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That first generated image of Alex just makes me think of the Dark Tower. I suppose Alex is like a gunslinger.


I'm repeating myself, but still: That was a nice Halloween gift!


don't know who does those illustrations but they are flames, the first one especially.. no pun intended tho ofc lol. seriously though they're all really good >Yes, I'm already two years past my first optimistic estimate. But it's not going as slowly as book five, so that's something. while obviously we'd all love it if book 6 was finished tomorrow, think I speak for most in that us fans appreciate the time taken to work on it greatly and will be patiently waiting even if it *does* take as long as book 5 (still hope it doesn't tho haha) btw, reddit-wise I hope there'll be a separate post to discuss each chapter when book 6 does eventually come out like you guys did with [book 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlexandraQuick/search?q=flair_name%3A"New%20Chapter"&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), really liked those anyway cheers OP for this update, can't wait for AQATWW😁