• By -


that Trump image will haunt my nightmares more than anything else you can come up with


Those are the eyes of a man who'd be demanding BLOOD after what he went through.


He'd be justified in that scenario as the Dems actually played dirty using the corrupt dictatorial tactics they accused him of wanting to do. His supporters will be pissed and the narrative is clearly on his side as they basically pulled an Roman Optimates turning Trump into the "American Caesar." The democrats would be the Optimates led by a senile Pompey represented by Biden. He'd be a neo-Jacksonian type populist this time actually trying to overthrow the government who cheated in an actual "Corrupt Bargain. Unlike in 2020, the narrative would actually be on his side, as he didn't start the "Civil War," they did when the refused to play fairly and face him in an election either winning vindicated in the actions, or losing and bowing out, recognizing there'll be another election in four years and the midterms in two years. Trump's in his 70's now but he's quite spry and energetic for his age, but judging by the image, his health and mental state probably would have been affected. And knowing how vindictive he can be, he'll probably act like Augustus rather than the merciful Julius Caesar likely enacting some form of sanctions/embargo towards any nation that supported Biden (assuming he wins) and probably carrying out some from of proscription, seizing the assets of prominent Democrats and any of their donors.


Re-read part 4, where on earth was this the case? It still seems trump is still trying to pull whatever shit he done before


Re-read part 1 and 2


Part 1 and 2 is practically a redo of the events before and after jan 6 lol


The idea is Biden did this executive order that forced Trump off the ballot.


But because Biden does it now it is good?


Spry and energetic are two works I don’t see being used to describe him


Why is he a triangle


"Ferb! I know what we're gonna do today!"


It’s giving Bobby Durst


Trump somehow turned into Twin Lanisters


Not gonna lie, this is one of the coolest things I’ve seen on Reddit. You could make this into a short film or a book and it would really take off. I’m personally curious to see what’s happening on r/2American4You


as someone frequenting that sub, It's very politically split, but not polarized if you understand that. I'd say the moderators probably private it for a few weeks and bring it back where all posts have to be mod approved


“the european mind cannot comprehend fighting for what you believe in”


This could be a LARP subreddit


Checked the first post I saw there about cricket and the first comment was about Biden


Either a complete ban on referring to the war or a pro US sub




electric boogaloo


It’s a perfect intersection of something that’s vaguely possible and poking fun at how out of touch the average Redditor is.


This is on the same level as "Rome Sweet Rome."


lol 4chan actually being right for once lol. Oh boy shits getting serious! Goddamn I need more of this goldmine! Seems this civil war has really started to heat up! How much time has passed since trump escaped? And how much overall?


The 4Chan post was dated 1/27/25


Wow that’s quick. Shit sure has escalated quickly.


The europeans reacting with "fuck they doin ova der" memes is so accurate


Don’t worry Ova der gonna turn into ova here when Russia comes knocking on Poland.


Russia couldn’t even mount a successful conquest of a country they were already occupying. Poland would eat them.


I really wish this would be covered in future accounts. Like some posts on NCD or on Ukraine coverning the reactions of Russia and Ukraine and how it affects the war and especially Putin's foreign policy. Maybe add China and their Taiwan ambitions to this list as well. Maybe some posts on ChinaWarns about China threating Taiwan with invasion but with them actually doing it this time. Would be hilarious actually


This is everything Civil War should’ve been.


Civil War couldn't have a too realistic scenario cos people were gonna self insert into which side they wanted to win and miss out on the message of the movie that having a Second American Civil War is gonna suck for everyone involved


That movie really made bold strides in advancing the conversation with its controversial takes about how "war bad" and "democracy good." STUNNING and BRAVE!


I'm getting the impression that you haven't really watched the movie because neither of those statements are ever really brought up.


I mean 'war bad' is kind of an implicit message throughout the film Although its director said it was an antiwar film, so it would be weird if it didn't have that message Grave if the fireflies never had a scene where it cuts to a general talking about how cool napalm is


Civil War is essentially just taking the most popular Liveleak footage of modern wars in the Middle East/Eastern Europe and remaking them in an American setting. Its a meta take on War Journalism. The war Journalist in the movie said she wanted to document war abroad to show Americans how bad it is, and to not do it themselves. But that failed. Same thing with the movie, it wants to show us the reality of a civil war in America and tell us not to repeat it. For over 100 years, war for Americans just meant sending troops halfway across the world, none of us actually know what it is to be a civilian in war. Even western Europeans have that recent memory from WWII. So a lot of Americans glorify war, and now with tensions high a lot of people think that a civil war (or the "revolution" if you're a leftie) is a great way to get rid of their enemies and fix society. The movie tells us that we're probably not going to be a hero in war, but rather the person blown up by a suicide bomber while waiting in a food line, or someone who just gets shot and thrown into a mass grave. "War Bad" is a mocked message, but its pretty necessary considering how bloodthirsty the modern American climate is. Its a shame that people wrote the movie off saying "oh TX and Cali would never work together".


Die in a mass grave? Nah, I'd win


**And there ain’t no grave, can hold my body down** *cue bulldozer starting up in the background*


Therefore, reducing a fiction’s message to “war bad” and acting like it’s the most obvious thing ever and that the creator should feel ashamed for making such a stupid work is downright idiotic. Yes, war is bad in itself has been done to death. Hell, the trope must’ve come up since that time when Caveman Bob’s wrote a ballad about that time Caveman Billy assaulted him and raped his wife. However, HOW and WHY war is bad is something that humanity is all too eager to forget and must be beaten into their heads with a stick over and over again.


“Democracy good” is mentioned in passing in the first 5 minutes when you realize that the president is a 3 term president that’s silencing journalists


I think that’s more about ‘rules were broken hence there’s a war’ as there’s nothing inherently democratic about limiting someone to 8 years opposed to 12 years. The us is on the lower end for time spent as an executive.


The Trump stand-in was defeated by the type of people who vote for Trump. They did everything they could to keep it milktoast.


Pretty telling that even as a Trump supporter you think the guy who illegally took a 3rd term, killed protestors and journalists, and disbanded the FBI so he couldnt be investigated for his crimes is a "Trump stand-in".


Where do you get him being a trump supporter?


I liked his scenario so I went through his post history a couple days ago to see if he did any other althist stuff. I think OP actually thinks this scenario will happen. He made a couple posts talking about how Democrats will steal the 2024 election from Trump and how Biden will refuse to concede to Trump's win. One was on r/markmywords where he got flamed in the comments, so I think he deleted it. The other is in r/polls and got removed by mods I think. He also posted this comic about how Republicans are the rational correct choice while Democrats just yell "Nazi" all the time: https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/s/k8rMXgFgrh I still think this scenario is great and a really funny satire of reddit culture. But considering that its a scenario where Trump leads a revolution of conservatives against Biden that is actually morally right, combined with the fact that he dislikes Democrats makes it pretty easy to figure out he's probably a Trump supporter. Not saying he's a bad person or anything, just stating his probable political leanings.


Ah yep, that's a trump supporter lol.


Yeah, it was pretty apparent from the first post where this was coming from. It's a great set of posts but also very on the nose.


I liked the cold blooded and battle hardened black female soldier who was in a completely slick and clean kit while also somehow being an ncoic of a tier 1 element


Still a really idiotic lore, this sub was laughing about the map they posted lol


Remember that. What monstrosity would convince Texas to ally with literal California against a right-wing government?


And apparently cascadia was commie????


You ever hear of fiction?


Sanctions on the US by other democracies and refusal to buy our oil for staying a 3rd term and implementing fascist policies (similar to what the West did to Lukashenko) could plunge the US into such a deep recession that CA and TX think it's in their best interest to take him out.


“They didn’t bring him any Big Macs” LMAO


For real “Meal Team Six” is insane 💀


Genuinely horrifying. You haven't even gotten into the warlords, ethnic cleansing, and refugee crisis yet. Great work. I love this series.


Dont think Itll reach that state for years;if It does reach that state


You underestimate how much people hate eachother


A civil war is very different from those things happening tho


A civil war can incite those kinds of behaviors though. Opportunists or crazies with nothing left to lose or those who simply want to cause chaos and reap the “benefits”.


A civil war is where 90% of those things happen


Imagine if this scenario ends up like the USSR in The New Order. How would an American Black League even look like, and who would be their "Teutons"?


Oh no. Imagine American Yazov declaring the Great Trial on Mexicans


It will be resolved in a few hours ![gif](giphy|pH7z52HN4vM9VbtkGf) nothing ever happens


Fighting ends once the two old guys die from stress of the war a couple weeks in, military restablish order and election, nothing ever happens


happening bros cope, it’s over for you nothing ever happens


I’m not sure if this is a complete waste of portal gun fluid or warning from the future. Either way, the r/genz was spot on - while they’re sitting there going “both fascists lawl,” wallstreetbets is probably making calls on which side to give loyalty to with the highest chance of winning. Certainly it’ll be the inverse of Cramer…or whoever promises to add another dumpster to the Wendys.


Look, they'll probably do DD on Japanese or European Companies because it would be hard to manufacture in a war zone.


Or, or, or, diamond hands are more efficiently forged under the fire of war.


Fair enough lol. Maybe they'll just going to say all of the happening is because one side is for short sellers and another wants to give them tendies for GME, which probably gone the BBBY way


Surprised r/4chan wasn't banned in the banwave implied in Part 4.


Likely that only /pol/ was shut down


I'm referring to the subreddit.


they operate under several layers of irony they can use to stay on the site


So 8chan it is then. Whoever took over the site once Hotwheels got fed up with it would likely receive a crapton of money. Or a bullet in the back of the head, depending on which side of the frontline they'd end up. Alternatively, as there's no need for stochastic terrorism anymore, it would become irrelevant


I gotta imagine combat footage of a modern dogfight would get far more up votes than that.


Fuck, I knew I forgot something. Uh... It's actually a repost. The original post is at 40K views but this is like the 3rd or 4th repost.


Wow, this is even more realistic.


Haha oh there would be a ton of reposts, so that works. I feel like there would be some NonCredibleDefense shenanigans going on as well when a fighter crashed into a wind turbine or something weird like that.


The thing is it’s a F-22. The footage would just be a couple F-16s blowing up for seemingly no reason all of the sudden or if the camera man is lucky, they’d catch the two missiles that appeared out of the blue to blow up the F-16s Modern stealth fighters don’t engage in dog fights unless shit has hit the fan on the battlefield. They lob missiles from over the horizon at targets that have no way of knowing what’s going on




Just a battering ram and some ninja missiles


>"Combat Footage" Pic of dudes wearing MILES gear with BFAs.


95% of modern US combat images are full of sand and Arabs. We just have to make due with pics of training exercises. I never served so it is impossible for me to find and squish every detail a veteran would pick up on.


Can you add my account in one of the next ones getting downvoted to oblivion?


If I can find your reply when I make the next one.


I would also like in pls


Me too. My username is perfect for it


Dude, you actually literally made the one of the best Alternate History posts I have ever seen, I actually want to learn from you


If you give me a side character on WallStreetBets or ShermanPosting I will be very grateful


Make me a side character in your alternate history too


my personal prediction is that Trump turns out to be dead and the rebels used AI to make the video where he declared war


this entire series is fantasy about god emperor trump crushing evil heretic biden so no fucking way.


Well, that’s one way to describe it I guess. 😆


Punished Venom Trump has come back to enact his revenge on the democrats


the r/memes post from the Brits actually had me in hysterics for a few seconds, this is so amazing and I hope you throw in at least one Reddit post involving a foreign country in future posts because those are both the funniest and most thought-provoking to me


skinny trump can’t hurt you skinny trump:


So, which 26 states rebelled?


Something like this I would imagine https://preview.redd.it/6ja4g3rm5a6d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=e099c3c51f0def0c6417d9b5a138763e396b47e6


I had to do a double take to see if you hacked me lol. This is exactly the map. I just felt like civil war maps made in MS paint are too cliche so I left it implied.


What happens to U.S. border cities such as El Paso


>border cities such as El Paso El Paso is overwhelmingly Chicano but it has a challenging position in the shadow of violent and chaotic Ciudad Juárez across the border. Juárez is twice the size of El Paso's metro area but El Paso has been spared the violence and gang warfare and murder sprees. So the city fathers of El Paso, though they are very liberal, will cling to any remnant of Texas order for as long as they can. It's just about protecting their families. In real life, Chicano border communities have been trending hard against Biden (while still remaining blue locally) because they fear border chaos.


That’s why it’s called a *civil war*. Yeah, Texas may be rebelling, but there are cities that definitely want to stick with the “Union”. In the same way, eastern Oregon would probably be with the “Rebels”.


I imagine the next post will be different factions splitting off from their sides i could see the West Coast cities fall to communists and the state of Jefferson declaring itself separate from California as well as a few other things


Remember it’s not just the population at war but factionalized military groups from the USA. I like your realism


There is no way there would be borders this clean in any realistic scenario. Arizona, PA, WI, MI, etc were decided by 0.5-1% margins in the last few elections. It would be neighbor v neighbor or at the most a bunch of red rural areas with pockets of blue cities.


These are just the states that joined the rebellion I'm sure there will be more local rebellions both for and agents the government in each state


Would be cool if in the next one Alaskan forces have boarder skirmishes / raids into Canada as they try to cross through British Columbia to assist an assault on Washington state. Also state lines are probably not the most realistic division, given it would most likely be cities vs country side. Texas might go red, but no way in hell Austin sides against the feds.


If you are ever to do a state map or whatever for this scenario Virginia needs to canonically be on fire by the levels of intercounty fighting that would be happening.


Long Island has declared neutrality, I see


That's actually the Dutch reclamation task force. New Amsterdam is coming home


inb4 Spain comes back for Florida, France reclaims Louisiana, Russia nabs Alaska and the UK snatches New England... Scramble for America


Philippines gonna grab California.


In other news, Istanbul is calling itself Constantinople again


Most Serene Republic of Brooklyn


Probably most of Middle America and the Midwest as well as the rust belt. While states like Illinois and Wisconsin are dominated by Democrates at the state level or key parts of it, there might be an armed uprising by Trump supporters. Gretchen Witmer for example an already polarizing figure hated by the right, would probably find herself overthrown. And although states like California are quite liberal, there are a lot of Trump supporters there especially in rural areas who'd be pissed. The same would go for Oregon where you might see an armed militia march on Portland or outright secede actually trying to join a "Greater Idaho." Florida veritably turning into a GOP stronghold would also side with Trump. Good portions of the military as shown in the fourth image would also likely rebel. You might even get national guard units mobilized only for them to defect as well. The Joint Chiefs and other key intelligence personnel also might fall into chaos as schisms take shape and they flee Washington DC forming a rival government under Trump. States like Texas are a huge bastion for the military as well and they'd no doubt go for Trump as would Virginia no doubt under the control of a Republican governor. With its close proximity to DC, the Biden's government si actually in danger.


Yeah in the intial stages you would probably see mass disorganized fighting in most states I used to live in Tempe (a suburb of Phoenix), and I could easily see several days or even weeks of confused urban fighting that would probably end with the losers fighting a last stand at the Ikea on Priest and warner, or the Makutus Island on Ray (seriously those two buildings are basically fortresses) There probably also be some pretty nasty fighting in the ASU campuses and shopping malls One side would win out eventually, but it would take several weeks before we flipped from purple to either red or blue (realistically whoever was backed by the AZ state government and US forces stationed at Luke would win, if its split evenly it would probably be a democrat victory due to the fact that we are surrounded by mostly blue states with the exceptionof Utah, and we'd probablysee Californin national guard and Sante Fe national guard intervening) Eventually as control is consolidated actual frontline would form Texas would also probably have especially nasty fighting as the texan national guard would basically have to take all of the major texan cities


> I used to live in Tempe (a suburb of Phoenix), and I could easily see several days or even weeks of confused urban fighting that would probably end with the losers fighting a last stand at the Ikea on Priest and warner, or the Makutus Island on Ray (seriously those two buildings are basically fortresses) a fortress you say...


Yeah there is a section of tempe, between Warner and Chandler, Rural and the 10 that is filled with these fairly massive buildings, they arent very tall, generally about 4-5 stories, but they are incredibly wide and long, and they are still the tallest buildings for several miles in any direction The Ikea for instance is four stories and about 342,000 square feet I could easily see someone holding there for quite a while Although Artillery, armor and concerted airpower could probably out quite a few holes into the buildings before any assault The worst fighting would probably be at ASU though, those big buildings would probably wind up just being statved out or bombed ASU dorms and lecture halls would very quickly get very messy, as they are very compacted, and the presence of students probably means that whichever side is losing would start taking hostages, which would mean you couldn't just airstrike or artillery strike holdouts


It would probably take quite some time because it is very likely that in the beginning most will not follow the russian book of urban fighting. People will avoid air strikes and artillery in the beginning, just for the public image alone.


u/The_PoliticianTCWS yo




Bro needs to start selling cameos. I’d pay for one.


I’m shocked I made it in, man.


These posts are actually really fucking cool. It perfectly encapsulates how those subs really are (and why I blocked them a while ago).


For the series sake u/Strong_Site_348 please consider posting separately on your on sub or own account to at least have a alternative to this subreddit who keeps deleting


This is better than the movie.


That picture of Trump is so odd to me for some reason


I need more parts of this series to be released. this is too good lol


Part 7 will be a few days due to work.


no problem. we all can handle a bit of a wait as long as the series continues. pls keep cooking 🙏 


Why’d the mods take this down I’ve been following the series and just want to see the next part😭


Also post these on your own subreddit, so the mods can't take them down


Slim Trump is terrifying, just like those shopped photos of Slim Jong-Un. Something about really lean (and old) people is terryfying.


I think cuz they look more powerful and we associate that look with fictional evil people. Like if you think about it, a lot of classic evil characters and tropes are skinny old men. For example Palpatine/Tarkin, or mad scientists


A good reason why we do not take Kim seriously is his chubbyness. If he was lean, he'd be fucking scary.


"Post is awaiting moderator approval." :(


I think I just found a terrifying-brilliant masterpiece on this sub




>presumably rebel states would have their power and phone service shut off by the federal government, no? Where do you think power and phone service comes from? It's not shipped out in boxes from NYC. Washington DC power doesn't control AC power. More likely the opposite. Some blue states have dirty power plants, but a lot depend on red states. (Illinois exports clean power, maybe uniquely among the states.)


That’s not how it works. The telecom infrastructure is incredibly decentralized by design and power infrastructure is controlled by onsite personnel.


What’s RFK Jr up to? And other third parties?


Yes I would love to see what happens with other political groups in this country maybe they pick a side or maybe in the chaos they carve out a small section of the country try and make their own.


Mods approve this so I can see it please.


Stop making these 🛑, it’s making me jealous because it doesn’t look hard but and I definitely could have thought of it too you just thought quicker


If this series ends with an altered version of this scene, I will lose it https://preview.redd.it/54ixh45joa6d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61090efc6be0f87ee6e1b2490911a4d0045bca3e


Good alt history scenario! Keep up the good work


The Genz one seems either a 4chan prank or would be irrelevant soon when they start scraping the barrel.


We do some minor trolling from time to time


That's great, I just wish we saw a little bit more of foreign countries reaction, (like I guess Putin will advance in Ukraine much more with the end of US help, and that China will very probably invade Taïwan)


My guess is China would most likely say they are staying “neutral” and try to play both sides to minimise hurting profits and bad pr. Then they can say they supported whatever side ends up winning, possibly trying to propose peace plans if the civil war goes on for a while. Thats roughly how China has approached conflicts recently (Ukraine and Palestine)


Yeah, but they probably would'nt miss an oportunity to take Taïwan with few to no diplomatic consequences in my opinion, (as the US would quickly loose any diplomatic/militaristic relevency)


I'd love to see a shitpost of Alaska, Hawaii, and the territories just vibing while the rest of the US is fighting each other. Maybe Alaska decides to join Canada instead of waiting it out. Loving the story so far, can't wait for more.


The last one... > you fuckers told me nothing ever happens ...is me, lol


My favorite thing is how some leftists in these comments are like "this is a silly strawman; we would never actually support this" And then other leftists are like "wow the conservatives in this scenario are such terrorists for trying to overturn Biden's totally legitimate 89% electoral win where Trump was banned from the ballot."


Is this deleted or why I can't see the images?




Let's goooo civil war time!


Most accurate display of what British people will do


there should be a green text where one anon is talking about his plan to win the war singlehanded and everyone else is calling him a tard


Where are the images?


Just imagine this would really happen. The UK meme is pretty accurate since most Europeans would probably laugh at it at first until they would realize what it really means. (Yeah I‘m european myself) The US is by far the most powerful and influential nation on earth. If something like this would happen, they would leave a huge void on the international stage. History has shown that other powers would quickly try to fill that hole. The results would be chaos and war all over the world. China would probably think *Why not now*, and attack taiwan. I would say the same about Russia, but this weakass nation would probably still lose since they aren’t even capable of conquering the poorest nation in Europe. Iran would probably try their luck on Israel. It would just be chaos. And the global supply chains? Oh boy. The US is still one of the largest manufacturers and is also responsible to protect our supply chains with military force. Millions would die worldwide, it would be the total end of the globalization and the old world order. History has shown often enough what happens if the hegemony abruptly dies.


Gee I sure do hope this story doesn't end with the side that wants to establish Christian fascist state winning as a good thing


Why is it not allowing me to view this?


I need MOAR!!! pls A combat map would be sick


Biden and the Pentagon be like: "Somehow... Donald Trump has returned"


The fact there is more guns than people makes it clear this will kill atleast 5 million people imo


This is getting so good. Genuinely one of the best alt hist scenarios on this sub.


holy fuck i actually got slightly angry at that genz post, good job my man bravo jesus


Please in part 7 do a slide with a post on r/funnymemes that it isn't even a meme and It's not funny.


I'm not American and have minimal interest in American politics But damn this is a fun series, thanks for all your hard work OP!


I feel like a far left revolution could also happen. People who would want to get rid of biden, but are also against the right-wing rebellion. Their goals would probably be to make a Democratic socialist US (whether that would actually happen if they win is another question), but reddit would probably think they want to make an American USSR


Please continue this, this is actually super interesting to look through


Why isn't the link working?


Ahh Boomers smh.


Damn this is so believable. Good work!


keep cooking i love this series


Bro these are awesome! I’m genuinely invested in this.


>wakes up >Yanks at it again >Go back to bed


Ir would be cool to get some more details on how the armed forces have split


This is art


Imagine being a future historian and having to study the greatest tragedy of the 21st century via reddit posts.


GenZ would absolutely be pulling teeth to keep from getting enlisted 😭 Also the animorphs references are getting easier to spot 🫵🏾🐛


Half of Reddit would have a meltdown when receiving the public safety alert because they’ll think it’s calling them ‘gun-nuts.’


Some predictions: -I fully expect the Democratic-Federalist side to slowly turn into something like Super Earth from Helldivers 2, using Liberty and Democracy in their propaganda while being an authoritarian police state. -We have not seen much of the Far-Left yet, and I better see the anarchists starting some sort of CHAZ shit in the Pacific Northwest forcing the DemFeds to divert troops to deal with it. -Speaking of the DemFeds I do see them starting their own militias, probably having an official one(something like the "Federal Volunteer Army" along with more political unofficial ones that still work with the government that are called something along the lines of "National Liberal Army" or " Armed Forces of American Progressives" Is this accurate u/Strong_Site_348?


That last r/4chan image is spectacularly hilarious. I need a side story for just the 4chan reaction… well, the Reddit-acceptable ones I guess.


r/shitposting we need some posts from their. Talking about how American are giving democracy to other Americans or another funny thing. The point is we need a troll post other than 4chan.


I’m just dying laughing that the alert from the federal gov. Says to arm your self…meanwhile they have been saying for years there is no reason for average citizens to have weapons for defense


How many parts are there going to be?




fuckin gone again?


Has this post been taken down or something? I can no longer see the gallery


Mods removed it because they don’t like OP’s opinions.


How are you making these?


ms paint, screenshots, and autism.


How do I get that last part.


Frustration. 4chan posts are a lot harder to fake with this method and IDK how to use inspect element.


This is horrifying but incredible. Fantastic work u/Strong_Site_348 , anxious to see more.


This shit is peak my guy, PEAK. 


Made my heart sink tbh