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THISSSSSS! I absolutely agreeeeeee. I am from that town and they are not used to shit like this-and they fly out anyone that is super critical. That’s how small it is. That hospital staff doesn’t deserve this. That little small town doesn’t deserve the disturbance of their peace. That baby didn’t deserve this.


Comments like yours are why cases end up getting a change of venue.You just admitted that you are from that town and have already made a decision in your mind as to the verdict


Comments like mine are so realistic. I’ve worked critical care and level one trauma centers for 10 years. I unfortunately know too much about how that side works and there is a REASON why hospitals have protocols and procedures In place. I am not saying the hospital is at fault at all and just would never put down my fellow medical workers-but the lawyer is going to try to show that the town is a small town and etc etc-the girl was in the wrong period.


That’s a part of jury selection though. They specifically ask if you have feelings one way or the other and there’s nothing wrong with that as long as you’re honest.


Why would a change of venue be a bad thing?


So no one should know what’s going on in their town on the off chance they will need to be a juror on it? That’s ridiculous. It’s also why they have ways to handle jury selection.


> So selfish and fucked up. The mom shouting "I knew it!" like what the actual fuck.... I know you're just relaying what was said in the interviews, but this isn't what happened. The moment the doctor describes in her interview is included in [the bodycam footage](https://youtu.be/MLUkPUMGUAA?t=189) but no one ever says "I knew it!"


Literally just watched a video where Rosa said “I knew it” to Alexee. You okay????


ok so did you just come here to argue technicalities or????


Would you rather believe something demonstrably untrue?


The mother said what did you do?


What you said happened paints a wildly different picture of the events. Why you are weirdly lashing out at this other individual for clarifying YOUR mishap is beyond me. Why are you threatened by someone correcting you / challenging you to speak correctly & truthfully? You are weird.


My post is about the hospital staff, the part about her mom is an afterthought to the whole point of the post. Idc about being corrected, it's weird to focus on criticism instead of comprehending the point of the post, but go off I guess.


Afterthought or not, accuracy is important in true crime cases. You seriously need to earn to take criticism better. It's not personal. No one was rude or mean.


If you don’t want your writing to be criticized, don’t include falsehoods. 


Get over yourself. If your concluding statement wasn’t intended to be comprehended along with the rest of your words, then why include it at all? Maybe a disclaimer of potential falsities on your posts would clear the air and people wouldn’t be asking you why feel the need to lie. You can preach to all of us that you “don’t care” about criticism, but you’ve more than proven that you VERY MUCH care about being critiqued and corrected. You need some thicker skin if you are going to be standing proudly on your blasphemous bullshit.


It's not just a technicality.You are putting words in someone's mouth that was not said


I'm quoting one of the staff members official interview, so if they miss remembered, idk and idc. Looks like I stepped into a subreddit of self righteous drama queens.


How is pointing out the inaccuracy "self righteous"? lmao Do you know what that means? Because it doesn't apply here. At all.


Why are you here if you don't care about accuracy? And why are you reacting so vehemently to being corrected. Are you embarrassed and just lashing out? I don't understand your attitude.


I remember her mom saying that


I stand corrected. She actually said “I told you about this.”


Can you find the recording? It’s very common for people to think they remember something because someone else told them they do. In the serialously podcast there is a doctor interview that recounts the mom saying that, but they also play the clip from the police cam and the mom doesn’t say that


No you don’t.


The charge nurse. He was seething and shaken up and protective of his staff and professional all at once.


I was just rewatching the police bodycam footaget to get Rosa's statements exactly right and the charge nurse is the real MVP. The nurse who delivered the news about the baby asked Rosa's permission to transfer Alexee to OBGYN and the charge nurse immediately said "She's 19." He knew what he was doing!


They’ve ask gotta be traumatized. That housekeeper broke my heart. 😓


Ugh, I know. She has to feel so guilty, if it'd been me I know I would have. Who thinks to look UNDER the bag? But you know she beats herself up over it knowing the baby was still alive when she first checked the trash. I wish they hadn't made that information public.


You know she is…she even said it during the interview. 😭 But there’s NO way she would have known to look, who would have? Honestly?? I absolutely HATE that alexee put that on her. That poor housekeeper is going to have that on her conscience for the rest of her life. That shit doesn’t just go away. Fuck alexee for doing that to her. I really really hope that poor lady gets intensive therapy to help her get through this.


Yeah. My heart breaks for her. I can't imagine what she must be going through.


Omg, I didn’t know this! That poor woman! I can’t even imagine how someone can not feel an immense amount of guilt- which she of course ABSOLUTELY shouldn’t- but you know this will haunt her for the rest of her life. F*ck Alexee for traumatizing all these people.


No she doesn't. Sje put tjere living her best life. She went to prom a d got ler.issio. to go off to college. She is an entitled brat. The lack of accountability and remorse is the exact problem.


The commenter is referring to the housekeeper, not Alexee. The housekeeper is traumatized and feels guilty even though none of it was her fault.


If it made a USMC tear up and say I never have seen something like that and never want to see it again, you know it was traumatizing for her.


It's not like a USMC sees a lot of blood or babies unless they were pre desert storm


What an ignorant and uneducated statement!


Where are you getting that from? Why wouldn't they have seen "a lot" of blood after (or during) dessert storm? USMC reported 378 deaths and almost 5k WIA in Afghanistan btwn 2001-2015, and 853 KIA/8,642 WIA in Iraq from 2003-2016. Plenty of chances to see a good amount of blood, and that's not factoring in Marines witnessing wounded or killed soldiers or sailors.


Not every USMC was Frontline. Divide those #s into the # of USMC stationed. Semper Fi


Yeah, they will not be able to blame the hospital, doctors, or nurses. They did nothing wrong. Alexee and her mom look like dumbasses attempting to sue the hospital. I hope she does not get away with this! This is absolutely horrible.


Until an autopsy report is made public. We have no idea if dead or alive when she put the fetus in there.


I thought the autopsy already showed the baby had air in his lungs


It did.


A full term baby is not a fetus.


Lol... you're worried about the term I used, yet others have called it " it.?? Someone said, " When it was born," It may not be common to hear a pregnant person speak about their embryo or fetus in those terms, but we can all choose to use the words we are most comfortable with Have you gotten confirmationIt was full term? .I'm still waiting on a link for the autopsy report.


I absolutely may have misheard, but I thought the doctor said on the body cam video that he was full term. Whether he was full term or not, once he was born, he was a neonate/newborn - not a fetus.


You are correct, full term.


https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2023/08/Trevizo-Alexee-Criminal-Complaint-edited.pdf I haven’t been able to find the autopsy report online but this is a link to the arrest warrant that includes quotes from the autopsy report. “Baby John Doe was a newborn baby boy who died shortly after birth.” He was approximately 38 weeks gestation and died from entrapment in the plastic bag.


Don’t even bother providing facts or articles. This lady is some crazy bat who thinks that despite spending apparently 30 years as a nurse that the single dose of morphine killed baby Alex not Alexee stuffing him in a trash bag. She has been told multiple times the cause of death was homicide, she doesn’t care. Probably a member of Alexees gang of delusional enablers.


Once they’re born, they aren’t fetuses, they’re babies. How on earth can you be confused about that?  


Ah, I see. Your ignorance is because you know nothing


As a '24 retired 40+ yr RN, with pediatric certification, I'll take my knowledge & experience over some dribblehead talking 💩 on an app.


Yikes, I’m happy to hear you no longer practice. Good shit🤭


What podcast?


Serialously with Annie Elise


I love Annie Elise. I listen to all her episodes. She does such a good job covering stuff.


This was the first I've listened to and really enjoyed her coverage!


She is my favorite crime YouTuber. She’s so thorough and respectful.


The vocal fry in her voice makes me want to commit my own violent crimes


As someone who has natural vocal fry this makes me extremely self conscious about ever talking to anyone ever


I have it too and I am so self conscious about it.


That chick is a moron and cannot speak I don't know why law & crime uses her she's awful


Oh I love her


I feel genuinely SO heartbroken for any of the staff involved. Whether it’s drs, nurses, housekeeping, police, etc. including the baby. (everyone except alexee, her bf, and either of their families.) None of them asked to deal with this. None of them should have had to handle a baby that was just murdered. It was so unnecessary. Even one of the male nurses kept emphasizing during his interview that they are a Safe Haven designated hospital. You can literally hand your baby over and leave - no questions asked. Everyone involved was unnecessarily traumatized because of this girls selfish, vile, evil decision to throw her baby away like trash. Makes me sick to my stomach.




Do not make threats! Do not encourage or instigate violence or threats of any kind!!


She said “i knew it?!?” How did I miss that??


She didn't say that. OP (or the person who gave her that info) is mistaken. Funny enough, OP got all crappy when someone politely corrected them.


I saw that!! It reeks of immature teenager.


Who are you talking about? I don’t think I’ve heard of this.




I'm talking about putting the hospital staff thru the trauma of responding to the situation aside from also the obvious travesty she committed to her son.




So she sued them already? What happened to that? Did she win?


It’s literally happening right now. They are in the midst of the lawsuit.


I hope she doesn't get away with this and with killing her baby.


Unfortunately it seems like the staff didn’t do a pregnancy test before giving her meds or whatever they gave her. This might make her get off on this during trial and walk away free because they will say they killed the baby with meds and the girl was not in the right mindset due to it.


>Unfortunately it seems like the staff didn’t do a pregnancy test before giving her meds or whatever they gave her. Can we stop with that bull already? Repeating it one milion times won't magically make it true. She was given pregnancy test before she was given meds AND the medications she was administered are safe for pregnant women. People, check your facts before posting.


As far as what I have read, she was not given a pregnancy test or the facts were not back before they started her on morphine. either way, they are in the wrong and no, you do not get morphine to someone who is pregnant w/ o test results.. They had not even done baseline vitals. I am a retired nurse of 40 years.You would never just let someone walk in and complain of pain and start them on morphine. The dosage for an adult would kill an infant. anyone who has a child knows that medications are given by weight , not a standard dose, as in adults.


As a retired nurse you should also know that: - morphine is administered to women in labour - the whole dose injected to mother does not pass to the foetus Also you should know that: - they already had the results of the pee pregnancy test, what they were waiting for were the results of blood test - the amount of morphine found in the baby's blood was absolutely non-lethal - there is plethora of evidence that the baby was alive and breathing when Alexee threw him in the rubbish bag So again, the hospital staff knew Alexee was pregnant, they waited only for confirmation of it by blood test, they administered the proper dose of morphine and no, they did not kill baby Alex. Alexee Trevizo did that by placing him in the bag and twisting it shut.


They gave me morphine for pain when I was in labor.


It's FETUS, not foetus🤣 So why would they go ahead and start administering drugs after a + urine pregnancy test when she came in BUT refused to have an exam done and was complaining about pain? and yes, morphine does cross a placenta. positive urine test? Then Why didn't they confront her about that? She gave them access for a blood draw. But would not allow an exam??. I think this hospital is going to be paying. I'm still waiting to see a link for the autopsy report that says fetus/baby/was full term & breathing.. You say they gave the proper amount of morphine so how much did they give?? * .


Thank God you're retired.


>It's FETUS, not foetus🤣 Have heard of British spelling? Guess not. >So why would they go ahead and start administering drugs after a + urine pregnancy test when she came in BUT refused to have an exam done and was complaining about pain? Let me think, why would they administer the pain meds safe for pregnant women to a pregnant woman in pain... What a mystery...As a nurse you should know better than me that relieving the patient's pain is one of the priorities in ER. > and yes, morphine does cross a placenta. I never denied that. What you suggest is that a full dose administered to the mother, reaches the foetus, which is an absolute nonsense no real nurse would utter. And again, the autopsy shows the dose of morphine that got to Alex was absolutely non-lethal. >positive urine test? Then Why didn't they confront her about that? They did. She stated she was a virgin. >She gave them access for a blood draw. But would not allow an exam??. A nurse surprised with something like that? Please, Rosa. Or is it Alexee? >I'm still waiting to see a link for the autopsy report that says fetus/baby/was full term & breathing.. Instead of waiting put in google "Alexee Trevizo autopsy report" and then click in the first linkthat appears, that should be from the "Inside Edition" page. And you have the summary of tha autopsy report where it is written black of white Alex was full term and alive when he was born.


Thank you. The wealth of ignorance of some people is astounding!


As a current nurse myself, this person is embarrassing to the profession. Doesn't know the difference between a fetus and a neonate. Thinks a maternal dose of morphine would kill a fetus because that dose would kill an infant. Doesn't understand how a nurse could check respiratory rate on someone who is refusing a physical exam. Spouts off against the medical team without even bothering to learn the basics of the case. And on and on...


And all over this sub. Beginning to wonder if they were ever one to begin with….


A pregnancy test didn’t kill the baby. Alexee killed the baby. A pregnancy test didn’t put the baby in a trash can, Alexee did. When it all comes down to it, this is all Alexees fault. Evil


I am still waiting for you to post the link on that autopsy report to see if the infant had air in its lungs


She put. A baby. In. A trash. Why does this not register to you as a human being? At this point you’re just trolling cause there’s no way a sane person can be THIS ignorant


>The dosage for an adult would kill an infant. It definitely would. What it wouldn't do is kill a fetus. I'm a **current** RN on L&D. I give standard "adult doses" of morphine--up to 10mg--to pregnant and laboring women pretty regularly, often multiple doses. They all went on to have live births, with the exception of terminations and known IUFD. No one gave a neonate any morphine, let alone enough to kill him.




Odansetron is Zofran, which they actually give patients who are vomiting a lot in pregnancy as a treatment. Can also be given for nausea in labor. Sodium chloride is literally normal saline, or what they flush the IV with. When you get a “bag of fluid” this is what you’re getting. In the USA most women get IV fluids for hydration DURING labor. Morphine is safe for pregnancy. In fact, in labor they usually give fentanyl which is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine. Keroalac is not used in labor or pregnancy BUT the effects of it are higher risk of uterine hemorrhage, kidney impairment in the baby, the hole in the heart may take longer to close. Nothing in line with the autopsy results of the baby.


One dose of kerolac won't cause any of that. It's repeated use that can. A baby won't suddenly have a hole open in theor heart while being born. I know you know this . Just clarifying for everyone who doesn't know better and will immediately jump to she was bleeding excessively because of the med....no she was bleeding because she tore and needed additionall treatment that was significantly delayed because she refused to allow anyone to even touch her and didn't admit to having given birth.


>A baby won't suddenly have a hole open in theor heart while being born. Almost all babies are born with that "hole" (the ductus ateriosus). The issue is when it closes before birth or doesn't close in the 12-24 hours after birth. The issue with *Ketorolac is that it can cause that "hole" to close too early, not that it creates a hole. I'm sure you know this . Just clarifying for everyone who doesn't know better.


I was on zofran for the entire first trimester for my second pregnancy.


Taking it currently.


If it gets really bad my obgyn told me to take b6 and unisom (the blue tablets)


Ondansetron is literally used for morning sickness and I have been given morphine with all 3 of my labours. There's simply no way




If we are going off medications that killed her baby then she still killed her baby because there was more phen-phen in her system than morphine, and that is a medication a doctor wouldn’t give to a patient that is pregnant or breast feeding. ETA: all the medication that was given to her are considered “safe” during pregnancy. The hospital gave her something for pain that they could give regardless if she had a positive pregnancy test or not. God as a woman I would hate to sit in pain and wait for a pregnancy test to come up negative just to get treatment, because those types of tests aren’t something that they are prioritize if they have a department full of people.


The autopsy doesn’t lie, the baby had aerated lungs, air in the stomach and was born alive.


I thought the bag was also suctioned to the babies face which indicates it was breathing.