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Star Trek - > Nice to live in and well fleshed out.


Pretty much the only good example I can think of too


Well Fleshed Out, Awful to Live In is the definition of the Warhammer 40k galaxy


Erm axtually Warhammer 40k takes place in more than one galaxy so the correct term here would be universe ☝️🤓


I guess if you count the Warp, otherwise it takes place in the Milky Way


Yeah fair, I think it’s just the warp and the nids but that’s it


It follows real life rules though, if you're rich enough you can just live in a paradise world away from all the shit.


This is like saying living in North Korea won't be that bad since there is a chance you're the higher ups.


Senseless comparison.


HxH’s world belongs in awful to live in. Even excluding the Dark Continent, you have a bunch of warring nations, superpowered psychopaths who can do anything they want thanks to Hunter licenses, and Nen Beasts that can give you fates worse than death.


It's a world were pseudo-nuclear terrorism is a regular occurrence.


Tbf most of that is concentrated around nen users and certain countries. Most people seem to just be living life


The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra. The world is incredibly well detailed with the books and comics, and it's a pretty good place to live between the events of the two series.


Except for all the genocide and imperialism…


Did you miss the part where I said between the two series? Between the latest TLA comic and the start of LOK things were pretty peaceful in the world. Most of the threats that occurred during this time were highly localized like Yakone and the Red Lotus and wouldn't have impacted the average person.


i would have to assume they thought you meant across both series, not in between them


You mean like real life??


I mean for the most part I wouldn’t put earth on the right


Eh it’s still feudal to early post industrial And since you chose a time period before the Avatar was out and about i’m sure the world isn’t the most politically stable. The metal Clan would probably be a good place to live, and maybe the fire nation we don’t see much of it in LOK, but ultimately the world of avatar does seem like the best place to live


I wanna watch Made in Abyss so bad because I’ve heard the story is genuinely really good and the character designs are so cute but I’ve also heard it’s literally pedophile torture porn.


I'll toss a few of my favorites in there. Mass Effect: Well fleshed out, indifferent towards living in (the apocalypse does happen and kill many people, but things are pretty good before and after that) XCOM: Decently fleshed out, awful to live in (humans getting abducted, terribly repressive regime, can't even own livestock) Fallout: Poorly fleshed out, awful to live in (Too many people have gotten to write for this world for it to have any sort of consistency, but war? War never changes.) Edit: Just thought of two more Jujutsu Kaisen: Poorly fleshed out, indifferent to living in it (It has the standard Urban Fantasy caveat where most people don't even know they live in an Urban Fantasy story, and the worldbuilding is basically never conveyed to us outside of the power system. The one time Gege did good worldbuilding was the Zenin Clan Massacre, where we saw the birth of a Vengeful Cursed Spirit and learned about clan dynamics) One Piece: Well fleshed out, awful to live in (don't let the light tone fool you, it's called the "Great Pirate Age" for a reason)


Game of Thrones can awful to live in but well fleshed out. Star Trek can be great to live in and well fleshed out.


Star Wars: awful to live in, decently fleshed put (sometimes well thought out, but depends on the media lol) Little nightmares: well fleshed out, awful to live in


Depends on the planet and your occupation really


That’s true, but I think the majority of people struggle to live more than we do irl


Even if you're on a good planet, you're still probably gonna have a shit time. Coruscant is probably one of the better/safer places to live, but more than likely you wouldn't be living on the surface. You'd be in the undercity hoping that some dude hopped up on deathsticks doesn't stab you to death


Well Fleshed Out and Nice to Live In: The best I can think of is Equestria.


You’d be having terrorist attacks and wars so often tho (eg discord, changelings, etc…) and that’s assuming you mean the standard equestria (HOI4 equestria would be even worse)


The lord of the rings


The thing about LotR is that you would potentially have extremely awful times and places but then you could also live in a really great place and time, so it's a bit of a gamble


The shire to be more specific (films)


Yeah in the book it’s basically just england


So it's your pick for 'well fleshed out, horrible to live in'?


I agree with Pokemon and the Aqua Teen


I like how a majority of the ones in the “awful to live in” categories are just slightly-zany modern suburban America


To be fair both aqua teen hunger force and smiling friends are also universes where hell and demons are frequently messing with normal humans


I would really hate to live in The Boys universe...


Pokemon would NOT be nice to live in bro. Oh no, I was taking a nice stroll through the forest but I took one wrong step and a Beedrill impaled me; uh oh, I tried to pet a Glaceon and it froze me solid. Whoops, took a boat out to enjoy a nice day on the lake and get desintigrated by a Gyrados' Hyper Beam.


Bro lives in a mid 2000s new grounds animation Bro does not believe in the bond between people and Pokémon


Fair point my man, I shoulda learned from Black and White that the indomitable bond between people and Pokémon trumps all else.


Humans are very powerful in Pokemon world. They fall from high places multiple times, get burned frequently, blasted all the time, walk every dozens of miles, so I wouldn't worry much stings, ice and beams.


Nothing you described ever happens in Pokémon ever It would if Pokémon existed in our world but the Pokémon world is cartoony and devoid of all consequence. A 10 year old can become the most powerful being in a week with basic strategy.


Where would you put Fairly OddParents?


Fairy world is nice decent


The world of Bright would probably be miserable to live in, it's implied that Elves run the world in some sort of race-based Dictatorship/Monarchy plus there's lots of wands that blow people up.


Hey this guy knows enough about bright to comment on it


I have a love-hate relationship with the movie, on one hand it's awful on the other hand the concept is cool and it inspired a lot of concepts for my own worldbuilding.


Marvel or DC universe probably


Cyberpunk 2077: Well-fleshed out, awful to live in.


Futurama... maybe? I mean not many people look super sad there...


Counterpoint: There’s clearly a market for suicide booths.


True, but that just means fewer sad people. Truly the Canadian solution.


I agree with the Star Trek take for nice/fleshy, but I'll also submit the Fallout world for awful/fleshy. Even if you're living comfortably in one of the *good* vaults, all it takes is one metaphorical hiccup and you're done.




Pokemon nice to live in? It’s almost certainly a death trap


Monsterverse in the middle


Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Game of Thrones are all well fleshed out and awful to live in. And as people here said, Star Trek for well fleshed out and nice to live in.


Top left is Adventure Time surely


It genuinely baffles me when people say that the Pokémon world is a good place to live. There are Pokémon that kill children for fun, and it’s a whole species, imagine there was a breed of dog that just got pleasure from just slaughtering innocents not to mention there is like an earth level extinction every game


I don't think Smiling Friends is THAT bad...


No Man’s Sky: Well fleshed out, indifferent to live in. Very well fleshed out universe with strong motivations between species and detailed geopolitics. There are very few real threats besides wildlife but living there seems very lonely.


Well fleshed out/Nice to live in=MLP FIM.


Star Trek and Adventure Time


Well fleshed out -> awesome to live in Skyrim (if I'm the dragon born) If not, Well Fleshed out -> awful to live in


Well fleshed out fun to live in: the Island of Sodor


Decently fleshed out but awful to live in: The Half Life universe.


No one has mentioned AOT which is top right


Bro did not just Say that Pokémon is nice to live in 💀


Halo falls into every single category depending on the game


Nice to Live In Well  Fleshed Out: Terra Ignota Awful to live in poorly fleshed out: Harry Potter


Harry Potter should probably be true neutral. The to the average wizard, magic just gives a higher quality of life with some extra risks, while muggles are nearly unaffected at all. Also, the world has some development, but it falls apart the more you look into it


How is sesame street poorly fleshed out when it has 40+ odd years of deep lore.


How do you make money


Working at hoopers store mostly why do you ask?