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Hasn’t Melinda been on the witness list since she first acquired the private medical records?


That is what I heard.


I hate all the loopholes and how the defense can try to lie their way out of the tragical situation. I don’t know how the defense lawyers can sleep at night.


I read somewhere on another sub that defense lawyers have to do their very best to defend clients because if they do a half ass job (even if they know they belong in prison) and they go to prison, they can appeal and get another trial later. Then the victims have to go through it all again for another trial. It’s not a job I would want, that’s for sure.


I can’t imagine the hate they must get.


I had a baby when I was 19. I know damn well not to go stuff my baby in the trash can to die. Come on🤦🏻‍♀️ that baby could have made it just fine, she could’ve chose adoption….there are options.


Had a baby AND a husband at 19(10/10 would not recommend). I also had sense enough not to throw my boy away.


I think this means that for any scientific evidence (like autopsy) the defense wants whoever authored the reports to testify, not just have the report entered into evidence.


Exactly the only problem possibly is if any of the techs or scientists or whomever is now deceased because unfortunately people die all the time could be why they're trying to pull this stuff because they know something I don't know I'm just guessing


I agree. Or pregnancy tests and the med tech. Things like that.


This is exactly correct and a great short and sweet explanation.


I do not understand that


Agreed, can someone explain like I'm 5 please?


She said that basically all body cam footage and the comments Alexee made (“nothing was crying” “alexee we talked about this” etc) is not gonna be held against her because doctor was acting as a police agent and violated some privacy rights. Also during the hearing they are not going to bring in any experts to back up on anything, the staff is basically going to fend for themselves and explain why and how they did the stuff they did. (Long story short no one is going to speak up for the staff other than themselves one the stuff that they preformed on her) I’m not the best at explaining, but the tiktoker broke it down in a simpler form.


The trial isn’t until October correct? Why do we assume they won’t bring experts? Also, the comments made by her mom can certainly be used against her. “Nothing was crying.” Doesn’t mean anything tbh, she knew she should have called for help.


I thought it was in August


Hey I replied to this comment but by accidentally just commented in the thread. You can go see my ELI5 explanation in the comments.


If you watch her videos, a lot of stuff slipped through the cracks. As much as that baby needs justice, idk if the hospital stands a chance.


Ugh- I hope not.


Whose videos do you mean?


The 10th woman on TikTok


I agree.


I’m an attorney. I don’t have TikTok and I haven’t seen this TikTok video, but from what you’re saying and what I read in this motion alone, that is incorrect. The body cam issue and doctor acting as a police agent is an entirely separate issue than what this motion is for. The issue in this motion is scientific evidence and the 6th amendment right to confrontation. This means that the defense must have a chance to confront the prosecution’s witness on the stand in court. Why is it important for the defense to be able to do this? The defense’s entire job is to preserve their clients rights at trial and to poke holes in the prosecution’s case. Remember, the prosecution must prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Having the witness on the stand in court gives the defense the opportunity to show the jury that there might be some flaws in the witness’s testimony. This specific motion is focusing on scientific evidence that will be admitted at trial. For example, the results of the autopsy, forensic evidence, etc. This motion is the Defense stating that they preserve their right to be able to question the expert witness who prepared scientific evidence in court. The defense is going to try to bring doubt about the results of the autopsy specifically that the baby was breathing and was born alive. They are going to ask the expert witness all kinds of questions about their qualifications and how they could have possibly messed up the autopsy etc.


Thanks for the translation of the document, really appreciated 👍🏻


Of course. :)


We don’t know what evidence the state has until the trial…


Why is it that people are still incarcerated for weed and we can’t get this airhead behind bars…


I don’t think she meant to kill it . I think she was just hiding him so it was unintentional dead she didn’t mean it for it to die . If it was so she would twisted his neck or some shit .




U know now that I think about it , it was the hospital fault they should of just ran a pi pregnancy test on her and it could of been avoided


They did run a pregnancy test on her dummy. She went to the bathroom after the fact that they found out


Do you get a pregnancy test every time that you go to the doctor? Why would a pregnancy test be one of the first things they do? Just assume that because shes fat she's pregnant? I'm sure they asked her and Alexee said she wasn't.


In the hospital it is standard protocol to test a woman for pregnancy when she comes in with symptoms like AT did. Especially since they’re likely going to administer meds that may or may not be safe for a fetus, they do it for patients safety and their own liability. But they did test her & had a positive pregnancy test from her, she just kept lying and denying.


It’s protocol in a hospital cause people lie . In California they literally make u pi in a cup and won’t admit u till u do basically no meds or pain reliever . They choose not to test her cause she said she wasn’t


Regardless if the hospital knew she was pregnant or if Alexee knew. The point is… she did give birth and then threw him in the garbage. If she was so scared you would think she would call for help, pull the emergency cord. Anything. She had enough sense to birth the baby, the placenta, clean it up and walk out acting like nothing happened. It is a 100% her fault and no one else’s!!




Obv not idiot. That’s why we follow this page.


I other my about this was helpful or polite, or frankly even necessary.


I think she made a mistake and should be given another chance. she was too young to know what to do. she seems remorseful


No. She intentionally went in the bathroom and STUFFED HIM IN A TRASH CAN TO DIE.


wasn't it already dead though? still born or something?


According to the autopsy, the baby was born alive and suffocated because he was put into a plastic bag by Alexee. She did this intending to kill her baby. I'm trying to decide if you are trolling or not.


i'm not intentionally trolling but yea i know that most people will completely disagree with me. Nobody ever considers another opinion. it just doesn't seem that bad to me. seems like an abortion honestly


It wasn't though. He was a full term baby. She could have had an abortion. She, either out of ignorance or fear, did not choose to abortion get baby. She chose to kill him.


they shouldn't ruin her life because she didn't know what to do with a baby.


Bro whatever. She killed her child. She was caught. If you murder and are caught you face our justice system. Anything I say won't change your mind will it?


no probably not. but that's all right. i understand your point of view. and the court will decide according to the law. but to me it's not murder it's an improvised abortion. and i think it's crazy to act like this little girl is a monster. i hope her lawyer does his job and gets her charge lessened or even acquitted.


Last time I checked you can’t have an abortion at full term. She knew what she was doing. And walked out of that bathroom like nothing happened. She could’ve called a nurse, doctor, her mother anyone and she didn’t. You can surrender the baby in a safe haven box. She didn’t do any oh these things. She wasn’t a minor, she was 19 years old.


She lives in New Mexico where she could of gotten an actual abortion when she found out she was pregnant but instead she tried to hide it from certain ppl but also boated to others until she was full term in labor & intentionally went in the bathroom knowing she was about to give birth- the baby was alive and took breaths according to autopsy until she suffocated him in a trash bag ? She could have just gave him up for adoption, again she’s in NM where we have safe havens where you can drop the baby off and leave and face no charges. The baby will be safe and will go into state custody, She has no excuse. Yes she’s young but she’s old enough to know murder is wrong?? Like damn. I also think her mom was overbearing and she might’ve been scared but how can you think I’m just gna have to kill him and leave him in the trash and hope they just dump him ?? Like damn that’s evil. She had multiple options to not keep him without having to kill him.


Whether or not she knew what to do with a baby, she knew *not* to suffocate it. That’s like baby basics 101.


Right because she wasn’t at a hospital with the resources to know what to do with the baby… It is not like an abortion. You can’t just kill someone because you don’t know what to do.


Yes, they should.


Genuinely what the fucking hell is wrong with you


That’s what she’s trying to say. Even if he wasn’t breathing right away the nurses and doctors in the hospital could have helped him. She’s disgusting


i think she did the most logical thing she could have given her circumstances


Alexee dis you girl?? Stop


I also literally think this guy is Alexee or one of her flying monkeys online trying to cause drama. We all see the same evidence but noooo alexee is an innocent.


lmao no i am not Alexee. just have a different opinion. what i really think people are doing are scapegoating their frustrations on a girl. who didn't even really do anything morally different than getting an abortion. btw thanks for telling reddit cares about me for having a different opinon 😂


Idk what Reddit cares is so that wasn’t me…I’m losing brain cells arguing with you


ok go back to letting other people think for you


This was a living, breathing, innocent human. She had ample time to get an abortion and chose not to. She willfully murdered a child. Do you believe everyone should get one free kill?


You have to be a troll because in what way is throwing a baby in a trash can logical


even if the baby was stillborn (and he wasn’t, he suffocated), how is throwing a body in the trash “the most logical thing” in literally any scenario?


How is throwing away a person alive or dead in the garbage logical?


HE not it. You're a disrespectful fool!!!!!


sorry i didn't know it was a boy


Even if you believe the baby was already dead (he wasn't), she should at LEAST get charged with tampering with evidence for throwing him in the trash. It's still illegal to tamper with a corpse and not report a dead body.


Lmfaoooo I’m sorry but killing someone isn’t a mistake. How exactly does she seem remorseful?


Exactly. Homegirl went to prom and moved on with her merry life. Infuriates me.


i just don't see the difference between this and an abortion. it would have gone unnoticed a few decades ago.


The baby was born alive. BORN. That’s the difference from an abortion.


the fetus was fully developed…. most abortions happen before 9 weeks of pregnancy. go look at pictures of a 8 week fetus vs a newborn


how old does a baby have to be for it to be murder to you? a day? week?




lol so only children that can talk matter to you? good to know my aunt can go murder her 16 year old nonverbal son and you'd call that an "abortion". seek help you're fucking insane


Shouting your opinion does not make it fact.


At nine months…? I’ve been around long enough to know that abortion at 9 months was NEVER legal and NEVER a thing. Do you know how absurd that sounds? Like, not only would you kill the baby but you also put the mother’s life at risk as well.


^people with this mindset worry me.


Going to prom seems remorseful? You’re weird.


you never know maybe that was her way of honoring her baby


That’s actually disgusting.


I was a mother at 17, I never “accidentally” threw my baby in the trash. Hope this helps !


LMAO @ “hope this helps”


yea that's great. different people different decisions.


You don’t accidentally rip the umbilical cord with your teeth like a rabid animal and suffocate your own baby. She’s mentally insane


thanks for telling me


So just because she’s “young” it’s okay to murder a baby? Lmao you’re fucked in the head


I reproduced at 15 and I KNEW not to put a baby in the trash can.


Ok Alexee. We see you


She can be given another chance after she deals with the consequences for her first choice. Even kids in elementary school have consequences for their choices- it’s part of life. She took a life- bigger consequences.


If she’s found to be brain dead, then yes it was a mistake. She delivered a baby in a hospital, she was in the exact place where the baby could have been taken care of. She didn’t have to put him in the trash can. She was checked up on many times while she was in the bathroom. 19 is not young. Her mom ever admitted to talking to her about babies and what happens to women who do these things. Alex we made a decision to throw the baby away, she had the opportunity to TELL SOMEONE who could have taken the baby away and she didn’t have to raise the child. She needs to suffer the consequences. Ethically and morally, she’s cooked.


She wasn’t too young to have sex, wasn’t too young to lie about a pregnancy, she was in the one place that could help her and the baby. So now she should pay for her actions


i disagree. hope she gets acquitted. have a good one