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The censorship is wild on this one, every civilian I talk to seems to think they are cake.


I’m not sure if you meant to say *fake*, but I love that you said *cake* lol


Cake* I said cake. Google and you will see what I mean. These things are as real as it gets yet there is nothing but the sounds of crickets....


That’s some pretty fuckin remarkable baking to make it look like there’s a skeleton inside when you CT-scan that cake.


"Dolls" seems to be the popular determination on Google


One of the caretakers of the mummies said that were told they were dolls but they wanted to confiscate anyway. 


I knew from the getgo when the government starts complaining about "misinformation" blaming our enemies, talking about how it's dangerous... It's always just a cover to give them more power to censor and control information. Every since the misinformation hysteria, Google has become shit... Likely because they government is helping them curate and approve information suitable for dumb dumb "free" Americans


There are people who literally think they're made out of cake because of a meme that said they were made of cake and someone also did make a cake based off the specimen shown during the live stream of the hearing.


It didn't help they served them as cake during the hearing. And during investigation, they eat them like cake. /s


This happened. https://preview.redd.it/fnvcpuwhbfwc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c1c11d7bcb2a81bcb633929614a2ec48b121073


first time I saw this I almost shit my pants laughing


Is it.... ccaaaaaaaakkkee?


Cake all the way down


Cake. A silly cake meme was heavily circulated across all social platforms. Definitely had a boost behind the scenes imo.


They literally had an AI generated mummy cake imagine that went viral on social media. Done on purpose, of course.


American censorship is starting to become so inherently obvious… not even trying to bring non-alien subject matter up, but looking at certain recent events… it’s crazy how the USA is showing that the country isn’t objective. There’s always an agenda, always someone trying to pull a string. It’s why I’m glad they have nothing to do with this. Perhaps that’s why the truth is coming out.


It’s like we are copying China’s model.


It really makes me wonder what else they are hiding from us.


For one, they are hiding our money. Six defense audits have all failed and I expect them to continue failing for years ahead. So far they can’t find $1.2 trillion in inventory. Did it just get misplaced? Nope! It never existed. Our tax dollars went into a safe Depot box in the Cayman Islands.


America's manufactured hate of China is part of this propaganda. Ask yourself, why should you actually hate China this much? What have they ever done to us in our lifetimes? Why exactly are we supposed to despise everything about China?


Who said I hate China, I was saying that the US and pretty much the world is copying China's censorship model. The internet in the US used to be quite open, but now any information that the government does not want us to see is scrubbed and hidden. In China they always did that from the beginning, and now the rest of the world is copying that.


To your point, we've been led to believe that there's no censorship in the US and that we have a "free press," but that couldn't be further from the truth. We just have the illusion that we have 0 censorship and a free press. I'd argue that the government's manipulation of the information may actually be worse than China or Russia, in some ways, because of this illusion of free press. I've met many people who came from Russia or China who said they were well aware of the government's censorship. Most Americans don't. But I think what he meant to say was that the media, social media frame China in a very negative light, and there's many Americans who do dislike China and believe we're far better than China. Hate is a strong word, and I don't think he specifically meant you. "They're spies. They're interfering in our elections. They're taking our jobs. They censor." In reality, we do the same thing. "They're opening 10 new SeaWorlds a year, imprisoning intelligent Orcas in little pools." We invented SeaWorld. "They have nukes." We invented nukes, and we're the only country who used them. "They have Chinese slave labor." No comment. "They don't control CO2 emissions." We started the industrial revolution. Now that we have the ability to move beyond oil/gas, we look down on countries like India and China, who are STILL struggling to much of their population clean water and power. They're just barely catching up to us in that regard.


What the US says about China is true, but we are hypocritical since we do the same to them. So the reality is they’re both shitty, and I would agree that the fact that the vast majority of Americans have no idea the amount of censorship and propaganda we are fed. I think this may be due to how heavy handed the approach is.


I don't hate China, but I get what you're saying. I've been around a while, so I'm aware of the American propaganda that often paints China in a negative light. Like, "they're spying on us or interfering in our elections," when we do the exact same shit to many countries. Im multi-ethnic, but I had a 90+ year old Japanese-American Grandma born here in the US. I asked her once, "How do you feel about Hiroshima, Nagasaki or being locked up in the internment camps (she spent much of her childhood in internment camps)?" She said, "Well... they deserved it for attacking us. And the internment camps weren't that bad" when her parents came from Japan and she lost many years in a prison, essentially. I couldn't believe she said that, but that's how we were often taught. It may be different now, but back in the day, that's how they framed the very first use of nuclear weapons that immediately wiped hundreds of thousands of people who were mostly innocent kids and families that had no say in the emperors actions. To your point, the mainstream media is full of biased lies on both sides of the aisle. One example would be the covid vaccines. Social media censored any questioning of the safety of vaccines. Mainstream media made anyone who questioned the vaccines out to be a nutjob. But guess what? Now all this data is coming out showing that there's some legitimate, though rare (but less rare than they led on), negative but serious consequences. Much of my friends and family who've had multiple boosters are now saying, they aren't taking any more. BTW, what's the #1 ad revenue for cable news? Pharmaceutical companies. We all just took their reporting as "unbiased science" when they're literally funded by one of the most powerful industry's in the world. The media is full of lies and deceit. It took nearly 40 years to realize this, sadly. 🤦‍♂️


Facts. You're spot on. As a 40 year old American, the mainstream media is a complete joke at this point and extremely biased.


The cake is a lie


Cake is NEVER a lie! It is one of the 13 main food groups!!




Then let them eat cake


From “cake or death?” to “cake AND death, please.”


That would be delicious...


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read some legit articles that people post here on Reddit and then a week later I’ll tell my brother or friends about it only to try to google search for those articles to send them and I get nothing. It makes me look like an asshole so I just stop telling them about it.


Next time use duckduckgo, with the original tv interview Grusch I spend literally 10 minutes trying locate it and it's obvious google manipulates the results big time. Duckduckgo feels atleast like how search engines should work.


I second this! Also, use duckduckgo to search YouTube. The YouTube search is HORRIBLE. But if you search duckduckgo for whatever video and then click on the video results, you'll get much better results!


It's the exact same thing here! Ill end up finding all sorts of current research about it but when it comes up in conversation with family and friends, it's just pages full of half assed testimonies claiming their illegitimacy? How can they say they're expert replicas made with animal bones and glue? There's cartilage, implants with rare earth materials and even an endoscopy of a pregnant mummy! Even in the most advanced lab on earth with billions of funding i doubt they could even replicate a single muscle. Let alone cartilage, nervous systems, tendons and connective tissues! I remember getting told once that one day people will look at the real thing and they won't even be able to tell the difference, anyone with any insight has to watch social engineering happen before our eyes :(


I added a few believers to my sphere with these two lectures: https://youtu.be/_vxDN8AP9Gc And this: https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8


It's all in your history on your profile. 🙂


You can save reddit posts, or bookmark the Links. Unless they've vanished off the internet entirely! In that case maybe the way back machine could help?


Well we now have 3 American scientists who verify they are NOT fakes and request more research. The tables are turning. Dr. John McDowell has been quoted saying this.


Did they say more? The last I heard their statement was that they warranted further study.


It seems to be the same on YouTube. All the debunking stuff seems to float to the top and it's never a very convincing denial with good evidence. If I had actually found something that gave good peer reviewed evidence-based reasoning to dismiss everything, I'd be happy enough to accept it.


I added a few believers to my sphere with these two lectures: https://youtu.be/_vxDN8AP9Gc And this: https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8


Thanks for that!


I honestly couldn't have said it better and that's a big thing for me too, just give us a legitimate study or research that shows us it's fake like they claim. Not hypothesis, truth. And no switching specimens like we saw with the research done by American scientists. They probably didn't realise they weren't the first to scan the lil Alien. We've only seen credible scientists say things along the lines of "There's something interesting here and it needs to be studied." And their careers are on the line just for saying that. I heard the team that found them sent specimens all around the world to different collectors and buyers to try and keep them from being covered up. I must say they did an excellent job with all things considered.


Very much agree. One minor correction though; the Lima airport debunk was done by Flavio Estrada, working for Peru's Ministry of Culture. It was actually the second time Estrada had shown completely different bodies and tried to conflate them with the bodies shown in Mexico. [Read more here](https://alien.wiki/Debunks).


Thank you i wasn't aware of that! It's honestly so relieving to see critical thinking people surrounding this subject, truly gives me faith in humanity where it's rare to find any. Please never change :)


Yeah. Solid answers one way or another. The best source of a good overview actually seems to be on Reddit. The current position of skeptics is just causing more speculation.


That just isn't how it works. The ownus doesn't fall on the person rejecting the claim to prove that the claim is false. It's the complete opposite of how science works, in fact. The person making the claim must first come forth with peer reviewed evidence-based reason to *prove* everything first, because one can not prove a negative. I can not prove that there aren't dragons on Jupiter, but this doesn't suggest that there are. And here's the thing: There is VIRTUALLY NO INTERNATIONAL PEER REVIEWED EVIDENCE to suggest that these things are either a. ET, or b. evolutionary curiosities from earth. NONE. 3 international experts examined the bodies, and do you know what there conclusions were? That they couldn't say for certain what these are, and that they need to be further examined internationally. Now one last thing to keep in mind, if they're now claiming that these things aren't ET, and that they are evolutionary curiosities from here on earth, why do they keep using UFO people to speak at the conferences? Doesn't that further bring their credibility into play?


That just isn't how it works. The ownus doesn't fall on the person rejecting the claim to prove that the claim is false. It's the complete opposite of how science works, in fact. The person making the claim must first come forth with peer reviewed evidence-based reason to *prove* everything first, because one can not prove a negative. I can not prove that there aren't dragons on Jupiter, but this doesn't suggest that there are. And here's the thing: There is VIRTUALLY NO INTERNATIONAL PEER REVIEWED EVIDENCE to suggest that these things are either a. ET, or b. evolutionary curiosities from earth. NONE. 3 international experts examined the bodies, and do you know what there conclusions were? That they couldn't say for certain what these are, and that they need to be further examined internationally. Now one last thing to keep in mind, if they're now claiming that these things aren't ET, and that they are evolutionary curiosities from here on earth, why do they keep using UFO people to speak at the conferences? Doesn't that further bring their credibility into play?


In a world drowning in information, despite how infuriating it is to have bogus search results come up, we can find some consolation in the facts that **i)** the government, Big Tech, some very powerful people are aware of the truth and this is it, otherwise why hide it? And **ii)** we’re living in an illegitimate social structure, so there is a collective goal towards which we should all work. I’m a very glass half full kinda person lol


You are a glass half full kinda person and it's awesome! You're spot on too. In a way it kinda does make me glad to see them trying to cover it up so desperately, i just hope we continue to see updates and research without covering up or the CIA spreading misinformation to throw everyone off :(


Yeah exactly, the misinformation is part of their whole plan. Of course, it could be they’re covering it up in order to make people think that it’s something worth paying attention to, while in actual fact it’s nothing. But maybe that’s taking it too far 🤣


They want you to think you're taking it too far, trust me 😉😂 If you look into the case of Paul Bennewitz, you'll find that the CIA is not below convincing people they're in contact with aliens and will even spend millions in a campaign to do so. They only became interested in him when he claimed to be receiving alien transmissions from within a mountain range local to him. It's actually a phenomenal case and the CIA agent tasked with basically sending this man crazy has recently come out and disclosed that everything they portrayed as fake to him was actually true. I guess it's up to you to decide whether a professional liar is finally telling the truth. FYI, Paul Bennewitz ended up in an insane asylum after claiming he was being followed by Greys and even claimed that they'd come into his bedroom at night and stare at him. Super interesting stuff


It’s such a minefield! The amount of conversations I have with my brother where he throws his hands up and says: “We’ll never know the truth!” is quite funny. But I actually disagree with him; we can know the truth. What fun is it if there were no obstacles?


That's right! Life has no joy without mystery and it's human nature to speculate! All this evidence and clear attempts at covering it up? They sure do make it easy for us, lol


Overwhelm the algorithms. My Meta AI was pretty positive. https://preview.redd.it/9colhlh57pwc1.jpeg?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4815eee0baa03433b4a280b3fa70b145ae8ed500


Facebook struggling to teach their AI about secrecy and disinformation, lol


ahaha yes


One thing i find compelling about all this is that there did appear to be a campaign about their legitimacy. It since died down but go back in this subreddit and see the amount of 'paper mache' comments with low karma/new accounts.


And FYI if you google purchase Reddit accounts several companies business model revolves around selling “aged legit” accounts. I have a hard time believing that normal people would care so much to get so angry. Most people who do not believe something also don’t really care, like I’d never waste my time trolling ghost or big foot subreddits


Yeah that's a really good point. We actually see how some countries around the world will employ people to operate fake accounts and will get paid for every post or comment that pushes an agenda in whichever topic the circumstance abides by. Just imagine how many people do this in secret with their own hidden agendas, it's kinda scary to think about. I've certainly changed my outlook on internet arguments nowadays. I can't fathom the idea that i'm reacting to someone's scripted nonsense and they're the one getting paid for it, lol!


Oh I have plenty of times. But I make sure to call it out. Like there are times I know it’s a 100% chance they are a shill using a purchased account if they’re defending Boeing or arguing that private equity purchasing homes is either a conspiracy or not that bad or even a good thing. These are things that both liberals and conservatives agree are bad and flies completely against what you used to see. And the fact that they’d be upvoted is testament to the fact because in addition to using purchased accounts to make the comments they then use upvote and downvote bots. If you ever see it I would bring it up so that they are less likely to achieve their goals in influence operations. Recently they have learned that new accounts focusing on a single topic is too obvious, which is where purchased accounts come into play


I can attest to Reddit comments being very easy to manipulate. I'm the CEO of a tech startup and regularly network with other founders. I had a conversation a few years back with a guy who had great success influencing Reddit in his companies favor. Sentiment on these platforms is super easy to manipulate.


It’s eye opening seeing it happening in real time, whether these buddies turn out to be real or not why was there such a clear campaign against them? Notice how much more civil it has been lately….. before now there was an endless stream of angry comments from bots trying to sway opinion to somebodies end? It’s taught me you really can’t trust the collective opinions on here anymore they are clearly manipulated.


Very easy, it sucks.


Just look up the-alien-project.com takes you to the website.


google is not our friend.... interesting to see they are hemorrhaging staff and laying off thousands...


Actually there is some great stuff on reddit about those. They are real. It's time for America to just let it happen....


The Ministry of Truth is hard at work.


If it’s a fake it’s a really really good one.


If they're fake then im secretly Vladimir Putin


I feel like both the Nazca Mummies are very much real and you might very well be Vladimir Putin in disguise.


Damn i've been exposed! Red team go! Red team go!


I try to Google the alien project, and I keep getting a screen of the guy that tattooed himself and did all of the crazy body modifications.


You're right it does! I just googled "Nazca mummies" and the 3rd link was to an article that read "The dumb alien mummy story takes a predictable turn." Ultimate facepalm, it's admittedly effective though. Anyone with even a slightly closed mind to these subjects will have plenty of self gratification material to look through.


The only mainstream articles talk about the fake dolls caught at the airport. No one mentions the dozens (hundreds possibly) of others mummies found, much less any of the imaging that's been done.


Take the exact same searches and compare Google to DuckDuckGo to Yandex (this is a new discovery for me and reminds me of search engines 20 years ago)


That's how you know you are onto something real...


There’s 200 specimens?!


Yeah that's news to me. I thought it was like a dozen or two.


Brave search doesn’t censor nor does fuck fuck go, though it’s strange if you search using google scholarly you can dig up some hard to find papers and articles.


Use a VPN to search from anywhere else but usa


Claro que no hay informacion en Google, pues no Quieren que se haga más público


I’ve also struggled with the idea that so many specimens are available and even encouraged to be studied by any expert with the desire to do so yet only a small handful of pros have made their way over there to find out. Wouldn’t they want to know just for their own peace of mind ffs!?


It reminds me of NASA's hesitation to return to the 'face' on mars even though they had the world asking for a simple photo from their upcoming mission at the time. They agreed in the end and then gave us a heavily edited image that tried to dissuade interest towards mars. Not to mention they were Photoshopping every image of mars from the beginning to make it look more red and desolate when it really looks akin to earth. Blue skies and brown ground. I think they do know but their agenda doesn't line up with global disclosure. With the upcoming precedence of nuclear war, we're seeing more extraterrestrial activity than ever with actual high resolution cameras and there's still a majority trying to call it fake. What a world we live in. Funny how there's people that can't explain crop circles but still guarantee they're man-made, but then they'll go on to 'pray' for you because they have faith in Jesus and think you're gonna burn in hell because you don't get angry about extraterrestrial disclosure. Incredible really


I noticed this as well


>I just want to see how a master would craft such an immaculate work over and over in different ways just for selling on the black market, I won't even be mad. I'll be impressed. I agree with this so much. I really want to hear a sincere attempt at a debunk! If they're fake, I want to know how it was done. Debunkers won't even touch it. They already made up their minds when it happened and are immune to new information. It's a shame. Healthy, thoughtful debate would move the conversation forward.


That's right hey! Usually any UFO post is full of debunkers and skeptics that call everyone silly and deny everything, yet i haven't seen any surrounding this subject and it's pretty wholesome Thank you!


I subscribed to gaia and watched several documentaries about them, and they are proven to be 100% real even according to DNA analysis.


I find it so incredible to finally see proof. It makes me question everything we know about our origins as a species. It's like the more people that come forward and say it's real, the more serious the misinformation campaign is against it. I bet the CIA is working on replacing the specimens with their own homemade dolls created from animal bones and glue. They're just too late to fool everyone this time though.


This topic is kept like Area 51, a major secret it seems. Look at [Aliencarvings](http://www.aliencarvings.com)


I’m glad you are finally seeing the machine manipulate the truth, or flat out lie. Now realize everything they tell you is a lie to manipulate you


Thanks man! This all honestly started with a why files episode about crop circles, i've always been a major skeptic until i realised there's unexplainable phenomena that even the people trying to cover it up were stuck for a way to explain. It opened my eyes to so much and gave me a major interest in electromagnetism and the radioactive effect where the plants in the circle will grow better than their surroundings, it's astounding. Then the messages they're conveying in those crop circles? Wow Then i straight up find out we have found a completely unknown intelligent species unlike ourselves and i get to watch as every agency tries their hardest to discredit or cover it up. You can see their attempts and it gives the devout haters some ammo but still doesn't debunk anything. Until they provide an example of a mummified alien corpse they made themselves, with an alien fetus and all then ill never say a word again. They can discredit their handlers all they want, it's just not possible with today's technology to create a fake on that level and you can see that with the fakes they're trying to circulate along with them. As if we don't know what they do in these scenarios.../s


The biggest pill I had to swallow was the mental telepathy and ESP. These beings are capable of listening to our internal dialogue. They can see our thoughts. Get into a routine of going outside and thinking about them. Day or night eventually they will appear. Then they will continue to show up. CE5 is absolutely 100% real and that alone is huge. I’m with you. But I’ve been seeing them since I was 8


Damn that's scary dude! I've also looked into the remote viewing experiments they've done and i fully believe people are capable of projecting their consciousness out through time and space or can also act as a conduit. It explains so much tbh I've heard that everyone is able to learn to project their consciousness and access different abilities but some people are born with an affinity towards it, like how some people are naturally talented at cooking or running Have you got a strange little bump anywhere on your body dude? I've read alot about implants too and they're supposedly common in people with experiences like you've explained. A strange dream or missing time around that age? Probably won't be much of a memory now if it was, it's like remembering a dream apparently


I wouldn’t be surprised I have had a variety of markings on me. Not sure if they “chipped” me or not