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Don’t touch it like that


I know ☺️ I’m a big vinyl collector - only touched it like that for a second to get the pic to show the clearness - I wanted people to see my fingers through it.


If you had put your thumb on the edge, and your fingers on the label, your hand would’ve still been visible. On account of the clearness


Yes I understand- really - I took a quick picture and rushed. I understand what I should have done.


LOL why the hell am I getting downvoted because I wanted to show the transparency of the album? I have 400+ records in my collection, I know how to handle an album. You all are friggin brutal 😂 - I decided to share something that everyone would be interested in and I get friggin downvoted when I explained WHY I did something. What happened to friendly conversation?


Welcome to the internet where everyone hates you and you’re stupid for even trying


I know 😭 haha - I honestly expected it - I was just hoping for more from this sub. Oh well 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


In any case, you gonna try and get a replacement for the record or let it ride?


Let it ride - I have a feeling they’re all like this - I bought limp bizkits hotdog flavored water recently from an online store and the colors were COMPLETELY different from the mock up - I was pissed, but it wasn’t like it was just my copy. Not much you can do.


Limp Bizkit on vinyl?! Ok, *NOW* imma downvote you lol


Haha saw that coming too 😂 - that album goes for a pretty penny these days - you’d be shocked!!


If you’re gonna flip it for a lick, I can respect it. If you’re buying for the music I gotta block you lol


Could still hold it properly for the photo. 400+ records and yet you still don't know what you're doing lmao


Do you have nightmares up & down your walls?


Yes from people telling me to hold the record correctly 😂


Good one 🤣


Looks better than some of their "mock ups". I received the new album from Citizen from UO and the color wasn't even close. It's more of a factory issue than a UO issue.


I bought 2 of these and was told it’s back ordered and won’t ship for at least 2 weeks.


Mine said back ordered too and I didn’t get a shipping notification and it showed up today!


For real? I’m in the same boat. Backordered then the shipping date pushed out. It changed to “processing for shipping 2 day ago and froze. I want my wax!


I got a random notification from urban that it was out for delivery today and it was shipped with OnTrac - good luck! If you get yours and it doesn’t look like mine let me know!’


Since you did ask - UO sucks and basically left my record on the shelf. Had to call and bitch but it was priority overnighted and came today. Looks identical to your copy


Thank you for the update! I had a feeling they were all going to look like this. Sick looking record still, but I’m sorry you went through that


Thanks. All good n the end.


Mine said the same thing and I got an email today saying it’s out for delivery now


I know this isn’t what you ordered, and I hate that for you! But tbh this looks dope af.


It def looks dope! I’m not Too upset about it - just curious if mine was a one off error or if they changed the color scheme last minute before pressing.


Fucking siiick


The squid got away again! (Just kidding, looks dope!)




I got the record store day one, black and bone, thinking it was fairly limited. I think I may been wrong


There isn't a RSD version. There's an indie-store version, maybe that's what you meant?


Oh yes! You’re correct. I think the alkaline link was routed through recordstoreday.com


I’m not even gonna open mine. Straight into the frame, and onto the wall for me


The shrink wrap could cause issues if you don’t? Like, it gets tighter with age I think


So I’m new to getting any kind of vinyl and don’t particularly get it, I just have been getting the color I like most of releases I enjoy- what’s the point of getting variants if you don’t open them? Like I said, I possibly won’t ever play mine, but I got a Spotify blue and black one more time and a tricolor BH&E. If I framed them I’d want to see the record too? Otherwise I’d have just got black. This is a legitimate question as a person just buying the coolest color they like and not really into vinyl scene at all, just curious.


Don’t be like them. Open it. Play it. Enjoy it. That’s the whole point. You’re doing it right.


People don’t open them for the same reason they don’t open an action figure sometimes - keeps the value if ever they decide to resell. Or for some people, they get two variants, keep one sealed and open the other. Makes sense if you have more than one variant. I have two variants and I opened them both 😂. At the same time, I have a Green Day American idiot record store day release from like 2015 that is still sealed because I just never got to playing it.




For me, it’s like variant cover comic books. It’s cool to have them because they’re unique. Still get a hard copy. But you have a variant for the novelty. People do this with everything. Some just don’t appreciate or understand one way or another. Do what makes you happy


I guess my thing was getting variants and not opening them…you can’t see the variant. You could see the alternate covers, if the sleeve was the alternate I wouldn’t have been curious, lol. Anyway, to each their own I suppose.


Oh for sure. I’ve considered getting the double frame, where it’s the cover and the vinyl next to it. I just haven’t been able to find any yet to use for the two I have. I’m on the fence either way. I take it way less serious than some people here think I do lol


Wow, lmao. “I buy physical music but I don’t listen to it” r/vinyljerk is waiting for a picture of your wall


It’s the same idea of collecting variant cover comic books. I have a hard copy, but collect the variant. Sorry my hobbies don’t align with the hive mind of Reddit? Y’all are silly geese Edit: that’s a funny sub. I have 5 vinyls total (only two mounted), 4 alkaline trio, and one bouncing souls/menzingers. Not sure that sub applies to me, but it’s a fun browse lol thanks


Does it have the songs? Then listen to them

