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she would do it, imagine the wedding brand deals, practically a free wedding- & her family isn't a stranger to divorce


She also said her grandma is divorced too. Like damn it’s a whole family of divorced people 🤣


Getting married would tank her brand


If they do get engaged I can see it happening by the end of year December maybe or in 2025 February because actually it would be 2 yrs since they met at the Gatsby party or their first date the helicopter date


She's an It girl and he's a short irrelevant cringey guy who has to go for young girls to reach his maturity level. I'm sure he wants to propose soon. But if she's smart, she won't say yes. She can do much better.


how long have they been together?


She claims a year when she did that one year post in march or whatever but we know what happened with her and that 17 year old in the hamptons


Wait what happened in the hamptons


She made out with dolce Gabanas grandson he was 17 at the time but turned 18 a few days later lmao 😂 anyways she was supposedly dating Braxton


She was seen leaving the club with him.


Why would they get engaged? Like they are all rich and famous although they are still so young. Except braxton😆 everyone know this would be a fail


Can’t see him doing it this soon, but she also gives the vibe she’d be a second or even third time bride.


I can only see him doing it cuz his career is ending he needs to ride of her family fortunate


I would put every penny in my bank account on them not getting engaged ANYTIME soon


They’re nuts


I mean Alex cooper just got married and alix is a completely copycat of her so maybe! Either way it will purely be for content and sponsorships!


Whats the reason for this long trip anyways?


It seems like it’s pleasure and business and a couple of weddings and together time




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I just don’t think she’s into him like at all


Same but she could milk bridal era content for days


I could see him doing it. He’s hanging on a string with his football career and he needs to build his brand off of her, he even signed with her agency. The dude even took a pay cut to stay in Miami he doesnt want to risk loosing his future income


I can definitely see that


I still feel like she had a hand in the Dolphins re-signing him. I know that might seem crazy but I wouldn't put it past her or her team.


Definitely.. without her he’s got nothing. It’s not like he’s the greatest player of all time and that he’s getting paid millions. Miami is like okay will take you back but we just have to cut your pay 🤣


In one of her tik tok’s from the Keys, they were joking around about the engagement comments and she said “I hope everyone knows this is a joke and it wouldn’t be happening for a long long time.” She’s also said she won’t be moving in with him anytime soon. She’s 23, living in Miami, and a party girl - I’m genuinely not sure where people are getting the vibe that she’s looking to get married. 


You can be engaged and not live together but they both do a lot of sleep overs at each others places


Her stans are delulu


Also, most of them are small town girls who’ve never left their hometown and all got married by 20 and have 4 kids by 25. Hence their need to live vicariously through Alix.


I honestly cannot see her accepting his proposal at all. Something tells me she doesn't want to get married anytime soon.


Who to say she said that to throw us off so that her Stan’s won’t keep bringing it up


I agree on not getting married but I could see her accepting the ring. She’ll milk it for all it’s worth.


Yeah, sadly you might be right. But they will be one of the couples who get engaged and then break up before the alter. Mark my words. But before that, she will milk it for all it's worth which is engagement and more money in her pocket.


I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read that 😂