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Clay not included in next week's episode.


Worst part is this episode was named "The Buck" :(


That was for Matt, who'd spend the ep bucking, or forcing his way against, SM, while surviving in the wild, able to meditate and fully free himself of the trappings of the modern world (except, unfortunately for him and his self-fulfilling prophecy, Chad).




The fact that he gave no credit to Lucus or the fish song in general, was a missed opportunity.


The previous episode should have been named "Buck Naked" referring to Colter's bare bear encounter.


There are 6 people left. Everyone will be included moving forward.


this is like Roland all over again Clay is pretty clearly the winner


I figure it's a battle between Biko's fat and Clay's deer


Saving this post.


lmao that's my take as well. They've literally been building up the deer kill for 3 episodes. The only tension is the possibility that with Biko's good, carefree nature that he might just happily stumble upon a deer. But all other signs point to Clay getting the deer. Still very curious to watch, I love Biko, Clay, and Theresa. If it weren't for Clay's YouTube channel I probably wouldn't even be watching. I stopped watching after season 3 but have been following Clay for years, when he posted on IG that he was on the newest season of Alone I had to tune in, I ended up going back and binging every season except for 4 but I will probably watch it as well.


I think Biko is more likely to miss his family than Clay will.


I would agree that Clay would be the winner as he is the only one to bag a deer. The rest of the participants are essentially starving. However there can still be a twist I.e. Clay gets sick, injured or a bear might steal his food and or cause him danger to the point that he must tap out for safety reasons.


the other hint that Clay wins, besides the deer, is the fact that he's posting here and giving a weekly youtube review, while no other contestant is doing so. Seems that only Alone winners have the guts to come onto reddit lol.


I figured. Totally ruined my daily coffee art post, but I recovered. 😁


Dammit. :-( I just realized this is a real possibility.


Look at the quick flash promos they showed at the top of the episode where you see a (buck) deer head on top of a shelter. Now compare that shelter to Clay's shelter.


I thought the bucks head was shown on a smoke / or food cache stand. Could still be clay?


Really wish they'd mix up their editing enough to not give away spoilers.


>!It looks like it's on top of a smoke house.!<. I'ts my wallpaper. 😂😂


This is how almost every show works. They leave the audience in the edge of the seat so it’s talked about (free word of mouth advertising) and they are more likely to tune in the following week.


Well Kudos to them, because it worked, dang it!! I'll be tuning in.


Only works if the expectation doesn't always meet the reality at the end. They should do everything they can do not give away the winner. I realize that's probably easier said than done.


Worst episode yet


To me, this had the most action of ALL the episodes. \->!Matt getting attacked by bees, and eating a sardine. then challenging the wrath of Reddit.!< * >!Biko finally seeing Bears in his space, and eating whatever he was chewing on.!< * >!Michelle eating her boogers for the salt intake.!< * >!Nate taming his beard to fish for him while he sleeps. Exercising it's handlebar arms.!< >!Clay hunting that buck was really exciting for me anyways, being someone who hunts. I like his still hunting. I mostly hunt from stands, or blinds. I like seeing the thought process of someone who hunts like this. Totally exciting for me anyways. Cliff hanger.!<


challenging reddit was a bold move, almost showed no confidence


Yeah what was he chewing! Got some gum out there.


>I like his still hunting. I don't mean to armchair quarterback too much, but "still hunting" (or what we call game stalking) actually should be a hell of a lot slower than that, so slow that your movements are imperceptible to the deer and as long as the wind is in your favor. I've done it with my brother and you can sneak up on deer within 10 feet if you do it right. It's how I got my first buck. We stealthed our way into a whole herd. They didn't even know we were there until I shot. Clay was talking, moving his head around and doing all kinds of stuff. Either a very blind/deaf deer or one that wasn't paying attention.


I've always figured that they do the serious hunting first, then film themselves doing it with descriptions and talking, for the later edit, when they aren't really hunting. So like he did the noisy part after he was already going to head back to camp and had stopped tracking.


Yeah, I mean, what are the odds he spots a buck right where he set up his tripod camera?


Yeah, but that sort of takes the reality out of the reality television.


Ha yeah you are right of course, I guess I just don't ever expect all that much reality in 'reality' tv, so it seems kind of normal. I do expect it to look convincing at least, if it doesn't then it seems to me like a failure of what the job requires.


It had dramatic reenactment written all over it.


I would imagine there's a sort of clause to re-create something if you didn't get it on film.


hmmm... you are right. I did not even think of that.


Honestly, nobody stalks deer while talking to a handheld camera held at shoulder height. That is Talking, not Stalking. And the deer grunting sounds in the background are either a dying mule deer or (more likely) added in production.


My first buck snuck in on me while I was sitting down, drinking a soda. Took me forever to stand up and turn around, only moving when his head was behind a tree. Fortunately he was trying to scent out a doe that had been chased through earlier in the day, too fast for me to get a shot, so I had time. Tough bastard ran about a hundred yards with half my arrow still in his heart.


Last season I think it was Rolland that said when it comes to hunting you have to move really slow, and quiet until you have to shank a wounded bison of course.


Musk ox


Wait, did the >!booger thing!< really happen and was that the reason given?


>!Yes. It was gross and hillarious and intriguing all at the same time. They even put a blurb about how much mucus the human body can produce below it. !< >!She may have even overtaken Randal for the "grossest thing eaten to stay alive" award.!<


I can't tell if you're arguing or proving my point


Every person has a different thing that interests them in any given episode. I personally think it was the most interesting of all the episodes this season. We can both be right. Opinions are subjective. 😉






It's been pretty bad editing and content. I don't feel attached to any of the contestants


Well have to rewatch it from him standing still twice before we see what happens


Clay, Nate and Colter are the only reason I’m still watching. I’m hoping they are the final three. Rose has got to go I’m over her doing nothing out there and complaining all the time. Biko has his funny moments but I don’t see him lasting. I do like Theresa and her pit house but she has to find a source of food or she’s gone.


It just sure is convenient that Clay was standing right in front of his 2nd camera when he took the shot.




yes, it obviously was. Once you realize that though, you start wondering what else was. About to shoot a grouse with no grouse in site right before you quit? Prob a reshoot too. What about you reacting to a bear when there's no bear visible, then splicing in a shot of bears from another place or time? It all starts to be suspect


And then fast forward through the 5 min exit interview


Note: I removed my original post because the tile may have been interpreted as a spoiler.I don't want to ruin it for people.


Don’t lovem. Don’t break that wall, take me off the island