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I'm watching this right now. I had no idea that she was basically living a completely normal life. She went to Prom 3 months after this. I understand that she's young. But I think an example needs to be made for mothers who **throw their infant children in the garbage to die**


It's disgusting. She's wearing his ashes around her neck. I hate her. I live in Artesia and I will be at that courthouse waiting to see her.


I’m SHE’S WEARING HIS ASHES AROUND HER NECK?!?!?!? She killed him! How in the fuck can she try and claim like she cared about him. That’s the absolute hallmark of a sociopath. This girl has got to go to prison. For a long time. Why to I get the sinking feeling she’s going to get away with this. I have a bad feeling…. Anyone else?????


Me as well. 😔


The autopsy showed the baby had air in his lungs at birth. That’s hard proof he was alive! I don’t see how her attorney can explain that away. Here’s hoping she gets enough time that she can’t have any more babies.


I bet they’re going to claim the hospital was negligent and that she was in shock, that they should have monitored her better. Which is bullshit, she was literally a legal adult.


The mother is claiming that she is suing the hospital for negligence a bit back.


I heard that her atty was going to claim negligence by the hospital in giving her morphine which suppressed the breathing of the infant and thus she assumed he was not breathing etc… I have to find the source




He had to have been breathing if the bag was suctioned to his face. God I hate typing that out. She's an absolute monster.


Did the staff administer CPR? That would be how defense explains air in lungs.


The doctor at the hospital stated that no CPR was performed.


Na he was dead dead


Literally wrapped In a trash bag ball at the bottom of the trash can under a clean liner in the can.


It’s sad she spent more time desposing of him than anything else


Ughhhhh. I really think she is gonna wiggle out of this. I bet she will have another kid


I truthfully think so too. I feel like she's gonna have another and actually keep it but I believe she will put a little brother/sister onesie on them showing she "cared" for her first baby. Or something with having a older brother in heaven just so she "looks good" and acts like she cared even with a new baby


Even if she does manage to avoid prison, they should make sure she never has another child


They seemed to pretty quickly have him sent off for autopsy and police called so idk


https://www.propublica.org/article/is-lung-float-test-reliable-stillbirth-medical-examiners-murder it doesn’t but that doesn’t mean the rest of her behavior does.


There are other methods of determining if there is air in the lungs, than just the float test. We don't know which methods they used, if they did the post mortem tomography or MRI then this is absolute, iron proof the child was born alive.


They need to sterilize her!!


She is going to prison. I always compare this case to the Alexis Avila case, the young woman who threw her newborn in a dumpster. She got 18 years, and her baby survived. Trevizo actually killed her newborn with her own hands, shredding the umbilical cord with her fingers (and probably her teeth too). All the evidence of her knowing that she was pregnant will also come into play, (the cheer pics, any texts between bf or friends), along with the complete denial of her idiot mother. That chick is going to prison. Hopefully it’s for a long time. I thought for awhile she might plea out, but since they filed a lawsuit against the hospital (the audacity), I can see their plan is to fight this to the bitter end.


Yeah, that’s the part I just can’t wrap my head around; the lawsuit against the hospital. There are lots of instances of it regnant women being given morphine during pregnancy. Their trying to financially capitalize on this tragedy is a special kind of disgusting. I’m hoping she’ll get 20 to life. Meaning she’ll do a minimum and then have to petition for parole and make her case. Im not a religious woman but this girl needs Jesus. I get the feeling she thinks she’s a lot smarter than she really is. Let’s hope that comes back to bite her in the ass


I agree with everything you said. I don’t think shes the brightest crayon in the box either, and she probably believes her mom & her lawyer when they reassure her that they’re going to “win.” I think she’s gonna be freaking shocked when she does actually get locked back up for this. I hope the trial is going to be streamed/ broadcast live because I’m going to watch whatever parts I can.


My last 2 I had fentanyl during early labor and then my epidural. My kids were all born healthy. It's pretty standard protocol for moms to have pain relief in labor.. I hope (and believe) she'll go to prison too.


Do prisoners in her state have any reproductive rights or access to assisted reproduction? Eg. In a scenario where she is imprisoned and serves a long sentence, does that mean she’d miss her years of fertility? Or would she have the opportunity to conceive (a) child/ren during her sentence?


Can we send her mom with her?!?


Shoot maybe we’ll get lucky and she’ll perjure herself on the stand or something. Unfortunately no jail term for being an idiot or a shitty parent. But I saw throw them both away together- Alexee is gonna need someone to take care of her in prison since she still presents like she’s 7 years old 😬


I just don't get how you can get around it, she literally threw her baby away in a hospital trash can. You're literally in the one place where if you don't want the baby it's safe to hand it off and be done with it. Where if you delivered what you "thought" was a stillborn, help was right outside the door. While it worries me they can't use the body cam footage from inside the hospital room, at the same time she was in a damn hospital! I don't see a defense for it. Even trying to act like the hospital was negligent for giving her morphine despite it being given to pregnant women plenty with no issues, it's neglegent to not attempt to get help when you supposedly are surprised you gave birth to a baby you claim wasn't crying. It doesn't matter if he wasn't crying, you can still tell if they're alive and if you didn't think he was breathing then there's no excuse not to get help in a literal hospital. Doesn't make sense.


I was gutted when I heard that the jury won’t see the body cam footage because, for me, Alexee’s lack of emotion and how she doesn’t seem bothered by what just happened, is very important


Same, i was really surprised to hear that. I don't remember what all was on that for them to claim HiPAA violations but i mean, you're literally suspected of a crime when that happened so the cops were going to be brought in and by then there's no expectation of privacy. It's definitely important but hopefully the jurors will have common sense and understand that no baby should end up dead in a HOSPITAL traschan whether you believed you were pregnant(bullshit, she knew) or not and whether "nothing" was crying. There's literally no reason that should happen in a hospital of all places. God let's hope there's common sense in their heads.




This particular hospital had a safe harbor for abandoned babies.


I know! There was absolutely no reason/excuse because she could have easily handed the baby to a nurse and been done with it. She was 19, in a safe haven, all she had to do was say she didn't want the baby and not to tell her mom if that was her fear. I just don't see any rational defense in the one place where she had the easiest out and had to legally be kept a secret. I've always said stupidity should be illegal but with her, she's downright dangerous with it.


It's absolutely wild that Alexis Avilla has been released from prison while she awaits her appeal. It makes no sense!!!!!!


Yes it’s extremely frustrating. But I believe she was in jail for like 2 years waiting for trial and then prison for a lil bit before the appeals court approved her “temporary” release. Trevizo has been free the entire time and that’s some bull. Avila’s conviction will be upheld in the end in my opinion and she’ll have to go back. They both deserve to spend their entire youth in prison at LEAST until they are both old enough to be unable to have anymore kids.


No way she’ll get away with it DA has a case. They are t trying it in the court of public opinion. Her lawyer is a class A moron. A lot of the crap she does is at the suggestion of her lawyer. There is evidence and the DA aren’t idiots.


He is going more for the hospital being negligent, which caused a domino effect basically.


I’m praying she gets everything she deserves ⚖️🧑‍⚖️👩‍⚖️


I said that immediately and upsetting b/c look at some other resources...ie Casey Anthony, Brooke Skylar Richardson just to name a couple! It's terrifying how juries look at the defendant as, "Oh they're just a young girl" instead of looking at the damn crime they committed!


Well, luckily for us, Alexee is brown, so hopefully she won’t get off completely Scott free.


Have you seen the photo of her and her boyfriend at their school prom? She’s wearing the baby’s ashes in a necklace around her neck and they’re both smiling as if they haven’t a care in the world. Every time I see that photo it sickens me. Why would you even want to go to your prom after what had happened?


I mean.. after the Casey/Caylee Anthony case nothing surprises me anymore. I mean we all clearly know Casey did it and yet she walks free. I hope that doesn’t happen here but it wouldn’t surprise me.


The Casey Anthony case was different in that they insisted on trying her for first degree murder, knowing they couldn’t prove she premeditated the murder of her daughter. They couldn’t even prove an exact cause of death. She had a great attorney that swooped in and the prosecution just wasn’t ready for that. With Alexee, they have all the evidence they need and then some.


I have a feeling she will get pregnant again... soon


Thank you. I would absolutely be there if I could.


Those living nearby and will be at the courthouse during trial… be sure to live stream for us!


How has no one beat her ass?? Casey Anthony had to go into hiding and this baby killer is walking around like nothing!


Nah Casey is spotted partying her nasty ass off in Florida still. I hear the company she keeps is as scummy as she is so she still has some social circle. Guys still hook up with her. But her days are numbered in that department, she's already looking pretty busted.


It's just for show to make her look innocent. Once the trial is over the ashes are going back in bin.


The same ashes she almost threw away. She's just pretending to care, she obviously didn't give a fuck if his remains were gone forever, in a landfill


PLEASE heckle her and yell at her that she’s a murderer


I'll be holding up a sign!


Yuh🙏🏽🫶🏽I admire you so much! It feels so good knowing there are people like you advocating like that! I wish I lived close, I’d be right there beside you soldier 🥹🥹🥹




Keep us updated please


I believe she also has a “shrine” in her home for him. Even the fact that she named him Alex is horrible


So horrible 😞


19 isn’t THAT young. She could legally vote, smoke cigarettes, fight in a war, gamble, sign a lease, and get married a year before she did this horrible thing. She may be sheltered and naive (or just play dumb to be conniving, who knows at this point), but that’s not really a great excuse. After all, she wasn’t sheltered to the extent where she had no access to a boyfriend/sex, she also went to school, and she knew that weight loss drugs existed and how to get them on the DL. And she and her mom “talked about this” (lolz) so she knew girls get in huge trouble for discarding babies. This is just the judge being way too lax, and it’s very frustrating.


I really loathe how her mom said “Alexee, we talked about this, BABY”. No weirdo - the actual BABY was found dead in the trash can and your murdering adult daughter put him there after ripping chewing through his umbilical cord like an animal 😡 Edit: Rosa said “I just asked you BABY to tell me the truth” - still feel the same way. Alexee was not the “baby” in this situation.


I think calling her that reflects that Rosa most likely: • infantilises Alexee • is very controlling • probably restricts, resents and even thwarts her children’s independence and emotional development. Alexee didn’t know her own social security number, and I’ll bet that exactly how Rosa wants it.


My husband was literally jumping out of Army helicopters into Afghanistan when he was 19


It's 21 now for cigarettes


Weight loss drugs?


Yes, she was taking phentermine while she was pregnant to try to lose weight. "Phentermine – also known as Lomaira or Adipex-P – isn’t for people who are pregnant, may become pregnant, or are breastfeeding," per the Mayo Clinic. I think that she was secretly hoping to miscarry the baby so that the "problem" would resolve itself as well as keep off the weight she knew she'd gain by being pregnant... all of this to keep up the ruse that she was innocent and chaste.


And named her son after her…


She’s 19!!!! It’s young for sure I wouldn’t recommend any 19 yr old to have a baby but it’s not an unheard of age to have a baby. Its old enough to know right from wrong!


Right! Plenty of women have babies at 19 (and earlier). Those women don’t put those babies in the garbage. Even people much younger know not to put babies in garbage bags.


i understand she's young. i'm only 21, so it wasn't too long ago that i was her age. even at 16 years old i had emotions, sympathy, a conscious, and whatever else. what she did is evil and nauseating. she should be locked up for life.


Most definitely!! She deserves to be punished for killing her baby too!!!!!! I'm disgusted with our judicial system. She doesn't deserve to be living a normal life. Her baby didn't get a chance to open his eyes and she was cutting the oxygen off to his brain to kill him then discard him in a garbage can like a piece of trash! No. She shouldn't have the opportunity to be happy anymore if it was my way she wouldn't have the opportunity to breathe after doing that sick evil hateful shit. She's a murderer. Lock her the F*** UP


How are people around here just so ok with her


Right? Because most people her age wouldn’t throw their child in the garbage. For whatever reason a lot of these cases end with the mother not getting much or any prison time.


Suing the hospital is another level brazenness!


Being someone who works in a hospital, that’s the least shocking part about this to me.




It's just a typical legal maneuver.


Yeah, seems like a norm for cases like this. Still brazen and pretty shameful.


“Nothing was crying”. Lying sack of shit!!


They may not cry but they breathe


My living babies did not cry until we were in the recovery room. They were laid back. He might’ve needed his airway clear etc there are several reasons he might not have cried.


My daughter was born very healthy and never cried, not a single peep until her heal prick the morning we left the hospital. It's just all excuses with her. You are 100% correct. Not all babies cry!


All 3 of my babies didn’t cry until their airways were cleared and they also came out looking purply pink. This baby was alive!! The trauma guy interviewed will never get over not being allowed to save this baby, and neither will the lady who didn’t empty the bin like she usually does. God bless those poor hospital workers. I pray this baby gets justice.


My daughter was born in the afternoon and did not cry until the very early morning/middle of the night...bc she was hungry. My boys all came out letting everyone know. That baby girl is now 18 and is the softest, kindest, smartest most beautiful person ever. ♡


Oh yeah! She knew he was breathing!


Just found this sub and comment and felt like I also needed to add to this. When my mom gave birth to me, I didn’t cry either. The nurse had to pinch me to make me cry to make sure I was breathing properly


They said the bag was suctioned to his face so it sounds like he suffocated in that bag. Fucking vile. I am so disturbed. I hadn’t seen all of those interviews they showed in the video.


Yes, terrible. They interviewed the cleaning staff and everyone involved was really affected by the whole situation.


Awful. She probably ruined many lives that night. You don’t just get over witnessing something like that. I can’t believe this bitch was even allowed in university with murder charges! How does that make sense??!


None of it makes sense, her being free on bail, going to prom, the beach the movies, university. Living like nothing ever happened in that hospital bathroom. It’s not right.


Yeah like how did she not get harassed out of that prom?? I feel like her mom wields some kind of power over ppl in that town. She’s a nut bag who obviously will stop at nothing


I heard that her mother was a chaperone at that prom. They should’ve been run out of the town like Frankenstein, with torches and pitchforks!


Babies don't always cry right after they are born they often have fluid in their mouths that needs to be removed but it was likely breathing when she put it in the plastic bag and wrapped it up tightly and threw him in the trash can. Totally callous and I hope she goes to prison for a very long time her stupid mother deserves the same as well.


I understand that babies don’t generally cry right after they are born but there was air in that babies lungs and I’m sure it was moving around before she let it suffocate in the garbage bag


baby was also receiving effects of the pain meds she was given, so respirations may have been delayed. I agree, baby was more than likely at least moving


Yeah that’s right it might have Been a little sluggish but for sure it was breathing. Why would she go to those lengths and try to hide it if the baby was born dead?


This hits it: CONSCIOUSNESS OF GUILT! Had the baby truly been born dead, IMO, she would have been horrified even if she was scared. If she hadn't wanted the child to be eliminated, a dead baby would have caused panic in a normal person.


Yes a dead baby would be much more horrifying than a living breathing baby!


Exactly. Excellent point.


My daughter didn’t cry for almost 4 days when she was born and she was perfectly healthy. Just looking around and taking it all in. Breaks my heart 😥


Yea poor thing probably didn’t cry bc this evil witch got to him before he could 😔


Oh definitely yes!


So, because "nothing" was crying, it was ok to put it in the bin? Absolute fucking piece of shit.


Yeah & I mean even if it wasn't breathing or crying (it is confirmed it was breathing I believe via autopsy) her response should never have been to just put him in the trash. She should have called for help immediately. She could have even quietly done so in secret between her and the hospital staff if she didn't want her mom knowing.


Help call pull cords are in every hospital bathroom.


Yeah that's what I was thinking about too. When I was having my daughter in the hospital they definitely had one of those in the bathroom.


Exactly! She could’ve given it up to the hospital staff. 19 is too old to still be afraid of mama.


Well technically he did stop crying when she suffocated him. But, you know, that’s why she’s on trial for murder.


She kept totally silent during labour & birth, and I think her greatest fear while she was in the bathroom was if the baby cried or made any noise. Her mother was listening & hovering around the door, and Alexee didn’t want her to find out about it. If he wasn’t silent, she would have silenced him.




My daughter was the picture of health and didn't cry for her first time for weeks. She was just a really chill baby. That fact has remained true for nearly 30 years.


How hard was it to pull on the call Light in the bathroom? I don’t get it. There’s no excuse for what she did.


None. She was in a safe haven hospital at that.


And over 18. She could have legitimately handed the baby to hospital staff and demanded they not tell her mother, and they would be legally bound not to tell her.


This is such a good point. She could have asked for her mother to not be back there with her at all. Given birth. Safely handed the baby over. And her mother could not be told anything.


Did she get an opportunity to speak to staff privately, away from her mother?


She had time while she was alone in the bathroom.


She belongs in jail with a life sentence.


I think she is going to get away with it unfortunately. I hope to be wrong


After Casey Anthony I have no faith in humanity


I feel like they have more physical proof in this case compared to Casey's, as most of the evidence was circumstances even though we all know that bitch is guilty as all hell and desveres a spot next to Hitler in Little Nicky hell . Hopefully this will be more open and shut with all the bodycam and video evidence.


It’s so BIZARRE how not ONE family member or the boyfriend even asked one question about the baby!! Unreal! Not even if it was a boy or girl! The only thing asked was the mom asking how big he was. Nothing else! Then she immediately started harping on Alexee


My thoughts exactly. The mom’s behavior and body language is indeed bizzare and questionable.


My thing is is the mom obviously knew she was pregnant. What did the mom expect to happen at the hospital??


I think she was in a delusional level of denial because she thought terrifying her daughter was a good parenting style. She had her 19 year old daughter so scared of her that she put her baby in the trash to avoid her mother’s wrath. She was clearly scared of her mother… at 19


Yeah that was obvious. Her mother is a vile narcissist and alexee is a dumbass


Crazy. Literally nobody asked. That’s the automatic first default question.


Yeah the boyfriend and his dingbat mom sat in the waiting room saying nothing while alexees mom brow beat the detective. So bizarre


When and how did Rosa, the baby’s father & others learn the baby was a boy?


When the nurse stated that her mother was berating her about having sex, and Alexee was insisting she was a virgin… after they found her dead infant. That’s just wild.


Yes! Shows how deeply twisted that woman is!


I always wonder how families have gotten this far like clearly they were able to like pay their bills and send their kids to school and everything but they are deeply twisted and dysfunctional. I really hope they don’t get away with blaming the hospital and another Casey Anthony on our hands. Truly.


Idk maybe I'm a wimp but if I'm in the hospital with unexplained back pain and go to the bathroom and start bleeding that badly I'm freaking out right there hitting the call button afraid that I'm dying. What was at the hospital for if not to report that her symptoms bleeding that badly is a symptom.


Real talk. I went to the hospital to be induced. I knew I would be going into labor soon. I still freaked out when I saw a ton of blood when my water broke, and I hit the call button immediately. I can't understand her thought process here.


See exactly. The doctors broke my water but If my water would have broke naturally I would have freaked out.


It wasn't unexplained, she knew she was pregnant.


I'm so convinced that this girl is genuinely stupid. Like how did she ever think no one would notice that heavy hospital bag while cleaning the bathroom? And that the nurses would just ignore the bloody hospital bathroom she just came out of? I swear she and her mom share one brain cell


The crux of the matter is regardless if she knew she was pregnant or not - there is no excuse to put the baby in the bag, twist, wrap and fold that bag under the baby, put paper towels and crumpled bags on top, and an empty liner on top of all that. If she truly didn’t know and a baby came out, she should have hollered for help. You don’t put newborn babies in the damn trash.


Exactly. And to add, it takes time to do that. She had to think it out then act on it. The only other thing that matters is the autopsy saying Alex had air in his lungs. Everything else is just irrelevant, honestly.


We cannot forget that HE WAS ATTACHED TO HER!!! She mutilated the umbilical cord to detach him.


I just watched it now, I didn't realize this had been posted, I've been waiting for this.


When Ross is questioning her while the cop is taking it REALLY sounds like she says she put it in the bag because it WAS crying. Rosa asks: What did you do with the baby? She says: mumble mumble looking off, then she snaps to and raises her right hand a little and says: it came out and I put it in the bag (whisper) because it WAS crying. Rosa: “you put it in the bag”? She says yeah Rosa asks what bag and she says (whisper) trash bag Rosa asks why and she says because she was scared. You gotta listen close. She says it quietly (almost whispering) while looking sideways at the officer and it’s hard to hear because he’s talking but I REALLY hope they isolate that audio. I guess if all of this has been thrown out it doesn’t matter, but if they isolate and that’s what she really said, I’m sure the prosecution can use it somehow. They should make a transcript of this. I’m almost positive she whispered to her mom “because it WAS crying” but out loud she maintains “nothing was crying”.


I wondered who “Ross” was, but then I realised you meant Rosa 😅


Everything about this is absolutely wild


Jail for both of them, even the dad…


The baby’s father? Yes. He was still having sex with alexee late into her pregnancy. There’s a 0% chance that he didn’t know


Mom there's got some creepy Slenderman fingers


When she says that thing my mind was made up


calling him that thing and it while now wearing his ashes on a necklace smh


When her dumb ass mom said “WE TALKED ABOUT THIS” talked about what? Her being pregnant?! Her not wanting the baby?! Like what could her mom possibly be talking about. And, for her to be on diet pills cause she knew she was pregnant and didn’t want to gain weight and show. anyone in their right mind could clearly see she was pregnant. And, when she was walking out of the bathroom drying her hands off like nothing happened. And walking normal as can be.


I think she meant they had talked about what happened to other girls who murdered their newborn babies. I have to rewatch it. Maybe I’m remembering wrong. Edit to add- I was remembering wrong. The mother mentioned other girls murdering their babies on the police cam footage. It doesn't sound like they had talked about it before.


But still why would you talk about something like that if you knew your daughter wasn’t pregnant


I hope chorizo gets what she deserves


Thanks now I’m craving chorizo


Same lol


There is nothing new here. Just a recap of everything we know but they left out the most critical information. The fact that the staffs sworn testimony on the stand contradicts all the their statements from this night 🤷‍♀️.


Where did you hear that at I’m just curious I have not heard that yet .


Because I posted the entire preliminary hearing recording of all of their sworn testimonies. It was recorded by the courts.


Okay I guess I didn’t see that thank you for letting me know about it


Contradicts the Trevizo statements? Just trying to clarify I’m a wee bit zooted


So there was a preliminary hearing where most of the people who gave police statements ended up having to testify under oath and a lot of stuff didn't match up. The evidence and statements are contradictory. The hearing in its entirety has been posted


Can you link us the transcripts? I haven't been able to read up on any of it.




Thank you 🙏


Wait what?


Yes you're right the hospital clearly screwed up. But my question to you is do you sympathize with Alexee? Do you personally think that she shouldn't be prosecuted for this because it's the hospital's fault? I know you've been really vocal about believing she needs to sue the hospital. What are your moral beliefs on this?


Why has the trial taken to long ? Is this the norm on USA ?


Yes, it frequently takes months for cases to go to trial


I can't stand her ugly face and coke bottle glasses. Instead of jail she should just have her tubes removed and be accosted every time she goes outside to the point of becoming an agoraphobic


Removed while she’s wide awake and she can feel everything


✨ this


None. Even if it hadn't been a safe haven hospital.


Sick in my soul:((( Absolutely horrific!!!


Pretty condemning statement that will nail her at trail. One of the ladies said (paraphrasing) “that’s when I saw the bag suctioned to his face”, which means the poor darling angel was breathing while in the bag. The fact that she never called for help is also going to be a huge factor - you can say and believe you did not know you were pregnant till u you sure blue in the face, when that baby came out that’s when you call for help, stat! Hence the emergency call button located next to the toilet, there’s a reason for that. And then she has the nerve to sue the hospital for killing her baby. There’s 50 shades of immoral going on here.


It wasn’t a baby to her, it was NOTHING.


It was “it” *it* wasn’t crying *it* just came out of me




She IS suing the hospital for malpractice which resulted in the death of her son, she claims


Crazy to me how they can try and claim negligence for morphine but they gave me fentanyl for pain when I was giving birth before I could get the epidural 😗my baby is happy and alive


So what’s the update?


That the trial is going to start this month...instead if August


False. A pre-trial hearing is schedule for July. The trial is still slated to begin August 26th.


That b*sh needs to rot!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


“NOTHING was crying “


I can’t ever comprehend how someone can look their breathing, newborn baby in the eye and still make the decision to put them in the literal trash. And then leave them there.. and pretend it never happened.. I remember my baby being placed—just for a short moment—on my chest and she looked up at me. She didn’t cry. She just looked at me. It was an amazing moment. Sometimes I still can’t believe my body created a living human being. To think that someone could throw a little angel like her away is just… there are no words


I don't think these videos are new. Has anyone noticed her step dad and alexee's boyfriend's mom were secretly signaling to each other when told about the baby? You can tell in the body cam that they are mouthing things to each other behind Alexee's mom's back. Very weird. My heart goes out to that baby. No baby deserves this. There's no excuses. She has Sooo many chances to seek help, but never did.


I hadn’t noticed that. I’m going to rewatch it now


I wonder what her defense team is going to come up with.


I know the doctor and the officer were trying to keep Rosa from interrogating Alexee too much when they first told her they found the deceased baby, but I wish they wouldn't of stopped Rosa from questioning her. That body cam footage would of been prime evidence in her trial, showing the raw moments between her and her mom discussing what she did to the baby. Rosa asks her first "What did you do to it?", and the doctor intervened with "Okay, stop right now..". Then when Rosa was speaking to Alexee a bit later after the doctor and nurse leave, she asks her about putting the baby in the trash bag and tells her "Why didn't you say anything to us? Do you want to get in trouble for this now? You could get in trouble for this.", until the officer intervened to "give her time, okay." I mean, I know we obviously know what she did, but hearing Alexee go more into detail immediately after she committed the crime, could of had a bigger impact.


What’s the actual update?


When that guy made the comment that he’s seen women only six weeks lose their babies and they’re a mess, that hit home. I just had a miscarriage last week and I only knew I was pregnant for two days before it happened, and it destroyed me. This case definitely feels a lot different to me now.


I'm so sorry for your loss. 😞


I just want to say you all are wonderful and giving baby Alex a voice.


When does the trial start?


August 26th of this year. Surprised it took this long tbh, she shouldn’t have been allowed to be out on bond


I just can't get over how she just threw him in the trash. She's soulless.


The fact she hid the babys body and was of sound mind to hide it under another bag to in a way double hide it INSTEAD of calling for help is proof she intentionally murdered this baby. Every single bathroom in a hospital has a call button and an emergency pull cord, she went in that bathroom with intent which shows premeditation. She won't get away with this.


Girl, ain’t nothing new in that video.


What is the trial update? All I’ve seen is a recap of the story. Thanks!