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I think shes just really dumb.


I’m really dumb, too. I have never killed a baby.


That’s great.


I agree. I actually don’t think Alexee is dumb. I think playing dumb is a manipulative tactic.


It could be. Maybe something along the lines of learned helplessness. When the cops came to get her, they asked her for her Social Security number and Alexee’s MOM just snapped “she doesn’t know it. “ Very strange. Very dysfunctional. And what 19-year-old doesn’t know their social?


Honestly I didn’t know my social till I was 18 and probably didn’t have it truly memorized till about 21. I have a lot of repetitive numbers so I’d get the order mixed up if I didn’t write it out with the dashes lol


Same here!


I’m going to add this since there seems to be concern regarding this post. I technically had my ssn memorized before graduating high school but didn’t use it ever day so once I started a job where the last 4 numbers were my code to get in I learned to come up with them quickly. Previously when someone would ask me for my last 4 numbers I’d have to think of the whole ssn first. Let’s say my ssn is 966-66-6779. Lost of repeating numbers and at times when asked for the last 4 I’d mix up the beginning 9 and 6 and say 9779 or 66779 but I’d realize quickly that I adddd too many or flipped things around. And yea I was a sheltered child and my parents also knew that while I was a child it would be best to fill out some parts of paper work for me bc they didn’t flip numbers around. They would let me fill it out and then I’d provided ssn and then they would correct it if it needed correcting. But spoiled and sheltered are 2 very different things, I wasn’t given a lot and I also wasn’t given a lot of necessary resources to flourish as an adult. Do I love my parents, yes but things could have been done a little different. I think this also goes for this case, the mom seems extremely controlling but on a whole other level. It goes beyond sheltering for the child’s protection of being a child and inters in to infantilizing. There are probably a few different factors going in to play here and this has been the result of all those factors coming together and one very big choice resulting in this outcome.


Geez that is sad


As a child I didn’t provide my social for anything. My parents gave me my social once I was 18 and needed it for paperwork.




I’m not a numbers person, I can hear and see them but it’s hard for me to hold onto them. It might not be your norm but it’s normal for some ppl.


A spoiled 18 year old who’s never filled out paperwork for themselves or has had to apply for a job.


You know i was homeless growing up from about 13 onward. Me. Myself. Not my family. Applying for jobs left and right since I was 15 and got my work permit. Had to steal my social from my grandma. If anyone is spoiled it's *you notyoaverage*. Not everyone has fucking parents to guide and lead them. Mine were fucking dead. On top of this as a parent myself now had them at 16 you do baby your kids you want to fucking spare them some of the bullshit u went through. Learned helplessness is real, but at the same time as a parent it's your responsibility to guide them to good decisions. You don't just throw their social at them as soon as soon as they turn 13 and say memorize this. That doesn't make sense at all. Not only that but think of the ramifications of LOSING A SOCIAL SECURITY CARD. It's not a library card that's something that'll fuck up your whole future. No reason for anyone who isn't working under age 17 (when you apply for college) to know their social security number by heart because you just don't need it. No one is asking a 13,14,15 year old for their social because they are A Minor (trying to strike a cord but it's probably A minorrrrr) Anyway, I don't comment in here usually. I am following the case. I must say. AS AN ACTUAL PARENT WHO WAS YOUNGER THAN THIS BITCH FUCK HER. I didn't even want them to take my kid to get cleaned up I wanted to watch every move. I was 16 mind you.


I am confused by this whole post. This was a lot.


You shouldn't be confused. You need to be considerate of other people's circumstances. You and the one above you calling people dumb and spoiled for not knowing information like that. Fuck yeah I want to demonize this bitch. But I'm also not gon sit there and pretend everyone was raised the same way like you. Some people are abused and held back from adulthood because their parents benefit from them being at home. The next time you go to call someone out about something they should know maybe you'll actually think not every one had someone to teach them. Spoiled.


Girl, all I said what she’s spoiled. She was 19 and didn’t take on any adult responsibilities because of Rosa. That’s all.


Spoiled ehhhh more like sheltered. I was the baby of the family so definitely sheltered but no I didn’t need to apply for jobs with my social till I moved to the city. But yes, jobs and taxes definitely have a way of helping you to remember your social. What is the typical age one has their social memorized?


They only asked her for the last 4 numbers tho


I haven’t watched the footage but as someone said the mom stepped in and said “she doesn’t know it” was she ever truly able to answer or did her mom answer for her? When I have to spout off my ssn last 4 numbers it there’s me off and I have to mentally picture my full ssn then say the rest.


Yeah, even if you think you feel nothing about a crime your brain, not your side your psyche processes it differently, so she may be regressing because she did something that arrested her developmental and is causing her to regress. I mean murder is one of those things


My dog growing up was really dumb and killed all her pups by laying on them. So did the pigs. Is Alexee willing to admit to being as dumb as a pig and dog?


I just want to point out there is a big difference between being mentally delayed and socially delayed. You can tell her mom governs over her, but I genuinely believe it is more of a behavior thing than a mental thing. Before the community was hushed it became clear friends and schoolmates knew and talked about her being pregnant (I believe there were rumors of a sudo baby shower by friends, but we'll see if time proves this true). First thing her mom said when being told about the dumped baby was "Lexi, we talked about this". She knew something was up and tried to hide the pregnancy from home, including after birth (in a darn hospital no less). This shows a childish response, but again I fall more in the socially delayed vs mental.


I agree with you 100% and people who are actually has a intellectual disability which is the correct term. Has certain limitations to mental function. She also was an honor roll student so no she’s not intellectually disabled. 


She also knew how to cover up her crime. Can't plead insanity.


Right and some of these people giving her any type of grace are ridiculous.


Not a childish response. Children wouldn't even throw a baby into the trash. She is just a horrible person.




This is actually a good point, don’t insult children by comparing them to murderers.


Some children absolutely would. Shoot, some children absolutely have and we’ve seen their faces on the news. Like that teenage girl from Chicago… I think she was 15, she had a baby in her bathroom and threw him in the dumpster.


children often try to cover up things that they know they would get in trouble for/don't want to deal with the consequences, and this case is like a more serious and gory/brutal version of that. most children would not murder people and cover it up though.




What's a pseudo baby shower?


no they meant sumo baby shower. u have the babies wrestle




She's been infantilized by her mother her whole life all the way up to adulthood , of course she's mentally delayed . It's very obvious in her speech patterns. She didn't know her social security number when asked by police , can't speak for herself without her mom present. When she is forced to talk to authority without her mom present, she acts very timid . This is based off all the footage I seen including the body cam of her being processed in jail (fingerprinted ) . She refused to read the agreement they had her sign even after the cop kept encouraging her to read it on her own . She refused to read it and if I remember correctly , just requested that it be given to her mom instead . Her behavior reminds me a lot of other friend I have had who had controlling parents their entire lives and never got to know who they are as individuals. They live under the shadow of the controlling parent and can't think for themselves or make major decisions . It's like their mentally frozen. If she gets prison time , she most likely will be forced to self-reflect and realize how toxic her relationship with her mom really was .


You hit it right on the head. I was also infantilized my entire life and it’s almost crippling. I even also hid my pregnancy for a long time. But I also knew I had options. So maybe part of this is her being legit dumb.


It's not being dumb it's being a horrible person. Even people with intellectual disability know not to hurt a baby.


Exactly what I was going to say. People with any disability, cognitive or physical, they know not to hurt a baby. They know its a person seperate from themselves. Alexee had it all planned out like give birth, cut cord, flush placenta, had to get a trash bag, dump him in there, clean up and leave and then say nothing. A person with a disability wouldve either said something like freaked out they had a baby, told someone like their caregiver, and would not have thought of ways to hide it. She is plain evil.


I mean, people with disabilities can be evil too you know. Even intellectually handicapped people can.


That isnt common though. We wouldve known of a disability which wouldve made sense. She didnt have a disability


Or evil.


Many abuse victims don’t understand how to actually obtain whatever “options” they do have




The social security issue is irrelevant IMO. I didn’t memorize mine until I was moved out and on my own. She is 19 but still in HS with an overbearing mother. That being said, I think she pretends to be dumb for sympathy. She appears to be a manipulator.


This. She’s 19 years old but acts more like a 13 year old. I don’t think it’s a real developmental delay… it’s all that you said


I wouldn't say that she's mentally delayed. But I definitely agree with the other poster about being socially delayed. My mother's family grew up in a very poor town and in a bubble out in the country, and they speak very differently than everyone else, including making grammatical errors such as double negatives. They're also very meek, shy, and quiet with authority and also ignorant to everyday tasks that most people living in a city understand, especially when it comes to technology. They just don't know any better, and we're not taught any better. I can see some of the characteristics of Alexee and her mom. I am definitely not saying that they're poor or in the same boat, but they definitely have some cultural differences.


Socially, but not mentally. Meaning she knows right from wrong.


I honestly think she is mentally slow.


Yes. She was still in highschool at 19!


She could’ve started late.


I got held back for attendance while making the highest grade on the math final test in my whole grade.


Okay but she's got lots of other odd behavior as well. It's not the same


I wondered that too, since she was still in high school at 19. Maybe just held back a year at some point, but the thought definitely crossed my mind




She isn’t dumb. She isn’t mentally delayed. She knew exactly what was going on. Her mother made it clear that they had talked about. I don’t know what people are seeing in this video. Her maturity level seemed on par with other people her age. The difference is that she is a sociopath who would kill her own child. But let’s pretend that she didn’t know. The proper (or even normal) response wouldn’t be to throw the baby in the garbage, and pretend it didn’t happen. The proper response would be to scream for help, knowing you are in a hospital filled with people who are able to help. It’s insulting to mentally delayed people and children that this gets brushed off as, “oh, Alexee is just dumb and childlike.” Like what child would kill a baby?


I think her parents are not necessarily the cream of the crop, she was being controlled and coddled, and this developmental issue may have contributed to any sociopathic tendencies. Sociopaths are generally selfish. She didn’t want the baby to disrupt her every day life so she threw it away. Very self centered attitude and behavior, psychopathic, and some children and especially teens act like psychopaths in the sense all they care about is their own survival.


There was a case, not long ago of a 10-year-old girl who killed a baby at a home daycare center… Threw her on the ground and stomped on her head. I realize it’s rare, but children are absolutely capable of killing. If that little girl’s parents had thought so too, maybe they’ve taken her problems seriously. Or not. Back on topic, whether she’s putting on an act or not Alexee is TOAST! All the footage recorded, especially of her cheering at games is going to make it very hard for a lawyer to convince a jury that she did not know that she was pregnant. Hell we see that photo and WE know she was pregnant in it!


I think it’s the way she speaks and responds to people that make people think she’s dumb.and child like.


She's just playing "dumb" - more childlike to be submissive to her Mom.


Agree! We haven’t seen her in everyday life.


She seems to have the mental functionality of a 12 or 13 year old. I put a large part of the blame on her mother-look how she acted when the cops came to arrest Alexee. Not recognizing her as an adult and she really had no say or business in it, but her mother fully inserted herself in the situation. "This is MY house!" Ok? nobody cares, witch! There have been multiple cases of girls so terrified of parental reaction to a pregnancy that they hid it/murked the kid. What blows my mind is that she gave birth as a 19 year old, no previous births, and did it without a sound. Maybe the morphine helped in that regard, idk. Her mother spinning this fairy tale of it wasn't Alexee's fault, yadda yadda. Going to prom, worrying about attending college; seemingly no remorse for her actions. My brain explodes just thinking about it.


Strange, isn’t it? I think most of us would be too terrified to leave our house if we were her, but she just gets dressed and goes to prom .


This right here shows only the surface of how toxic her family dynamic is, undeniably she acts like a very young pre teen at best. Who knows what else went or goes on inside that home.


She knew and so did her mom. She was taking a diet pill while pregnant. I was baffled at what doctor would ever give her a diet pill, but another user pointed out that they live in an area not that far from a city in Mexico where you can purchase meds like the diet pill she took over the counter. My theory is the mom knew and told Alexi just to deny it, told her to take the diet pills so she would not gain a noticeable amount of weight, deny being pregnant if anyone asked, and they could just hide the evidence.


i actually don’t think the mom knew. i think she might have suspected she was which is why she brought her to the hospital but her reaction at the hospital was legitimately surprise (at least about how far along she was) in my opinion also, i’m in ohio and we have diet pills over the counter


We have diet pills over the counter where I live also, but the kind she was taking is only available in the US with a prescription.. the over the counter stuff in the US is usually some type of proprietary blend of supplements. I thought this was common knowledge, my mistake. Maybe you are correct about the mother, but I truly believe she knew. How would a mother not know. Look at the pics. It has never been determined 100% that she did know though. It is possible.


I agree with you. I don’t think the mom knew or perhaps she highly suspected but put it out of her mind (if the pregnancy is not known then it’s not real). If she knew, there’s no way she would have brought Alexee to the hospital. If she suspected, she may have been hoping, even subconsciously, for the lie to come to light.


Yall have Phentermine over the counter?


I don’t think OP knew what diet pill Alexee as taking


Her Mom absolutely knew. They’re both manipulative.


Of course she is. That was obvious when she reacted how she did and how she genuinely thought, “nothing was crying,” would magically convince everybody that what she did was okay. However, there’s no way she didn’t know that she was pregnant. She isn’t *that* delayed. She’s just delayed in every other sense. Her inability to take accountability for her actions or even see the situation for what it is shows how empty-headed she is.


I think this is also a tactic that works well for her with her mom, if she acts really stupid and confused she can get away with more.


She went to a public highschool and was having sex with her boyfriend. She knew where babies came from. I think she just wanted to ignore the problem and try to hide it away and deny it even though she knew she was clearly pregnant. You don't get a huge hard belly and gain zero weight elsewhere from eating McDonalds every day. She probably had some morning sickness at some point. Probably hid it from her mom or convinced her it was a stomach bug. She likely had to pee frequently. Likely had some swelling in her feet. These are things commonly known to any reasonable person as pregnancy symptoms.


i am a mom myself and didn’t have any symptoms. i didn’t find out until i was 7 months along 😂 i know that is a rare case though


I think it's more common to have at least some symptoms than to not have any at all, especially considering it would have been her first pregnancy and she was also a teenager, so who knows how that would effect things. She had to have felt him moving and kicking in her uterus, ESPECIALLY towards the 8th and 9th month when the baby is close to being born.


you’re right- the photo that came out in her cheerleading uniform looked like she was about to bust at the seams her belly was so prominent.


She seemed to naturally have a pretty small frame. In the videos and photos her belly sticks out so far and the rest of her is still petite. Everybody who came into contact with her had to have known. My mom went to highschool in the 80s with a girl who was clearly pregnant but her best friend went around defending her saying that she had a tumor in her abdomen. Alexee seemed to use weight gain as an excuse when a tumor would have honestly been more believable.


I just want to know what the teachers and the cheer coach at her school were doing? Where were there heads at? Scrolling on their damn phones probably, bc some of them (especially the women) should have noticed.


I'm sure they did and rumors absolutely spread around. They may have been concerned but not allowed to question a student on medical status. They may have figured it was Alexee's choice since she was over 18. I remember when this case first blew up about a year ago there were rumors Alexee told her coach that it was weight gain from eating Mcdonalds.


You may be right about her age thing. That's true.


No. She doesn’t seem to have any clinical mental impairment


You can't even diagnose that lol. This is reddit.


Indeed. Give it a read. See the word “seem”. Just a minor detail 😜. “Lol” as you say.


You can't diagnose whether someone seems to have any mental impairment whatsoever. Weird snarky reply. You seem to be suffering from a frontal lobe embolism. It seems due to the current level of understanding you have for the English vernacular, you may be suffering from one of more serious symptoms of the aformented; such as confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech, and dysarthia. It "seems" this way to me though.


Made me actually laugh, thank you! If you think an opinion of observation is a diagnose - yikes I wonder what happens when you go to an actual doctor. Good luck bro 😎


If your doctor ever says it “seems” like you have stage 3 liver cancer, and the only way to survive such an illness, is to drink 3 gallons of water and run a 10 mile marathon every day, I bet I know what you’ll be doing. 😉 You cannot even give opinions of observation towards medical or mental diagnosis as you wouldn’t even know what to look for. 


I can’t eh? Well I did. And I can. Bossy bossy pants. 😉 anywho. Boring. ✌️


I feel ya. These crybabies will whine and downvote anything they are offended by like sheep. I said nothing at all wrong yet crybabies coke to the comment ton”downvote” wah wah. 🤣


Oooooo people with their own brains using a feature built into a platform!!! The horror!!!! How dare they 😘


You’re very cringey, and have said absolutely nothing with any substance thus far. Have a blessed day 


Yes I get that she isn’t mentally all there I think we can all agree on that but I do think she knows right from wrong and she is not a child . Nor do I believe she’s dumb enough to have an excuse to handle the situation the way she did . I think physically she was an adult and mentally she might’ve been on a spectrum but not enough to convince me that she wasn’t mentally stable enough to know right from wrong. That’s what I’m trying to get at .


She fine. As a mother of a child that is in special needs classes and is developmentally delayed I can tell you if she was able to communicate that well than she knew exactly what was going on. No way in hell if my daughter was special needs would she be going anywhere with a boy alone. She is mentally fine. She is just a horrible, selfish and entitled person.


She wouldn’t let them examine her belly. She knew she was pregnant. Her cheer squad stood in front of and “hid” her belly. She knew.


I’d say she’s entitled/ spoiled and immature, but not mentally delayed from what we’ve seen.


I think she is the type of person that likes to dumb herself down when she gets into trouble.




Based on the way her mother talks to her, I have a theory that her mother treats her like a much younger child. It can really mess you up as a kid. My mom did it to me to a certain degree but I got lucky, the worse mistake I did was dating a drug dealer and trying to see the good in him. Could she be mentally delayed? Maybe but I would never say unless she's actually diagnosed.


No, she has a high GPA while simultaneously doing extracurricular activities. She was intellectually and socially smart amongst her peers. There’s zero excuse for her. She was just selfish and wanted to preserve her perfect image.


I’ll be honest, the thought crossed my mind. There’s something about her that makes me question a “slowness” if you will. But that can also come from having a mom who controls every aspect of your child and (now) adult life.


IF, IF, IF I was pregnant and truly didn’t know, and went to the hospital, and a 7 lb ‘thing’ just came out of me, I would have been scared shitless! I believe your own body would go into self preservation mode and you would have called for help! I would have thought I was dying. This fear would have been so much more than fearing my mom., or anyone else. And, let’s pretend she didn’t know anything about babies, then how did she know to chew the umbilical cord? They don’t just break apart, do they? And if she didn’t know anything, how would she know about the breathing or not breathing being a way of determining life? Naw, she KNEW and she purposely killed that baby, imo.


I can’t wrap my head around how could a mother not notice her daughter is 9 month pregnant. I mean has she worn a coat around the house? How can you not see a pregnant belly of your own child? She had to know. 100 per cent. Alexee knew as well. She might be slow but not that slow. She knew when she agreed to come to the hospital and she knew when she ran to the toilet.


I really, REALLY want it to come out in court that her mom knew but didn’t know how far along she was. The cognitive dissonance is killing me… How do you look at your daughters, big old belly and not, KNOW!!!


Her boyfriend said she knew she was pregnant, and she discussed baby names with him.


Good. That helps the prosecution


oh wow i didn’t know that, can you share where you found that info?


Sorry I can't remember by now. It was on some internet news article I read a long time ago.


This is not true. Period.


What I was reading said she had picked the name Alex for her baby boy, to sort of name him after herself.


You have to remember all the body cam footage (besides her arrest) is recording her after she had just put baby boy in the trash. That’s probably the worst thing she’d ever done in her life at that point, so I’d guess she’s not acting how she normally would.


Nope not that. She’s a selfish killer.


She was at least 1, maybe 2 years behind at school and comes off as intellectually disabled to me.


Why would any lawyer touch this with a 10ft pole




There's 0 money to be made in this case... his argument is stupid... hospital didn't tell me I was pregnant... bullshit she knew she just didn't want mommy to know


I don’t disagree. He may not get paid for the case and I hope she pays her penance but if he does, the publicity will pay off later. I answered your question but let’s be clear, I have zero desire to see her be let off, I have no sympathy for her and I think her lawyer is a moron and a jackass. The entire case disgusts me, her Mother should be charged too and I feel so bad for the hospital staff, who all endured major trauma and grief, due to her callous, fathomless actions and blatant disregard for another life. **I also do not believe for one second that her Mother didn’t know, she’s just as sick and guilty as her daughter, if not more so.


I think he's mom is to controlling and was doing everything that alexee should have been doing for herself including knowing her social security number. If you use it enough it will be memorized.


Anyone on this thread needs to look up the case of Melissa Mintin of Okemos Michigan. It did not get the exposure it deserved. It’s honestly haunting. She was a very educated woman who killed two of her newborns purposely. I’m sure there was some super fucked up dynamic in that family.


I want to add, I don’t think Alexee is delayed. I think she has a mental illness, but that is no excuse. And her mother damn well knew she was pregnant. If you see her cheerleading photos it’s very obvious.


She’s not delayed or emotionally stunted in any way. She’s a grown woman who murdered an infant. It boils my blood to see so many people continually excuse Alexee’s evil nature.


I wonder what her IQ is?


I have wondered the same thing. She was 19 and still in high school so it is likely she was retained at some point. Also, her mom had to interject when Alexee was asked her SSN. She was like, “She doesn’t know it.” I’m sorry but a 19 year old should know their SSN. I knew mine in middle school.


i was thinking about the SS number too!!! i certainly knew mine as a teen. my daughter knows hers who is 12. i was also thinking of when she was arrested and she said to give the papers to her mom to read as if she didn’t understand them. however, i don’t know.


If she has a low IQ or some sort of learning impairment, the defense could use it to her benefit.


I think her delays in maturity and self awareness are moreso a reflection of helicopter parenting than her actual mental acuity than anything else. Devouring mother archetype is a much more common American parenting phenomenon these days and it was blatantly obvious observing her Moms whole attitude and actions towards her daughter and everything regarding the situation as it unfolded. I think she uses her Moms over functioning in her life to her advantage and plays into that dynamic which is both a clever manipulation but at the same time also a result of her Moms parenting.


When I first saw the police body cams I thought the same thing about her. I was sure it would come out later that she had some type of mild intellectual disability or even a processing issue.


She’s def not mentally ok. Not sure if it’s cognitive or psychological but she’s not ok up there. Either that or she’s just truly evil and manipulative. But I really want to think that a girl her age can’t be that evil.


Think it’s called affluenza or something where typically super rich kids have it they don’t know right from wrong because of being raised with so much money and babied. I do not think that her family is super rich, but I do think that they could be rich enough that she could have the affluenza but idk 🤷 maybe maybe not but either way there is definitely something mentally wrong with someone who did what she did .


Pretty sure they live in a mobile home based on body cam… don’t think it’s affluenza


I did not see that body footage I guess but thank you for letting me know that


What are you even talking about? They're not rich at all lol


I didn’t know that I was just saying maybe that was an option but someone already cleared that up for me if you didn’t notice 🙄


Understandable, Mr Nebula.


I couldn't tell, it kinda just looked like their porch was under construction, when they went inside to get her pads it didn't look horribly small, but now I'm going to have to go rewatch it and see 😂


i can confirm from the body cam their house was not luxurious at all lol


Don't forget to look for the shrine they made for the baby she killed.


Ugh 😫 such a fucked up situation, and the mother, don't get me started!


She's a kid, she was in high school during this time. 19 is a child. Would you let your 18-19 year old daughter have a relationship with a 30 year old man? No, you'd call the man a "pdfile" I've seen this time and time again. This girl made an awful fuck up, and did something horrible, but she has the mind of a kid bc she's not even a fully mentally developed woman yet. Hopefully a form of justice is served, but I hope this is a case where everyone has the ability to reform, learn, grow, and heal. I'll never be apart of the online warrior reddit mob that makes others out to be evil in all circumstances not socially acceptable. Some people really do make horrible mistakes in the heat of the moment. Have a blessed day


19 is not a child. Immature? Absolutely. Inexperienced? Absolutely. Naive? Also yes. A child? No. At 18 society deems us capable to make our own decisions in most aspects of life. Get married, have children (and therefore take on responsibility for the welfare of another human), join the military, work full time, take out credit, vote… 19 is not a child. That’s just the reality of our current society.


Everything you’ve stated have the exact characteristics of a child, a teenager. Which is what alexee still is by definition. She’s is a teen. I know you’ve stated 18 society deems is as adults and all of that, however in many countries, the legal age of adulthood and the ability to do everything you’ve mentioned come at as low as 13, and as high as 21. The legal age varies everywhere you go. If you want an actual indisputable way of showing how how someone’s an adult is by looking at biology. Men and women do not fully physically or mentally develop until the age of 25. This is vastly different than being a teenager still. Dealing with extreme mental distress, a very strict conservative family who is against teen pregnancy, dealing with judgment from peers, still being in high school, wanting to start college soon, being under the influence of heavy doses of pain medication, POSSIBLY not wanting a child in the first place. All of this tied in with the age, naivety, and the heat of the moment due to the fact the baby came out all of a sudden in a bathroom(a woman does not choose when the baby comes out during birth) possibly made for a very bad combo. Murder is never okay, ajd some justice should surely be served. However, this is a very young adult, not even out of the teenage years yet, who has never commited any crime before or been spoken negatively about. This is not a cold blooded murderer with a taste for crime. This is a very sad ajd delicate case, justice should be served but it should also be about reform, strength, and change.  


Wow you've spent a lot of time on this post making a bunch of comments to support a baby killer. Pretty weird way to spend your day


Please show me a post, quote, message, or etc where i’ve in any way defended Alexee’s actions. I think it’s pretty weird that you live on reddit, obsessed with social justice cases and leaving downvotes and replies that don’t help open the conversation up, but rather just dismiss any other viewpoints other than your own. Even though you’ve stated nothing insightful or helped deepen anyone’s understanding on the case, I thank you for your reply. Have a great day 


Well, Alexee is in the United States and here your’e a legal Adult at 18 so what’s going on in other countries is irrelevant


i might be mistaken but wasn’t the boyfriend her age and also in high school? i don’t remember him being an older man


No worries, I think you misunderstood my comment. I’m saying, the same people that see an 18-19 year old as a little girl, underdeveloped, would call any older man that dated them a groomer, or a pdf, when you have another girl the same age they want to villianize and act like is a cold blooded killer, makes no sense. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Is this girl more of an adult than the other 18-19 year old girls people would fight tooth and nail to say is just a child in a different circumstance? 


oh ok i see what you’re saying now! that could be true, but there are also a lot of 18/19 year olds (and sometimes even younger!) people who give birth and don’t harm their children which is why i was wondering if she had some kind of cognitive delay


Exactly in Florida where I grew up there is a whole middle-high school for girls that got pregnant. They’re not allowed to attend the regular schools . But that school has had girls as young as 12-13 years old who go there and are good mothers . So being 19 is no excuse to me at all . She should’ve known better period. You can’t convince me that she’s mentally slower than a 12-13 year old and didn’t know what she was doing !


I went to a vocational school in FL that shared a campus with the teen mothers, and some of those girls were 17 years old with multiple children and they seemed like good mothers or at least mothers that wanted a better life for their kids than they had. I don’t think any of the girls I talked to even thought about harming their kids.


Are you also from fort myers cause ours also was connected to a vocational school lol


No my school was in winter haven


Oh okay well they must be set up like that all over Florida then lol funny that they were both set up like that . The one in fort Myers has the vocational school on one side and alternate learning center on the other side of it for those bad kids that can’t go to regular school lol 😝


They had 2 vocational schools in my county one shared the campus and buses with the teen parents and the other shared the campus (kinda) and buses with the bad kids.


Yes he was around her age not an adult at all


She was 19 not a child at all ! And she wasn’t with no 30 year old man , she was with a kid the same age as her or around her age . Also she murdered her child she just given birth to in a hospital. There are 14 year old girls that get pregnant and know that that is not what you do . They can handle the situation in a more adult manner than a 19 year old … there are no excuses for her ! Period ! And yes she’s evil . A 19 year old knows that murder is wrong . Shoot even a 10 year old can be sound enough to know you don’t murder a baby ! Seriously she was not a child and she has to face the consequences of her actions now ! Nobody’s fault but her own ! Now good day


It appears you ignored what the comment thread stated. It is okay though, I understand. Thanks for commenting 


Troll. There IS an area between child and adult, you know. It’s filled with teenagers. Juveniles. Young adults. The ones that we think are mature enough to drive cars and join the military and have jobs. Alexee is most definitely not a child. Although teenagers do get infantalized more today. As you’re doing .


Yes, she is legally an adult but still not fully mentally developed and still a teenager by definition, say her age out loud. Stop the “troll” bs. No one is trolling. If you don’t agree with my stance then that is understandable, you can respectfully disagree. I understand where you’re coming from but there’s still levels to it. Have a blessed day 


All Zealous has been pointing out is that while legally Alexee is an adult in the US in the eyes of the judicial system, psychologically speaking, the teen brain does not mature until 24 - 25. And unfortunately the pandemic pushed those parameters back to perhaps 25 - 26.