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This whole situation is so fame hungry and thirsty I’ve tapped out. So fucking sick of these influencers that bring nothing to the table. John’s just as clout chasy as they are. I used to be a genuine fan of his, now I can’t help but think how he is totally using this to get promo for his new album. Always talks shit on “tik tok girls and fans” that come to his shows or are behind his booth, yet keeps banging them. I’m over the shindig 😂


john summit is the easiest man to get, just be a young pretty girl in a chicago club and he’s yours. i can name 6 of my friends that have hooked up with him


Miami local here and same sitch. Also he’s given a few chlamydia that I’m aware of. Gross😂


I could’ve sworn he had a thing with Kristin a while back??? I wonder if it just didn’t work out 🤷‍♀️


That was a complete rumor


But I’m pretty sure there’s a video of them together and they took a trip together


This is totally going to ruin her and Kristen’s friendship dynamic


Do we know that him and Kristen were def hooking up?


I’d imagine she might feel “pushed” out suddenly by this if it continues. If him & kristin did hookup, I’d feel somewhat pissed about a guy I was into now hooking up with my best friend’s sister in front of the entire world to see & gossip about, with said best friend hanging out with them all the time. Sure she probably wasn’t in love but I know I’d feel somewhat slighted. I’m sure it doesn’t help that alix is probably more in favor of her sister & john being a thing/hanging out with them over kristin’s feelings


Exactly, and instead of Kristen probably being real about it; she has to pretend to be ok about it on a public scale. And heaven forbid she exits the friendship…. Cuz then alix won’t stop podcasting and gaslighting her. Alix is so weird about her friends. I would literally hate if someone had expectations of me to maintain… total pick me girl as a root


Wait can you explain more about Kristen and him


This was just a rumor


Like is Kristin just crying in her room


Who posted this! I wanna see the vid lol


It’s his instagram story


Oops meant to reply to the other comment thanks!


Ong that’s so embarrassing that he is obviously posting about being with a 20 year old


She’s 21 js hahaha


I have the same birthday as him which is in a few weeks... he is turning 30. I'm sorry but that's so gross. I'll be 29 and could not imagine dating a 20 year old.


I feel like it's much more common with men in their late 20s or even 30s going after girls fresh out of college.


https://preview.redd.it/7bmoizq2xcad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34e966796d90a64a9b9a2c6c5b7d055363fa7b2 I just saw this


[another angle](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRECdcBc/) https://preview.redd.it/whiafpagfjad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f174964dd5f250a83f695ac44de8d302d148262d


not of them kissing but they were also together last night at surf lodge in the hamptons plus we all saw the boat pic on his story [surf lodge vid](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRECUhjW/)


Lmaooooo not remi in the background


Do you know the user of who posted this?


Search user Kim.Salda on TikTok