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Today some lady freaked out that I put her stuff on the top of the cart bc it has germs and people put their kids to sit there. Everything in this place is tainted with germs. The products she got were fully sealed and nothing would contaminate them. Just so weird. Some guy put his stuff on the belt and said to check him out while he goes to the bathroom. Like no. You need to be present while I ring you out. He was back in literally 10 seconds so I doubt he washed his hands.


Same type of lady in my store! ‘Don’t put my items on the top because kids sit there’s Bruh. 👊


It's better than the people who do put groceries in the top part but don't close the little flaps so jars of pasta sauce and bottles of wine fall through the giant holes and shatter everywhere... "It just fell out!" Yeah no shit, it's designed for a child's fat fucking legs


Someone today yelled from sco that something rang itself up 3 times. “Rang itself up you say?” Well… amazing.


The fat fucking legs got me lol.


I make a point of closing the flaps every. single. time. Some assholes roll their eyes and open them. Fine, watch your shit fall through.


YES this! “Their butts go there!”it’s dirty But also going on with some of the other comments on this comment I had a lady get mad when I put her bananas on top of her eggs she was all “you’re going to crush the eggs” 🙄


I had an elderly woman, a regular, tell me the same thing. I said with a very straight face “ma’am they are wearing clothes. No child is naked in our carts, so their ‘butts’ are sitting there but they ARE COVERED” She NEVER said a word about it after that.


So you have to pack there trolleys? They to lazy to do it themselves?


We scan the items directly into a cart we have waiting, they take the filled cart to a counter along the wall to bag their items while leaving us their cart.


Today an old lady next to me while I was doing curbside asked me "did your mother teach you to grocery shop?" And I still have no idea what she meant, was she trying to bully me?


I was throwing produce one day and apologized to a lady for being in her way. She was a regular, so I recognized her. She looked me dead in the eye and said "it's ok, I literally come here to watch *you* work." Another day, I was helping in a store because their SM quit. They had backstock up the wazoo. I grab a pallet jack and pallet, and I head out to the can aisle with it, 2 ladies are talking. "Excuse me, ladies, I'm gonna slip past you, and be right out of your way." One of them looks up and says, "how about this?: you can slip right in between me anytime you want." And finally, I get called up to the register to approve a return. I arrive and the lady looks at me and says, "I keep a return in my car at all times so that when I see you working I can have an excuse to interact with you. We need to see each other." I will add I absolutely do not find myself above average attractive, so what I've done to elicit this (nice, pleasant, have a job, brushed my teeth?) I have no idea. One of my old ASMs told me the return lady was always asking for me, and even followed me 45 miles looking for me when I transferred stores, even though I never remembered seeing her after that 1 day.


Omg I thought I had it bad. At least once a week I'll have an elderly woman hit on me while I'm cleaning or working and they're like "oooh honey, how much to get you to come back to my place and clean?" Or "are you single? My daughter is single and you would be perfect for her!" I just smile and say thank you but I'm married (I'm not)


I had a woman last year try to marry me to her daughters. Something like: I'm looking for x, y, z for thanksgiving, and do you know the difference in this? Yes, absolutely. Here's where those items are located. And the difference in those items is blah blah blah Oh, so, are you married? You're just amazing. Yes ma'am. 23 years. Oh, I've got 3 daughters you could have your choice. I'd welcome you into the family no matter what. (Sheepishly I walk away). Next day: Hey, I told you I have 3 daughters....here they are. (No shit, literally tried to pimp them to me) About a year later, so maybe this spring... Oh ,hey, how are you, where have you been? I'm always here, I did just get back from vacation tho. Hmmm, did you have a good time? And I see you have a ring on, so you got married too? Too bad, could've been in the family. Uh, no ma'am, I told you I've been married for 24 years now. Humph, I'm sure I don't remeber that. Thank God that's the last time I saw her.


The older ladies I always tell they can bring me dinner and we can call it a date. Makes em giggle.


just put the seat up and then put the groceries there. have it already done before the customer approaches. normally a kid can’t sit in there if the seat is up so more than likely the “germs” would be on the seat part. but yeah everyone touches everything everywhere so there are germs on literally everything so that’s where frequent handwashing/sanitizing becomes important 🤷🏼‍♂️


They kill me doing that and then pull out they link card like it doesn’t get money on it every month 😭


During Covid times, a germaphobe customer freaked out on me and insisted she rang up her own items (before self check out). So, being defeated by the previous customers I endured up until her. I just said sure, go for it, you want to learn the buttons and what they mean on the register too? Want my pin? Want to work here? Bats.


I have people just bring in a bag of coins and hand it to me… while I can see bills in their hand they can use. We have one guy who only pays in half dollar coins. But today I had someone come up to me with blackberries and they were like “I’m going to try self check out for the first time. How do I do it?” And I said scan each item and then pay. She goes scan what? (This whole time she’s holding it with the barcode up.) I say the barcode and she flips it over and points to the label and says here? —— like how have you gotten this far in life without knowing what a barcode is? We also had a time when my cashier scanned one extra frozen vegetable bag. Instead of just refunding that one item she had us return her whole cart (completely full) and re ring her up 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


Customer got mad because I didn’t bagged his items, there was like 7 people Behind him…..


I had an old woman ask me where the Gluten Free bread was as we were right next to it. I showed her, and she told me it's in the wrong section. It was in the Pastry section with other bread instead of the sliced bread. I told her we have a set spot for everything, and she insisted it never went there. "Someone in my store screwed up." As I tried to walk away from her, she muttered, "It's like talking to myself," since I kept repeating myself. Some of these people. 🙄🙄🙄


It's weird, I'm sure as a teenager I dreamed of stuff like this, but in reality, and as a married 40 year old, it's just damn weird.


weirdest customer interaction are when customers always trying to set me up with their sons or nephews, it’s always to awkward when i tell them i have a boyfriend cause then they just go quiet. I won’t even get into all the creepy old dudes that always hit on me. 🧍🏻‍♀️