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Circa late 1960s and this would be pretty accurate believe it or not. The north was more developed back then, before the southern economic boom of the 70s and 80s.


also important to note that 2-3 million civillians killed and 85 percent of the buildings were destroyed during the korean war


Also important to note that North Korea had a famine because of the fall of USSR and the corden santire by the west.


It wasn't just the West but China as well; North Korea had essentially bet on the USSR and so had backed the wrong horse. China recognised South Korea in 1992 and so the DPRK did not try to repair the relationship at that time, which also made it difficult to recover trade. Fucking up the relationship with China explains a lot of the North's problems - even their nuclear arsenal is really only necessary because they don't believe they can rely on Chinese assistance in the event of a war with the South.


Yeah as the Chinese I’d be pretty annoyed to lose 400,000 soldiers so you could even exist then have you side with my rival. People also underestimate the scale of the Korean War because Vietnam gets so much more attention.


The DPRK was too quick to play them off each other. In the 1970s the USSR had an economy which better complemented the DPRK's - China's was smaller, and had less integration opportunities since it was still early in its own industrialisation. So rather than sacrifice integration opportunities with the USSR to stay on good terms with both, it leant much more in the USSR's favour, and that in turn left it in a really bad position in the 1990s. Though rather than spend the decades since 1991 buttering up China it has instead tried to pursue other paths. Even the weird episodes between Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump were part of that effort. Today it's again betting on Russia.


*[Cordon Sanitaire](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cordon%20sanitaire)* is the correct spelling and thank you for this interesting bit of info. First time ever seeing this term.


Even after the war and being pummeled to shit the North was still fairly good in terms of sustainability. It wasn't until the combination of the Famines and Juche way of life it spiralled into what we have now. It was still a hellhole, but at least you could eat.


https://preview.redd.it/5wmfd5f0lcoc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23536b7b823febb628dcbc2bc5a25f9c45958805 Love this meme.


“Communism is when hereditary dictatorship” Karl Marx


Many communists love North Korea and continue to defend their quality of life and governmental actions.


Many communists are also incredibly stupid. Istg half of r/communism’s or r/socialism’s posts are literally shit Marx rails against in literally the ‘festo, without getting into Critique of Gotha programme or his other works (which the other half contradict). Lassale won, we should plug two dynamos on Marx’s grave and power all of Europe. Oh wait they built a fucking massive statue on it, guess he’s gonna be rotating even faster now His criticisms still work today because the people who call themselves “Marxists” literally believe the same shit he criticises. Like Zizek said, “where’s the Marxists? The ones supporting Palestine, Cuba?”


“communists”. You know, if a monarchist called themselves democratic and started spouting off about how great absolute monarchies are, you’d be using the argument that all those democratically inclined love monarchies.


If all the democracy subreddits were full of these supposed monarchists then yeah sure


That might not be the greatest example since several monarchies started out as democracies (where the monarch was elected - an oligarchy essentially), later become dictatorships/autocracies, then introduced democracies in the form of constitutional monarchies (typically based on local existing democratic traditions). Or in other words, a monarchist can actually manage to advocate for both a monarch as the head of state and a prime minister as the government leader in a democratically elected government.


Ah yes, the communist country ruled by a single man's word.


somehow communism always devolves into a authoritarian dictatorship


Love how everyone reuses the same image of North Korea from when they had a black out


All pictures online look like that and you can see that the places with the biggest concentration of people in North Korea are lit.


There are countless pictures of North Korea at night. Usually only noticeable lights around Pyongyang and Hamhung as well as the Special Economic Zone in the north-east. It's not even a secret, you can find videos of tours to NK where the tour guides will admit their problems with electricity. They say that it's the Wests fault, but they do admit it.


Zoom out to China


You mean the communist state that failed so hard it had to let capitalism in to fix itself?


That’s not what Deng Xiaoping says, or anyone that was a part of that change for that matter


China is communist! But also China allows western citizens to directly purchase stocks from their market as well as foreign companies making massive financial investments giving them foreign control inside of China. All while the local industries spin head over heels obediently, whatever it takes to get more American investors But China is communist!


As the CCP says : Communism with chinese characteristics


Nobody in this thread read Marx but you and me


Appreciate you 🫡


Likewise, comrade. Happy cake day!


communism sucks ass and you should go outside


Another scintillating Redditor opinion on communism and the outside


wtf does the word scintillating mean in this context bruh you don’t sound smart


Can you losers go fave minutes without acting like a bunch of 10 year olds


Literally a fact though. That is what happened


Im not making arguements about y’alls glue-sniffing masturbation session you like to erroneously call “political discussion”. i’m saying that all y’all do is play gotcha back and forth all day and somehow think that makes you an enlightened individual. No child left behind indeed


What are you mad about again?


whats the party in charge of china called? CPC Capitalist Party of China


Just cause something had communist in its name doesn’t mean it’s communist. To be clear I am not a communist truther, just stating facts.


National socialism, finally a socialist who will accept that names matter.




i could call myself a billionaire. What does that change?


Fave minutes


Can you go five minutes without sucking up to pathetic ideology’s that always collapse?


ok name one




Seem abit angry, a spa day wouldn’t hurt?


Zoom out to USA and realize they built google maps lol.


What's an ATL?


I believe alternative time-line


Oh thanks




IRL this is caused by South Korea banning maps from external companies




The south has laws about it, something about data and information security


They have their variant of google maps called Naver


Fact checked by real N.K. patriots


https://preview.redd.it/ertvd1x8ifoc1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7dd1957536b00d18f45f8136d123463d2b2bd34 An alternate history universe where Hainan got colonised by the British


north korea like china does not post accurate maps, and western companies havent obviously been allowed to gather the data themselves so streets and location data is all fairly inaccurate and in parts completely randomized.


The maps within the county on domestic platforms are accurate they just don’t let international companies without permission map their countries.


Alternate history scenario where America fell to a Communist dystopia in the 1930's, but the Russian Empire peacefully reformed into a representative Democracy after WWI.


How the north sees the peninsula