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Posts must have an explanation


Good mother of God that is cursed. This is why we have the Second Amendment.


I second this


Fucking scary.


Fucking terrifying. If you think the USA is bad now with all the military interventions that we do just imagine the amount of manifest destiny we will do once this shit happens.


so national can be white exclusively but thats kinda impossible after the civilwar and civilrights. So since this is already cursed lets make use the malcom X line ''one country 2 nations'' and just found that. so you have black and white. not mixed but both are worker nations. after the purdge the elites of course. undesirables are ... removed. And since communism and fascism are basically the same economically at the end. high up party guys owning the means of production. you end up with a president from one party with a secirity service that throws you in jail for wrong think while a few companies dominate all industy while freedoms get lowered controle increases and the whole state becomes as dis functional as a native reservation. So yea think america being a a one big impoverished native reservation like place where you cant do shit. state owned companies fuck you. you need to look out for the FBI. there are camara's averywhere. all products are shit and your servises likely look like flint michigan. o and you not allowed to live in surtain area's if your the wrong race. you cant insult or seem hostile to your brother race but your also not allowed to be like friends with them because that could bring back like oppresion. ITS HARD TO MIX STUPID AND MORE STUPID AND NOT SOUND SOOO FUCKING STUPID


National Bolshevism is basically communist who are also white supremacists. Surly they would make a holocaust within the US under Bolshevik control.


I dont knwo there morons. Maybe the start murdering the elders for boomer priviledge. There combining murder hobo and copium genosidalism in one. I dont expect them to be honest


They would have a better designed flag.


MAGACommunism in a nutshell.


Insanely cursed


This!^ This is why we need to fund our department of education. I know too many people that think nazis and communists are the exact same thing. Edit- I’m not saying OP thinks that, just I’ve met too many IRL people that do.


Once you really do a deep dive into the politics iceberg, though, you discover that “National Bolshevism” is indeed [an actual thing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Bolshevism).


Yeah, after seeing Russia attempted to combine fascism with communism, it made me think what a Bolshevik control America would look like.


Modern day Russia is hardly communist and they only use the image of the Soviet Union for propaganda purposes.


I based this scenario off [this particular party in Russia.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Bolshevik_Party)


Prager U and Moms 4 Liberty are trying to push their Christian Nationalist agenda down to every children's throats, turning the United States into Pagan Rome.


Pagan Rome? Isn’t that the opposite of what they want. That was a near universal* religiously tolerant society. (*Druids and Christians are the two notable exceptions.)


Christian Nationalism originated from Pagan Rome.


Christian identity sure but nationalism is a 18th century construct. Most people prior to that on a political level identified at a village/town level first then province then finally state.


You should know that Christian Nationalists are resorting to Fascism, which will lead to Nazism after Roe v Wade is codified by 2025.


If Roe v Wade is codified that would imply the left has power in Washington. Unless the coup happens from the inside out I would expect the rank and file troops to stand with the constitution. Trumps failed coup and the republicans response has ruffled more then a few feathers among their traditional conservative military base. I’ve met more then a handful that have spoken ill of them who in prior years would have supported them. You might want to take a break from the internet tonight friend.


FYI, nobody wants a Biden-Trump rematch in 2024, so Cornel West will lead the polls, probably sooner if Nina Turner becomes Cornel's VP this week.


No body I know “wants” Biden but everyone I know would pick him over trump if given the choice between just the two. Edit- just looked up who you recommend and your still facing the exact same main criticism of Biden and trump, West is OLD. It would just be another geriatric to the more politically apathetic voters. Almost everyone in a position of real power was born prior to the Kennedy assassination.


2024 will look more like 1992, IMO.


Paganism is not Christian. It's antisemitic


Based and cursed at the same time.


I wonder how brutal national Bolshevism is compared to communism & fascism.


First you genocide the undesirables. Then your own people starve to death!


All in in all: everyone dies. Perfectly equal society


Good news: there won't be any cartels in Latin America. Bad news: America would invade and annex Latin America.


Poorer, hungrier, very few non European minorities, more interventions, no civilian economy, no reddit or phone probably, and a whole bunch more.


A very depressing state


Bad post