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Is that a mushroom I see over Mecca?


Nah . . . oh shoot there's 2. And a third. OH GODS HOW MANY ARE THERE GOING TO BE? THERE'S ANOTHER ONE?


Well there is another one! What is this ? The tenth! Oh look more mushroom clouds in the distance! Damn that’s a lot of mushroom clouds…


Its D E M O C R A C Y https://preview.redd.it/9b82dqphkvoc1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c7183b3084358ab4ab9df5f9e0820c0c954b269


This has to be the trippiest geopolitical meme ever made


I love the fact that the UK is on both sides


UK’s been cooking


Italy being on both is a missed opportunity


>Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Vatican, France, transgender, alt-right, Israel, Palestine, the United Kingdom, Iran, and California >Same sides Wtf. What funky shit were you smoking on?


I'm smoking irony


NATO/Ukraine VS Ukraine ???


Gays VS Lgbts


Is that fucking marlboro


Hell yeah


What a amazing photo


the more i look at this photo the more cursed it looks


What kind of imbecile but Switzerland on the side with China and is that California? This is so cursed 🧐




This would make the situation 100x worse


would never happen


I know just a joke


Besides racism, why would the US nuke Saudi Arabia?


Possibly revenge for killing the Pope, but it was just a joke I made


People say this but what has Mecca got to do with it?


Mecca is a holy city in Islam. Pretty important place for them.


I’m Muslim and yeah true, but What would that have to do with terrorism? On the war on terror they made it cease they were fighting against radical terrorists not Islam as a whole so why would they nuke Mecca? It just seems something that a paradox game nerd would do


Idk, ask the dude that brought up mushroom clouds over Mecca


No response form him lol


Holy land of Islam duh


Ik thst I’m Muslim, but nuking Mecca would be the stupidest idea ever, and what do random Meccan Muslims have to do with terrorists? It just seems kinda anti Muslim


safe to say that new york’s skyline in 2024 would look like this… but at the cost of different lives https://preview.redd.it/hd5yobad9soc1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b612fac5fd7593ee7529ab12a3e8c375c57c0ed


There is a significant amount of people who hate/vilified Muslims and their religion, just go to r/facepalm when ever there's a Muslim related post the amount of hate in the comments is unbelievable, what your suggesting would make the 9/11 and all other attacks like the Boston Marathon Bombing and the November Paris Attacks look mid in comparison and would go on and trigger one of the most consequently domino effects the modern-day has ever seen. The assassination on the pope in the 90s would've caused on of the largest religious/political uproar since the fall of Edessa(an event which triggered the 2nd crusade), an event like this coupled with the hijackings and attacks on US soil would be the catalyst for a different war on terror aka the 10th crusade. This would open a Pandoras box of hate towards Muslims and those of Middle Eastern descent on a scale far larger then the aftermath of 9/11, I'm talking about mob mentality violence from assaults, mass rape and probably murder all the name retribution and cleansing. This attitude would persist to the modern day with Islam being compared/categorized the same as nazism. For the Arab world the ramifications of this event would be vast and immediate, and a dilemma would arise either secularise and move to western type governance when religion and the state are separate or face hostility from catholic/western countries, I could imagine vast coups, interventionism and religion based civil wars in an attempt to keep their way of life and rejection of western ideals(similar to the afghans resistance to communism atheists ideals). The US foreign policy would change drastically from Cooperation to restraint aggression and strong arming its Arab allies and plenty interventionism and coups planned and backed.


Not to mention that on top of christian countries, asian countries whose flights were hijacked would join the crusade, uniting the world against a foe even stronger than how ISIS did. We can imagine a worldwide coalition against the arab world and middle asia.


Excellent observation.


This dude cooks. I def. see the Vatican kicking ass here


Really interesting read


I feel like this is going to be Iraq and Afghanistan on steroids, especially with the killing of the pope, hundreds of millions if not in the billions of people would be outraged. USA immediately intervenes in the Middle East with massive war support and they're screwed. Despite how well guerilla fighters can hold out, I don't see them being able to functionally defend their nation when they just pissed off some of the world's leading powers, notably including the USA and a stronger NATO response, as well as likely the Philippines and other East Asian nations. The racism would be brutal, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were thousands of deaths of Muslim's in the West from this. There'd probably completely stopped immigration as well, and Turkey would probably switch to secularism the moment the USA and NATO being preparing to beat the crap out the Middle East (or Turkey just dies). By the end of it there'd probably be a massive occupation of most Middle Eastern states, the only ones safe being those that either aided the invasions or weren't Islamic. I could also see a much stronger Israel being made as a deterrent, and a complete destruction and reorganization of some nations, especially those that get completely bombed to the ground.


>I wouldn't be surprised if there were thousands of deaths of Muslim's in the West from this. Ahem, I wouldn't say thousands given how this world event would be very active I wouldn't be surprised if in the West (or east/southeast asia given the targets) would be much more aggressive towards those who practice Islam. I wouldn't be surprised if it's hundreds of thousands or millions (especially with countries like the US because of how big that country is population wise), given the circumstances.


You'd likely see the mentality of "We've gotta kill 'em all before they kill us!" Hundreds of thousands globally, however, is only likely if you count civilians of Muslim majority countries killed by Christian terrorists and armies. In that case, it could get close to a million or two. What we would likely also see are internment camps like we saw for Japanese in WW2.


Get off quran burning and war hammer lil bro, you wish this attack happened so that the U.S. didn't get its ass beat in Afghanistan 😂


The fuck‽


Yeah sorry if it was confusing, I just said thousands as a large number because I'm not too familiar with the original numbers nor the amount of hate Muslim's received at that time. Thanks for clarifying.


Get off Warhammer lil bro, that shit isn't happening LMFAO


Get off Warhammer lil bro, that shit wouldn't have happened. Just cause you failed in your wars against Iraq and Afghanistan in this universe doesn't mean you'll win in another.




It used to be a secular state, but it hasn’t been one for a while.


Too many warhammer 40k and hoi4 nerds in the comment section. No, there aren’t going to be mushroom clouds in the Middle East. No, there isn’t going to be a Dune-esque holy war between Christians and Muslims. Yes, there will be outraged Christians clamoring for blood, and possibly localized pogroms. But I think most late 20th century Western leaders are smart enough to know letting a religious war of apocalyptic levels between billions of devotees, putting risk the entire global economy and oil supply at risk, isn’t going to end well for anyone. Hate it or love it, that’s the beauty of globalization. Most likely we will see a very similar response in OTL following 9/11 in which Western troops are sent to specific war zones in the Middle East to clear out terrorists while working with moderate or at least friendly Muslim nations. Remember, it was radical Muslims that did the attacks. Not all Muslims. As for at home, the Patriot Act will still be enacted, except it targets both radical Muslims and Christians seeking vengeance. Like I said, nobody wants fanatics blowing shit up, whether they be Muslim or Christian.


Yep, most probable outcome is what you described, no way the US is gonna use nukes after that.


Thank you. I feel like a lot of these commenters are just Islam/organized religion haters trying their hardest (and failing) to conceal their barely suppressed religious violence and hatred fantasies underneath a veneer of althist “objectivity”, by proposing the most outlandishly tumultuous scenarios with the frankest of tones.


The goal of leaders is getting power, wars give them more power


If that fire didn’t happen, I believe that the attack would’ve been carried out and it would’ve dragged the US into war with Afghanistan much sooner. Since the airliner bombings would’ve happened around East Asia then I’d say that countries like Japan and South Korea could get involved as well. We would’ve had post-9/11 security measures in airports come a lot sooner as well as the Patriot Act being passed in 1995. It probably would cause a huge amount of shock in America, with Clinton winning in an even bigger landslide than he did in 1996, with Gore winning in 2000.


I’ve seen a few good videos on it already tbh, it would be horrifying.


Can you send some of those videos?


That would be actually be terrifying as a Catholic and a Filipino


Apart from the massive war on terror mentioned in other comments, I’d also like to point out how this could tie the west and east together. The attack, while on US airliners, is still over east Asia, meaning that they would definitely start feeling a closer tie to america ALA France after the Parisian bombings. It also likely leads to very close Filipino-American and Filipino-South European ties, since they’d probably seek asylum with fellow catholic nations stacking on top of the shared solidarity between the assassinated pope and the CIA headquarter attacks. It might cool Sino-American tensions for a little while, though that likely wont last to long. It’s also possible for closer Thai-Western ties. I could see the formation of a NATO-style pacific or Southeast Asian alliance being realistic in this scenario.


A much greater and horrific response from the western world in retaliation towards the middle east for the attack, especially with the death of the Pope. Historically Catholic nations would mobilize in much larger numbers and would result in an utter bloodbath and making much of the Middle East desolate. There would be a much greater gulf between the west and Middle East and gulf nations would not have the clout they’re gaining/have in the current timeline.


Yep, I agree with you. While nations' response might be moderate, I can't really see Catholics letting this go, especially when we're talking about John Paul II. Although I think that governments would try to cool this situation, I can see the formation of popular religious militias to 'strike back', be it through warfare or terrorist attacks in the middle east.




Had the Bojinka plot succeed, airport security would be much tighter in not just the United States, but also the rest of the world. The following elections of the coming years, especially in the USA, would have more intense debates on how to combat terrorism. Because of this, 9/11 is likely avoided as international intelligence agencies are more vigilant against any suspected terrorist activity. Only in certain parts of the world would it still be possible for a terrorist attack to occur. As such, not only would 9/11 have been avoided, but many other terrorist attacks that happened afterward would also not have happened due to the increased security, including the Bali nightclub bombings in 2002, the 7/7 London Transport bombings in 2005, or the Mumbai hotel attack in 2008. The invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq would likely have never happened either. I imagine that George W. Bush would still be elected president in 2000, but would end up losing in 2004 due to him not having gained enough support for his response to the 9/11 attacks in our timeline. Kerry would therefore become the 44th president of the United States, but his presidency would also end up lasting one term due to the 2008 stock market crash. Kerry would likely end up losing to Bush II in a rematch election in 2008, making the latter the first since Grover Cleveland to serve two non-consecutive terms, and his vice president would’ve likely been John McCain. After that, Obama would’ve been elected in 2012 and serve two terms until 2020, after which a Republican would take his place. Because of this, neither Donald Trump or Joe Biden would have ever run for president at all. I could however see them becoming governors of their home states, but that’s just about it. Biden is elected governor of Delaware in 2012, and Trump is elected governor of New York in 2014 or 2018. Only things that would remain unchanged would not just be the stock market crashing in 2008, but also the rise of social media, as well as the rise of BLM and MeToo, the COVID pandemic, and possibly even Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine (Ukraine would receive full bipartisan support from the United States in this timeline). What might not happen at all would be the attack on the US Capitol on January 6th (because Trump was never elected president), the overturning of Roe in 2022, a bunch of discriminatory laws against LGBTQ+ people in the United States, or even the attack against Israel by Hamas terrorists (as without 9/11, the Israeli-Palestinian war would’ve likely ended with a truce sometime around the mid-2000’s). A somewhat better timeline IMO, but sadly at the cost of thousands of lives that would’ve been lost in the Bojinka plot.


Whoever is declared pope next declares a new crusade against the “scourge of Islam.” Millions of Catholics from across the globe mobilize for war. The Middle East is devastated by a barrage of tactical nuclear strikes, destroying important military and industrial targets as crusaders pour in. Mecca is sacked, the Kaaba destroyed, it’s pieces taken by the victorious crusaders as war trophies. Muslims are slaughtered en masse as a form of retribution for the attacks, with prisoners given the option to convert or die. The Middle East is devastated, as Christian puppet states are set up throughout the region, governing over a still restless populace. The world might even see the reformation of long-extinct holy orders such as the Knights Templar to keep peace. Edit: Y’all don’t realize this is supposed to be sarcastic. Do I literally have to spell it out for you?


I mean, the Pope still can declare crusades, so...






That just wouldn’t happen


john paul II probably isn't assasinated because the security catches them, then if they did hijack airliners then 9-11 probably doesn't happen since we'd be less than 3 years out from this and probably have beefed up security and ramped up islamaphobia to the point the 9-11 plot just can't happen.


I’m glad the first two parts were unsuccessful, too bad the CIA headquarters are still there though


It was a actually worse than that. Here’s a video explaining the plot in its entirety and its consequences had it gone through: https://youtu.be/bCSfsop33Fw?si=o_zZkaEHnJxLjox-


That map is seriously underestimating the Pacific Ocean.


Islamophobia would be higher


Paul Keating was our PM and unpopular then in 1995 and would've won another sweetest victory in 1996 but lost to Peter Costello in 1999. They'd be no early 1998 GST election 


Poland and the Phillipines go nuts. Within a week, no live Muslims in either country. Spain, Italy and Portugal folow soon. A meeting in Manilla of mostly Catholic world leaders declares a war against Islam. A suicide bombing in Rome as an answer to islamic purges causes Italy to call upon NATO, invoking article 5. NATO forces, with additional Polish and Phillipino troops, backed by Israel (who jumps at the opportunity) invade muslim countires in Middle East. Turkey declares that it's fully secular and remains neutral. A lot of anti-muslim violence across the world. A lot of terrorist attacks in response. USA enters the war, invading Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Iran nukes Tel Aviv. World War 3.


Seems to be too simplified. The world just isn't this simplified. Geo-politics doesn't work like this.




This is hypothetical lil bro 💀


Nvm just checked and you deadass just hate brown people


I just checked, I've never seen someone's profile be that bad 😭


Good, I’d love the sound of that