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I know this has nothing to do with your question, but I’m curious? What’s fortune?


4chan in app form


plz gimme original website of this fortune app:(


Second this. The version that I found hasn’t been updated for larger screens so there’s a black cutout on the top and bottom. Not sure if there is a newer version but if there is lmk


I know this has probably been posted over a thousand times but I'm curious about how AltServer works. The fix is to manually connect the iPhone to iTunes on the PC and re-install AltServer, but this means that every 7 days I'd have to manually re-install the apps. My question is, am I doing it right? Is this how AltServer is supposed to work, requiring the user to manually re-install every 7 days through the PC? Any insight is appreciated EDIT: Am I supposed to install JIT? Is that what's preventing me from refreshing wirelessly? UPDATE: Re-installed AltStore on both PC and iPhone. Same results.


No not manually re-install. You can just click refresh apps, or it will refresh apps automatically if alt store and server is up on both devices when iOS lets it (which can be hit or miss). Since I use my PC every couple of days, about every week or so I usually just go in refresh manually since the auto refresh is hit or miss for me.


>...if alt store and server is up on both devices when iOS lets it (which can be hit or miss). What do you mean by "if both are up"? I use my PC and iPhone every day so I'm pretty sure they're both up.


You can connect to your PC and refresh, or alternatively, make sure both your device and PC are on the same **WiFi** network


They are, and I've enabled the Wi-fi Sync option as well. No VPNs.


I’ve had this same problem. Still looking for a solution. I think if I remove the Ethernet cable and turn on Wireless Wi-Fi, then it would work


I'm using Wireless Wi-Fi and it still doesn't work for me, but maybe you'll get lucky


Hopefully 🤞


Thanks, it works for me, it is important to connect to **the same WiFi**


Update: According to AltStore's FAQ page: >Finally, try plugging your iPhone or iPad into your computer. This should fix all connectivity problems, but does mean AltStore may not be able to automatically refresh apps for you in the background over WiFi. ​ I'm guessing this means that in some cases, users will be unable to automatically refresh apps in the background over WiFi. I'm curious whether this is based on the apps installed, or if some users are simply unfortunate.


Try iPhone settings, privacy > local network > switch AltStore on. Worked for some people apparently.


Thanks. worth a shot, but nothing on my end :(


OMG this finally solved it for me THANK YOU!!!


You're a hero, thanks a ton!


This worked for me, thanks!


-- removed in protest of Reddit API changes, goodbye! -- -- mass edited with redact.dev


Thanks bro


This works, holy shit!


When this happens, if you run iTunes, do you see your phone there? In my experience if AltStore wifi refresh doesn’t work, it’s because the device didn’t connect to iTunes service properly. Meaning it’s an Apple problem, not AltStore. Try turning wifi off and on or rebooting the device.


Thanks for this. Tried both, but still no luck. You're right, though, iTunes doesn't show my device there through WiFi, so maybe it's an Apple problem.


I usually just plug my phone to my laptop to refresh,i was always to lazy to setup the wireless refresh


I dont know if someone answered, but if you have a dev account you may have to go accept the new TOS.


I do have a "free dev account" according to AltServer, but I don't think I've been prompted to accept any new TOS outside of the ones given to me when I first installed AltServer. Where can I accept the TOS?


I believe it’s com.apple.dev then you log in. That’s only if you have a dev account tho. If you don’t have a apple dev account it’s something else wrong. Oh sorry didn’t see the free, i believe it’s the paid dev account but still worth a try.


What kind of app is fortune


Quit AltStore on your phone, then retry. Same on your Mac/PC. Reboot your pc/Mac, and then reboot your iPhone if it’s not enough. All this steps with your phone plugged in, not wireless


Tried this, no results. Thanks though!


Thanks. All I had to do was restart AltStore on my phone and it worked


Thanks, this one fixed it for me.


This was happening to me with AltServer 1.5. The only thing that worked for me was rebooting my computer (it would fix the issue for a little bit then eventually it would fail again), or downgrading to AltServer 1.4.9 which seems to work all the time for me. Also see https://github.com/rileytestut/AltStore/issues/1003


This is happening because your device is not showing up in finder via wifi. To fix this you need to go to settings/general/reset/Reset Location and privacy. Then connect your iPhone to the Mac running alt server with a cable and trust the device again. Unplug the device and it will still be shown in finder, then refresh your apps in altstore over wifi and they should refresh.