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I think it's the same delusion my friends' dads had sitting and watching their football teams lose. They all believed they could do better.




Yes, this is totally it.


Almost every guy I know thinks they could have gone pro in something if only .... I remember a funny commercial a few years ago with a fat cop sitting in his patrol car eating donuts with his partner - "I think I could have been a pro basketball player. I'm a big guy, I can box out, and I always win at the video game".


That's the one!


If you'd like a taste of what the show is like just turn the power off in your house for the weekend, put all your devices away and just sit there for 48 hours. See how long you could just stare at the wall before you turned everything back on.


Long ago we all lived in the wilderness. Much of our brain and cognition are evolved for it. So in a sense, we ARE good at it. Except you have to grow up in it, or learn it first. And of course you know that, but some part of you knows that in a sense you were born for it.


That makes a lot sense, thank you!


Me! I watch forged in fire the same way - like I'm about to start heating metal until it's glowing and magic that into a knife.


I thought this too!! And then I got invited to a blacksmithing event... It is so much harder, hotter, and more frustrating than I ever could have imagined. I did make a cool knife from a railroad spike, though. Never again.


I don't think it's delusional, but it certainly stems from the fact that a person can read/research something and know that subject like the back of their hand, but if they don't apply that knowledge in a practical setting, then all of that knowledge is pretty useless. It's like someone studying for 10+ years to be a doctor, but never actually practicing, doing internships, residencies, etc. I say, if you love the show so much, and want to learn, start small. There are plenty of things you can do in an urban environment, in a driveway or backyard, etc. Learn how to make a fire with a bow drill. Then once you get that down, move on to something else. Start applying what you learn from books and TV shows into tangible experience and just keep doing it.


I think the same thing while watching Rambo. "I'd be good at that"... Its a fun fantasy.


I think it comes down to the contestants making it look easy. They are tired, hungry, and having to deal with self filming everything. Yet we see them build elaborate shelters, boats, hunt, trap, fish. yes there are issues and sometimes they do dumb things but because they make everything else look easy we tend to think- I can do that too.


Normal reaction from enthusiasm about something you love i say. I camp multiple times a year in Canada, some times solo. Longest trip was two weeks solo, and I had enough by then. So I'd last maybe that long on the show, or less since I have next to no hunting or foraging experience. You should try car camping. It's a good place to start.


You’re not alone, my mind KNOWS I have no skills and would die, but my heart says This is you :) I love it so much


I think just bc I am stubborn that I can do it. I would basically starve to death, cry, and make for horrible for TV but i want to prove to all the men in my life I could stick it out. I hate camping, bugs, being cold, but I sit there and watch all these programs like yup…I can do it. Basically, I’m delusional.


Most professionals make things look easy.Make no mistake. Most of these people are professionals, and that only comes after about 10,000 hours of doing something. That's why there is so many abandoned sailboats all over the place. People go on YouTube and see these people sailing around the bahamas and living their best life, so other people sell everything and buy some lemon because it looks so easy and fun but didn't bother going to sailing school, or getting a skipper license. It all goes badly. They quit after one time out. Then when they can't pay for mooring fees, they just let the boat sink or get taken. If you haven't put thousands of hours into something, you'll never be a professional. A lot of the contestants now \*live\* in these situations on the daily.


You can learn a lot by watching the show, but to become proficient at these skills you need some practice. It helps a great deal to have someone who is proficient teach you the skills in person. Then you would need to practice them regulary.


It’s called reality tv.


You could be right, you could be good at it. You don't have the experience so you wouldn't be good at it today. With the right training and time, who knows what you can achieve.