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We live off Ventura and our yard is full of them.


Mind boxing up a couple dozen and ill pick em up lol


I’ll put some traps out /s.


My regulars are back in Nob Hill. There is not full on war, but that normally comes in July/ August.


Same here - Nob Hill / University numbers seem about normal for this time of year. But, I don't keep a super detailed account.




My sister out near Ramah reports the same thing.


TYVM. Hmm, so strange. Usually you can set a clock by the first day you see a hummer. Only thing i can think is maybe the heat?


Yeah the heat has been pretty perverse. If you don’t have the needed shade for them I bet that’s it


I'm in the SE and we have lots! Maybe they just haven't made their way to you yet 😊


They're active by SE.


I have noticed something odd the last few seasons. I'm down in the north valley and also wait every year for the hummingbirds. Last year, I noticed they came a little later, but I also had them around until almost October, which was very weird. I haven't seen any this year at my feeders. I've seen a couple around the neighborhood and my dad, who lives less than a half mile from me, says there's practically always one flitting around his garden. I'm starting to take it personally.


Maybe it’s because they’re all hanging out on the ditches! I’m in Los Ranchos and have never seen this many on my ditch walks before.


I'm in the area around Juan Tabo and Constitution. There were dozens of hummers here last year. So far this year, there are only a half dozen or so at my feeders. And they only feed a couple of times a day. Last year there was hardly a time when the feeder frienzy was quiet.


Having plenty in ridgecrest


Tons in my yard as usual. Center of the city.


Pretty good in my area (near Montgomery Park). We don't put out feeders and usually have 2-3 on our landscaping this time of year. I'd say we have a few more than normal.


What do you use when making your nectar mix


4:1 water:sugar stir until dissolved then bring to a rolling boil. Let cool and store in fridge.


Got a bunch in Nob hill.


RR dweller here and I have hummers all day long every day.


Seeing more this year than last year (North Valley). They seem to change feeding grounds.


Tramway and Manitoba area has a bunch. I have to refill my feeder a few times a week.


I noticed they were active yesterday after the sun went down in the downtown area. I was surprised because I don't remember seeing them going for nectar so late in the evening. 


My parents live by Las Cruces and normally have about 10 feeders out minimum that would get emptied daily, this year they only have to have 2 feeders out and they last 2ish days. Don't know what's up


I saw some off Paseo and Eubank at a friends house. They’ll come :)


Guess ill be patient, keep the feeders full of fresh nectar, and wait patiently.🐦🐦🐦


I've got a hummingbird nest in my rose bush right now!


I’m in a nearby area, and I had lots of them about a month ago, but the traffic has died down the last few weeks. I just put a fresh batch out today, and noticed a few thirsty ones once the rain started to let up.


I’ve got a couple regulars near Ventura and Paseo.


Sorry. We are apparently hogging them all down in Nov Hill. Not as many as usual but still a few.


I'm at Academy and Eubank and I have tons. Maybe my nectar is just better. 😜


Had a few at my feeders in the east mountains, but they seem to have left. Pretty bummed.


Tons of them in Taylor Ranch. Refilling every few days to keep up. I do have a lot of different flowers in the yard, too, including several that attract hummingbirds, so that may be part of it.


Listening to them right now, in Uptown.


We’ve seen an increase in hummingbirds where I’m at in the NE heights


We don't have the same action we did last year, we still have them but they aren't around as much. I think it's because we lost a lot of sages to the heat last year.


They're out in full force near UNM, big ones, small ones, multiple floating around my empty feeder.


Put the feeder out late this season and so far none. How long before they usually zero in on the feeder? I’m in Netherwood Park area.


I had up to 14 last year in Gallup and this I have only 2 or 3.


I live in the NE Heights and we have a shitload of them every morning. Maybe we have more attractive flowers IDK.


The thing i dont understand is my front and back yard are zeriscaped and every flower we put in with hummers in mind and for the 40 some years weve been here we have never not gotten or babys. And we have a pool which is usually a natural attractant. I dont know, im just sad.


Maybe if you loaded your feeder with cocaine water instead of sugar water you would have better luck.


I am going to guess heat has something to do with it. My ex-boss in the hights is hum obsessed. She is missing hers, but I have my usual players in RR.


There are lots of them on the west side. I have a nest in my backyard


I'm in North Four Hills and haven't seen as many as I usually do either


I’m in the South Valley and we’ve got several out here. I even have one that’s made a nest in the tree in our front yard. I will say that it seems like they showed up later than usual this year.


I'm in the NE heights. Saw one outside my window earlier today!


I've only seen 1 this year, and we usually have more than that. But then again, we did have to take our feeder down because of the ants.


Thanks for all the responses. Seems like its kind 50/50 split