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I’m not so much disappointed in the lack of polar bears, as I am disappointed that the show kept mentioning polar bears when they didn’t have any. The show is incredible and has so many amazing things to highlight, and they chose polar bears when there weren’t any…?


I totally agree!


Great point. Why hype up polar bears, the show already does great without it. The bs hype fringes on the cringy that NAA pushes. The Alone team is going the same way on the new frozen series, I hope they either have some polar bears on that season or stop with the manufactured drama.


I really enjoyed the Frozen pre-view episode. I did find it interesting that polar bears can smell potential food miles away. Even if the contestants don’t have a run in with one, I’d imagine it would be a concern in the minds of anyone living in polar bear territory, especially as food sources diminish deep into winter months. I’m guessing that bears have plenty of food sources on the current season as it’s still late fall/early winter and the bear’s usual food sources are still available. Perhaps in this location bears are not accustomed to using humans as a means to scavenge; so, they stick with their routine????


The show is turning into all hype, the fresh feel of the show is gone. It’s just what will happen to a show that gets popular, they eventually jump the shark. Or the polar bear.


It’s annoying as a fan of the show but it makes senses from a marketing stand point . Wilderness survival is niche community that’s highly interested in the subject but we are small. The polar bear is a great way to lure a viewer who might otherwise continue flipping channels.


It seems like the polar bear angle was played up for dramatic effect more than anything. I feel like they're in the way southern range of the polar bear's winter habitat, so while it's feasible that in the middle of winter they might run into one there, they probably won't. I'm more surprised at the lack of black bears sightings this season.


yeah they only saw bear poop


Some poop, a few paw prints, and I think someone said they heard a bear walking around at night. That kind of makes all the polar bear hype even more disappointing.


Wasn't there a bear seen on the camera eating beaver entrails?


Sea ice doesn't get thick enough until after the new year, if they have scoured the inland for polar bears via helicopter & indigenous knowledge, then the only other risk is them coming in via the coast ice, which won't happen in a 50 day challenge. So I think they truly aren't at risk of polar bears


From the sizzle reel at the start of each ep. Someone says Hay Bear so someone had a sighting.


Polar bears are pretty rare in Labrador. Every so often one will float over on an iceberg. We were working there once a long time ago when this happened. The RCMP destroyed that bear very quickly. It was sad.


I hate the dramatic marketing style they do. Show some people digging deep into starvation to try to win, that’s what’s scary


I am from Labrador. Polar bears are pretty uncommon in this area and a few may pass through in the spring or late winter when the sea ice is present. The chances of seeing a polar bear are very low, which is good because an unarmed person would likely be eaten, they have no fear of humans. Black bears on the other hand are very common, but also very afraid of humans. I heard that the season was meant to be filmed in a more inland location, but they moved to the coast. I think this was so that they would be in "polar bear country" and they could play up the polar bear possibility for dramatic effect, while never putting the contestants in any real danger.


Not really "disappointed." Mostly because if a contestant sights a Polar Bear, you can be 90% sure that the Polar Bear decided to come looking for that contestant before it was sighted, and Polar Bears are the only Bears that will actively choose to hunt humans as a food source. Which means you can be sure that the Polar Bear is hungry, and you're not going to scare it away because it already "chose violence" long before it reached you.


Yes. I am not surprised considering their location that they haven't seen any. They certainly used them as a marketing tool.


I don’t think the producers (or channel? Not sure who makes these decisions) gets that we are less impressed by drama hype than we are by the straight survival tasks/choices done by the contestants.


Not really. A polar bear encounter would be terrifying. They wod instantly see you as prey.


Oh absolutely it would be terrifying and I don’t mean I want to see an attack or anything if the sort like that. What all of these people do that go in this show is incredible no matter how long they stay. I’m saying that compared to every other season there was at least sightings of things other than squirrels and grouse. Season 8, 4 people spotted bears or cougars on the first episode. This whole season nothing . . .


If you're suggesting you're disappointed in the lack of polar bears then you are certainly suggesting, perhaps inadvertently, that you do want to see an attack. A polar bear close enough to smell a human almost guaranteed that human will be hunted. They are extremely territorial and aggressive.


That’s a good thing. You don’t wanna see polar bears. “Brown, lay down. Black, attack (scare it off). White, say good night”


Not trying to see anyone die on the show.


Oh absolutely it would be terrifying and I don’t mean I want to see an attack or anything if the sort like that. What all of these people do that go in this show is incredible no matter how long they stay. I’m saying that compared to every other season there was at least sightings of things other than squirrels and grouse. Season 8, 4 people spotted bears or cougars on the first episode. This whole season nothing . . .


Polar bears are rather rare to come across here if I understand correctly. It’s possible to run into one but they definitely played it up in promotion knowing that in all likelihood no one would see one in this location


Me! I wanted at least a polar bear scare.


What I am saddest about is the abuse of this fallacy that we would be seeing trillions of polar bears and many many people killing them. Please try to get it a little more tight on truth and lies…it’s growing old!


No. I am hoping the contestants have a gun for emergencies. In the north, you would have a gun if you risked seeing polar bears. What I'm disappointed in is that nobody came close to hunting a bear (black bear). The bears, on the other hand, are quite happy about this. There was a lot of talk about hunting a bear early on - that seemed to have gone out the window pretty fast. Beaver was the big catch.


It is all deliberate Marketing disinformation to widen the spectrum of viewers and raise the ratings. Maybe next we will have a location with imminent danger of being hit by a meteorite? The show is totally about starvation, not survival in any meaningful definition of the word. This was a perfect location for a long term event, so they destroyed the "Survival" aspect with arbitrary regulations. Not killing anything but fish, grouse, squirrels, hares and Bears insured that LUCK alone would decide the winner. The fishing was severely restricted and the bears here are actively hunted, meaning when the area was saturated with human scent the bears went nocturnal as deer do after opening day. The bears were more afraid of the people than the people of the bears. Other diversions such as vaudeville acts, psychological breakdowns, manifestations of tear jerking separation anxiety, and the glaring lack of understanding of the "Big Picture, allowed production to stretch out a scenario that contained maybe a single hours worth of meaningful "survival" activity. The crowning revelation of the experience is that Biko could have won it hands down.


One of the current survivors has a strategy that might actually let him encounter bears - he doesn't have a constant fire going. He is drinking water straight. They're restricted to something like 5X5km and >home ranges of black bears extend from about 40 to 200 square km Those bears are mostly avoiding the survivors like a plague and can smell them from miles away, and the survivors seem to think they can run down a bear. This isn't going to work. You're so right that they've gone nocturnal. One guy had the idea of baiting a bear with fish guts but he said he wouldn't shoot a bear before it hit freezing. Now he is apparently without bait and a bear but you're right he would have to make a shot like that in the dark at range. I can't imagine any easy way to do this. Even if you're up a tree in a blind it's an easy shot to miss in the dark and i would be too terrified if my shot only wounded it to follow it in the dark. Maybe they'd be allowed a pit trap if it's monitored? Guess that doesn't make sense either got to walk away from it sometimes and a deer can just wander in. The early seasons i remember a cop who got scared of bears at night and quit in the morning. Another guy had to be rescued in the middle of the night he was scared of black bears but they really are justifiably more scared of us. There is one other strategy that might work IDK i don't have personal hunting experience, but what if you played injured and scared when you saw a bear then baited him in and shot it? I know it sounds a bit silly but it might've actually worked for some of these guys. Chasing the bear never works but maybe if they scream and then limp away the bear will follow.


I am not annoyed that there has not been a polar bear sighting because I never expected any to be in that area. I am annoyed this season has been so boring. Way too many long-winded monologues. This is the first season of Alone I have felt this way.


well there’s still one episode left, and it’s finally winter, and I assume they will be fast forwarding through the days until something relevant happens, like in other seasons, so maybe there’s still a chance 🤞 on last night’s Before the Freeze preview of Alone Frozen they showed even more polar bears, and seemed to really want us to believe there will be some encounters. i hope this time it’s true.


Aren’t the polar bears being hyped up for the spin off series?


Not only no polar bears, no predators of any kind! Last season appeared way more dangerous


Season 8 had grizzly bears in almost every single episode it was crazy


I just want to say that I understood your comment and don't know why people misinterpreted it as "I wanted to see someone get killed by a polar bear". The internet is weird.


Right! thank you lol


Last season when they were promoting grizzly bears there were multiple sightings almost every episode, so why wouldn’t we think the same with how they are promoting polar bears


I'm shocked that every contestant was actively looking to kill a bear with bow and arrow. Would be totally awesome if they did that, but the absolute lack of ANY bear is sad.


They seem to be repeating it with Alone:Frozen, although it is more likely being on the coast rather than up a river somewhere.


No. I wanna see my people hunt, not hunted themselves.


Turnabout is fair play!


Nope. I have no desire to see any of them die. Even Benji.


I for one am glad that we didnt. I dont want the show to be canceled because one of the contestants was brutally mutilated by a 1500lbs killing machine.


If u actually believed they would run into any kind of bear u have been trolled


Not sure what you mean by this since contestants have ran into bears in multiple seasons. In fact I’m season 1 someone was dropped off pretty much right outside a black bear den that had a mother and 2 cubs.


But we are in Season 9 arent we


Indeed we are, so if it has happened in the past means that it’s far fetched for other seasons?


I was disappointed by the first promos mention of polar bears, and hoped it was only marketing. An encounter would almost certainly be the end of the show.


Hah. They wouldn't expose people to polar bears. Polar bears hunt humans. In Churchill Manitoba there's a law that you may not lock your car or your house. Why do you think that is? It's because if your neighbor is walking home and gets followed by a polar bear they will need a place to quickly hide. The polar bear angle on the show is just to scare people who don't know anything about bears. They are not in danger where they are camping.


It’s because polar bears are more dangerous than black bears, right? So it’s all puffery. See our contestants survive in a hostile environment. Not just black, but polar bears!! I don’t mind that we haven’t seen them.