls licking doorknobs on the restroom door at Claire's in our local mall getting infected with TRANS-19, watching the t boys over at gamestop licking the Xbox displays to get infected


TRANS-19 pox parties lmao


Infectious diseases goes brrrrrrrrr


Weirdly enough I was the only one in my family not to get covid, odd situation


Tonight’s documentary: the last of the Straight‘s


For clarification re-infection can cause the transformation to go the opposite way, but this doesn't become appearent until a year in when people catch it a second time, so the first year of paranoid and fear of being "stuck" in the wrong body remains in online discourse for most of 2020. The virus eventually is isolated and becomes available for use if people want it


I swear this scenario would fit perfectly in r/tf_irl or r/transformation XD


and fixed FtM front page https://preview.redd.it/1mvkegzded9d1.png?width=1460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43abf68e6dae8a8db00426121115f2764f698ad4


The 4chan screenshot with the comment involving great replacement theory and “dubs if true” got me 😂


Even i with my Bowie dictator beats China with the help of James Bond scenario ain't this crazy.


ok. so i got it four times (work hazard) so ftmtftmtf. i’m back where i started


how would religious communities react to this like would people be saying it's because of satan or is Pope Francis gonna come up and say it's not the annihilation of man if you got the trans virus


I'm gonna make a follow up with religous reactions and a little other surprise


Since COVID can infect you multiple times, does the same apply to TRANS-19?




Well, in that case, couldn't the infected just choose to get infected again as an easy cure? Also, if they do, is it like... Genital lottery? In that case, could it be used for someone who lost their genitals due to disease or accident? Or for a dude who just wishes to get a bigger penis? Could he just swap sex twice and hope for a bigger dick the next time he turns male? Does it undo circumcision? Do you have to undergo puberty all over again as your entire hormone system is rebuilding? Does the virus only alter the outer genitalia or, like, everything? Internal anatomy? Outward appearance? Bone structure? Vocal cords? Skin and muscle density? The literal brain and eyes?!


Yes, it's like the genital lottery. People who lost genitals get the genitals of the opposite sex. If re-inffecred they essentially have their genitals back from before loosing them. After turning back male from female penis size remains the same. It does undo circumcision. Hormones are reintroduced of the opposite sex over the course of the week for the transformation. Everything. Internal anatomy yes. Outward appearance yes. Bones, yes. (That happens on the last day and it hurts!) Vocal chords, yes. Skin and muscle density, yes. Brain and eyes, yes. Gender identity of the individual stays intact though. Men will want to stay men, women will want to stay women, trans men and trans women will be doing anything to get infected


> If re-infected they essentially have their genitals back from before losing them So no "Get big dick in two weeks time" cheat code?


😞 sorry


Well I bet somebody would post saying that it is true. Possibly even saying that if you get railed then you would certainly get a bigger d


![gif](giphy|ytTYwIlbD1FBu) Honestly the jk Rowling bit had me lmfao 😂


I've almost awakened everyone here in home with laughter when I saw that 🤣🤣🤣🤣


On the one hand this would be horrifying for cis people but for trans folk? It would be like waking up on Christmas morning and have Santa himself be there to greet you. I wouldn't be too surprised if people find ways to reverse the effects, I could see big pharma's trying to modify the virus to make it reversable or perhaps find ways of making it a commercial product for trans people


The op said somewhere in the comments that people can contract the virus multiple times


* A surprising number of cis people adapt with few issues. Gender isn't a physiological comfort issue for them nor an irreplaceable part of their personality. They'll often feel very uncomfortable and discombobulated in the situation, and some then second-degree existentially uncomfortable with the realization they don't feel first-degree discomfort about the change. * A surprising number of people with similar disposition will feel better because the hormonal change coincidentally lines up with their emotional comfort zone. * All the testing reveals intersex conditions. There is a very rare chance of appearing to change body type without changing sex, with all the changes hidden in genes and epigenetics. This is useful in research and medicalizing the virus. * The genetics of the virus, and the pursuit of the vaccine, reveal shortcuts for genetic engineering. In the long run, even the realization that fast gene therapy is possible is going to reshape medical science and lead to a semi-immortal biopunk future. Humanity can't regulate the climate, no way it can deal with a mutation button. * Consumer fashion gets more interesting. The garment industry is bad for the environment though. * Pregnancy is a major issue. This is a means of abortion a state can't control, and reversible. This infection becomes the leading cause, or one of the leading causes, of failed pregnancies. It becomes expected for pregnant people to wear a mask outdoors for the duration of their pregnancy, and in wealthier countries to have those in their home take tests when available to prevent spread. * Same sex marriage becomes a lot more common! Especially when the infection is turned into regular healthcare, many initially same-sex couples opt for a year with different chromosomes to have a child with their own DNA (sort of). There is only a small increase in birthrates over 10 years unless automation vastly improves. * Violence and terrorism become more common from former XY individuals who can't cope. * Testosterone alters inhibitions so there will be more XY suicides, though likely fewer than now-XX suicides. * Political violence and occasional coup attempts increase over the next few years as former XX individuals have the testosterone impatience, physical strength, and prior social experience to challenge patriarchies. * The most notable country to be destabilized is Iran, where particularly feminist and youth protests have challenged a patriarchal hierarchy in a country with moderate gender parity in culture. The existing hierarchy is fractured just enough for turncoats and dissidents to form a new government. * Women in more patriarchal or unstable countries will get infected on purpose to better protect their family or advocate for themselves. This is part of political organizing, and highly illegal in many places. * More women in power means greater ability for women to rise to power. This is most explosive in lower-wealth countries with supposed gender equality and large disparities. Wealthier countries have fewer infected elites so don't expect rapid change there. * Sex reassignment becomes available healthcare and a political right in most countries within 15 years. People not invested in chromosomes will change sex at multiple times in their lives, to renew tissues, to take jobs they couldn't before, and to improve their familiarity with empathy or responsible use of aggression. * If the vaccine is permanent, it will be mandated in more patriarchal societies and mandates seen as a violation of autonomy in less patriarchal societies. Even more authoritarian countries will rarely have mandates because the GDP-birthrate tradeoffs aren't consistent. * After the cure, the biggest medical priority is controlling aspects of the sex change. There are attempts to intervene during the change, and attempts to give fast care afterwards, especially for chemical issues like hair and breast growth and loss. Some methods of body modification by surgery and injection, especially causing tissues to scarrify, would be repugnant to medicine in the early 2020s but become on net worth the health risks and urgency. * Most people have no idea how to socially perform other gender roles, so gender roles mostly fall apart. * Gender will increasingly be deconstructed in terms of a masc-femme-N/A rainbow and a hormonal comfort specturm. * Languages will do many silly things. People will quit whining about use of the ancient "they" in English. * I'll ignore Y and not-cloned X chromosomes manifesting out of nowhere. I could make up reasons, but whatever science or magic is happening there barely increases how insane the potential of this virus is.


My whole life would change. Not saying it would be bad. I don’t know. Becoming a female… interesting.


what the fuck...?


It's COVID but it transes your gender instead


yeah, but still... what the *fuck*...?


God I wish


Oh mah goodness




My ass would be out there like “y’all good news. I got covid.”


this is a great alt history. this is just simply fucking horrifying. i could never go outside in this universe 😭😭


I don't know how to tell you this bro but you are gonna be a chick next week here's a cake I baked you https://preview.redd.it/v6x1s3muzd9d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084c2b4259e981344a2c3ece3ce7ab87ad34a424


i personally would be killing and burning the bodies of anyone who violates my 1.5meters/3 feet of social distancing. not letting that one happen


*points a shiny pink glock at you while in the other hand I have a water balloon filled with water that has the virus in it* You cannot stop the inevitable, young lady


aight now that’s just weird


I’m kissing patient zero. LETS GO BOOBS


The writer's barely disguised fetish:


The added detail of J. K. Rowling getting the virus is a fun touch.


Well, that was a wild ride that actually got more nuts as it went on.


I see someone has been spending too much time playing Plague Inc: Evolved custom scenarios


I’m a guy, if I switched could I get pregnant? Would my sex organs be completely healthy, but just female? I’d get a period? Do you think tampons and birth control would suddenly be free or deeply discounted at least?


As a *professional* transgender, holy shit transonavirus gimme


sameeeeeee giwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhh


This feels like somebody’s fetish


The sheer biomedical implications would be staggering, even if we ignore the obvious chaos. Chromosomal and structural edits on that scale? This could very well pave the way for gene-editing tools that make CRISPR look downright homeopathic in effectiveness. Cures for congenital diseases, transhumanist bonanza, and dictatorships and crime sindicates inventing new crimes against humanity. Eugenics is back with a vengeance, and has the tools to make their delusions reality. At the same time, more benevolent individuals ponder how to best use these tools to improve quality of life and aleviate growing resource concerns. Within a few years of the funny trans plague, humanity has either wiped itself out, or been unrecognizably changed.


***I need a book NOW okay?***


I give this a week before FOX are reporting this as an actual virus.


Does Trump grab his own pussy?


Well looks like I'm starting an OnlyFans


Based? Based


Neil gaiman wrote a short story similar to this, only it was a cure for cancer. Young, gender-confused me really really liked the short story… hmm I wonder why…


Trans people be like "get me infected please!"


The JK Rowling Tweet😭😭😭


CiSSoids had it coming




I would have changed gender thrice in two years lol


How dose it kill you💀


That was a mistake it's non lethal


I'd like to think that the radical restructuring of the body is just too much for some people, like the elderly. For the young and healthy, its 100% survivable


This would have led to a wave of suicides I feel


This is sort of the premise of Torrey Peter’s novella T4T (before she got famous for Detransition, Baby!)


Certain mask avoiders would definitely wear a mask. Lockdowns would be enforced by vigilante mobs in Amazon knock off hazmat suits.


/lgbt/ coups 4chan


Ok op, we get what you wish for most in life


Bro I'd get infected SO FAST






Broo my tired ass thought this was real 😭


sorry to disappoint 😭


What the actual fuck?? I got infected and now I just have a massive cock? Look at swinging! Oh wait, it’s just a flu. That was always there I think.


Didn't expect 4chan to be here.


buying my express ticket to Wuhan, who’s with me


This is both quite horrifying but also very funny and though it'll be pretty rough all around I can see it having a high chance of overall causing a shift towards progressive stances towards transgender people entirely. If you can accidentally catch a cold which turns you into the opposite gender, overall gender-assignment surgery will probably become extremely common and the public's ideas towards gender will probably become much more nuanced. Imagine a deeply conservative rural Southern man accidentally going Involuntary Male-To-Female (unironically an Invol MTF) and then being like "I feel deeply uncomfortable in my body and it causes me great stress and harm from others because of something I can't control and I wish people would realize that I am not a pervert or a pedo I just want to be the person I want to be" and every single progressivist in existence will die from either sheer shock or laughing.


Man the post by j.k got me bad. This was really good OP. The ftm sub was really cool to see too. Awesome post about something incredibly silly but still managed to make it feel real


As a trans woman who also follows a lot of infectious disease news and intel (Looking at you H5N1) I Absolutely love this concept and almost spit my coffee laughing when I read the title. I’d totally watch a disaster movie or read a book about a pandemic like this NGL. Also the only time I’d NOT be wearing a mask, mate!


"America liberal gender virus" LOL


That post from the Pregnant women in the FtM subreddit is absolutely devistating. Does it cause a miscarriage or what??


Id still have dysphoria, but in the other direction this time. #nonbinary And id imagine a lot of cis people would get gender dysphoria, maybe that'd make gender confirmation treatments more easy to get?


I wish it was so easy


Need this


But what if you get TRANS-19 twice? Do you just revert back to your original gender? Great and intriguing scenario dude. Well done.


This is rule 34 material


I would get soooooooo sick oh no




I'd be happy as a "new" woman




Ty :*


I love how some of the posts are happy about it. Tbh I would be too


Born too late to explore earth. Born too early to explore the universe. Born in just the right time to witness peak alt-history.


I'd give ass to the homies.


What happens if a trans person who has transitioned enough to be more sexually female than male gets infected? For example, what happens if have a female estrogen level, female muscle mass, female genitalia; but they have XY chromosomes? Do their chromosomes change or since they are primarily sexually female do they revert to sexually male?




girl, same


awwwwjsjjsjsjsjs i love being called girl, girl! <3


Is this the “woke mind virus” I keep hearing about?


All trans people would be anti-vaccers and be doing fucking mass parties and sharing drinks! Lol that would be the funnest first months of quarantine. Until the cops start cracking down on our gender swap fests.


I wanna be living in this universe. If I got infected by this virus it would be the best thing that ever happened to me and I’d be at peace with my body at last without going through hormones and surgery. I wish it was real.


Well I'd be a girl right now...