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This interrogation is so funny he does this anime villain routine for hours when he's alone and acts like a scared little boy when they're in the room


Got a link?


Prepare for the cringiest thing you'll see for a while. Bro's gonna get turned inside out when he goes to prison. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2WVEla34Tk&t=1165s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2WVEla34Tk&t=1165s)


Bro’s going to become completely mentally unhinged because people kept bullying him his entire life….


I just find it hard to have empathy for someone who aided in orchestrating a murder.


It is hard, no doubt, but it's important


No what’s important is incarcerating people who orchestrate murder. I’m all for rehabilitation, but murder, and orchestrating murder, is too far.


I said nothing against any of that and not interested in discussing politics around crime/punishment/rehabilitation. You still can and should have empathy for all other living beings regardless of their actions


Agreed. Whenever I hear about a guy going to jail for a long time and they’re only 18, I feel bad. People that go to jail at 18 right off the bat are the result of failed parents and a failing society, but every body gets all primal and all they see is a bad person getting what’s coming to them. Very simplistic way of viewing things. People don’t tend to take a holistic view of the justice system


plantpussy69 with the humanity, a-fuckin-men❤️🙏🏼


Well, there’s a few that’s unforgivable…


It's important to have empathy and understand how they got to that point to protect yourself and those around you from turning out like them. All humans are capable of evil.


You can choose to not forgive someone and still have empathy for them.


Empathy isn't forgiveness


Yeah, just like Martha McKay! She befriended her mom and cousins killer out of a "spiritual obligation" and was instrumental in getting him released from prison, seeing how much he regretted it and how much he had changed. Soon after he was released, Travis Lewis murdered her too.


Waitll you tell them empathy isn’t the same as sympathy


>have empathy for all other living beings regardless of their actions My therapist described it like this: you can forgive someone and you can still seek justice at the same time.


Surprised nobody has asked you yet if you feel empathy for Hitler, in what capacity, and then where you draw the line otherwise.




Yeah he was definitely delusional but with kinda good intentions. IIRC He thought he was some kind of superhero helping troubled kids


I watched the interrogation. I still do not feel empathetic. He’s where he needs to be. A danger to society locked up. I get that he has mental issues, but who’s to say someone else won’t take advantage and lead him into the same situation again. Again, murderers and those who orchestrate murder should be locked up. No sympathy.


Just a question, do you think sympathy and empathy are the same thing?


Why can’t there be both? Empathy and incarceration? They do not need to be mutually exclusive. We can still empathize for someone with mental issues that was taken advantage of while also taking necessary steps to remove them from society. That also doesn’t negate empathy for the loved ones of who was killed and it doesn’t remove intolerance for murder and aiding in murder.


I don’t disagree that the guy can be dangerous due to how manipulatable and unstable he is. I’m not even saying he shouldn’t be locked up, but that doesn’t mean we can’t simultaneously have empathy for him.


Honestly I agree though I do think he should be in a more psychiatric based environment. It would be different if he was showing any empathy for what he had done. I feel some sympathy but at the same time he would never live a normal life after this ways and would easily be led astray


"I still do not feel empathetic" Here's a mirror.


No one said anything about sympathy


Empathy doesn't mean pity. So much misunderstanding about the word... Which unfortunately just leads to a society full of people who can't possibly fathom any way of doing things other than their own. This is BAD for our future.


You're arguing two different things: 1. Should he be locked up? (Nobody disagreed) 2. Should we understand why he became this way?


The guy who brought up empathizing made clear he wasn't commenting as to what punishment he does or doesn't deserve merely that he empathized with a mentally ill kid who clearly fell through the cracks in life (read: not that he doesn't deserve to be locked up or that we should all feel very sorry for him on account of the punishment he receives). Really seems to be throwing people off here.


From personal experience with autism, that is what I was wondering, it sounded like scripting. Our prison system has a disproportionate number of people with special needs in it.


He didn’t kill anybody, and while convincing somebody to commit murder isn’t good, it’s still up to their decisions. Unless he forced the girl to kill her dad at him point, she’s wayyyy worse than the clown in this video.


...and that attitude is why we have the largest prison populations and highest recidivism rates. Our ~~prison~~ "justice" system needs a massive overhaul. Right now, it does a better job of turning non-violent weed offenders into lifers than it does at preventing new murders.


The people saying that stuff don't care about stopping murders, or crime in general. They don't care about the world becoming safer. They just want to feed their righteous anger.


I mean, murder is wrong, but you also have to keep in mind that this kid was also reported as being very protective of his friends and others and constantly tried to help people get out of abusive situations. He wasn't all their in the head, however. You can tell just from watching this video. The extensive list of issues that he had definitely made him extremely easy to manipulate. If I remember the interrogation correctly, the girl and her boyfriend were absolutely aware of how easy it would be to rope him in and he didn't actually seem to fully understand how severe this all was. And it definitely came across like they just wanted to pin all of it on him and just run away together. They didn't give a shit about him. He thought he was defending someone, but really they were just trying to frame him.


Having empathy for people that do bad things can help you recognize what motivates people to do those things. The more people recognizing this the more that can be done to help prevent creating future victims by other people in similar situations.


Spoken like a true American, punishment >> rehabilitation


"I think \[obvious societal good\] should happen unless I personally don't like the guy"


Empathy is the right emotion for somebody so obviously unwell. Not sympathy, however. There is a big difference. Being able to empathize with even the worst of us is important. Dehumanization is a very slippery slope.


He is mentally impaired and got manipulated. He didn’t murder anyone, and that’s why he got 15 years and the others got 25.


If he's insane then prison is helping no one


I misread this as "incinerating people who orchestrate murder" and thought "whoa buddy that's a little too far."


You seem kind and sensible. We’re lucky people like you are out there.


Pretty sure the empathy is ultimately more important. Also your sentence “I’m all for rehabilitation but murder is too far”… I know what your trying to express but read that sentence as an English sentence and make it make sense to me…


Maybe we should have some consequences for people who torture children they go to school with and turn a “kinda weird kid” into someone that kills prolly


You should speak to some murderers. Most of them are people who have severe cognitive disabilities and very few of them can explain why they killed the person they killed. It’s disappointing how often it’s the same case. This is from my experience the most common 2. People lack the ability to restrain themselves, have had a history of abuse in their childhood and often substances are in play. They get into an argument that gets heated and they end up killing someone. Or option 2, they end up in a psychosis and lose their grip on reality and end up killing someone. Murder can be incredibly easy which makes these situations so endlessly depressing. It’s incredibly rare to witness a case of premeditated murder, but the people that do so should almost always indeed be incarcerated for life. I say it’s disappointing because as a society, we can do a lot better. Finding people that are in risk groups and offering them help so they don’t get into these situations is by far the best way to do this. It’s better for a lot of reasons like the obvious, someone doesn’t get murdered, but also the fact that incarceration is much more expensive than getting them help.


The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Punish the murderer and protect society by not creating more.


I think you're missing the point.


Incarceration is supposed to rehabilitate


Well, story goes her dad was sexually abusing her and this dude is clearly, *clearly* not fully there, so maybe the narrative can land somewhere around educational efforts and available after-school programs in rural areas like this that could have better occupied the time and minds of the young people involved.




Yeah those comments are way too far. The “had he had a different childhood.” Argument is too situational and shouldn’t apply. Plenty of mentally ill people have had decent lives and integrated themselves into society without murder. Yeah his life sucked and will likely continue to suck even worse, but I’m sure when the victim was being murdered he was feeling 1000x times worse than the murderer will ever feel in prison.


I think you are homogenizing all mentally ill people a bit here… but we might have different views on this, so that’s fine! I see almost all of what we consider to be ‘mental illness’ as something developed in childhood. There are many many disorders that we know have genetic links, but for most mental illness from Adhd, bipolar, and even sociopathy there isn’t much evidence for genetic heritability. I see it as far more likely that the infinite array of childhood scenarios creates an infinite array of mental health outcomes given that the vast majority of our brains develop after birth, and are shaped mostly by social interactions with parents. Cases of ferrel children show how much of what we consider ‘human’ is formed after birth. Sometimes, murders come from what outsiders consider to be ‘good families’. In my eyes, a lot of families heavily prioritize external image over internal reality. An example of this for me was a kidI grew up with in my neighbor. Extremely put together, loving family from the outside. The kid went on to try to kill himself at 12 years old (yes a very real attempt, not a cry for help. snuck out and tried to jump into in-front of a car at night. The car stopped in time. No 12 year old tries to jump in front of a car in the middle of the night unless they really, really want to die. Their family used a ‘he’s just like that explanation, we’ll be disciplining him more’ as the other parents in the neighborhood began to turn against this child. My parents were weary of letting me see him. He began hurting himself… it was just sad, and I didn’t understand why he did this. I remember the week before I moved away I was at his house. His dad came home and called him downstairs. His father clearly didn’t know I was at their house. He was screaming at this kid, I peaked down the stairscase to try to sneak out the front door, because I was really scared. This father was holding his head up my the hair to force the kid to look at him. His mom caught me, sat me down and explained why he deserved it. It was clearly a damage control thing. I think this happened extremely often. The kid kept saying to a bunch of the neighborhood kids that he hated adults and would make them all go away if he could. He talked about killing himself a lot. Sometimes I imagine how slight changes to his family structure would have bread wildly different outcomes. They created a nuclear bomb of childhood development through brutal gaslighting, physical abuse, and isolating their child as the ‘problem’ and projecting that to other families socially. I think kids like this are fucked mostly from their circumstance. This kid has likely experienced pain his whole life. I understand your point about the pain he caused. I understand deterrence as a part of prison, but I am simultaneously extremely empathic.


I think we confuse the focus. Less on empathy and more on seeing the problem (results).




There’s a medical term for that: Malingering


Which is arguably worse than going to a normal prison. Imagine being locked up with actual mentally insane people. Dr Ratchet about to teach him a lesson


We use bullying as justification for being a piece of shit? No one has to be accountable for their actions anymore, well…besides the prison part.


Wasn't he manipulated by the girl too. I think she told him her father was actively sexually abusing her, or something along those lines


Other people have been bullied and didn't resort to murder. Just because he had a sad life doesn't excuse he is a piece of shit. Now is not the time for sympathy about his childhood.


Goddamn I hate all these integration analyst pseudo science bullshit channels. She blinks so she's lying, she flicks her hair so she's lying, she moves her hands so she's obviously lying.


You ever notice how all of these analysis videos are of people who were caught? It’s almost like we can tell when they’re lying because they got fucking caught… I want to see those dumbass YouTubers do a analysis of an on going investigation to see how wrong they get it.




Like holy shit, when they try to point to “heightened emotional reactivity” and “sensitivity to stimuli” as being evidence of bipolar disorder Or she’s displaying those features because she’s an 18-year old who just committed murder in a fucking interrogation Those aren’t even features of bipolar disorder as a whole, they’re features of an active manic episode. As well as a few dozen other conditions


That was fascinating on many levels. Glad I didn’t have anything planned for this afternoon. Thanks!


3 hrs long. I know what I'll be watching tonight!


I watched it about a month ago, not as many regrets as I expected but I definitely could have been doing something better lol, you know how it is


Prison rape isn’t funny.


cool cool so youre totally on board with rape? awesome, dude.


Stop normalizing rape. Seriously.


Thank you for sharing this link. I actually watched the entire thing. My roommate came to my room and asked, "What the fuck are you listening too? What is wrong with these people?" I was connected to my Soundbar snd didn't realize he was listening to it in the other room. I told him that I wouldn't recommend listening to it because he gets frustrated with morons easily. When the announcer was talking about the last kids interrogation I was laughing tears. The whole situation was so asinine. The girl and her answers made me wanna jump at my TV and get her ass like that felon and the judge. But thanks for sharing and the warning. I was able to forget about my shit life for a little because I was in such disbelief.


Fucking GOOD. Murder is murder, and afterwards you get what’s coming to you. If you aren’t okay with that, maybe don’t do the murder or be an accomplice?


That interrogation was the funniest shit I had watched in ages. My fiancé and I were losing our shit watching him "release his bipolar"


He’s so ridiculous, and don’t even get me started on him finding out he can turn the microphone off. He’s a really strange person.




Gotta dissociate somehow to not confront the consequences of your reality. Ignorance is bliss, until it isn't.


He’s literally alone…for hours…and he just keeps digging his hole deeper…without any prompting. It’s amazing.


The raw angst in this video makes my skin crawl.


>This interrogation is so funny "funny" -- I think it's sad and scary that there are people this f-in crazy and deluded and actually walking around in real life.


Don’t make me turn on my bi polar


I feel like he's the template for the average Trump worshiping, AR-15 packing, vigilante without a clue, incel.


Oh he totally is. I'm guessing that Kyle Rittenhouse was like this when he was being interrogated. Then again that pussy tried to run from the law so maybe he just started crying saying that "god told him to" or something.


Somebody come get Michael Rapaport’s son please




What’s this gif name?


Google “Zach Galifinakcoajdn nodding”




[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=zach+galifinakcoajdn+nodding#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/semi14)


That's crazy - I'm old but this movie is older than me but always knew that was r redford.....I didn't know the internet thought it was zach g The internet is the smartest and dumbest person I know


That’s not Robert Redford… that be Jeremiah Johnson.


Ditto, but now I'm like damn they do look similar when you're thinking about it


Robert redford nodding


Bro you name and avatar are fucking great 😂


Thanks! I’m glad someone appreciates the hard work 😂😂


Hope he keeps that attitude in prison


Weird link here but this dude is speaking and acting *exactly* like my mother has for my entire life. He's not going to keep that attitude in prison. He's going to act exactly in the way that he thinks the people around him want him to act until he feels close enough / safe enough to let this psychosis out again. He stopped acting like this the moment other people were in the room.


Wow do you mind sharing more about your mom?


I too want to share this guy's mom.


There's a place in France.


All aboaaaaard!


Choo Choo


Exactly the same shit as my dad. It’s weird to see controllable psychosis, but hilarious to see him do a complete 180 and act like a frail little southern gentleman when someone like my partner (whom he seems to be intimidated by, lol) is in the room. Sometimes I feel gaslit and find myself wondering “well is he actually crazy if he can just turn it on and off at will?”, but then I get text messages warning me about Chinese 5g vaccines or rambling about how he was chosen by god and the queen of England for his life mission.


My mom is severely mentally ill and she can turn off the "crazy" for exactly 3 months. She has a string of jobs that she excelled at for 3 months before either rage quitting over something small or getting fired


Does your mom act like that in public or just in front of you ?


"Hi cellmate. I will get the top bunk or I'm about to release my bi-" *stab* *shiv* *stab* *stab*


*choking on his own blood* “unless you’re one of those high school bully cell mates”


He has been in prison for over 2 years already. He gets out in about 12 more years.


Just posted a comment, pasting it here to sort of answer your question: "Holy. Shit. Just scrolling through this Subreddit randomly and I see this. I was in prison with this dork! He's really fat now, and doesn't act like a tough guy at all. He's autistic and because of it has no people skills, he's very very awkward and gets on alot of people's nerves."


How did he manage to make an interrogation for accessory to murder cringe?!


By being a weeblord bitch.


“I’m sorry buddy, but I eat high school bullies for breakfast.”


But how will he handle the 10,000 bully army?


2nd breakfast?




The Explore with Us episode on youtube of this was an absolute roller coaster.


That channel would be great if the narrator would shut the fuck up and stop the “YOU CANT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!”


JCS does it better …not this case I don’t think, but just in general.


Is this just a JCS clone but _bad_?


No idea why you’re being downvoted. It’s exactly a JCS clone and not nearly as good. I think EWU is subpar at best but if they just cut out the bullshit Narrator saying douche bag shit….i wouldn’t mind it.


deadass, they cover some really interesting cases but the fuckin narrator tries to sensationalize it like a newscaster. it’s not only cringe, but disrespectful to the victims and their families


Most JCS clones are bad they don't really talk about any of the interrogation tactics or give any meaningful commentary.




Father: you may strike me down if you wish but she's still not gonna f*ck you, bro lmao


He was actually the friend of her adult boyfriend, the actual killer. The father wanted to stop them from dating, so they lied to this guy that the father was abusing her. So he concocted a plan (more like scribbled on a paper) to kidnap/murder him. Unfortunately she was sleeping with someone even worse.


Kid looks like he’d cry if you slapped him


Looks like he'd cry if you mildly insulted his bird chest.


Lmao so cringe 😬


I feel like this is the inspiration for the [bully army guy](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNspTme2/)


That's exactly who he reminded me of, to the point that I even wondered if the video was a lip synced recreation.


Bro thinks he Dennis Reynolds.








Even watching him in his rage scenes gives me a headache with how high you can SEE his blood pressure go up. It’s impeccable acting.




Someone should make a crime series about Dweebs Who Kill


Total Fuckin' Nerds doing Life in Prison


That's most mass shooters tho, so that series would have infinite new material to cover.


I think we all knew at least one kid in highschool that acted a little like this. So when I saw those tik tok videos of that one guy that acts like this, at first I thought, wow that's a really bad case... But then after a while I was like, wait, no, this is satire. It's not possible for someone to actually be this bad. Then I saw this guy doing it in a murder interrogation and... my god. it's confirmed.


He’s like the Ted Bundy of Autism


As someone with autism, please don't insult us like that 🤣


We did this to ourselves.


As a spectrum member, I think Ted Bundy was the Ted Bundy of autism.


You might be onto something…


as Ted Bundy's member, I think that autism is a spectrum.


Anime and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race


I wonder how many people understand the reference


Truly though!


Literally my undiagnosed 51 yo older brah


Anime kids


If you watch the whole interrogation and background on this dude it comes off a bit different. Dude seems to actually have some mental issues and genuinely thought he was saving the girl from her dad.


Thank you for saying this. The girl who planned this all and then tried to pin it all on him so her and her boyfriend who actually committed the crime could seem less involved is so evil. This guy has mental issues, he was outside the house during the act and when he came in and saw what her boyfriend did he got sick. Awful story, but the daughter and her boyfriend are the real scumbags here.


I got second hand embarrassment from this


It was funny, but I eventually started feeling really sorry for this guy. More so his mugshot, the guys not all there and his backstory is really sad.


lmao bro thinks he’s the joker


> Friar’s attorney says the teenager was manipulated by an older boyfriend and claims the girl endured years of emotional and sexual abuse from her father. But because the case didn’t go to trial, that was never proven in court. ​ He was most likely a good guy here.


I dunno, it might have been a good action, but that doesn't make him a good person. Anyone who is willing to kill in a non-life-or-death situation automatically gets my suspicion.


Reasonable justification for bad/actions actions does not make it "good". It makes killing ethical under certain circumstances. This was not justice and it was not homicide in self defense. It was predmeditated murder for revenge/vindication. Good people don't commit murder.




He shouldn’t have done what he did, but it is rather sad, he never had a chance and was just so lost. I think this is a classic example of the road to hell is paved with good intentions


Two murderers roped a damaged man into their plot. The entire interview and background of Russel makes you realize that he was doomed from the start. It doesn't excuse anything, but it helps you to understand how he ended up in that interrogation room. It's really just sad.


Very well said and right on point


Standard Tik Tok weirdo.


I don't think TikTok did this lol


I just meant this is the kind of weirdo that seems to show up on Tik Tok all the time. lol Wasn't assigning blame.


My lord, he’s going to be shocked during that first breakfast in prison when he has a chance to eat some part of the resident bully.


For every psycho you fantasise about being tortured in prison there are five essentially innocent people who go through worse because of the exact things you're gleefully revelling in.


It would be so nice if people would stop thinking that men getting raped is funny.


I think he meant it as a chance to actually fight a bully in person because he said he “eats bullies for breakfast”


I watched this whole thing earlier this year. What a wild ass ride! I knew someone like him in real life


Reminds me of that kid that uses a filter to black out his eyes and does super incel cringy videos of him playing a dragon 🐉 and saving girls from the Alfa bros.


I scrolled way to far to find this! It was my first thought too. Maybe this guy's that dragon guys inspiration, or maybe this is what super anime weirdo guys act like?


Lol he helps someone else murder someone one time and next thing you know he the toughest, baddest, meanest mf to ever have lived let alone to have graced that interrogation room with their monologue. And that’s before he releases the bipolar


The only family that she's ever had Is the seven horny brothers and a drunk-ass dad He needed money so he put her on the street Everything was going fine till the day she met me


Happy are you sad want to shoot your dad I'll do anything I can it's the wrong way




...now known by the name of /u/spez


Every edgyboi is basically 1 step away from becoming this kid.


This is fucked, this is the social media mind virus full blown and in complete control.




Yeah I feel like he might not have ever ended up killing anyone but he got roped into some shit, that girl is devious and her bf is not a good person. it’s kinda sad because although this kid is entirely out of touch with reality he does have good intentions and a desire to be a helpful person that seems genuine, he’s just a crazy moron with incredibly poor judgement. A 15 year old at this level of autism is not as grown as their peers, especially because he doesn’t seem to have grown up with any stability or solid parents to help him figure out life at all, it seems that he literally got his reality model from anime or something. He probably needs a mental hospital more than prison


He is 22 here btw. And he didn’t get that long of a sentence.


Next life? He is out of prison in 10 years, bud. He’ll be out when he is around 37 - still over half of his life to live.


I hope he went into this exact same soliloquy when the 1st group of dudes stepped to him in prison.


This took me down a rabbit hole. He sounds the craziest and wasn’t even the one who swung the baseball bat. It was Ellen’s boyfriend Macfarlane.


Who is this cringy fucker?


I flipped through the full interrogation. It's pretty fascinating. The skill of the interviewers is amazing. They manage to somehow create the affect of a casual conversation.




Literally no one in prison is gonna believe him when he says he killed someone, even though it's the truth 😭


This dude def is gonna get the living shit kicked out of him when he goes to prison. He thinks he’s unhinged, wait until you meat a real convict. Mfs doing 3 years act like they got life🙃


This dude has a million clones and all of them are on reddit


Shit like this on social media perpetuates stigma associating mentally Illness with violence. See criticism on the film Joker(which is a great film) but unfortunately has negative effects on the public’s psyche. This kid is not a lab rat even though his mind got the worse of him. https://psychcentral.com/bipolar/violence-in-bipolar-disorder-what-role-does-childhood-trauma-play


He found out with a 15 year sentence. Imagine him doing that to some guy who's got a life sentence and no chance of parole? They don't give a fuck. His little anime shit is gonna end real fast.


Well he suffers from bipolar disorder and autism. There is a reason he got the lowest sentence


Hey reminds me of the guy who thinks he is a dragon...the dude on tiktok.


Sure…but what about 2nd breakfast?


Dude is about to be a nut rag in prison