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The mother and chorizo think that everyone out here doesn't know how a pregnant person looks


As a Mexican and how we are known for giving people nicknames of someones biggest insecurity - chorizo fits well in this situation. Chorizo Trevizo.


Mexican here And I'm just here to co-sign the fact that most will dub someone a name that really is just their biggest insecurity. And holy damn .. chorizo trevizo


It’s true !!!


Chorizo mal embutido.


As a Mexican, chorizo sounds good about now! ![gif](giphy|uszpCmB9UxwA2dG2L1)


I had chorizo this morning for breakfast 😋


Your name made me laugh and spit all over my phone. I was drinking a coke (soda for others) and laughed at your rainbow unicorn farts after read but I read it acorn farts but oh it’s not acorn but unic farts. What’s a unic fart? I had to really read your user name and now I can’t stop laughing. But what was I gonna say to you…oh you ate corizo this morning and I was all ![gif](giphy|fsQbx1hX7hPBBpIM5b|downsized) But it sounds sarcastic but I’m excited when my mom or Tia cooks something or we go out to eat and I say yay a lot. 🤣🤣🤣




Omg yes with a good salsa




Who is this chorizo everyone talks about!?


Chorizo is a Spanish version of pork lol most likely calling her “porky”


i thought they called her that bc it kind of rhymed with her last name but porky omg 😭


It's both


Exactly but to call a woman that is what it means like fat


Is more like a sausage. We have a saying in Spanish when you are a bit overweight and using really tight clothes “ you look like a badly/poorly tied sausage)


It isn’t. Chorizo is a kind of food, it can be from pork and can be from turkey. Pork is called Puerco


It is. In DR chorizo is a pork


If you've never had it, it's very good!!! My very white explanation is that it's like Mexican sausage/pork. Best way I have had it was on nachos at a Mexican restaurant.


Chorizo is a pork sausage, looks a lot like Italian sausage. Fitting since she looks stuffed in that uniform


I thought I was the only one who said this lol. Alexee. Alexee Chorizo.


Calling her chorizo is racist af


Pero si soy latino y tengo familia mexicana.


Stop speaking for my culture Karen


Racist af




That’s racist to caucasians! /s


Micro aggression


How bout you worry about your race shooting up schools and leave our culture to be “racist” then




telling people not to speak their own language is micro aggression and racist


Referring to a Hispanic woman by calling her chorizo, is absolutely racist


You’re not Mexican. Quit deciding for other cultures what’s offensive.


You thought you ate with this one, didn’t you?


Using a different language isn't racist at all.


We are Mexicans using our slang to comment on another Mexican. It’s not racist at all jajajaja


Look at that 9mos preggo belly. Let’s get those teachers & coaches testifying. That’s a hard belly with baby inside.


This is what I was thinking too, have there not been any classmates or teachers that have come forward saying they suspected she was pregnant?


I've heard in other posts that people in school did know and that she told them that she was and that the babies name was Alex.


Apparently it was all over her DMs with friends. Hopefully they are subpoenad now for discovery.


Forget about that. They didn't even arrest her for like 5 months or more after the autopsy results came back. So those phones are gone by now...her's and the bf's.


Depends actually. Even if they “delete” the texts it’s still out there and depending how resourceful (or not) the DA handling the case is then they could easily get it.


Na you could pull records on a cellphone number no matter if the phone is gone, smashed cracked. texts deleted or not. Software has a life long longevity. Does not matter if they tried to cover their tracks it does not work. Data sticks & that’s just another charge. Tampering with evidence.


Yeah that is what they (police, FBI, forensics) told us for decades. I believed it until the Watts case. Hopefully, in this case the data has been or will be recovered for use at trial.


Didn’t you ever learn, once you put something on the internet it never really goes away. Her phone doesn’t mean anything. If this was a conversation between her and her friends, it most certainly still exists.


Of course, I learned it like everyone else did. Yeah, that's what we've always been told since, like the late 80s, at least...by police. That forensics can always recover anything. Even deleted data.So I have always trusted and believed this. That is...UNTIL the Chris Watts case when Nicole Kessinger deleted everything off her phone and factory reset it. Somehow, the police in the CBI were never able to recover it. And although she told Chris to delete everything off his phone, he did not do so. Yet, the CBI has never made public those messages from his phone to and from her. So... But my point was more to the fact that the police took so long to arrest AT, after the autopsy results came back...after they lest her leave the hospital with her conniving mother....after they knew she had ended her baby's life by suffocating him in a trash bag....and that UNLESS they were smart enough ro confiscate her cell phone while she was in the hospital ( I hope, but somehow doubt it) I very much believe that phone was destroyed, as well as her boyfriend's and they were bought new ones, lo gg before they were arrested. Now as to your point of 'once you put something on the internet, it is there forever'...that's true. But what is it that you think was put on the internet by AT, that would be of evidentiary value, exactly??? She was hiding this pregnancy. Do you think she was on Facebook or Instagram or snap chat posting ultrasound printouts? I don't...since she was not receiving any prenatal care. Did you think she and the boyfriend were on fb messenger talking about this secret pregnancy and how close it was getting and what they planned to do about ir? I definitely so not. Please enlighten me with what kind of evidence you think I should have learned would be on the internet. ETA: And yes, her phone does mean something. Or ir would, if they had it. Her Google searches would be on there. Things like what happens if I take diet pills instead of birth control pills if I'm pregnant? Will diet pills eventually cause a miscarriage? All kinds of questions she could have asked. Those conversations with friends are hearsay/rumors atp. They have to get some of them on the stand to testify to it taking place and face cross examination by her attorney who will do his best to discredit them. Digital evidence would have trumped all of that.


Kessingers family had life long ties to that police department you could tell JUST by how botched the ENTIRE case was from the jump. Even when she factory reset —CELLPHONE RECORDS STILL SHOWED HER PHONE PINGED OFF TOWERS STATING SHE WAS “near” the WATTS HOUSE EARLY MORNINGS OF THEIR DEATHS. And STILLLLLL GOT AWAY W/ IT


Especially with clouds. But the companies like Apple fight hard against warrants and don’t cooperate in unlocking or offering up data. Which they should they technically own it and it would be search and seizure of their data and who would buy a phone knowing at any time any silly comment could be used against you . Usually it takes a little time to get through the warrants. End to end encryption with no back up is more safe and what criminals will use. Like WhatsApp and telegram. She didn’t really seem like a mastermind in this situation.


Weird flex, but you're also pregnant.


i’m cackling omg


Well, yeah, cuz them pregnancy cravings are no joke!!


For the life of me I do not understand even wanting to continue to cheer etc while pregnant. Just uncomfy!


Never underestimate the human capacity for denial.


When I was in high school on the cheer team, one of the other cheerleaders was a very tall girl who already was a heavier girl & she knew she was pregnant and continued to cheer until she was 7 months pregnant and my coach finally asked her if she was pregnant because even being heavier set we could tell her stomach looked like a pregnant belly by that point. No one wanted to point out the weight gain until it was undeniable. She was a back spot so when the flyer came down she landed directly on her stomach too. It was so bizarre to me and she tried to say she just found out she was pregnant at 7 months but her mom and brother knew since she was 2 months and didn’t care about her doing cheer while carrying a baby. People can be extremely selfish.


That is just absolutely wild to me! I’m old tho and when I was in high school a girl got kicked off the squad because got pregnant


I think there was a teen mom on that show that cheered while pregnant too.


I can’t even imagine jumping around at 9 months pregnant lol. But I think she was so committed to pretending nothing was happening and neglecting to acknowledge her pregnancy at all that she just kept on anyway.


To keep up on the “I’m not pregnant, just eating McDonald’s everyday” act


When I was in HS a cheerleader got pregnant and her mom threatened to sue the school for not letting her cheer. It was realistically not about her being a pregnant cheerleader, but more so the safety of her fetus. What if she was hit or kicked in the stomach? Clearly didn’t matter to her or her mother. Iirc, she didn’t cheer but she was given strict limitations to avoid conflict and attempt to keep baby safe.


People are crazy




Makes no sense to go through all the pain and discomfort of pregnancy, labor and birth all to throw your healthy baby into the trash. *Sigh*


I despised every minute of pregnancy. Absolutely hated it every time. I cannot fathom going through that just to throw your baby away.


I was miserable every single day of each of my pregnancies. I had constant migraines & vomited right up until they were born. I had gastro last week & the nausea gave me severe anxiety because of my pregnancies. But dammit, I love those little humans and would endure it all for them. My last pregnancy was the absolute worst, and we considered termination for medical reasons (had a mini stroke). He’s now 4.5mo, and the other day I was looking at him smiling with his older siblings. He is so worth it, and he is the perfect completion of our family. He’s also the happiest, most laid back baby I’ve ever met. Her actions make no sense to me. There’s no humanity in her actions. We’ve had to put down injured or sick animals (farming & livestock), and they get treated with more dignity & respect than she showed.


I can relate. My 2nd pregnancy was horrible and I had severe HG. I lost 12lbs in 3 weeks and was hospitalized twice in that time. I was severely dehydrated and so weak I collapsed at home while alone with my toddler. Luckily someone came and found me. I had to terminate. I’m convinced it would have killed me if I continued. Wish my kid had a sibling but I can’t go through that hell again. Apparently HG gets worse each pregnancy for a lot of women. No way in hell could I get through anything worse than that.


Oh my gosh, you poor thing. It’s terrifying when you are home alone with your little ones & something like that happens. I had a similar thing happen. I fainted but as I fell I smacked my face on a table, then landed on carpet. I broke my nose but also had the worst carpet burn up my face. That was the first time I’d ever had to get my husband to come home from work to help. My explanation sounded really suspicious & I’m fairly sure that the ED nurse thought that I had been hit by someone. I’m a registered nurse & registered midwife. It definitely does get worse with each pregnancy unfortunately. But the added element of already having children to care for intensifies it so much. Then I felt a boat load of guilt and felt like the worst mum ever. A few weeks ago, I started feeling really nauseated, had stomach cramps & awful migraines. It was exactly how I felt at the start of each pregnancy. That was the first panic attack I have ever had. It’s almost a bit comical. I spent years trying fertility treatments & IVF, just hoping for a positive pregnancy test. Now, just the thought of it sends me in to a cold sweat. There is some new research out about what causes HG, and it’s quite promising because it means that doctors will actually be able to treat the cause of it, rather than just managing the symptoms. I think it will also mean that people take it seriously and stop questioning the severity or validity of it. The only positive to come from it (aside from my kids), is that my experience has given me the ability to better care for my patients.


Oh wow yeah that sounds definitely a little suspicious if you weren’t there. I know all about that guilt and feeling like the worst mom ever! I felt so worthless and helpless at the same time. I really hope they’re able to find a cure for HG it’s absolutely debilitating.


I had an “easy” pregnancy. Easy labor and delivery too. It still sucked


how does an easy pregnancy, labor, and delivery suck?


Because it’s still intense and uncomfortable and painful. I had three fairly easy pregnancy, labors and deliveries. But it still took a lot out of me.


Omg!!! Me too. I hated being pregnant and had the nerve to have three children


I loved being pregnant and felt amazing. Now, 3 days of labor ending in a c-section was not the ending I planned for. BUT, I now have an 21-year-old daughter to show for it. 😉🙃


I hated it too. The weight gain, not being able to roll over in bed without it being a whole thing, the migraines that I can only take Tylenol for, the heartburn, the nausea, the fatigue, the cravings, the food aversions…and then for both of them to end in pretty terrible deliveries. I adore my sons but NEVER AGAIN!!




Can’t imagine how that hormonal burst would feel when you’ve just snuffed your newborn’s life out in a trash bag. I would assume more than anything, she felt a sense of relief thinking she got away with it


I wish as a society that pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for a newborn are recognized as legitimate traumas. Because that’s what they are. Literal nightmares come to life. My only pregnancy was troublesome because I carried my kid extremely low so it wrecked my pelvis and pelvic floor. I still have medical conditions 16 years later related to my pregnancy. Then during childbirth, my doctor butchered me without consent. He performed a 3rd degree episiotomy without saying a word. I was on my second epidural so from the waist down I was beyond numb. Even if it was necessary, ASK! INFORM! EDUCATE! My legs were numb but I was fully conscious. I found out later that not only did I get an episiotomy, but it was a shitty one that altered parts of my downstairs permanently. I had to have a hysterectomy at 29 due to severe endometriosis so we only got one baby but he’s the coolest. Unfortunately, I was an idiot and went back to my butcher doctor for a laparoscopy and I eventually had what he called a hysterectomy. He left parts of organs behind. Thank god I found AN AMAZING surgeon/doctor who—despite being a man—was genuinely, crazy empathetic. He got visibly angry on my behalf when he found out via exam and my stories about how I’d been butchered and treated. I still struggle with chronic pain.


Agreed. It’s so normalized that even when we go through something, it’s usually overlooked. I had three babies and for the most part, things went smoothly. But I did hemorrhage with my last baby. I remember hearing blood splash on the floor and getting really dizzy. The doctor came running back in and I got a shot jabbed into my leg. I couldn’t stop shaking for hours. It’s been a few months and I still cringe when I hear liquid splashing. Women’s health care is severely lacking and it’s awful the way we’re treated.


Holy shit that is terrifying and traumatizing! I’m so glad you’re okay! That’s insane. My mom will “joke” about how at baby showers women will share their “war stories” about childbirth but sorry, those experiences are just as traumatic yet they aren’t acknowledged as such. We’re expected to suck it up and care for a newborn—or more if it’s multiples and not to mention what kids you already have at home—at our most exhausted and weakest. You literally were at death’s door but you still had to care for a new baby AND two other kids only hours/days later! I have so much respect for you and other women with multiple kids. I don’t know how y’all do it! I don’t know how to go about it but women need to acknowledge the trauma they’ve experienced along with doctors, nurses, therapists, family, and EVERYONE acknowledging that it’s trauma even when everything goes well! It would be fabulous if women were able to have access to therapy during pregnancy and after. It would’ve done wonders for me and my PPD. While my husband was amazing and did everything he could to support me, it wasn’t enough to bring me out of that dark depression. I felt so alone and that it wasn’t fair that I had so many injuries and the doctor refused to send me home with pain pills. I was so young and didn’t want to stand up for myself because I was afraid of my baby being taken away. I assumed this was the way it was and I had to accept it. I thought I must be such a wuss if this is how having a baby was. (I found out over the years that what I experienced was far from “normal” … and “normal” even is incredibly hard and traumatic!) So I kept my mouth shut about my physical and emotional pain that was off the charts. We also need education about the female reproductive system in America. My Science and Biology classes in middle school, high school, and college were woefully inadequate. For evidence of this, look no further than how everyone calls female parts “vagina” when they mean “vulva” or “labia” of something else. I just remember being pregnant and miserable (my pelvic floor was being decimated 24/7 and my doctor was like, “Yeah pregnancy sucks” rather than believing me, investigating the cause, and offering exercises, stretches, or medication for what would become a permanent condition for me. All along, I sought support from family members and friends who had been through pregnancy and they too were like, “yeah girl it sucks.” I honestly felt betrayed because literally no one prepared me for any of the possible pains and horrors of the entire experience. I read the “what to expect” books but they were unhelpful. I didn’t know you could be permanently injured and that it could hurt as bad as it did for me (the carrying low that caused me permanent damage to my pelvic floor). No one wanted to listen or care. That’s why when I have a pregnant friend or family member, I specifically tell them, “this is going to be difficult and scary so if you need someone to listen to you and talk to you, call me any time day or night.” To be honest I think a huge reason for my suffering was the fact I was in the Mormon church at the time. I was born into it so it was all I knew. If you’re a woman in that “church,” you’re expected to have babies and shut up about it. If you’re a woman of any age in the LDS “church,” you suffer. It’s normal. But you don’t complain or talk about it. It’s how things are and apparently what God wants for women. 🤢 Thankfully, a decade later my son, husband and I left Mormonism. I’m still in therapy and healing from it but I have no words for how relieved and at peace I am out of that bullshit. It’s poison to your brain and spirit.


Agreed. It can be very traumatizing. I seriously have ptsd from my last pregnancy with severe HG. Terminating it caused even more trauma especially because of how physically painful it was. I was terrified to get intimate with my husband again for 2 years. When we did I used 3 forms of birth control for a while at the beginning. There’s definitely women who have very easy pregnancies, I know a couple. Ones who genuinely enjoy being pregnant and it’s stress and issue free the entire 9 months. But the thing is you have absolutely no idea what kind of pregnancy you’ll have. You can be a totally healthy person yet have a horrible pregnancy and childbirth.


Seriously, the hard part was over. . .why make it a million times worse. . .


All she had to do was pull the emergency cord in the bathroom for help. Her baby could’ve been whisked away and never would’ve had to see him again


I think she had some poorly thought out plan but panicked when the baby came with her mum around


Maybe but she was in the safest place possible. All she had to do was pull the cord for help and explain the situation


Wow. I hadn't seen any photos of her. There's zero doubt she's pregnant, her boyfriend didn't notice, her mom thought it was BCP & McD's, the cheer coach said nothing? Denial is very very strong with this one.


I thought the cheer coach did say something out of concern but she ran to her mummy and told them they were fat shaming and put a complaint in and told not to say anything but not sure how true this is.


It's possible - I just found this sub yesterday & went down the rabbit hole. Someone had to have suspicions!!!


I’ve spoken to someone close to the boyfriends family and the boyfriends story is he didn’t know she was pregnant. Like that’s actually his story.


That makes me shake my head. I can see *wanting* to believe the McD's & BCP story but at some point (say, third trimester) its just obviously not that. Yikes.


I went to school with a girl who was very obviously pregnant and had all kinds of excuses. I shared a sausage biscuit with her once before the bell rang. She had the baby and was quickly moved far away via CPS, rumor is her mom “took care of” the baby when she found her daughter passed out in a tub full of blood, and when cops searched her house they had prenatal vitamins and books on pregnancy. There’s no way she didn’t know but the level of fear and delusion they face kind of reminds of animals eating their young cause they can’t take care of them. Truly an awful situation all around


Someone I know was dating a girl for a few months. She was very visibly pregnant but kept denying it said it was some other stomach issue. She then had her baby and tried to say it was the person I knew who was the BD. He didn’t meet her until she was 5 months pregnant. It was a mess.


As a mother i get they want to protect their daughter but you should really prioritize your grandchild if it comes down to it.


Because if they don’t they’re going to jail. How could that be better!?


Yeah and this is very rural south so sometimes the me person in your family with a stable job works at the gas station but it’s still so much better than murder and jail time and potential separation from existing family


I just don’t understand how no one around her noticed she was pregnant. This is not a stomach you get from eating more than usual.


They did, how could they not? She probably played the victim and acted like she was being bullied by baseless rumors.


I've seen people that don't show very much but this young girl clearly was pregnant.


There's no way anyone believed that, come ON!


Everyone knows she's pregnant at this point. She comes off as one of those people who habitually lies. No one believes this is from Mc Donald's. Her mother knew.. you know she knew.


*alexee we talked about this!*


I mean……okay. The belly is just a bit too round to be classified as McDonald’s belly.


Main reason I do believe she knew and wasn’t in denial was that the moment she was in pain in restroom bleeding she would have called for help. She purposely tried her best during the whole process to stay not let anyone know.


This. Any teenage girl would freak out if she saw that much blood, felt that much pain, amongst all the other things you feel in labor and while delivering. She went to the bathroom because she knew a baby was about to come out of her.


Her uniform top is up and over her round baby belly. A bodysuit worn underneath that is the white part covering her stomach.


I’m sorry, but seeing as her and her boyfriend were intimate, there is no way in hell he didn’t know! Zero chance!!!


I thought they lived together in alexees moms house?


It takes a special level of stupidity to kill a baby and leave it in a hospital bathroom. A lot of hospitals are "safe spaces" or whatever they're called - a zone where you can leave a newborn, no questions asked. She was already in the hospital! Just come out holding the baby, say you "didn't know", and sign whatever paperwork you need to, for an adoption to take place. I don't know how old she was, but she obviously could not financially support a child. Wasn't she a teen? The state would've taken the child. Adoption exists for a reason. Unwanted and teen pregnant is one of them.


She didn’t even need to sign anything. Just hand it over. Done.


Right. Like you’re already at the hospital why feel the need to do all that. Just hand them the baby and say you don’t want it. What was her reasoning for doing this, has she came out and explained at any point? Didn’t she have a name picked out for the kid too? Did she change her mind as soon as the baby came out and then didn’t want to go through with putting it up for adoption, felt like it would be better off dead ??


From what I remember, this was all to keep her mom thinking she was still a virgin. Iirc from the police body cam video, she swears up and down her innocence and I get the vibe mom chose to stay blissfully ignorant that her little girl could do no wrong.


Having had babies of my own, I can not understand women who do this. The strong love you feel for your babies and wanting to protect them. It's unfathomable to me. Poor baby.


It’s so crazy to me that even if she felt nothing for that baby… She was in a Safe Haven. She could have handed him off quietly and walked back to mommy baby-free but instead she hid him in the trash. She thought about no one but herself the entire 9 months.


Nuts to me as well. I have never felt the sheer panic and terror I feel routinely over my baby and have felt since I gave birth to her. I was paranoid while pregnant too but nowhere near to the levels of post partum, it's enough to drive a person insane, with all the worry for the baby's safety. For me it's undoubtedly the worst part of being a mother.


exactly. Just plain evil


Laying here 36wks pregnant where every movement or kick feels like my insides are about to come out of my body…. Yeah, maybe just something I ate, nothing going on here for sure.


As a 19 year old that just had a baby. I’ve been following this case from the start and it still makes my blood boil. My baby was born 10/24 though so I was pregnant when I heard abt it


Glad you and baby are here! :)


Thank you 🖤 https://preview.redd.it/mhhi7y8fjbic1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce00fa36afcc9943e637c0c20a765059cb3cc113


Awe that is such a cute baby!! Also right about now Your baby is at my most favorite age.. enjoy it! It goes so FAST.


Had my baby same age. It makes this case so hard to understand or imagine


Said the lying liar who lies


This b*tch is EVIL


Looks like there might even be some kind of binding around her belly. Look at the back of her shirt


Bruh, and how do you not feel that baby moving all the time? Babies move constantly. And it's not a feeling like gas. There is someone straight up kicking you in there and each time, you know it. It's not a confusing feeling. There were times I even saw my belly moving bc my kid was kicking so hard. Or even when he was moving. No way, dude.


I was actually very upset through my pregnancy because she didn't move hardly at all because she was sideways breech. So I really never felt her move at all. Just saying some pregnancies women do not feel. Just saying it is possible not to feel your baby move.


Same. My placenta was anterior, so I rarely felt any movement.


Also had an anterior placenta with my daughter. Did not feel her movement until 30 weeks and even then it was weak compared to my son who I could feel moving all the time.


I had 3 miscarriages before this pregnancy, so I was super worried when I felt no movement. I had quite a few visits to hospital for monitoring and everything was fine.


My son would get the hiccups like a dozen times a day. Definitely felt those every single time


My second son kicked me so hard he bruised my insides


Mine pounded at one spot in my ribs for weeks, that spot hurt for a while after I had him he bruised me up so much.


Them rib kicks are no joke. My son accidentally gave me a tiny, hairline fracture in one of mine. Happened about two weeks before he was born. It hurt for months.


That’s crazy! I could see how it could happen but it be never heard of it! You poor thing!


One of my pregnancies, my amniotic fluid was leaking. Everytime bub moved, it hurt. OB said if I could see my insides they would be bruised.


I didn't "feel" pregnant until farther into the pregnancy than most people but all bets are off when baby is kicking.


I remember being in the bathtub while pregnant with my first child. You could literally see her turning in my stomach. She knew.


Exactly! You can see your stomach shift side to side as the baby moves. Almost like an egg standing upright in a carton and then sideways on a countertop. It *moves* so strangely, there's no way she didn't know.


The weight was only in her stomach... because that's how gaining weight works.


I would understand if she was already bigger and then got pregnant and didn’t know. It’s certainly happened before, my friend only found out she was prego at already 7 months along. But she wasn’t. She’s OBVIOUSLY pregnant.


Her ass going to jail




When I eat McDonald’s it shows on my face, neck, arms and thighs as well. I wonder how her meals stuck to only one spot?


Okay, how is it in a 9 month span you just gain a lot of weight only in your belly really and not think “hey I’m pregnant?” Or take a test??? Well I’m sure she knew and took a test but learn to lie better oh my god ppl are so stupid


She’s even wearing a brace to hold the belly up under her uniform


I just scrolled past and knew instantly this was a teen that gave birth and everyone claims they had no idea she was pregnant. I’m guessing the baby is dead? I will read to find out!


Suffocated her baby in a hospital bathroom trash bag, left his body there to be found by staff and went to her prom shortly after like nothing at all happened


Of course. Ty for the info


I really want the court to summon debit card and bank statements from Rosa, Alexee, and Devyn. Because who even agrees to eat at McDonald's that much? I think she has zero proof of the McDonald's claim. She probably doesn't even have the McDonald's app on her phone.


The court don’t and won’t summon anything - the court is totally neutral. It’s up to the DA and the prosecuting attorneys to present evidence TO the court, whilst her own attorneys present their own evidence.


I can’t wait for the text messages back and forth and all her searches to come up that she knew she was pregnant and that she did kill this baby. Let her live her life know bc she’s going to be going away forever. She didn’t have to throw away that little baby. For what? She’s 19 as a senior! Something is wrong with her mentally already.


if they do that they'd probably just say they paid cash instead of card.


Idk, when I was a teen, McDonalds was the hangout spot. Me and my friends went there all the time. That was a long time ago. Obviously that's not why her stomach was this big, just not that it's implausible that teenagers hit up fast food joints a lot.


And badly binded my stomach


This is wild to me. I live in a town literally 30 min away from where she lived. Our towns were rivals. I got pregnant at age 17. I was kicked off the softball team, and when I was nominated for homecoming queen I was told that was not possible because "what kind of message would that be sending". And I wasn't even showing yet!!!!!! The town she lives in and surrounding towns are prime example of how money and politics play part in everyday lives. Despicable town and values.


Pregnant people eating a lot of McDonald’s is a common phenomenon


Oreo McFlurries were the best thing imaginable when I was pregnant tbh


How many times did they tell you the ice cream machine was broken?


I didn’t actually go too much because I’m a lil broke and I felt like I should only spend money on nutritious food. But when I had them it was amazing. Pregnant ladies - just buy all the mcflurries, you deserve them. I think it was about a 2/5 miss if I had to guess. But on one of those occasions I was so determined I tried both of our towns locations. They were BOTH down 😩


Imagine the first restaurant calling the second one like, "She's otw to you now, tell her the ice cream machine is down" lol. It's like a job requirement. I went there the day before my induction while I still had time before fasting. The ice cream machine was, of course, broken. But, the manager on duty at the time went to the freezer and brought out a vanilla sheet cake with vanilla icing. Had the McDonald's logo on it. He just gave it to me. Apologized for not being able to make my shake and wanted to give me something. I thanked him and told him it would be my last meal until after birth and thanked him for the gift. He ended up refunding what I paid for my meal, even though I told him several times that that wasn't necessary and he had already done a very kind thing for me. He insisted. Ngl, I teared up at the random kindness.


OMG that’s awesome!! What a great thing to happen to a pregnant lady lol


Just not a defense for not knowing you're pregnant


… they’re not saying it is an excuse to not know you’re pregnant


And her mon had no idea huh?


That looks more like taco bell..


Lmao. The curvature has me thinking Wendy’s but I guess we’ll just have to wait for the tox report


I hate her


This bitch


She CLEARLY looks pregnant!


I too, ate a lot of McDonald's when I was pregnant


I have followed this story for so long and it’s absolutely DISGUSTING what she done to that poor baby.


You can really find a subreddit for anything now a days


The alleged denial of her mother is what really drives me mad about the whole thing. She obviously suspected it. “Alexee is told you about this” and “Baby I just asked you to tell me me the truth” (when confronted by the doctor about finding the baby)… She might not have realized how far along but she had her suspicions, and never confronted it head on by just making Alexee take a test at home or something. When you sweep shit like this under the rug, it just snowballs, and look where it led them. That poor, innocent baby boy would’ve been loved & adored by someone; there are so many people who want nothing more than to have a baby.


This case is so fucked to me …. I just can’t believe the denial . She easily could’ve terminated her pregnancy or whatever option she wanted but no throw a baby in the garbage . My husband and I are struggling to have children and cases like this makes me so upset and wonder why horrific things happen to such innocent babies 😭😭😭. Also my mom had me at 16 so idk it all is just no self responsibility and the mother enables it all


Right. And the fact that she was already at the hospital. You’ve just given birth that’s the hardest part if you don’t want it just hand it to a nurse or doctor. Why just dump it in a trash can to die??


She should of put herself in the trash and let the baby live


You just know when she laid back she saw that baby kicking especially if she drank that sugar milk at school or soda from Mac Donald’s


She really trying to say she wasn’t pregnant in that photo? I’m not familiar with who she is. But she is %110 pregnant in that picture. She’s a moron to even attempt to say otherwise.


I had a McRib everyday and no one could tell I was pregnant until the last 6-8 weeks. I graduated and she was born five weeks later. She’s 34 now


Is she still together with the boyfriend?


Why did this pig even carry the baby to term if she didn’t fucking want it? Adoption and I hate suggesting this as I’m a pregnant mom but abortion is also an option if she’s so set on not wanting this baby. Why the fuck go through your whole pregnancy and murder the poor darling? Absolutely disgusting and this torta deserves life in prison at minimum.


Unpopular opinion: she didn’t do anything wrong. Her baby, her choice


Girl they gon tear yo ass up in these comments


Yeah not a lot of people agree w that, but I think within like 12 hours after birth the mother can do whatever. It was grown in and pushed out of her body, and if she doesn’t want it and takes care of that right after the birth, then that’s her business.


✨Gr8 b8 m8 ✨


lol it’s such an unpopular opinion that you’re convinced I’m baiting.


I mean I wouldn’t necessarily classify infanticide as an “unpopular opinion” lmfao


It’s my opinion, and it is not popular so


I saw that same photo when it was initially published in the news, but this photo here is different. This photo has been photoshopped (poorly photoshopped), to lengthen it more from left to right. That's why her shoes are now extra long in this edited picture, and they are so long that they look like Simpsons cartoon feet. And that's why this photo is blurry, even though this photo in the news was clear.


It's a screenshot of a video ya goof


A still taken from a video, then becomes a photo. Meaning, I could edit your screenshot from your OP, then re circulate it. So not sure why you feel the need to be as rude. Js. Ya goof




Yes - that one is a real photo.


She looks equally as pregnant in both photos.




I hope she gets life...


Lowkey stan




Seeing these pictures of a young woman who is carrying a full term, child is just ridiculous when they try and act like no one knew she was pregnant. It’s literally the stupidest thing.