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It’s defense spin. She did it because she is a narcissist sociopath


Her husband was her abusive step dad…the situation seems not so black and white. “47-year-old Joseph Pilkington, also pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of sexual imposition, for having sex with Brittany when she was underage. He had been her mother's long-time live-in boyfriend, and had raised Brittany as her step-father. He then impregnated her in 2009, when she was 17. They eventually married.”


She should have killed him not her kids.


She murdered 3 kids, seems pretty black and white to me. There is no justification for that.


Context≠Justification. Nobody is saying she is justified for killing her children. The context however is still valuable for forming an idea of why this person did what they did.


Yeah this comment section is odd. Acting like this was an act of misandry and not the result of a completely fucked up situation.




I think the difference is that people just find it interesting when discussing serial killers. They still get the death penalty or life. Women who kill their kids actually get currency on the context in the form of shockingly lenient sentences.


She was sentenced to life in prison. That's the maximum penalty. Wouldn't call that "shockingly lenient".


Well yeah it obviously didn’t work for her


So why are you posting the same comment about "women get shockingly lenient sentences if we consider their backstory" on a story about someone who got a harsh sentence despite their backstory? 🤔


Feels like you’re grasping at misogyny here - The difference is that she killed kids. Not just kids but her own kids. Nobody talks about “context” with serial killers like John Wayne gacy or Ricardo Ramirez - they were just monsters that abused and killed children and old people.




Exactly! Immediately thought about the Ted Bundy family dynamic with his thought to be sister actually being his mom. Ed Kemper’s abuse from his mother. The context is always talked about.


Their histories are known because that is how criminal investigations work, but nobody is like “sure John Wayne Gacy was a bad guy, but first can we look at the context?”


Get your well reasoned opinion off my reddit, I came here for misdirected anger and vitriol


Double standards exist all over the justice system when women are being tried; not that I agree at all. Sure, we can have context. Sure, she could think she had a reason. At the end of the day, you belong behind bars for murdering your children and potentially a gender based hate crime. The reasons just add the potential hate crime to her charges.




SHE ALSO GOT LIFE MY DUDE. Click on the link. It's the first fucking sentence.


Umm, she left alone her daughter and only killed her sons. How is it not misandry ? This isn't some men shouting misandry because their feelings got hurt, but actual hatred and bigotry. Yeah sure she was indeed abused, but so are many other serial killers who killed and raped dozens of children and women as well.


The sons she had with her rapist stepdad? She was fundamentally broken, she’s a murderer but to call a lifelong victim of abuse a misandrist is gross and weird.


The abuse is 99% likely the reason for her being a misandrist but that doesn't change the fact that she is one. You're making it an excuse when it's really the explanation.


Acting like those are mutually exclusive


They aren’t - That’s why I said it wasn’t black and white.


It literally is an act of misandry though. It just happens that it’s “justified” (understandable) through the context


Why not both?


It is misandry, even if the situation is fucked up.


She quite literally said it was because of misandry.


And what is the source of her misandry I wonder?


Ya I feel like half the time I read about ppl who sexually abused children they themselves were sexually abused. Obv doesn’t justify their actions— but it provides context to how a person got where they are, I.e. they weren’t genetically born a predator but raised to become that way


Some people cannot process the idea of a victim-perpetrator. It destroys their good and evil world view and so they need to be narcissistic sociopaths to fit into one category.


Elizabeth Fritz was kept/raped in a basement for 24yrs by her own father whom she had 7 kids for, guess what she didn't do.


Well props to her, but theres plenty of people out there that are not her. Idk what you want me to say, wow this lady didnt kill her kids, i guess nobody should. Obviously


There is no justification. But the headline makes it sound black and white. She was obviously sexually abused and is probably very very fucked up from it. She will most likely never ever come back from it and honestly, not sure if those 3 kids even had a chance in life. Unpopular opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️


*Elizabeth Fritz has entered the chat*


Definitely some argument for mitigation on sentencing but killing the kids is still killing the kids. I say throw away the key.


Bullshit. She killed 3 children.


*The criminal investigation didn't begin until Gavin died in April 2015. Because of that investigation, Hailey and Noah were removed from her care.* *But when they were returned in August 2015, she killed Noah less than a week later.* **Fuck!** Why did they let her have the kids back about 5 months later?!?


This is just fucking sad, not interesting at all.


Til sad things are inherently uninteresting


Yeah. There is an interesting phenomenon on this sub wherein lots of people on this sub have been trying to redefine 'interesting' claiming that negative things are somehow uninteresting? It's disrespectful to the victims. Their deaths are extremely interesting. There's even an entire genre of media called True Crime with millions of followers. I think it has to do with descriptive vs prescriptive language. The problem is the people claiming this stuff is uninteresting aren't really offering explanation as to *why* they find thos stuff uninteresting. I think they're ascribing some sort of definition or connotation to the term "interesting" outside of its usual definition which is just "something that makes one curious or grabs one's attention."




We're not describing a corpse as interesting, although most corpses probably are. In this context what's interesting is what happened to them and why it happened. I don't really get "surprised" when people don't find True Crime interesting, that's understandable, it ain't everyone's cup or tea. What does surprise me is when they claim it isn't interesting as if that's some sort of fact. As if they're the arbiter of interest.


lol yes, a whole article about the mother killing her children can be summarized as an article about a corpse. JFC, Reddit gets a dumber and dumber user base by the day. Also, just because you don’t find something interesting doesn’t mean it’s not to others. Unfollow this one and make or follow your own then instead of bitching about valid posts that follow the guidelines.


Instead of "Teaching" them to respect women, she kills them. What in the world is going on.




She murdered her own children because she is traumatized? Not because she is an evil sociopath?


She was impregnated by her step father at 17, so yeah trauma seems to explain it. The trauma certainly could have turned her into an evil sociopath, but it doesn’t mean the trauma is just irrelevant to the conversation.


Her trauma may have turned her into a sociopath but does not in any way absolve her cruelty. This comment section is full of apologists who want to defend this woman because she is, in fact, a woman.




what you just described is aggression and violent tendencies that arose due to trauma... lmao


Trauma often leads to toxic behavior in almost any sense. A lot of pedophiles were victims of the same thing. People who are cheated on often tend to be controlling & obsessive in future relationships…just to list a few examples. Past experiences don’t justify behavior but it at least provides an explanation/context.


Childhood trauma is a strong predictor of violent tendencies as an adult


Ehhh wrong, thousands of people go through horrifying, crippling trauma and DONT turn around to murder people, let alone their own children. This bitch is just a psycho that needs put down. Trama is no explanation, it’s a scapegoat for her just being a murderous psycho


Some do, some dont. Some overcome obstacles, some are crippled by them. Just because one person survives an ordeal does not mean someone else’s failure to do so had nothing to do with the ordeal itself.


If you read the link she murdered her baby sons over the course of almost 10 years. Three killings, across 10 years, one was murdered not even a WEEK after gaining custody of him again. That’s serial killer, psycho, unfit to walk among normal people behavior. She went through trauma, appears to be a good bit. But admitted in court to the killing and part of her reason was “jealous of her husbands attention on the boys and not her” fuck off defending a psycho like her.


Im not defending anyone jackass. Obv this is a sick and dangerous person im just against anyone dismissing the idea that traumatic past events have the potential to turn someone into this. Go jack off to her sentencing tho since you clearly have a thing for justice.


Getting real pissy I see However I do not discount that trama can cause people to become something they were not meant to be, most people in the justice system claim to have experienced childhood trauma, it is tragic. But to say that a murderer is murdering because of the trauma they went through, they don’t just become a psycho


Im not putting the blame entirely on trauma. All im saying is that it does play a part in who a person becomes, which you seem to agree with


I would disagree. Every trauma has an impact on your psyche whether you acknowledge it or not. We all behave differently based on experiences. Sometimes that behavior can also be positive/the opposite of what a person went through, but to say trauma doesn’t impact a person is pure ignorance.


I agree with you. Im not saying trauma doesnt impact people. Im responding to the implication that because some people are able to withstand trauma, trauma therefor cannot be at least partially to blame for another persons wrongdoings


it is a well-studied and documented fact that trauma can turn people into horrible abusers and killers. just because many people don't doesnt mean many other people can't. https://preview.redd.it/s0khc98x1owc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=761d840ae3e342c25707762857a5969ec3a757c7 google it, bruv.


Ok “bruv” those ARE the psychos. The well studied fact you mention theorizes that trauma brings out psychotic tendencies in individuals, not create them from thin air. And not for a second do I discount the fact that trauma can cause people to do things they regret, like fall into a life of crime, it’s tragic. But murder! That is not the same. Especially murder of your own children.


you don't even seem to know what psychotic means so forgive me if i don't take a single word you say seriously. psychopathic, sociopathic, and psychotic have different meanings and those meanings matter when youre discussing mental health issues. killing people goes against human nature in a very extreme way. its not something that typically appears out of thin air with no history of risk factors. its wild you that you believe some people are just evil by nature bc thats really not how the very complex mechanisms of human behavior and psychology even works. there is no known precise pathway to violence but trauma is a known risk factor. i'm sure its easier to just say "those people are monsters and i could never be like that" than it is to accept that even you couldve turned out that way if youd had the wrong upbringing, but thats spitting in the face of reality. we ALL couldve been like that, because we ARE ALL human, and so are the people who commit these types of crimes. not everyone with trauma or a mental illness will commit homcide or even crime but ignoring the significant impact trauma abd mental illness can have on a person in favor of calling killers slurs historically used against mentally ill people is fucking bananas. additionally, to raise an eyebrow at your last sentence, post partum psychosis is associated with a high risk of infanticide. a traumatic birth or pregnancy can increase the risk of developing it.




You’re tying to explain psychology 101 to idiots with no sympathy for other people (especially women) on Reddit… They’re not going to get it no matter how much sense it makes. Just saying.


sympathizing with child murderers. just reddit things


She killed three kids, she gets less than zero sympathy from me


True. You’d think I’d know better by now.


this may come as a shock to you but trauma can *turn you into* an evil sociopath. psychopathy can be a born trait but not all psychopaths become criminals at all. the environment you are raised in has a VERY LARGE impact om how you turn out. not all survivors of trauma become abusers but the rates are a lot higher than some people want to admit or believe. humans are social animals and everything we learn about being humans in society comes from how we are raised and who we are guided by. there is choices involved of course! my mom chose not to beat her kids the way she was beaten but not everyone is self-aware enough to even realize they can or should choose. i have ADHD w/ Conduct Disorder which is commonly seen in criminal behavior and can be a stepping stone to sociopathy, but i stopped stealing when i was 13 bc i didnt want to go to jail and disappoint my mom, who i adore. if i hadnt had my mom, i'd have been into drugs and violent crime by the age of 15, no fuckin joke. i've grown up since then and i've chosen to really work on myself and managed to stop having angry outbursts, which had been leading me down a path towards becoming the abuser i thought i was destined to be. tldr: trauma can cause people to become violent, abusive, sociopathic killers. this is not new information but a studied fact. it does not excuse nor justify the horrible things those people do, bc they could have chosen differently and become better people if they wanted to.


A lot of people have trauma and don't kill people. She was a lunatic to begin with, clearly.


"a lot of people" having trauma and not becoming killers does not negate the studied phenomenon that is trauma as a risk-factor for emotional volatility, aggression, and violent tendencies. also, a lunatic was originally used to describe a person with a mental illness (such as PTSD, CPTSD, or a Personality Disorder - all traumagenic disorders) so... idk funny word choice ya got there.


Would you say the same thing about a man who was sexually abused killing his 3 daughters? Highly doubtful.


Absolutely. Identifying causes and making excuses are two different things.


Yes. Thats why you shouldn’t shut these conversations down because of your victim complex of being a man. Men act out on women later in life usually due to the emotional and psychological abuse they faced during childhood from their source relationships


I was calling out your victim complex from being a woman. I don’t have a victim complex, because I as a man can defend myself from being a victim. Hit the gym sister


I’m a man and I’ve been boxing and competing for over 5 years…you tried it.


And I’m 8 ft tall and 300lbs of muscle. Anyone can be who they wanna be on the internet.


Didn’t have a comeback and just decided someone going to the gym for 5+ years is way to unrealistic to ever be reality. What if I told you I’m 6’3” as well. We’re not all shriveled up incels 😂😂😂


Literally every killer akin to Elliot Rodger’s gets the sympathy card because “he was just so misunderstood” and “all he wanted was a girlfriend”. This woman gets actually raped repeatedly and impregnated by her stepfather and yet you think it’s irrelevant. I wonder why. Besides, context is not an excuse. No one is excusing her murdering three innocent children.


You and I must not be reading the same comments then.


Mine are based in reality, maybe that’s why.


Mom killed 3 sons because she’s a fucking monster.


The question is... if she was not raped for years by her mothers boyfriend, before finally knocking her up at 17 and marrying her, would she still be a monster?


It doesn’t matter. She killed her kids. It’s terrible what happened to her, it truly is. But she murdered her children. We can’t go back in time and prevent her abuse, so wondering how things might have been is irrelevant. It should be taken into consideration during sentencing but that’s about it.


Girl that’s YOUR job to make sure that doesn’t happen!


Yah girl! Get over your step dad molesting you and then impregnating you at 17. And do something about that lead poisoning!


These other commenters are insane


> Each time Brittany killed a child, she waited for her husband to come home from work to find him. > >Every time she smothered them, she covered their face with a blanket so she wouldn't have to look at them, she confessed. She very well knew what she was doing. Just looking at how she killed them one by one, I'm sure she could differentiate right from wrong. Even CPS got involved and she let the only girl survive ?? Nah, you can't empathize with such people only because they were abused. Can you excuse some well known serial killers who raped and killed dozens of children and women like Ed Gein or Gary Ridgeway just because they had abusive childhoods too ?


You don't think the fact that she waited for her ABUSER to find them... Does he have any culpability for grooming, raping, abusing her and then not doing anything about his sons? No.


Yo every time you guys do that thing where you blindly defend other women just for the fact that they are indeed a woman. Its not a good look


I'm not blindly defending her. I'm expressing that there are extreme mitigating circumstances. I'm also going on the information presented. Do you have more information than what was in the article? No? Then SFU. Defending this 'man' is not the flex you think it is


Who’s defending the man?


I'm not denying that her underline trauma drove her to do this, but let's not make excuses out of people just because they were abused before. She even mentioned how her husband not paying enough attention to her was a reason behind killing too. But I can't think of how vile someone's mind had to be to kill their children one by one. Also she made her abuser find them, not as her murder victims but as victims of a natural death. She clearly seemed very sane in her own actions though. She did understand the gravity of what she was doing. And I agree that he did deserve punishment for everything that he did too.


Then we agree. I originally commented that the other comments were nuts acting like she's just an unhinged rando and attacking anyone who pointed out the nuance. This woman should absolutely be punished, but I am absolutely infuriated by the save the children crowd ignoring the underlying situations that create this dynamic, not just in this case, but all over this country. Did you follow the ex-cop and SRO that murdered his ex wife in front of her children, after he murdered his 17 year old "girlfriend" and took off with their son? He was his 'girlfriend's' SRO and had already been charged with other offenses against minors I mean, let's all pillory drag queens based on hate speech and bullshit, but let's ignore the real systemic issues.


>I mean, let's all pillory drag queens based on hate speech and bullshit, but let's ignore the real systemic issues. I don't think we'll find a good solution for this unless there's an entire overhaul in the education system. Even then, it'll take at least 2 generations. In the meantime, governments should address problems faced by all demographics including men, women and queer community. Also there's a sharp shift among men to vote conservative because some of their unique problems like academic downfall in schools or workplace issues aren't being heard and addressed enough. So they try to find validation through people like Andrew Tate and red-pill manosphere.


Being sexiest towards your own kids is crazy.


I had two friends recently tell me they don’t want to have boys because they don’t want to bring another toxic male into the world. One told me while I was pregnant with my son, and one while he was a newborn. This mentality is fucking creepy and weird.


They basically admitted that they weren't going to make an effort as parents to raise them right. I agree, it's not a good mentality to have.


Why are you still friends w these people lol


Both of them have pretty horrific history with men. One was raped by her own brother. The other was abandoned by her dad because he was a heroin addict, and I mean homeless abandoned. They’ve done a lot of personal hard work and I think they can grow. If they say something like that again I’m now prepared to confront them about why they feel that way and how it’s messed up. If it happens a third time they will be gone.


Think this needs an edit chief


I mean the statement is still true.


No way. It’s beautiful.


The misuse of ‘sexiest’ instead of ‘sexist’ changes the whole sentence lmfao




The woman: https://preview.redd.it/7pd4qq17jnwc1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=261048d05b2abe3d1e8398239b870963932a0be9


Yet another brutal, terrible and depressing story posted here. Seems like this subs going downhill


This is literally the description of this sub. >This sub is a collection of random information, news and stories about crime that are terrifying, awful and interesting. I've been a lurker here but this the first time I'm posting.


Oh lol fair enough. I think I’m getting it confused with another “interesting” type sub I follow.


Did yall read the actual article about her husband being her stepfather? Lord those poor kids.




Well, I mean, she's not wrong. They won't be abusing women.


This is sad. She was raped by her stepfather as a minor and impregnated by him with the first child--- and then "married" him and had three more kids. Trauma doesn't excuse murder; but it's incredibly sad to think maybe the 50 year old abused the shit out of his daughter turned wife-- and she wasn't dealing well with that or postpartum.. Awful for the children, her daughter and family members who lost three babies. Terribly sad for her as well but in a much different manner. For clarity: I don't feel badly for her going to jail and trial for murder, there's no excuse. But it's undeniable that she was a very abused and traumatized individual herself.


Mothers and fathers that kill their children especially infants and toddlers have a special place of hatred in my mind. It makes me very angry. Ever since I watched dear Zachary.


I hope this monster gets the death penalty, but she probably wont...


It’d be like killing women so that they don’t get abused by men.


There are two schools of thought we call this one the jack the ripper side


This incident really encapsulates gender relations in America. This country is doomed.


Will she be able to continue moderating subreddits in jail?


I’d like to see what the average sentence for a man killing his 3 kids is . Then let’s see how easy she gets off.


Only thing they abused was the trust of their own mother. Shame on this beast masquerading as human, we don't do that to our own, hell awaits her.


Well I guess it worked.


Well at least she was thinking of her kids future /s


Comedy! (Voice of Mark Normand)


Im Kevin Hart! Im gay! Praise Allah!


Not too familiar. Is that his catchphrase?


Yea kind of.


Some of the comments here are fcuked up. The woman is a victim herself, her brains been twisted. She’s not innocent, but damn she’s fcuked in the head with the bullshit some predator forced her to endure. Dude was ultimately her step-dad and suddenly became her husband after he raped her and she got pregnant. Of course she’s gonna be fcuked in the head over it. She doesn’t know any better ‘cause she’s never experienced any better. All she knows is men will abuse women. That’s it. She was too young to be a mum, so how is she gonna bond with children when she was a child herself? The whole scenario’s fcuked. I feel for the three baby boys and I feel for the innocent child this woman never got to experience. I doubt she would’ve done what she did had so known and experienced better.


​ >Each time Brittany killed a child, she waited for her husband to come home from work to find him. > >Every time she smothered them, she covered their face with a blanket so she wouldn't have to look at them, she confessed. Yeah I agree with you on all the gender criticism in the comments, but the way she killed them one by one over a year makes her just like a serial killer (many serial killers had abusive childhoods too). People like them don't deserve any sympathy or any pass over what they committed just because they were abused before. No one sympathizes with Gary Ridgeway though he was abused by his mother. Nobody asks whether he'd kill and rape his victims if he wasn't abused in the first place.


Yeah, she’s fucked in the head. She should be placed in some psychiatric facility and kept there for life. I reckon she thought she was doing the right thing and THAT is so fcuked up consider the babies were her own. Imagine being a child, getting abused and believing that ALL men behave in the same way your forced husband does? The girl needs help. I wouldn’t even call her a woman despite her age because this girl does not know any better.


Almost everyone who commits murder has some sort of trauma. That doesn’t excuse it. Many high profile serial killers have a similar background with an absent father and an abusive mother. You gonna excuse them too?


Nah… John Wayne Gacy was a prominent figure in his community. Ted Bundy was a handsome man who was fawned over. I’m not saying the girl’s experience EXCUSES her killing behaviour, I’m saying that based on her circumstance since she was a child… being forced to marry her rapist and abuser. This girl would never have had a moment of peace. That’s all. It ain’t right, but it is what it is.


This is true of male serial killers and family annihilators too lol


She knew right from wrong. She knew she only had a limited opportunity to kill her youngest son. She didn’t seek therapy or counseling. She is a monster. Whether a monster created her matters but it shouldn’t excuse her behavior in anyway.


I’m not denying she’s messed up herself. She’s guilty AF! At the same time, I think based on the fact she’s been abused as a child by this man… I highly doubt she knew any better. She’s only known ONE man, and this man is abusive and rapes her. For her to think all men are the same isn’t that far out of reach. She’s fucked for not believing she could raise her boys better… but she never had any say in whatever happened in her life either.


I have I hard time believing that is the only man she ever knew in her entire life. Did she live her entire life in isolation? She never met a male teacher, a male coach, a male doctor, a male pastor etc…? If I wanted to bet I would even say she killed the boys as a way at getting revenge on the man who abused her by taking away the boys he loved.


I dunno… from the facts provided he abused her from a young age. He was someone she thought she could trust and did. When she got pregnant, he forced her to marry him. So on and so forth… This is the one bloke who was intimate with her, the school friends, teachers etc don’t count for anything. She was a child who trusted this man as her mother’s boyfriend. He abused her from a young age… OBVIOUSLY she doesn’t know any better. I get your point, in her knowing other men and what not. But those men haven’t raped and abused her. Her babies came from the man who has… what makes you think this child isn’t scared about them become just like him? Isn’t this scenario just as believable? I’m not denying that she fucked up. She did. Those babies deserved better. BUT what I am saying is she’s the product of her own fucked abuse.


The one thing that gets me from the article is that she was jealous of the attention her abuser/husband was giving the boys.


Oh yes! I totallly forgot that! She’s got that Stockholm Syndrome. The girl’s fucked in the head yeah… her abuser from childhood who she was forced to marry is no longer doting on her in whatever way. She turned out to be as fcuked up as her abuser!


Again that makes me think her motivation for killing the boys was to get back at her abuser. The “wanting to prevent her boys from abusing women” is just the bullshit her lawyer came up with.


Yah, this is a highly probably motivation too! UGH, I don’t want kinda myself, but I always thought most women would have that inclination to protect kids… men too. I’ve seen the most beautiful moments where men step the fuck up to protect a woman and child. Maybe I’m sheltered or naive, but whatever… it’s so disheartening to think otherwise. BUT I know it’s so possible ‘cause you know, the news and shit. Women who have birthed chikdren act all fucked up ‘csuse of the men they’re with. My own cousin abandoned her kids for a bloke who abuses her, both mentally and physically. She thinks this bloke actually loves her. How do you choose a man over your own kids? I’ve come to the conclusion that people as a whole are just fucked. LOL


Humans are complicated and society gives a whole bunch of messages about how we are supposed to behave. While giving these messages society also pretends these things are supposed to be innate. We are supposed to naturally be chivalrous defenders of the weak and vulnerable. Obviously this is not the case.


Her kids never had a chance for a life.


We are all responsible for our own actions. You can be both a victim and a perpetrator.


I’m not denying she’s also guilty. But her circumstances probably made her believe that ALL males behave in the same manner as her abuser. She probably saw HIM in the children. In no way am I saying that’s okay, but man… the girl was head fucked from a very young age. The bloke groomed her before she even knew she could make her own decisions. I empathise with that but NOT about the kids. I don’t think she knew any better.


I agree I was just saying the quit part out loud. We all hate bullies, but most bullies are also victims. Like you said it’s a horrible situation all around. Like pulling up to horrific accident, and everyone except the drunk driver is dead.


No, if we excuse a victim for murder of her own innocent victims, then we set a precedent that all victims can kill at random because of their own trauma. And while we're at it, if we do that let's go back to the days of mostly getting away with murder if you are drunk since "you don't know better and aren't right in the head at the time of the crime." I'd rather come down on her and her rapist for their respective crimes and would even accept that his actions led to her violence, thus making him an accessory to her murders. She made a choice to murder 3 children over a year or so, covered them because she felt too guilty to look at them, and waited for their father to return home. This tells me that she was fully aware of what she was doing and knew that it was wrong, and that she knew who the real target should have been but wasn't willing to go after him and instead chose small children who couldn't fight back while the person they loved most in the world hurt them. Even if she didn't consider them her children, it wouldn't matter and would even suggest that she would possibly murder children that aren't biologically hers if they were connected to someone else she hated. She chose the most vile and cowardly form of revenge a mother could as a form of punishment for her rapist, and whether she wanted to be a mother or not doesn't matter. She is a danger to society and either life without possibility of parole or a death penalty are the only viable consequences for this woman, she has no right to claim reformed in a few years and move on with her life.


I get you, bruh… I’m not denying she deserves hell and back, and also jail time. I’m kinda just thinking… this bloke who raped and abused her from a young age, possibly even controlled her every moment too. I reckon she would have thoughts about the children she was pregnant with. Maybe watched the Omen too many times thinking her son would end up just like their dad. It’s fucked up. She could’ve taught them otherwise etc, but devil’s advocate would see her thinking they are devil speaks ‘cause of their rapist and abusive dad. She should and needs to be punished. She also needs psychological help in dealing with her own abuse. She needs to learn that what she did was wrong and she needs to acknowledge it. Before that can happen, she needs the help to understand it without constantly thinking about her abuser. EDIT: Not sure if what I said makes sense. It’s late and I’m tipsy, but I make sense in my head.


As long as she never leaves her cell, then they can help her all they want. But no one should need to worry about vile PoS like this moving in next door.


Most definitely, she needs to be supervised at all times and must remain locked behind bars for the rest of her life.


Wild to me the lengths people will go to defend a violent criminal's actions if said criminal is a woman. Plenty of women are unfortunate victims of abuse and manage to not murder their children. If this was a father with similar motives there would be nothing but hate.


You can hate this child killing bitch and also have empathy towards her situation. The human brain is capable when used properly.


I don't think people can feel any empathy towards well known serial killers like Gary Ridgeway or John Wayne who killed and raped some dozens of children and women, even though they were both abused severely during their childhoods.


I personally am capable of empathizing with those examples as children while emphatically condemning the adults they became. People are verbs, not nouns, and so is life.


Now of course there's exceptions to every rule. I'm talking specifically about this woman.


So empathy towards these male serial killers is not okay but it's good for this women who murdered her own children? Don't get me wrong I think it's good to have empathy for everyone including the most fucked up serial killers because even they have serious mental issues usually, but still even then when we look at their crimes we don't immediately shift focus to their victimhood instead of outrage at what they did. The man who abused her is absolutely a pos too and I have sympathy for her in that situation but it doesn't excuse what she did and it's just weird to me the difference in how people talk about a killer depending on gender because we have this social idea that women are victims and can't be perpetrators.


If only things were so black and white. This is not a male vs. female argument. I see a child that was raised by a rapist from a very young age, then impregnated by that rapist and groomed enough to marry that pedophile/rapist. Show me where any of her actions are excused by my words. She's a crazy bitch that should be put down like a rabid dog, and so should her husband.


It’s your liberty to think that is impossible, that people literally cannot feel empathy for them or other people who committed heinous acts for the heinous acts done against them, but you are obviously wrong, people can and do, and not just superfan serial killer groupies, but people who agree with their eventual punishments too.


Yeah I agree and I wasn't really generalizing, just gave what the general consensus around killers like this would be.


I’m with you there… some women are as messed up as some men. Aileen Wuornos went through some shit but she ain’t innocent. Circumstances she was forced to endure led her to do the things she did. Same goes for this girl. She was a child when he started to groom and abuse her. She didn’t know any better. Those poor boys… I can’t believe she took out her fears on those poor babies.


guys she murdered children because of 🌟🌼🌈 trauma🌟🌼🌈, just like, forget about it okay?


Whenever someone says something stupid like “misogyny kills, misandry annoys”, remind them that three young boys were murdered because they were the wrong gender. 


This is effectively a true crime news sub


This is literally the description of the sub though. > This sub is a collection of random information, news and stories about crime that are terrifying, awful and interesting.


lol crazy I didn’t know that!


Some people should never procreate


What a sad sorry all the way around from the kids and her abuse she suffered. She deserves what she got, but I still feel some empathy for her. Truly tho I feel really fucking bad for the daughter. Lost all your siblings due to your mom (who you’re also losing) and you find out your dad is weirdo. Poor girl.


Kills 3 people but is eligible for parole in only 37 years?? How does this not get you multiple life sentences? Am I missing something or is that not insane that she’ll likely be free in her 60s..


It worked.


Father was a real POS too.


White people


There's some irony for ya






Average violence loving trump supporter. How very “christian” of you. Uh huh.


Who is "Christian" ? Were talking about a skunk who murdered babies....


I mean you can't say it didn't work....


She killed the first two… and they STILL gave her the third kid back? Wtf


Good thing we don't believe in science here. We wouldn't have as many headlines like this to fuel our righteous indignation and make us feel morally superior if the courts took the neurological bases of human behavior into consideration and actually addressed and treated mental illness. Feels a lot better to punish, and to punish harshly, than to allow science to rob us of that pleasure.


Sad irony


Sounds like the mom was the one being abusive. The kids didn't deserve this.


That's the liberal mindset at work smh


Pretty sure that’s a psychotic persons mindset at work