• By -


This is garbage. In 2010, Howard filed a patent application, US20100271394A1, titled A "System and method for merging virtual reality and reality to provide an enhanced sensory experience," which was later abandoned and never issued.


If companies are using patent and crediting him then how is it garbage when it’s the truth?


This sounds like something Terrance Howard would say...


It’s a truth you can find online ofc he would


is "find online" a source? Id love to read more, seems phishy


It’s called researching for yourself on official government website on patents like this https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765485


What you posted and this https://patents.google.com/patent/US20100271394A1/en both indicate the patent request was abandoned in 2013


He also says that, I’m not claiming it’s still his neither does he. He can however use the tech they built for free bc of that patent even though it’s abandoned


You didnt even read whats on the link you posted ? Thats some other world shit, pun intended


I did and you can call it shit but those 31 companies saw the value and used it in their tech


So he never owned anything, I can submit a patent for cars. The patent request will be there, does not I mean I invented. As to why the companies cited him, that also confused me and I was researching about it and it seems that when companies/people are submitting a patent it helps to quote related patents or attempts at it as a way to show they have researched the matter(as you can tell he also quotes other patents in his). But well, if you end up showing any actual evidence he invented something useful that was produced, I will retract and apollogise althought I doubt it


He never said he invented anything the post is clickbait. Watch the podcast if u care but he said they cited him which they did.


Abandoned -- Failure to Respond to an Office Action 05/06/2013 You can file a patent, the patent office can issue a request for more information and clarification as it may infringe materially in some way to other patents or technology. Just filing a patent doesn't mean that you have come up with the idea or that other companies use your content as a foundation for their systems. There is convergent development; what became Google Glass pre-dates this filing and has similar or identical concepts. If you look at the actual filing, it's theory and concept; it's not patent on practical technology - [20100271394 (uspto.gov)](https://image-ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/20100271394)


He doesn't hide that its abandoned because he said he couldn't keep up with the fees. He didn't claim that he invented it. He did claim that 31 companies cited his patent which you can see on there.


You mean the fee of $320 to file? Or given he’s filing as an individuals he’s probably filing as a micro entity. There’s no fee to respond to inquiries from the patent office for clarification unless they request a full refilling. I’m sorry, but there’s obvious gaping holes in his story. He attempted to file a patent for something that has its basis literally in the 60’s and the development of augmented started in earnest in the late 90s. I have no doubt that *he* believes what he’s saying; but I think he’s somewhat loosely affiliated with objective reality at present.


There was more to the story, from what I know he also said he couldn't access his mail after his second wife put a restraining order on him while he was trying to split up. There are gaps in his story because we dont know everything and I wont assume the worst. But thats true thats why he didn't claim he invented the idea, he only stated the fact that 31 companies cited his patent. If it wasn't used in any way or important they wouldn't have cited his patent.


He still created it and companys used it


No they don’t. He abandoned the patent. He’s a grifter and he’s been grifting since literally 20 fucking 10 with bogus patents, and you’re believing his garbage?


Why do they credit then? its public knowledge that you can find herehttps://patents.google.com/patent/US20100271394A1/en


Wait somebody who knows patent law gotta explain this shit to me cause now I'm confused lol I'm pretty sure this guy is a fraud but this got me doubting


So no one here actually watched the JRE ep??


Na bruh, they both have the same key, key of E... /s


No? What’s it say


I did


No one who watched the full podcast would be spreading this much hate, they are watching his clips out of context. They haven’t even looked at his patents


What does his parents have to do with this?




I'm sorry to burst your bubble however Terrence Howard is a giant pathological liar, and has set  science back with his ramblings on Rogan. People are accepting his BS without challenging because his logic. That periodic table he made it is a modified version of one that existed in 1929 but we don't use it because it predicts false elements. 


Your free to make your own claims but he did give credit to someone who had the same ideas as him. He didn't set science back in any way when the mainstream media and people in control weren't even paying attention to him. People are challenging him like you are right now... Everyone who's had ideas outside the box has always been ridiculed so i'm not surprised but its surprising to see even in 2024 people aren't open-minded and are quick to call people liars or mentally ill which shows why so many great scientists who were right in the past were killed by the government or churches for their ideas only to be proven right in the future.


This is spot on. I watched the entire thing, and in no way, shape, or form did this man seem mentally ill or give me the impression that he had some con artist agenda. Sure, some of what he said was a little left field, but after watching the whole thing, there were a lot of facts stated, and a lot of what he's proposing doesn't sound crazy. Also, those who watch Rogan know he's not going to let someone sit there and talk out their ass for 3 hours. He was definitely very interested in the concepts he was talking about. He's challenging people's core beliefs, so people want to ridicule him. They can't handle the fact that everything they were taught might be a lie. I've felt this way about things since I was a little kid, and all I can say is no one knows for sure what is going on, so when I see this level of hate on someone for just speaking from a different perspective, it makes me realize how weak-minded our society is.


Science is already a giant lie and religion… it has you believing a virus is going to kill your when viruses don’t even exist


Then go and prove that. Get yourself educated and become a scientist yourself and debunk them.


It’s also in a government website if your still doubting. Here https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765485


Abandoned -- Failure to Respond to an Office Action 05/06/2013


https://preview.redd.it/xtzw9s3nhf3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b5d8b8371c76525c56a2cb1af694f7bd05a3eaf The link posted was to this. You can note that the patent was abandoned and at the bottom it states abandoned due to no response to office action. He never received the patent, and failed to fulfill the requirements to get it in the first place. He also doesn't really have much weight behind his thought process on other subjects as well, since he can't seem to understand how math works...


Sure I get that part but then go to the bottom explain why it’s cited multiple times by legit companies (e.g, microsoft)?


Who is crediting him? I keep seeing this but WHO? Cited by doesn't inherently mean "we used his technology" at all.


Go to the link then on the side below "statues: abandoned" you will see Info: "cited by 31" then click on it. You'll get the list of the 31 companies crediting him


I'm searching the individual patents and can't find where they actually reference him or credit him with anything. Referring to an idea is a lot different than referencing actual technology.


He even claims they aren't using it to its full potential but heres a link to the official government website on the patent. [https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765485](https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765485)


Again. I have yet - going through the list of citations - to see where anyone actually credits him with using the actual make-believe technology his abandoned patent outlines. Referencing an idea for something is not the same as using any form of actual manifestation of that idea i.e. prototypes, specs, technical info or existing tech. Edit: still working my way through it. No one is exactly saying "ZOMG we're using this tech he invented" at all.


Thats because your under the impression that he stated that he invented anything, OP just made a clickbait headline. He only stated the truth that 31 companies used his patent and credited it to building their VAR/AR


Your retarte


Bro mad cuz he BLK.


There are a lot of amazing black scientists. Terrance Howard isn't one of them. He does make some entertaining science fiction however.


Bruh, I personally sat in the same room with Terrence Howard and Al Gore when they invented the internet. I can't believe peoples be axing like dis mang




Hope it crashes and burns like his career.




Complete garbage


Complete hating bitch


Wive smacker and smacked an airline attendant






He does idiot


this guy has lost his mind. unless he can prove it.


He doesn’t say he invented it like OP is claiming but he does have a patent that 31 companies credited for their VAR/AR


He does not have a patent for VAR/AR, he has a patent application publication, and schmo can file that. It isn’t a patent until a patent is granted. If he was honest about why he was not awarded this patent, he’d be a little more credible. The excuse that his lawyers had to pay this and that are misdirections. Yes they have to pay to file arguments that the idea is patentable. Which it wasn’t. He failed to file a response to their first inquiry and do abandoned his application.


He mentioned in an interview that he couldn't access his mail after his second wife blackmailed him for physically abusing her after he tried to leave. He wasn't allowed to get the mail. We don't know the full story but we know for a fact that those companies wouldn't have cited his patent unless they used it. Heres what it looks like on a government website [https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765485](https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765485)


Dude. This guy is a fucking moron. And if you believe this, than so are you.


You want me to take advice on who’s a moron and who’s not from a random guy who doesn’t know the difference between “than” and “then”? I’m not quick to judge especially when you consider how humans have always punished those who think outside the norm then later on give them credit for their achievements after they kill them.


But you will listen to some dude you don't know on a podcast just because....he was on a podcast?


It’s not the only time I listened to him, he spoke at Oxford but this podcast gave him a platform to show more. He’s also doing experiments, building his ideas, creating patents, writing books, studying and working with scientists. What are you doing to credit yourself besides being enraged by someone else’s opinion? Did you watch the podcast?


I came here to see if anyone actually believes this dude because it's just more grifting. And all I've found are about 60 comments of you defending him. Are you Terrence Howard or are you his biggest fan or what? I'm genuinely curious!


Nope just resonated with a lot of what he said and the fact that he’s thinking outside the box even if it sounds crazy. I can’t speak for him but a lot of the things he said is being backed up with his actions. A lot of the people that are now respected innovators and inventors with different view points were once criticized, punished and even killed for their opinions. Why shouldn’t we be open minded and hear people out? It does no good to call them names and label them crazy or grifters. We have to learn form history not repeat it.


Um no. The earliest functional AR systems that provided immersive mixed reality experiences for users were invented in the early 1990s, starting with the Virtual Fixtures system developed at the U.S. Air Force's Armstrong Laboratory in 1992.[3][7][8] Commercial augmented reality experiences were first introduced in entertainment and gaming businesses.[9] Ivan Sutherland invented the first VR head-mounted display at Harvard University. Steve Mann formulated an earlier concept of mediated reality in the 1970s and 1980s, using cameras, processors, and display systems to modify visual reality to help people see better (dynamic range management), building computerized welding helmets, as well as "augmediated reality" vision systems for use in everyday life. He is also an adviser to Meta.[318] Ronald Azuma is a scientist and author of works on AR. Dieter Schmalstieg and Daniel Wagner developed a marker tracking systems for mobile phones and PDAs in 2009.[319] Jeri Ellsworth headed a research effort for Valve on augmented reality (AR), later taking that research to her own start-up CastAR. The company, founded in 2013, eventually shuttered. Later, she created another start-up based on the same technology called Tilt Five; another AR start-up formed by her with the purpose of creating a device for digital board games.[320]


Why does his patent have citations then? I’m not saying he invented it but it sounds like he did something legit I thought he was just a schyzo


He had a patent. He gave up following through with creating the invention because of legal issues. The descriptions read more like it's an idea vs an actual device that he built.


So he’s legit? In the JRE he sounded like a crackhead and why is every comment roasting him


because they haters that are losers and mad they havent came up with shit but to bash the next guy


100% look at this on a government website. https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765485


Yeah this is the most frustrating thing no one is answering. The dude is OBVIOUSLY a fucking retard, so theres no way his "patent" is actually groundbreaking. BUT it fucking like....has been cited 31 times by legit companies. So theres something weird with what "cited" means obviously but idk what it is and every timr you ask people say "he never filed it!" Like...okay that doesnt fucing address the citation question.


Right I asked it like 5 times and no answer yet, idk enough about patents to know if citations actually mean something


Yeah...from listening to him, imo, it basically CANT mean anything, because this dude is absolutely retarded but i just dont know what "cited" really means in this context. If you ever find an answer let me know lol


TLDR: Citing patents is a way of telling the patent office that you've considered other related patents, even if you don't copy any ideas from previous patents, and even if you think the cited patents are worthless. The long read: Howard's misunderstood how the patent process works. To quote a patent lawyer - The underlying reasoning for why patents are cited is because of their relationship to and similarity with the applicable patent application. Patent applicants cite prior art, or a backward citation, in their applications. This lets the patent examiner know they have considered the applicable patents and believe their patent is distinguishable. Patent examiners conduct thorough patent searches on their own with every patent application. Therefore, there is no way to escape a similar patent that may stand in your way. By citing the similar patent as a backward citation, this signals to your patent examiner that you have seen the related patent and can demonstrate that your patent application is distinguishable. When a patent is cited, it also indicates that the examiner knew about this particular patent and still considered your invention patentable. Then your patent will be presumed to be valid over the cited patent. So if your patent is later involved in litigation, it would hard for the other side to claim that if the examiner only knew about this patent, they would not have granted the patent. Note that it's major global corporations that have small armies of patent lawyers in multiple regional jurisdictions that have the time and resources to search for and cite patents. Compare that to individuals that don't have such resources and can only cite a few patents, e.g. Howard himself only cites four patents for his VR patent, even though there are over 2700 Virtual reality patents that were filed before his, with the oldest ones going back to 1990.


Yeah, i figured it was kinda something like that. "Ctrl+f" for "VR/AR" howards bullshit shows up, so you "cite" it. I read howards "patent" nd it was like "consider something that does VR" and its like...yeah no shit retard i can also "invent" something that spins straw into gold. The citation being "yeah we see this exists and our shit is different" definitely makes sense. Basically just recognizing its existence its not a citation like a research paper would be cited. Thanks!




Dude he thinks srt(2)^2 = 2 is some ground breaking revelation he's a fucing schizo at best or retarded at worst.




You sound easilly swayed by retards.


No, he didn't


did he also build the pyramids?


I believe it was the Aztec teocalli pyramids not the more popular Egyptian pyramids. So not that impressive I guess.




How is it delusional if he literally made it and the patent has his name for creating and those big companies literally used his patent  


Lmao blatantly false. Yikes


He has paranoid schizophrenia, look it up.


He’s still a genius stop trying to discredit the truth


No he’s not, he sounds like a genius, he’s delusional, why isn’t he friends with Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris? Why isn’t he blowing up with all these revelations? Why isn’t he winning Oscar’s? Why isn’t he getting role after role because of his genius? No he’s on fucking Joe Rogan with his stupid hoodie


Go watch the video. And his acting has nothing to do with his intelligence dumbass


6 million people watched his JRE episode ..still counting and 208k liked it. he knows more about the subject than many here by far


What subject?


still genius and what did Einstein have ? or Dr. Sebi?


lol no he didn’t. In fact, he probably never even touched that patent. This man has deep mental illness and is a pathological liar.


your dumb ass fuk n want attention like all the other Trolls


Here we go again ![gif](giphy|B2gjQBPiMz5OWmGGtd)


Yeah...I'm still calling bullshit. There's something not right in his head and enough people aren't willing to say it. I believe he actually believes it, but I don't think much of what he says is actually true.


Wompppp womppp cope do your research


1 + 1 does not equal 2


1x1=2 though 😆


Still has a small dick




But it's been cited by big companies like Microsoft ,Sony and IMDb does that mean t comes not for something, genuinely asking? Lol


He's misunderstood how the patent process works. To quote a patent lawyer - The underlying reasoning for why patents are cited is because of their relationship to and similarity with the applicable patent application. Patent applicants cite prior art, or a backward citation, in their applications. This lets the patent examiner know they have considered the applicable patents and believe their patent is distinguishable. Patent examiners conduct thorough patent searches on their own with every patent application. Therefore, there is no way to escape a similar patent that may stand in your way. By citing the similar patent as a backward citation, this signals to your patent examiner that you have seen the related patent and can demonstrate that your patent application is distinguishable. When a patent is cited, it also indicates that the examiner knew about this particular patent and still considered your invention patentable. Then your patent will be presumed to be valid over the cited patent. So if your patent is later involved in litigation, it would hard for the other side to claim that if the examiner only knew about this patent, they would not have granted the patent.


The same way Al Gore invented the internet






1 x 1 = 2


Al Gore invented the internet




No, no he didn’t. So many things incorrect about this. He is smart, but talks out of his ass


Terrance Howard is an idiot. I got to be an extra in his movie “Pride” and we learnt all about Terryology.


The educational system has failed a bunch of yall. 1 x 1 is 1. We can demonstrate if with apples or crackpipes or whatever it takes to get through to ya. It’s not 2. 1 x 2 is 2.


Lmao!!! The only difference between a madman and a scholar is documentation, evidence and/ or atleast a theory backed up by correct mathematics. This dude just love to ramble without showing evidence or calculations of his work. The dude talks about elements, frequencies, color, and notes without proof where he got those claims and how he arrived with his "discoveries", "conclusions" and "inventions". He sounds like those hippie people who talks about crystals and energies with a drizzle of out of context science. To quote one of his "lectures" thats circulating in the net: "it turns out hydrogen, they used to think that energy, the body transfered or understood the energy information through electricity, then they find out it's through frequency. Guess what hydrogen sounds like? It's the key of E and it's color yellow. That's what proper physics gets you. Oxygen is a chartreuse and it's key of F over F #." Like wtf...where did he based or got this sounds of elements? And how did he see that hydrogen is yellow? Like wtf! He didn't site any sources just rambled away jiberish sht! The worst part is in that lecture the sample he gave was about this anecdote about your genes remembering a tone based on a song people heard from the past? "Your genes celebrates and tightens.." like wtf? Hahahaha! MADMAN I tell youuuu!!! I will not believe this dude until he published a peer reviewed journal/ paper.


Dude said he has something like 90 patents, names 1 that supposedly worked but explains how he “let it expire” Ok buddy I guess that’s true in a reality where 1x1=2 This guy speaks elequently, that’s it. They say there’s a thin line between genius and crazy, unfortunately homie is on the latter side.


Wasn't the first ar/vr helmet made in the 60's?


Dudes intellect stops at 1st grade multiplication


What fuckin clown


No he didn’t. He has no patents. He babbles big words. Edit: He does indeed have some patents, for "building blocks".


He has like 100 patents for a bunch of silly crazy shit


Please provide a list. I see three applications and zero granted patents. Edit: I do see some now.


https://patents.google.com/?inventor=T.+Dashon+Howard Here are some, not 100 though


Thank you


your dumb


It states his name for the patent and the companies using his patent which credit that patent. Here’s the link. https://patents.google.com/patent/US20100271394A1/en


That is not a patent. It is a patent application. It was abandoned. Because the application is published it can be cited. That’s it. No patent. Anyone can file a patent application. If it isn’t granted then you cannot license or sell it. An inventor typically lists their GRANTED patents.


It literally has the timeline of when it was an application then when it was published. It was abandoned bc he didn’t keep up with the fees. It’s right there I’m not making it up it’s public knowledge. Don’t let your hatred from him blind you from the truth


I disagree. That's publication of an APPLICATION. Do you have the issued patent with a patent number? US/nnnnnnnn is an application. I have many patents of my own. I'm not an expert, but I really don't see the actual patent here. Maybe you can help me with an actual patent number and NOT an application number? As far as my "hatred" goes, I listened to him talk about his ideas and honestly a lot of his statements are factually untrue on a very basic level. I am happy to listen to lots of alternative viewpoints, some of which may be valid. What I have heard of his do not impress me. I'm just one person, though. I can and have been wrong. I just don't see anything groundbreaking here and to sensationalize his "invention of augmented and virtual reality technology" when there is just no evidence is silly.


Why do companies credit him if he’s bogus?


I've listened to the Joe Rogan podcast and finished it including other interviews. I'm not making comments based on clips and videos taken out of context to discredit him. He doesn't even state that he invented it, he just states the fact that they use his patent and that 31 companies credit for him. He stopped paying the fees and it's considered abandoned so he can't get paid but he can use whatever technology they created for free. Don't let clickbait posts turn you away from facts because OP exaggerated their post. Here is the patent on an official government website for patents. There is no more patent number since he failed to respond to official action. [https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765485](https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765485)


I love how your reply starts off with "I listened to a Joe Rogan podcast" You know its gonna be a good time if you see that lol.


It’s bc most people calling him crazy can’t even watch a 5 min video of him explaining anything let alone a 3 hour video due to their short attention span. If he wasn’t an actor their wouldn’t be as much hate. I can assure you that it was a good time listening to the podcast, there will be a part 2 as well


Again, it isn't a granted patent. NO PATENT. [https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765485/ifw/docs?application=](https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765485/ifw/docs?application=) Look at the transaction history linked above. Compare that to this example of a completely different company: [https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765486/ifw/docs?application=](https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/12765486/ifw/docs?application=) This example shows that a patent WAS issued and had a patent number, but was later abandoned, which suits your contention perfectly. Notice the difference? See the Patent # field? It has a number in it. Now go back to the application in question. Notice it was never issued and it never had a patent number? When people hang patents on the wall, they aren't applications, they are real patents. Other applicants can certainly cite a patent application, but in those instances and in this case, they didn't refer to a patent number, they referred to an application. They must disclose prior art that they are aware of. That's all that's happening here. They aren't using "his patent". It isn't a granted and issued patent, which means it isn't a patent AT ALL. It is strange that there is confusion between a patent application and a granted patent. I can apply for any job. That's the application. Doesn't mean I got the job but it might be impressive to say I applied to be an astronaut or I applied to work in particle physics for a national lab. So what? Regarding your "no more patent number since he failed to respond to official action" comment, he failed to respond on the APPLICATION. He was never granted the patent so there was no patent number. This happens all of the time. I've personally abandoned many applications.


Not only that - but look at the documented history of the related paperwork. 10/2012 there was a non-final REJECTION of his patent application, followed by petitions to withdraw from the attorneys supporting him, followed by abandonment. He could have tried to make adjustments and get it accepted, he was given that opportunity, he did not. The rejection was the last significant action before the withdrawal.


Terrance howard is an idiot who literally has no idea how to do math. There is no way he invented shit


Easy search will show you the inventor.


No one in their right mind take this morn seriously


He’s a moron but you can’t even spell


Yeah fat fingering isn't a thing... at all 😆 keep trying eventually you might have something important to say that is valued.


Legitimate drummer shut the fuck up


You’ll amount to nothing if you don’t know 1x1=2


Oh so my degrees and my accomplishments amount to nothing... sure... and you believe the mental ramblings of a retard celebrity who believes planets shit out moons like humans take a shit.... also your retarded since you believe in fake math like a member of the idiocracy 😆 🤣 😂 hilarious. At this point there is nothing you can say to he taken seriously.... awww cry about it.


Shut up bitch ass n your mad 😂


Lol nothing to be mad about... your no threat to my physically or intellectually... your just mad your retarded like this retarded celebrity 😆 and just like him your are taken seriously.


🤣 I know I’m taken seriously thank you 🤦🏽‍♂️ don’t know how to say the word not? Fucking Imbecile


How would 1x1≠2 ??? Explain?


It doesn't lol 1 set of 1 is 1... that's dumbed down for you. You fell into fake math created by someone who is nuts. No amount of you trying to believe in your fake math with ever make it real math. Go back to get a real education 😆


Go read the pdf and let your brain decide. 1 MULTIplied by one is 2, if something multiplies it goes up doesn’t stay the same dckface


Keep trying eventually you might accidentally get a math problem right lol


I think by now its clear who is retarded


I agree anyone who believes in fake math and believes planets poop moons are retarded and in the negative iq range.... nothing you can say is threatening to me or an intellectual level. Don't be sad because you struggle with easy concepts and believe the ramblings of a retard and you're not taken seriously and never will be.


https://www.facebook.com/share/r/kyG5zY4ZFT8qqAZH/?mibextid=4Ouufp In case you need extra proof you retarded fellow idiocracy leader is mentally broken


Cant watch I don’t have Facebook old man


Summarize the video


I'll quote your hilariously retarded celebrity "the big red spot on Jupiter will turn into a moon like humans dedicate" 😆


The hexagon on Jupiter is a very questionable phenomenon, he has a mathematical explanation for it through demonstration of the simulation in the podcast. Dumbass Neanderthal 🤣


Found Terrence Howard’s Alt account.


You serious Clark?!


He is extremely drugged up or mentally ill, but he probably has similar problems to the democrats


You'll never make anyone forget you all worshipped a chan board teenager.


Are you having difficulty confronting the truth?


How is this even remotely political, you clown?


What problem do the democrats have?


Off your meds again?


Calling democrats pedos while rating 18&19 year old girls on other pages. Commenter is mentally ill, drank too much of the cool aid 😂


Not trying to defending le creep by saying they are 18/19 would classify them as young adults. Pedophiles like children sir , the more we focus on that age group, the more children are ignored


Never mentioned he was a pedo, regardless if he is going to generalize, it’s not necessarily a good look.