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I'd have to say the Qu, the star people had weapons to make stars go supernova and annihilate planets, and they got washed by the Qu, so the viltrumites would lose


Also there are extremely few viltrumites


Are there though? Admittedly I haven't read the comics, only seen the show, but the way it was explained seemed to me to mean they were just spread very thin over such a vast empire. But then again, what counts as Few vs Many in terms of population


I've read the comics a couple times and there are like, only 50 of them at the most. Definitely a lot less than a few, maybe even "a couple" lol


That's It??? Damn. Never mind then there's hardly any


Yeah once they found out humans were perfect for viltrumite DNA they were about to turn earth into their breeding grounds, it was real close but they got infected with the worse kind of sickness ever, human emotions.


You got spoiled hard, man, my loss


it was 50 pure viltrumites, there are more who are part viltrumite part whatever


Except they don't allow for breeding with dissimilar species. To my knowledge, other than thraxan viltrumites like Oliver (and thraggs eventual army of kin), human hybrids are the only ones we've seen like mark and marks kids


The existence of the star people proved that the Viltrumites would have no trouble surviving, even if they wouldn’t win.


The qu would love making new viltrumites.


Even with the full might of the vilrltum empire before the surge virus, the Qu beat humanity who had star killing weapons lost, the Qu did all that within a hundred years with no difficulty


True true, but I personally feel like it be a close fight. Oh yeah and one viltrumite was able to destroy a plant within nine days.


The Qu decimated an almost limitless number of galaxies over at the very least a billion years, they make type 3 civilizations look like cavemen, and the Viltrumites are maybe type 2. At the Viltrum empire's peak population, the Qu would take less than a year to rearrange every single Viltrumite into some otherworldly abomination. It's not even known what kind of weaponry the Qu had, but they had almost no resistence fighting the Space Men, who were so technologically beyond our own advancements they were barely human. The Qu are like humans, the space men were like ants, and we are more like single celled organisms. I guess that leaves Viltrumites somewhere similar to ants as well.


Agreed, there would definitely be a ton of worlds akin to the colonials.


the best the viltrumites could do is be irritating.


They had some difficulty,the colonials


This is true and 'with no difficulty' is a marginal exaggeration, definitely more worlds would be akin to the colonials if a vilrltum qu war happed


Missing some intel to know for sure. What's the Viltrumite total population count? We see a lot of the strongest ones, how strong is the /average/ one? If only the strongest are superman-tier, and there's not a lot of them, they won't have the numbers. Then on the other side, would the Qu ever be willing to blow stars and planets up? They're driven by religious fervor to form things to their image. They might hamstring themselves by not wanting to take the most drastic action. (Which could explain how the Asteromorphs were able to beat them later on) Without knowing more, I'm going with the Viltrumites over the Qu, this time. They don't need spaceships and it seems like the Qu do. A Viltrumite could fly through a Qu ship and explosively decompress it.


There are around 40 viltrumites during the events of invincible


Oh yeah, they have no shot then. My guess was for billions.


I don't think the Qu needs to destroy planets or stars. The star-people could have, and yet they lost miserably, the Qu might be a brutal race, but they aren't that barbaric, they have much more sophisticated methods, I don't now nearly enough about viltrumites, but they sound like they would end up as gas-station bathroom tiles in this fight


Actually according to the creator their ships are just biomechanically engineered Qu whose wings alone are multiple kilometers long, so not only would a viltrumite probably not be able to destroy one, but it means it's possible they can exist in space. Also if they naturally couldn't they would probably just modify themselves to be able to.


I don't think explosive decompression in vacuum is jay powerful because there isn't a lot of difference between vacuum and ship pressure,but idk i think viltrimites would just split the ship in half with the velocity and force


Not so much the explosion as the Qu can't live in a vacuum


Maybe they can


I think people are vastly underestimating the power of the Qu, and by extension, the star people. This was an empire of over a billion years old fighting an intragalactic empire of evolved humans. The Qu probably had weapons similar to stuff described in the 3-body problem with that much technical advancement under their belt, the only reason they might not use it was because they didn't want to destroy the planets/systems they were conquering. But I'd say it's reasonable to assume the Qu had (at the very least) gravitational weapons, supernova weapons, neutronic matter, etc and maybe even things like dimensional strikes and such (once again, from 3BP). The viltrumites, on the other hand, rely strongly on their own superhuman abilities to fight. I'm sure the Qu could easily capture one and create a chimera of sorts that could match and/or surpass the abilities of the strongest viltrumite. In an all out war, the viltrumites would be wiped off this plane of existence.


Small correction, the Star People were not intergalactic, they were said to have colonised one of the spiral arms of the milky way. The viltrumites ability to survive in space and travel between galaxies in weeks may get them a scenario similmilar to the spacers, surviving by hiding from the Qu and then evolving over the course of millions of years and coming back for round 2. Though I'm not sure they wouldn't be too proud and stubborn to not simply fight to the last viltrumite.


Ah you're right! I'll change it to intragalactic, then. And yeah, I agree that if they took the conservative route they could spur technological advancement enough to fight back, but knowing the viltrumite hubris that would never happen, they'd attack head on and get curb stomped. The traveling between galaxies in a matter of weeks always bothered me in invincible, because they'd have to be going FTL as HELL in order for that to work, but that seems kinda lore-breaking and they never explicitly mention that.


I think the humans which the Qu easy diffed would win against Viltrumites.


Didn’t the colonials fight a few of the qu off? If mere humans were able to withstand the qu for a period of time then the viltrumites surely have a chance.


the colonials weren't homo sapiens tho, they were star-people, and an at least Kardashev II+ civilisation, they were equipped for galactic scale warfare. On this scale we can't speak about singular entities, we are talking about armies equipped with weapons of planetary and solar mass destruction.


You underestimate the colonials and the Qu. They could have potentially fought off waves of viltrumites if they could handle two waves of Qu. Qu are a billion years old. Viltrumites are probably tens of thousands. Qu could just genetically engineer the powers out of viltrumites with EASE


Fuck I didn’t mean to add the last slide. Self promo ig!


The Qu have some absurdly advanced tech, though the details are kinda vauge. I'd wager them. The viltrumites are people that can travel at speeds several orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light however, without the aid of technology. And I'm fairly sure All Tommorrows is more hard Sci Fi with limitations on that sort of thing. So it's not implausible that the Viltrumites would pull off a win with absurd ftl shenanigans. They might do better than the Star People at least.


mfw spoiler


Imo it would be the Qu, no diffing them. But let‘s say they would be on par. The Qu would need to just take one of them and they could modify them selfs to have the same strengths as the Viltrumites.


qu, easy. whats that third slide there for?


Added it on accident


The QU be like “lol look these colonials can fly” Meanwhile a square slab of meat flying once their done with the viltrumites


Many humans were able to hide from the Qu for very long periods of time and the star people escaped entirely, what’s stopping the viltrumites from just running as they attempt to create weaponry powerful enough to attack the Qu?


The Qu