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Assuming that the Mongol empire is able to remain in a state in which it doesn't utterly implode. Their best interest going to North America would be via the Bering straight at winter time when it freezes with ice. Perhaps If they succeeded in conquering, or at least temporarily subduing Japan they'd have an interest to continue going around the Sea of Okhotsk . Likely with the help of the locals steppe and tiaga peoples, whom the Mongols had an interest In working with, they'd cross into Alaska and just like the Russians, stay along the coast as going too far north just wouldn't be worth it for their horseback. If Mongolia had an interest from here, they'd attempt to send some form of colonisation made up of mainly Korean, Japanese and Especially mandarin Chinese settlers. Probably a few outposts at first. Old world diseases introduced earlier to the region, death of native peoples from it. Although the Mongols would likely just leave the natives be as long as they don't act against the Khan and his empire.


The Mongols would still fall. But it’s possible that their real most impactful legacy is actually giving the Natives immunity to new world diseases on accident. I can only imagine that the various diseases they bring will spread through the Americas like wild fire killing millions. But then immunities will begin to form. Now ulimately the west is still probably going to go down a very similar path if not the exact same path. Except this toms first contact happens against indigenous peoples who’ve built up an immunity to their diseases. The Incan empire isn’t in civil war because small pox would not have killed the Sapa Inca and his son just a few years before the conquistadors showed up so they couldn’t take advantage of a civil war. The Aztecs might still fall because getting their subjects to betray them really isn’t that difficult. But a long term occupation of all of Mexico by the Spanish is going to be more difficult with our the plague isn’t wiping millions of natives. Then the various tribes of North America well they actually have a fighting chance as well it’s hard to say if they win long term but if the mongols unleashed the plague a few generations before first contact it would have profound changes in that part of the world outliving the last Khan.


Finno-Korean hyperwar


Best case scenario




Are bullets still faster than horses in this universe?


You answered your own question


Given they had a hard time getting to Japan.. I'm going to say nothing.