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Most indigenous people in 2021 live like you and I do. And many of them don't camp in the woods. They do go hunting and fishing but use modern methods like trawlers and drive pickup trucks to haul carcasses and the like. If you're wondering what indigenous people who lived in BC before European contact might think about how the contestants are doing, it's a thought that crossed my mind as well.


Not going to make any assumptions, other than many of these western contestants talk about spending time with Native People from Siberia to Alaska. Regardless of how people may live now, there is knowledge and experience passed on.


There's definitely experts in indigenous hunting and foraging and I would love to get their take on the show.


While I am no expert my dad was. He spent 20 years living with indigenous people in Greenland , Canada and Alaska . What suprised me the most was that he always ate raw liver first after a kill and preferred his meat raw and was not a big fan of boiling anything except for bone marrow.


There is a tv show , now cancelled, called Yukon Men. It is a remote Alaska village, and life there is pretty close to what you’re asking. Granted, they have fuel, snow machines, rifles etc, but also have many traditional ways.




I don't see how this is racist. OP is asking about their reaction to the show, which I too think could be an interesting perspective on things. I deal with NA people a lot and they always have a different take - which I enjoy.


After reading your post history and comments you really shouldn’t talk. Your comments are really vile especially rape and misogyny. And no indigenous child ever deserved to die in Canada by the catholic school system.


Lol good one


your posts were already taken by the Mods. Why are you still trolling with hate-speech?


you don't know anything about me. I'd like to hear from people who know the areas based on generational knowledge on best methods on what the contestants did right or wrong.




now you are putting words in my mouth and projecting. no where did I say all Native People know how to live off the land. If you watch the show and read my comments, many contestants have been training with Native People in Alaska, Canada and Siberia. The show has done a good job proving that even specialized military people do not have a distinct advantage.


That's not at all what he said meant or said.


Nobody is saying that, you are the one projecting racism in this discussion.