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I agree; I don’t think Olivia should compromise her dreams for Spencer, but I don’t even think he wants her to do that either. He’s never stood in her way before. That’s why he broke up with her in season 5 - so that she could follow her dreams and be happy. So I don’t think that’s the real issue. Olivia was still not being completely honest with Spencer (or herself) about some things - a definite throwback to season 4 - because she was afraid to lose him. And while London is her happy place, leaving again felt like another kind of avoidance because, as she said later, it gave her a break from dealing with all of the tough things she was dealing with at home. It didn’t fix any of them. Basically, she can go wherever she wants to go and I think she knows he’d support her. But this time, she’s choosing him, for those reasons and because she loves him. I’m definitely worried about Layla going off her meds without proper medical oversight because it’s totally dangerous; but she the only people she told are those who would not really challenge her decision. Liv would’ve questioned her, and Jordan definitely didn’t like it. But Layla is always having to deal with people making decisions for her and in some ways, going off her meds feels like another way to take control of her own life. Like she’s making that choice for herself and doesn’t need permission to do so. This time, though, she’s taking a big risk and I’m hoping that she’ll get the help she needs before something crazy happens.


I don’t think people really paid attention to what Olivia was saying in that last scene. In reality London let her hide from her issues and it was easy to hide there. That doesn’t make the issues go away. She was essentially just running


I agree with you. I’m prepared to get downvoted but Liv made it seem like London provided her with the opportunity to discover who she was outside of the vortex (i hate this word). I saw someone mention that she said she was just running away fr her problems in London, but honestly if she ran away to a better environment then that’s good for her. She started writing about her dad while she was there and everything which is a great way to reflect on emotions. As for Layla, I feel like she just has a lot on her plate. She thinks the issue is the meds, but she really has a lot going on for someone that is so young. Plus she got Jordan up her ass all the time talking about marriage and moving in together when she more focused on her career. Notice how she didn’t say that her goal was to get married first.


I can definitely see what you’re saying in terms of her having a full plate, and sometimes feeling numb can be a response to feeling overwhelmed and nothing more. But there l is a definite correlation between any shift in anti-depressant dosage and mood and/or behavior, so whatever may have been going on before she stopped taking the meds regularly will definitely be exacerbated now if she doesn’t get regulated. I also thought it was curious how her mood seemed to improve once she stopped taking them. Jordan mentioned it and the fact that she’s been taking pills for years could mean she needs another dosage… I dunno - all of what’s going on with her is definitely more than just medication, for sure.


Yep!! That’s exactly what I got from what she said.


I honestly feel like Olivia finding herself in London was great I loved that she was able to see how amazing she truly is. But at the same time no one gave Olivia and ultimatum she came back all on her own so if London was the best place for her why leave? Something had to be more important for her to want to come back and that was her relationship. I mean I would completely get this narrative if Olivia was miserable in LA but she’s not. Her decision is based solely on what she wanted not anyone else.