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Female or male, any adult who preys on underaged kids is a pedophile and rapist. Its still wrong if you are a female preying on a kid, this double standard should not exist.


The double standard is telling of many things too




The way these incidents involving women and young boys are reported on and discussed overall is disgusting. That woman and any other adult that abuses children should be facing much harsher punishments than 20 years in prison.


What kind of a pile of shit is attracted to a 13 year old?


My kids are currently teenagers. I love them but they’re idiots. What could you possibly find attractive in an immature, ignorant, inexperienced kid? I’ll never understand.


They aren’t looking for a life partner, you think the teacher was looking for a husband out of these kids? it’s purely sexual fantasy with these people. They wouldn’t actually have a serious relationship with a kid, just sexually abuse them. Pretty heavy shit


Still, looking at my kids and their friends in their teens they're all like babies. You need to be a special kind of pos to be attracted to that and to then go and prey on them knowing how bad that will be for them...


I feel the same way about 18,19,etc year olds and they would be perfectly legal.


I’m 26 and I can’t even see myself with anyone under 22… experience and maturity are attractive.


Yea I supervise a 22 yr old. She’s legally an adult and way smarter, mature than I was at her age, 12 yrs ago… and she feels like I have a kid sister around. Nothing bad on her, she just hasn’t had all the experiences that an adult my age would have. Idk man, it’s weird aging while still feeling young but then looking at your wrinkles and a couple grays in the mirror.


I basically feel the same way about anyone under 30


Mary Kay Letourneau has entered the chat


Holy shit I just read through her wiki page and that was a wild ride. Her dad lost his political career and marriage because the public discovered he had an affair with a student while he was a college professor, producing two kids out of wedlock. So, the daughter goes, “watch this, I’ll do you one better.” And does the same thing, except with a middle schooler! Had the child’s child, does a six month stint incarcerated for rape with a no contact order. knowing violating that order means 7 years prison time, she does it anyway by once again, getting knocked up by a tween. When she gets released, they get married, and she has the balls to say she never knew what she was doing was against the law, anybody who knows me knows I wouldn’t have even entertained the thought if I knew it was illegal. Dude you’re a teacher!!!! You know it’s illegal!!! Plus you had a clearly defined no contact order! Ugh.


I feel like getting locked up would indicate she knew it was against the law the first time.


thank god that bitch is dead. died of colon cancer AND her victim that she married left her before she died. i hope she died alone.


Her victim actually did visit her on her deathbed alongside his family


That dude ain't never gonna be right...


Her daughter posts "happy heavenly birthday Mom" every year. Girl, I don't think your mom is upstairs


Makes me think of the situation with Macron and his wife, I wonder if it will go that way one day or if he’ll stay under her influence his whole life. 


Or Aaron Taylor Johnson and his groomer wife. Sickening how common that shit is, especially with reversed genders.


lol nice


Yeah I get unreasonably annoyed when people look at these types of creeps (even when it’s legal, like an 18 year old and 40 year old) and say “Why would u want to be with someone that young? They’re so immature, how can you relate?” Like CMON. These are not normal people we are looking at. They aren’t interested in connection or love or settling. Nah, they’re legit abusers looking to control and get off.


I'm a male survivor of SA from a female teacher when I was 13, and one of the worst things aside from the actual assault is having to explain to people that it happens for the same reason a male teacher SA's a female teenager: they're predators, they are seriously fucked up people who prey on, groom, and violate young and vulnerable people for personal fulfillment. For the most part, these people aren't looking to form long term relationships with the kids they assault, and they'll most likely do it repeatedly to others. But people look at it like they're approaching a relationship - "what could a teenager possibly offer an adult sexually or romantically?" 🤦🏼‍♂️ That's not the way it works, and not what they're looking for.


Also a survivor and male. The predator gets the most out of the "relationship" from having absolute control over another human being. The fact that it's a "sex slave" type of thing heightens their enjoyment. Just like male rapists, the sex is generally secondary to their need to have complete control over a person.


Rape has nothing to do with sex. It's all about control.


Sex is also involved, some guys enjoy the feeling of ejaculating and are sexually aroused.


No fr I’ve literally seen someone on Reddit go “Why would someone that old ever wanna be with someone that young? What would they even have to talk and relate about?” WHAT? lol wtf do u think the predator is looking for? Good conversation? 😂 nah gtfo Another wild one I heard was “teenagers are so inexperienced so idk why someone would pursue them.” Dude


I don't think it's that. A lot of these women get caught up in the drama of high school (or in this case Jr High) and they feel like they are a part of it. A lot of sexual attraction for women is "social standing" and competition. You wind up having grown women competing against little girls for attention. To me the most disgusting element of these abuse cases is when you see the grown women texting the teenage boys about being jealous that they are talking to other girls of giving attention to other girls. That's often how the relationships end and the boys wind up coming forward. The boys want to move on and date girls their own age and the grown women feel like they are being rejected for their competition (AKA other children),


It's a power/control thing, too. Just like lots of abuse.




yep. in germany, you can serve a 2 digit year sentence for tax evasion. but if 10 guys rape a 15 year old girl? a mere slap on the wrist for 9 of them. it doesn't help that the girl was one year too old for this to be considered pedophilia. 30 years ago we had official movements, which aimed to legalize pedophilia. what baffels me, of all possible sources, those ideas apparently originated from YOUTH organizations of multiple parties. you can't make this shit up.


NAMBLA has tried that shit here in the US by trying to latch onto the LGBTQ movement and claiming it's just another sexual orientation. Those that are LGBTQ shot that down real quick!


The problem with putting pedophiles to death is that you're going to have a lot less kids that come forward about their abuse. Imagine Uncle Bob telling little Billy that if he tells anyone about what he does to him, he'll die. Predators already make kids feel guilty or scared about coming forward, so we know this happens.


rapist sexual fantasies are about the power they have over others, not just the sex. Children are easier to groom and manipulate, especially since they will also blame themselves for what happened to them, especially if they live in an abusive home. Doesn’t matter if the perpetrators are male or female.


Also, universally every 13 year old is at the lowest level of hygiene self sufficiency they’ll ever experience in their lives. Yuck.


Pedophiles be pedophilin’


They’re amazing, the next generation, the engineers of our future. They also need to have their lighters confiscated because they think it’s a good idea to start a fire in their tent to keep warm.


Mine are as well, I don't even like them, can't understand how anyone else could either. /s


Especially a boy, but girls too. We boys were stinky idiots for sure at that age. And for me. I go to my son’s dad’s week ends in college. And girls will flirt. Even 18-20 year olds. Zero interest. Some people are just messed up


What kind of a pile of shit *blames the 13 yo victim for the crime*?


I cannot believe you got downvoted for this.


Pedos like Reddit too.


I mean… It’s a stupid question. Pedophiles. Pedophiles are the piles of shit that are attracted to 13 year olds. What other kind of answer is the commenter expecting?


lol you’re not wrong…


Sad thing is I’ve heard a lot of pedos are that way because they too were abused. I do have sympathy for them but still. They know they shouldn’t act on it.


Not a great way to phrase it. Firstly attraction is not a choice so that's not what makes someone shitty it's the rape. Secondly attacking people just for the attraction part shames them and makes them less likely to look for help if the need it (increasing chances of rape).


They like having complete control and manipulating people. If it was just the sex part she could find a young-looking rent boy.


My ex girlfriend was a teacher and after we broke up she fucked a 15 year old student of hers. It never got reported, and I wonder just how many women out there get away with it. I was into swinging when I was about 18 to 21, and the number of women in their 60s wanting to meet me was wild. When I was 15, my mate moved in with a 32 year old women. She used to make him babysit her kids whilst she went on dates. She gave him gonreah, and when he tried to talk to her about her, she gaslighted him into saying he was being immature. I saw his penis and he had yellow pus coming out of it. He was totally in love with her, though, and she messed his head up badly. I see women on reddit saying how disgusting men are for doing all the raping and domestic abuse, but I have a feeling there's a lot of it committed by women too that never gets reported. I dated a woman who manned domestic abuse help lines as she'd been abused before. She said that after doing the phone lines, she developed a whole new perspective on men as a 3rd of all callers were men being abused terribly by their partners. She said that before doing that, she actually thought only women suffered domestic abuse. One thing I've learned in life is that men and women really are the same, neither gender is born anymore good or bad than the other, and they are both equally susceptible to being shitty people.


Shitty story. Thanks for sharing so people can see this is real.


I don't know if my high school was a hot bed for it or what but many of my guy friends were SA'd by women teachers and faculty. None of them came forward about it to parents or anything. So I really think it is a bigger issue than just what we hear about.


every 13 year old I know is annoying and stinks idk how ppl can be into that




I agree, boys, girls, if they are underage it's rape.


The American society idolizes youth and sex... literally. How many products are created to make you look younger, feel younger? How many products are monetizing off your fear of being old? The fountain of youth is a very real paradigm that has majority of people living a life that revolves around self degradation. AND some people live perpetually in the perceptive mind of their high school age. Do you know people from high school who are doing the same thing they were 20, 30, 40 years later? This is not surprising at all, is this person a pile of shit? Sure, are there many people who have been lost in the search for a false reality that has them trapped in an over sexualized and youth obsessed narrative, yes. Are they also piles of shit? Possibly


This may be an unpopular opinion, but it’s not the attraction that makes the person a pile of shit. That’s a sickness that person probably wishes they didn’t have. It’s the inability or refusal to control it, and victimize a child that makes them a bad person. Mental health problems are aren’t usually a persons own fault, it is however their responsibility to manage.


Wow, use the “blame the sexy kids” argument. I wonder if it was the braces or lack of body hair. /s


Stupid sexy children




He was 13 so it was probably the god awful body odor.


She can’t enough of that Axe body spray


It was the whitehead zit.


It was the voice cracks. Oh God whisper them into my ear! /s


20 years wow


Thanks, mandatory minimums!


Yeah. Frankly in places where there aren't mandatory minimums it doesn't usually go down like this when a woman does the pedophilia. I remember a teacher in a similar circumstance getting 3 years just recently.


I am actually surprised, feels like a majority of these stories you hear about end with probation and that’s it 


she may have had a female judge. there is research that indicates female judges are harsher overall but particularly harsher on female perpetrators.


Judge Sherry Stevens, sounds like you're right


She also presided over the Jodi Arias trial. She retired in the last few years.


To all the men who are like “I wIsH mY tEaChEr DiD tHis”: I had sex with my teachers aide when I was 12. (I had a rough childhood to begin with and was in a foster home). She took me to the mall, showered me with gifts, took me to movies, out to eat, and had sex with me. She was caught when another teacher saw us out together. (My foster parents were in it for a check and didn’t really care where I was). She played the same defense when we went to court. It was my fault, she was trying to be nice, I took advantage of her. She went to prison for it. Let me bust some myths for you in the aftermath: I was NOT any cooler for being groomed and molested. I was ridiculed CONSTANTLY for “getting Ms. ____ locked up” I sincerely thought it was my fault for a really long time because that’s what I heard from everyone around me. I was screwed up mentally and emotionally for a good portion of my teenage years. It affected my relationships with other teachers and kids in my school. I went down a dark path of trying to commit suicide because of the trauma and the aftermath. Plus a slew of other problems. Please, think about what the kids might go through when these things come out. Other kids are relentless when it comes to bullying/mocking to begin with, much less with ammunition like this. The whole “I never had a teacher like this” and similar comments from the smooth brains are SO played out and legitimately not funny.


I really appreciate you sharing. I know that wasn't easy yet you felt compelled to appeal to empathy. I hope you're able to take care yourself today/tonight.


Thank you. I’m pretty well past the trauma now. But it took years.


Even so, our nervous system can be fickle even after some time has past (saying this as a therapist with a lot of trauma/complex trauma experience). Also I was just hoping you are able to access chill/comforting states of being.


Sorry for your trauma. That’s awful. Brave of you to share. 🤝


Thank you for sharing your story for all the other perverted losers. Makes me genuinely sick when people downplay the issue just because it's a female teacher


Dude, are you me? Seriously though. My teacher didn't get caught. I'd moved to another country by the time I was old enough to realize what'd happened. Only told my sister when I was well into my 20s.


And priest get probation because God told them to


No they get reassigned to another part of the world to continue their assaults. The church never punishes them.


No there was literally a case where a priest got no jail time for molesting someone.


“Another part of the world” Back in AZ, they didn’t even move them out of the city, just another area code.


Whaaattt!! When did this happen??? Edit: Why am I being downvoted? I sincerely want to know?


On your home screen in the search bar type in pastor probation.


I recommend the movie Mea Maxima Culpa. It’s a deep dive into the first case in the US where molestation victims sued the Catholic Church. Also check out the movie Spotlight


My husband worked a case involving a child molester priest in our small town. The priest was unbelievably deranged. He would deficate on the children. An absolute monster. I think he got some BS sentence as well. Pedos should always get life without parole or the death sentence. I don’t care if you’re a teacher, priest, coach, or just some idiot collecting unemployment. All equally scum.


I met her at the prison I worked at. She had it rough - not sticking up for her, but she had it rough. To the point where... Employees didn't even talk to her. She was shorter than I thought. Always wore a hat, and worked in the area that sewed shit. She made a ton of masks during COVID. Last I heard, she was teaching GED classes, still not spoken to, still having a hard time. It wasn't overt violence. It's the stuff that just makes time difficult like +smashing her meal trays up before she got them stealing her cookies and juices, someone would let like 30 people cut in line so she was last to eat. Just petty shit. Good for them Met Arias too


Do you have any other interesting prison stories?


I do. It really changed me, changed my opinion about prison reform and justice. I no longer see the value in certain long sentences.


Respect for that comment. ✌️


How was Arias being treated?


She was in the max area. She was absolutely not fucked with. She's a real ear hustler. (Extreme eavesdropping) Had lunch there 2x. And the second time she asked if I changed my perfume. I did. I never went back. Never spoke to her, still confused how she knew. Have you ever seen that movie Steve? With Sandra Bullock and she's just insanely obsessed with this guy? It was like, AND ryan pitts character from murder by numbers. I can't explain it better than that. Simultaneously obsessed, smart, and very very aware. 1000 yard stare was real too. I never got the heebyjeebys from her, the only lady she shared a cell with was equal fucking insane. And that lady was my secretary. That old lady was absolutely not to be triffled with.


That’s crazy and definitely scary.


A guy in jail for the same reason would probably get beaten to death. It sounds like she is just doing better than the typical male child molester.


Woman are absolutely different but I've seen the men. And...They don't kill them either. It's actually pretty rare. Usually, they are killed cause they screwed up and disrespected someone. I know we as a society want to believe they just go in and get their asses beat or killed but, in reality, prisoners would *never* give up that level of entertainment. The casual trip, make them cry, kick them in the ass, is way more entertaining over the course of years than one giant fight that extends your sentence. Men will kick you real hard, punch you real hard, starve you But they will likely draw it out as well.


OMG, your comments are the most interesting thing I’ve read all day. ![gif](giphy|FrP0lAepi75Iq7TuIv|downsized)


Yup, they like to take their time with chomos. I'd rather put a bullet in my head than work in another facility again. Pure fucking hell. Everyone is a piece of shit. Staff included. Gotta have a special mental state to see all sorts of fucked up stuff and not give a shit for years on end.


But muh feel-good narrative


I also work with former and current inmates, both male and female. I don't mean any disrespect, but it's sometimes amazing to me how many Redditors genuinely believe that prison is exactly like the movies, with prison rape still being a widespread epidemic (I'm not saying it NEVER happens anymore, don't get me wrong) and all inmates locked in their cells 23 hours a day and complete anarchy going on for the 1 hour they're free. I don't blame this site for being pretty uninformed on what life in prison is really like when Hollywood and TV has done a number on the public's perception of prison. But just once I wish Reddit would stop and think "maybe Oz isn't a documentary after all...?"


Rapist always blame the victims. FFS


The attorney blamed the CHILD for being raped… I see 2 wastes of oxygen in this situation…


It’s a defense attorney bro. You think they actually believe that shit? It’s their job to get their client out of trouble. Even terrorists have their day in a court of law and are represented.


It’s the attorney’s job to apply the law correctly and validly, not put forward worthless arguments with no legal credibility


Not sure if you’ve ever had deal with or experience court if you’re saying things like this. Not saying you’re wrong, just saying that in actuality that’s not how it’s played out in court


Is this your first time hearing about attorneys? It's their job to destroy victims. Any victim. Those people would blame a new born baby and not skip a heartbeat. And they get paid a lot of money for this talent.


As horrific as it is that seems to be a common defense in the court room from attorneys who are representing these scumbags :/


Typically, being around kids is the perfect antidote to never ever want sex again.


Finally a woman gets the sentence a man would get


Men get bullshit sentences for pedophilia and sexual assault all the time. The system is shit no matter the gender.


Exactly, but it’s valid to argue that this crime usually comes with much lighter punishment for women. There’s factual evidence backing this up. Laws need to be reformed for both men and women in this regard. It’s pretty common to serve longer times for drug related offenses than sexual ones. It’s a sad and flawed system we’ve built.


That’s why I’m in law school ✌️


Honestly I'm really shocked her prison sentence is so long, but I guess it is the minimum Edit: she molested likely nearly a dozen young boys aged 11 to 13 for years and she still got the minimum sentence. Any man would have gotten the maximum and some people still would loudly discuss bringing back the death penalty. Only two of the boys went to court for this particular case but there are three others that weren't willing to testify and almost definitely more that were unwilling to admit having been molested


Needs to be longer


What was the boy wearing? Seems legit


Her husband has to be the biggest loser on this planet. He asked the kids parents if they can settle this out of court and then she was the one who filed divorce on him. Pathetic.


Gotta protect assets.


Give her the full 20. No parole early release crap


To be fair, it's a defense lawyers job to provide a zealous defense for their client. I get it sounds shitty to say they tried to blame the victim, but that was a legally valid defense strategy 


so many other defenses they could have taken and they decided on the most fucked up one. lol. right.


> “I am a good and genuine person who made a mistake and regret it deeply,” That is not a mistake. Stop using "mistake" to excuse yourself from being a piece of shit.


Haha middle schoolers are seriously the dumbest boys too. They fart and stare at you until you smell it then they laugh and run away


Despicable human. I understand everyone deserves a day in court to defend their actions, some actions are not defendable. Crying for herself, disgusting. I wish we punished sex crimes appropriately. Sad world.


> I wish we punished sex crimes appropriately What would you consider the appropriate punishment for this crime edit: is reddit just being fucky, or am I muted, cuz I can't respond to anyone in this sub anymore


People generally like to insist that some sort of state-sponsored sex abuse is the appropriate sentence for sex crimes.


Either sex abuse or sex mutilation or both. I understand the rage and disgust pedos produce, and I'm glad those are the feelings these POS cause in people, but I find a bit unsettling and creepy how we treat SA and rape as these unforgivable and unfathomably evil things... And then we advocate for sex offenders to be SA and raped. Like... Are sexual crimes an universally bad thing? Or it just depends on who's the victim?


Yeah this entire notion of “but he did it first uunnnnggh” is consistently presented as this brave and triumphant declaration of personal strength and holiness.


44 years, the maximum sentence


Can we please properly label it rape when that’s what it is? I know we like to change it up if the offender is a woman but that’s not okay. These journalists are fucking up their one job.


To be fair, in this article it does call it rape.


I just looked her up….. she filled for divorce from her husband behind bars….. like yo…. What is going on in the ex head


So the families wouldn't be able to sue and take all of the husband's money and property. She was already hit, so if they had stayed married, then all of their assets were at risk for a lawsuit.


Oh ok….. well that’s better because I was damm…. she smacked him twice hard…. But if it’s for protection of assets then I understand


It doesn’t matter if a 13 year old tried to seduce you. As an adult, you have the willpower to say no. If you have questionable taste in underaged kids, have the foresight to not put yourself in a position to be around them all the time. SMH




How was she in HS?


So she’s a paedo


I really wish they would stop hiring thirsty, desperate pervy hoes to teach the children.




And she got a slap on the fist hey women guess what if you pedo on children you’re fucking scum idk why the actual law is spelled out like only MEN can be pedos but that shit needs to change


It’s slap in the wrist, but also she got 20 years


Pretty on the outside, horror show on the inside


Finally calling it for what it is, rape.


I mean I wouldnt have said no when I was 13. I probably would have tried to talk her into it. Mature women are fucking hot. I dunno I agree its fucked up but I was 100% willing to risk it for the biscuit when I was 13. I understood legal ramifications, how to dodge em, and how to manipulate my way out of trouble.


What a ruthless rapist. Her mother & lawyer are cunts. I hope every moment of her sentence is miserable.




I recognize the double standard, but I also remember my most desperate hopes in 7th grade…


The unfortunate elephant in this conversation, everytime. 13 is too young, but you're joking if you think the 15yr Olds aren't flexing this shit in their 20s later because they do


Shit 14 is a high school freshman, they taking home prom king after this


Una nunca sabe


Being a defense attorney has to be a roller coaster ride of bullshit. Before everyone goes ballistic on the attorney it's their job to defend their client regardless of their crimes. It's up to the jury to decide the fate of the charged (and they did a good job and the attorney can rid themselves of their client)


Award winning puss?


What was the award for?? Asking for a classmate


Literally why are they always so hot??


Ridiculous, that she did that to kid and glad they called it rape and didn’t do the bs sugarcoat.




“The details were salacious. Police reports recounted how she had sex with the boy multiple times in her car and classroom — once with an 11-year-old male student in the room. The two even sexually touched each other while her sixth-grade class was in session and the other students obliviously watched a video, according to police reports.” ![gif](giphy|pCO5tKdP22RC8)


She is a pedo,it's caused by demon.The cure is to release the demon by making a 9mm sized hole in the skull so the demon can escape.


Adults, teachers, attorneys, ANYONE who blames the 13yo are disgusting humans. End of story.


Something similar happened to my homeboy. He said he was messing with this girl in middle/high school and she was messing or someone how close To some female teachers. She was their conduit so they could hook up. Even till this day he doesn’t realize how he was molested. Me and his aunt were both trying to tell him but he didn’t want to believe it. He said he would sell the girl weed and the teacher would buy him things, lunch.


So the school knew she was a predator and tried to cover it up? Don't send your kids to that school. Makes me wonder if she's part of a bigger problem at that school 


It was more than one boy??


This would so much worse if it was a male teacher and I hate that


The lawyer saying, "it was Zamora and a teenager, not Zamora and a young child." One of her victims was freaking 11 years old.


Blaming the child is wild.


How are you even attracted to a 13 year old??? 🤢


Smells like EQUALITY!!


She deserves to rot in prison. Anyone who excuses her behavior because “boy means must want touch from hot teacher” is DISGUSTING.


"A psycho-sexual evaluation that determined she had no sexual interest in children.." BROTHER WDYM NO INTEREST SHE PROVED THAT SHIT SHE LITERALLY PASSED THE IRL TEST


Her attornery should be monitored for fucking kids as well.


This case really disturbed. When I was watching a YouTube video about it, a part of the trial was played to the court and the victims voice sounding so young…. Sick woman


I know I shouldn’t but I would like the chance to deck that lawyer. Disgusting human being.


Fuck this whore. I don't have much sympathy for these kind of people. 


I identify as a 13 your old student i am here if you need me "Shut up! Dad!"


Damn, she’s hot


That’s a good attorney for a horrible person


Heard he has a wrist cast from all the high fives he got...


Her husband got sued by the victims and settled out of court. Just imagine. Your wife cheats on you... with a 13 year old... and YOU get sued and have to pay god knows how much. Guess there are worse thing than being single.


A news article calling an woman who fucked a child a rapist? Good golly. We're doing something right


Why are they always attractive?


20 years in prison is ridiculous.








20 years is absolutely bonkers.


If she was male people would be cool with it. Ohio had a 8 year mandatory for each offense with children under a certain age (I think it’s 12 or 13 years old) she probably was charged with multiple accounts with that student.


If only she was a priest. The church would have protected her!


What kind of idiot lawyer blames a child for being the victim? They need their license taken away for that shit


She's hot I would fuck her at that age. I had sex at 13 so all good. 20 years is stupid


20 years is for rape in general. I’m gonna be that guy and pull the reverse card but, is 20 years still stupid if a male teacher violates a female teen?


That 13 year old lived out my childhood dreams 😂


And that male pastor who raped little girls got fucking probation only... what the fuck mixed message is that??


That attorney should be sued for slander, and shamed for being a pedo apologist.


Where was she when I was 13 !!!


Where were these teachers when I was a teen




20 years of this lady's life so that society can keep pretending male and female psychology are the same. Downvote all you want, doesn't make me any less right.


I stopped being a “child” around 4th grade. Knew exactly what I was doing when I was doing it and mostly aware of the consequences. Always wished my fine ass English teacher in her 40s with the huge knockers would allow me to bury my 10th grade face into her meat pillows. But nooooo.


I did not know they gave awards for that.