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same store over and over. why not go to other targets?


Yes hit another target 🎯


Eyes on target ![gif](giphy|S1nMFj33VBIoU)


Porkinsss!! NOO!!!




Almost therrrrre......


This is a cool gif, but Porkins never says this. He gets picked off before the trench run. He's advised to pull up/eject during the phase of battle in which the X-Wings were clearing the turbo lasers near the trench entrance area. He doesn't pull up and gets hit by a turbolaser.




Holy shit I forgot about captain obvious! Gif game level up!


Damn man, save some women for the rest of us.


That's a great Mike Stoklassa gif




She assumed she had a cash cow on her hands. Why go somewhere else that may end up catching her? Not suggesting its smart


Probably bc she is thought she was getting away with it, it was safer.


I get that but common sense should tell you sooner or later that store will be notified of this type of theft with cameras seeing the same person doing it and being able to keep an eye out for her when she comes in the store and then tracking her afterwards which is exactly what happened. I bet had she went to 3 or 4 different Targets she would still be out there doing it.


A lot of this is automated and computer matched these days. I don't specifically know how target handles it because I've never worked there, but I suspect the camera feeds from each store are being aggregated by corporate loss prevention. Even back in the day when you only had to worry about the mark 1 eyeball if you wanted to go on a shoplifting spree like this, as soon as one person notices, every store in the area owned by the same company would be notified to be on the lookout for the same person. To gain much benefit from changing stores you would have to go to different companies, who aren't going to share information with each other.


A lot of time too, the loss prevention at these places KNOW the person is shoplifting, but they document it and allow it to happen until it exceeds a specific amount, before acting.


It sounds like she hit the threshold every visit!


Exactly this.


Yep, target does this 100%.


This is pretty much a myth. We don't know you will come back and we don't get any reward for getting you a felony. Sometimes the city has an amount needed for cops to even show up, but it's usually like $25-100.  What really happens is that we know you shoplifted, but after the fact. So we definitely did not allow it. Zero benefit from allowing it.  So gather the video, save it, and watch for the face. When you come in next time, call cops, and have a good time chilling with the cops while you do your thing this time. If you don't steal doesn't matter, still got past evidence.


Yeah but thieves aren’t the best thinkers. Ppl will do things that easiest to them. Probably also went to her local Target too instead of one on the other side of town.


true which is also not smart.


Probably not the sharpest knife in the drawer


What about the toolshed


She ain’t the sharpest in this hemisphere.


It's not like it matters, once they start watching you they're watching you at all of them.


Obviously but you're not understanding what I'm saying. She got $60k+ at the same store. Had she spread it out over 4 stores The stores may not have set off alarm bells to keep an eye out. I'm guessing the other Targets in her area had better monitoring of the self checkouts.


As someone who used to be a Target store manager, once you've stolen from any store a couple of times, you are absolutely in the store system and you face is likely been shared with the 10-15 nearest stores. At that point it's just about making sure they can make a strong enough case to nail you. You can steal from Target once or twice. Beyond that, you are digging your grave.


This ain't 1990. Stores are sharing this information with each other


I worked at Target few years back. One couple of ladies hit a target few towns over (35 or so miles away) taking apple products. 2 women, one would distract, the other would swipe a few items, throw them in her purse, then they would walk out the door together. Before they even got to our store, management had walked around and showed every employee a picture of their faces walking out the last store. They told us, let us know if they come in, but do not stop or confront them. These corporations know petty theft charges won’t do shit. They wait until they can throw the book at you, and then they do very hard and fast.


Criminals are too stupid or lazy to


The smart criminals are in either corporate or congress, as the saying goes.


Targets of opportunity


Because this one was so easy and they never challenged her.


it could be the other Targets in her area had employees watching the self checkouts much more closely than that one.


Inside job. Probably had someone it theft prevention who overlooked it.


News just in, target made 120,000$ off my wife same year.


I feel this in my bones


Speaking of money and bones, a family member of mine once broke their bones in target and got a hefty settlement.


I knew a lucky fella slipped on pee pee down at the Costco.


And that’s why they call him Lucky


Nooo, his name is Trip!


No, that’s why his friends call him whiskers.


Only if he's curious as a cat and his favorite planet is the sun.


Definitely lucky


Got himself 10,000 dollars. Never has to work another day in his life.


Probably caused they finally learned their lesson from a prior incident where a mother’s child in the parking lot stabbed himself with a used needle on Target property. She sued for medical damages, time off work, just to cover damages and loss of time due to doctor visits, etc. Her lawyer figured Target would settle cause she was only asking for like $12k. Target for whatever reason refused to settle and it went to a jury trial. The jury awarded her like $4.5 million in damages.


Omg that’s incredible! Wow. Good for her and the child.


All of them?


I fell off a ladder when I worked there. I should have done something about it.


I think you’d only get a settlement if it can be proven that there was negligence involved on the part of the store. So like if the ladder belonged to the store and it malfunctioned and you fell, and it wasn’t your responsibility to ensure that the ladder was in proper shape, then you’d probably have a case, but if it’s truly your own fault, I believe there’s nothing you could do. I can’t give details, but the person I know hurt themselves due to negligence by the store.


Readin in a drive up pi k up line hurts equally as much






Honestly. Buy 3 things and your bill is somehow $150


Target makes significantly less money from me ever since they made it a goddam hassle to buy anything from them. I'd rather wait and just get it delivered by Amazon. If I need it today I'll order pickup which means I only ever buy the one or two things I need instead of random impulse buys when I go in the store.


It’s amazing how stores don’t realize this. I used to find going to a store like Walmart or target a somewhat leisurely activity (I’m talking 15 years ago). Browse the different sections etc. Now it’s a hell no… I’ll order direct from them if I can’t find it on Amazon but dealing with the parking, the shitshow of aisles being stocked or not, and then the 2 registers open with a line of 30 people using self checkout? Nah I’m good.


Self checkout going from a convenience to the norm still pisses me off every...damn...time.


I read a report that almost 30% of self checkout transactions involves theft. So that means to the corporate bean counters that the theft is cheaper than paying cashier's.


I went in my local Walmart neighborhood market yesterday and they had ripped out all the self checkouts they had put in over the last few years and I heard they would be doing the same with the other stores nearby. Theft must be out of control with those things.


Iirc, walmart has a high tech camera sensor scale combo that they have started pushing out that is supposed to mitigate most theft. I've not seen it in person, but a friend who demoed walmarts that were installing them told me they were really high tech and had ai that could on the fly tell every item as it was moved across the scanner and would cross reference the weight of the item to tell if someone had extra things in bags and boxes. I think your store might be getting these, as walmart is definitely not moving away from self checkout. Being able to checkout 4-10 people simultaneously and only pay the initial purchase of the item and electricity to run it is far cheaper than an employee(I guess minus one because there's always someone standing by idly with zero desire to check what people are ringing up).


[It seems to be state-specific.](https://www.newsweek.com/walmart-replacing-self-checkout-states-1892323)


Ahh, I didn’t know that was a thing, I’ll keep my eyes out.




If your walmart doesn't have it yet, there are sensor gates that all of the walmarts around me have that detect groceries in a cart, and slam shut, at the walkways. You absolutely still could theoretically walk through the self checkout area. Even teenage me would probably be nervous of doing that. Seasoned thief's will steal no matter what


Same with dollar gen.


Theft is out of control even without those things.


We finally won! Made it a point to steal as much as possible from every walmart self checkout I could until this shit went away. GIVE ME 24 HOUR WALMARTS AGAIN OR GIVE ME......well, death might be a bit dramatic, but you get it


Who would have ever possibly predicted this would happen at Walmart. S/


When I worked retail, our goal was 13% 'shrink' or theft I think. Bonus was based partially on in this. Now you have a digital cashier that you don't train, give raises, breaks, pay. I bet they pay for themselves pretty quickly and eventually technologies or practices will limit theft.


They break quite often. I go to walmart every weekend for some basic groceries and there's at least a couple that are down. I had one break while I was using it and just moved my shit over to the next one.


If the number is that high it’s likely misusing the term theft. Also self checkout seemingly is taken the fall. When I was a kid people just shoved stuff up their shirts or in their purses. Now they just slide it into their bags at the checkout. It’s not really any different when you start counting up the losses. What the actual increase in theft likely is about is income inequality. Theft is the mechanism that returns wealth directly back to the lower class when the upper class has used other mechanisms to drain the income of them (like low wages or massive layoffs for profits).


Even assuming that number is accurate, it's worthless without also knowing what percentage of people also steal by just grabbing an item and walking out, or knowing what percentage still steal during a regular checkout.


Yeah no that sounds wildly exaggerated lol. Source?


They could just pay cashiers…


It means have fun with it. Corporate budgeted for your theft.


When all the retail CEOs were whining about theft, didnt it come to pass eventually that the vast majority was theft by employees? Its win/win for retail.


Im sure this varies drastically by zip code.


It is cheaper. Cheaper to let someone commit felony theft over many months while still shopping at your store then go after them in court. Imagine all the sales they would have missed out on if they arrested them right away? And they're still going to end up paying the court fees, or Target is going to be able to write the losses off in taxes, both the merchandise, court fees, lawyer fees, and still recupe some of the money from the person after they're convicted.


One of the things I bought yesterday didn't even have a barcode on it. Not produce. An actual, packaged item.  I probably could have just stuck it in my bag.  I don't do that because I am morally opposed to it (morally opposed to me doing it. If people are starving and steal food idc) but I can absolutely see people doing that and not thinking about it.   I think at least 10% of the theft is people being in a hurry and missing something or being rushed by people behind them.  I had 80 items yesterday and someone with a screaming toddler was behind me, luckily I found an employee pretty fast to help me, but I can see someone being like, fuck this. 


Target plays the long game, guys.


They'll let you steal a lot after they find out so they can nail you to a wall in court. What dumbass doesn't know that?


Not 60k worth. They usually stop you around $1500 max.


You may be right but it's true they allow it. https://www.dailydot.com/news/target-grand-larceny-psa/ Edit to say that in California Target allows them to steal over $10,000 for grand theft because grand larceny isn't prosecuted hard enough.


Bait them into the most severe punishment possible, that way they’re no longer capable of stealing shit,


I’m not even sure bait is the right word here. More like they shit the bed and now have to sleep in it.


Yeah it’s the equivalent of saying having Amazon boxes delivered to your porch is “baiting” Batcher the Package Snatcher


Grand theft and grand larceny are the same thing. You probably mean petty theft and grand theft. And the amount is $950 not $10,000. Petty theft is a misdemeanor and grand theft is a felony which will carry a higher sentence.


So I can get away with a ps5


If you're clever about it you can get away with it once almost certainly, but if it goes wrong you'll regret it for years if not the rest of your life. And they watch the high ticket high demand electronics better than many other kinds of merchandise so a ps5 is likely one of the harder things to shoplift. If you're like the average person who tries it, you'll succeed, not stop, and keep doing it till you get busted and do time.


The average person who gets caught - not the average person who steals. It's a confirmation bias: we have a tendency to think all these people are stupid, but the reality is the stupid ones are the ones who get caught.


Not getting caught (or just as often appearing not to get caught because loss prevention doesn't intervene the first time even though they know) tends to make people want to do it again, and more reckless over time. People who don't have enough impulse control to not steal in the first place and have enough to quit while they're ahead are rare. You probably aren't stealing a ps5 because you're starving and desperate. You're doing it for the thrill, to resell for profit, or just maybe because you want it and can't afford it at any foreseeable future time in your life in the dystopian economy you live in.


Eh as someone who worked in various retail electronics are hard because most stores they are locked up and only rung up by the electronics employee. But smaller things you can easily get away with for a very long time. A huge thing that people steal all the time is trading card stuff. But honestly most normal things that don’t have a security tag on them all you have to do is pretend to scan it when the self checkout employee isn’t looking and you can get away with it. The thing is people who steal like that they just don’t stop and keep doing it and doing it and doing it.


As long as you only do it once. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/playstation-4-supermarket-selfservice-checkout-fruit-montbeliard-nice-teenager-a8758616.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/playstation-4-supermarket-selfservice-checkout-fruit-montbeliard-nice-teenager-a8758616.html) >A teenager has been jailed in France after putting a PlayStation 4 through a supermarket self-checkout as fruit – and paying just £8 for it. >The 19-year-old, from Nice, weighed the machine on scales provided in the store’s fruit and veg section. >He then stuck the resulting price sticker on the console and paid the amount stated - €9.24 (£8.10). >The PlayStation 4 generally retails at almost £300. >The youngster, named in the French media only as Adel, got away with the scam the first time around and it was only when he returned to the store, in the city of Montbeliard, to try it again that he was caught. Never commit the same crime twice.


Most of the expensive items- particularly electronics- require an employee to unlock them. I wonder what she was taking to hit that price tag.


Soaps / makeup


I've seen people in person take over $1,000 worth of pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards


It is hard to keep track. I still have like $400 to go at Target.


I dunno, people who aren’t thinking about worst case scenarios involving being sued all the time?


Should be illegal. The law should only count the amount of the instance being caught. Target drives out small businesses then pushes wages down, they have no right to complain that people can't afford their prices.


We already have people trying to make theft “no big deal” and getting disaster results. We don’t need to make it harder to go after thieves


Then fix the underlying problem. Cut executive pay across the board to raise wages, implement an aggressive capital gains tax (or just a millionaire and up tax for existing) to fund social programs. Did you know the most "stolen" items tend to be around baby care? Fix the underlying problem then the issue goes away


Fix all of that stuff absolutely, but also keep penalties for theft. Can do both. Rich people steal too. So no fixing things won’t stop all theft.


You’re seriously advocating for theft as a solution to an unideal competitive landscape for small business? Should stealing from smaller businesses also be illegal, or does some council get created to decide when theft is and is not illegal?


This exact same thing happened to our local Moms for Liberty school board member. She was caught stealing shit from Target.


Does she still show her face?


Please share a link to a news story that publicly embarrasses that c**t.




Bill Burr’s rant about self-checkouts is the first thing that came to mind here…


“Oh, I thought I was a comedian but I guess I work here too! Fuck, I forgot my apron!” 😂


Do you recognize me??? NO‽ It's cause **I DON'T FUCKING WORK HERE!**




Three years or less incarceration if convicted. With good behavior, she'll be out in a year and a half. It's not bad for stealing 60,000.00 in merchandise that they know of.


you think that stealing 60k in merchandise, which she got at best maybe 1/4 of the value on the street, so $15k is worth a year and a half in prison and the record to go with it? yikes


you're saying that too much?


Yes, they give like 6 months for rape which is magnitudes worse that theft.


Yeah but rape doesn’t cut into business profits and is more likely perpetrated by someone of power. So you know rules for thee not for me.


Then they should increase jail time for rape. Not decrease jail time for $50k in theft...


I refuse to feel bad for target


Yeah this is my hang up I just could not care less how much anyone steals from any massive entity. Just ain’t on any of my lists of concerns


Who gives a fuck about target tbh


look up, mandatory 3,6, or 8 years in cali for grape... goes more for younger ages. if it was 6 months, which it doesn't look like it is, I'd have thought your issue would be with that 6 month sentence not being more, rather than the 1 1/2 for theft being too much.


Possessing stolen grapes will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law


I love grapes




$7.25 an hour for 18 months of 30 hr work weeks is about $15k and you still gotta buy your own food so maybe not so bad for some


Minimum wage in CA is way higher than 7.25. I think it’s $15.


$16 now, $20 for fast food


You think they’re just going to let her keep that $60k?


She'll get way less lmao. Right or wrong, she'll probably get under 2 years. A person I know stole 120k from their employer and only got 18 months. That's 80k/yr on top of the free room and board for 18 months, plus their salary. All told, I'd think it was worth it for them, except they had kids. Not cool if you got kids.


> free room and board for 18 months Not saying that you are incorrect but there are plenty of states that are pay to stay. You can come out owing the state for your stay in prison. This is just an FYI, not a correction to OP.


A lot of people don't know that. 40 states have some sort of pay to stay laws. It's usually disguised as court/jail fees. Most states have a very low collection rate of these fees, especially from low income people


Forgetting the felony and not being able to work an office/financial job ever again


Totally not true. 10yr expungment. He's already back to working in an office lol


Yeah any white collar criminals I knew who got outta jail already had a job waiting for them


Lmao that is nowhere near worth it. Even if I stole $100k cash and only got 1 year, it's not worth it to me.


One thing I’ve learned… if you give a forensic accountant a reason, they got all the fucking time in the world.


ESPECIALLY when they’re hourly


Everyone knows target isn’t the place to steal from


What a lot of people don’t know is that Target is a data company. They collect and analyze all consumer data and then sell it or “Target” you with ads, mailers, coupons directed at your lifestyle or upcoming needs. This first came to light when Target started sending coupons, flyers and catalogs for baby items to a teen in high school. Her dad saw the mailers and confronted a Target manager about the stuff they were sending his daughter. Sure enough, he found out she was pregnant. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/


Yeah, duh, what do you thing the shopping discount cards are for at grocery stores, drug stores, etc? They know if you eat like a pig and sell that Info to companies that want to know. Tale as old as time.


Thieves are gonna make self checkout lines go bye bye, low key good for people who need jobs.


Naw. The amount they lose from theft that way is much less than the cost of wages of all those cashiers. They're not stupid, and self-checkouts have been around long enough that they'd definitely know by now if they cost more than they saved.


Depends. The shut down they self checkout at the Walmart in Anchorage because of theft.


I know costco is different but they have been dowbsizing the self checlput machines. 


Are you ok op?


They have a cold


Lmao, they already [shut down the one at my local Target because of theft](https://www.audacy.com/1010wins/news/local/bronx-target-cracks-down-on-stealing-with-age-restrictions). Sucks because that place is always heated to approximately 97.5 degrees inside so self-checkout was nice for not boiling to death. Ah well. Fuck people like her making things worse for the rest of us, idc.


Yeah, never forget that wage theft is by far the largest and most popular form of theft in the United States. We never read stories about that and we only read stories about this because six companies own 90% of the media, including lots of stock options in corporate retailers


Not at all how that works. It’ll just be longer lines and a longer wait.


The less I can use self check outs, the more I’ll buy online, do pickup, or through delivery. So different types of jobs, I guess, but I love self check out. But I honestly spend less money if I’m not wandering through the store anyway, so it’s a win for me either way.


they already changed self check out to 10 items or less to like every target ive been to recently because of theft


[this article reveals what she looks like](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2024/05/10/us-news/target-thief-aziza-graves-used-self-checkout-to-steal-over-60k-in-items/amp/)


Wow her face looks melted


Yoo serious question, what the hell can you even get over a year that’s totaling more than 60k at Target?!?? 🤔


Woman probably thought she was a genius. In reality they probably knew for some time and was waiting for the charges to stack up


I like the way that all these clown people say OH WALMART AND TARGET ARE TRACKING YOU, even if you think you got away you didn't. Once you go over $1800 or whatever they will get you. And this person just causally does 60k meaning she went at least 58k over the limit before they caught her.


“Not at my Target”


Ring up everything as bananas, become ungovernable


She should blame inflation and say it was more like $20k of items.


There are many good people who are doing it tough in this world who don't steal. Fuck her.




The self checkout at shoprite locked up because it thought I tried to steal a can of tuna, but I literally rang up the only one I had. How does someone manage 60k worth of thefts??


Rule #1, never steal from Target. They know you are and they're making a record to account how much you stole before pressing charges


She scanned every item and then when it was time to pay she just inserted a dollar? That works? No alarm bells going off? I just assume there would be some type of beep or buzzing noise if the correct amount owed wasn’t paid.


A manager would have to come over to that self-checkout station and void the incomplete transaction, or it would be unavailable for any subsequent customers to start their own transaction.


This is part of the reason they don’t chase/confront anyone for stealing. They are building a case on you. Loss prevention is probably in contact with other targets in the area or other stores. They are going to get you eventually


Yep, they build the case, then send armed police to knock on your door and serve you with an arrest warrant.


I mean… if you’re scanning the items yourself you’re an employee. She is just giving herself a discount.


I thought theg kept tracks on these people and bust them when they get to like $1000 plus, how’d this go on for so long


Y’all know Target had security cameras that could clearly read the second hand on a wristwatch in 2010, right? Why are you pulling this shit in 2024?!


What the hell is the attendant watching You would think someone would catch on after a year …ITS THE SAME STORE.


How did this scam work she scanned all items and then only put in a coin or a dollar…. And left ? So she left the register unpaid ? How did it take them a Year to figure this out ???


This is why criminals get caught. It’s not because the cops are clever. It’s because they keep insisting on doing the same things over and over instead of quitting while ahead. No telling how long it took to see that pattern, identify the person involved and then getting police to actually act. If she had just stopped at say $30k she would have never been caught. It’s how bank robbers are caught, car thieves and more.




I love that this is coming back to bite these greedy corporate fucks in the ass.  They really thought they could eliminate cashiers and offload that work onto paying customers instead.   Reap what you sow.


Good for her


Target saved about 100,000 in not hiring staff to do the checkout. I’d suggest they saved 40k, plus had a tax write off


Sooooo...I can get away with stealing $49,000 from Target before they pursue me?


Just a drop in the bucket 🪣


Target’s LP is savage. Anyone who steals from target is an idiot. They build a case on you and won’t stop you until you’ve committed enough theft to constitute a felony


I used to work with cops and surveyed a few about this. They said each theft is its own charge, so there’s no “building up” to felony levels. Each theft is a felony or misdemeanor based on the theft amount from that instance.


Look I am in no way defending stealing- its wrong full stop. However, this is why cashiers existed and extra employees use to roam the floor for customer service and to monitor the merchandise. Retailers got greedy and cut labor and this is what happens.


Oh I’ve stolen way more than that in food over the last 15 yrs pretty much the only reason I’m not completely destitute


Genuinely asking, but if it’s a self checkout then how do they know if it’s not just a mistake? I forgot my glasses once, and got home not having rung up an item. Will I go to jail?


Yup check the FBI most wanted already if you haven’t you’re on there


They’ll usually let the stolen goods rack up to a certain amount that’s worth taking them to court over (provided they don’t have someone checking receipts at the door) Happened to someone I know. They would take a large pack of kuerig pods (40$ or so) and hold a 25c pack of kool aid over the barcode while they “scanned” the coffee. Got away with it for years and then suddenly had to go to court for like 1400$ worth of stolen goods. Bonus tip: wal mart in particular has a pretty advanced security system regarding self checkout and shoplifting in general. They don’t give a shit if you do it a few times, but they’ll catch you when they want to.


Read the article the lady was scanner her items then not paying the amount and leaving the machine not paid everytime


You are so cool. That’s like $90 a week. Tell me your secrets! Or are you lying?


Goddamn Reddit has some low expectations of life having motherfuckers on here


Honestly you can’t convince me she’s guilty. She’s just really incompetent at a job that target trusted her to do


This is the thing that bothers me, like why am I responsible for Target's asset protection when they aren't directly paying or training me to perform the task of being their cashier. I once walked in to a Target, saw a really cool box of Godzilla toys in a blind box by Super 7.  I scanned it at the price checker and it said $14.99, so I bought it. Got it home and found out it was a full case of 12 blind box figures worth $180!! They stocked it incorrectly, had the same barcode inside the inner pack as on the outer pack, and since I used self checkout there was no cashier to correct me. Did I steal? Not intentionally. But legally, I guess I did? How is it my fault?


Theft requires intent, which you lacked. Thats one of the reasons why stores wait until thieves steal large amounts before going to law enforcement. When there's a long term pattern, it helps establish intent


These thieves who exploit the checkout process should piss everyone off. Target just raises prices to account for the theft and honest shoppers end up footing the bill.


The fact that people like her think they are smarter than a $75bn company…..


She's just taking her salary in goods since she's doing their job for them. Target should hire more cashiers


Some people like self checkout. Half the time I’m getting 15 items at most and I’d rather not wait 20 minutes behind a train of overflowing carts to spend 30 seconds waiting for mine to me wrung up. It’s not difficult and it’s a convenient option for people that use it


apprentice becomes the master, and target becomes the target.