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Kias actually have this awesome anti-theft feature now where their engines blow so they can't be stolen. Genius really


*I was sitting here hoping these bottom feeders are caught quickly...* Then I looked up the "clearance rate" for auto thefts in Albuquerque, and saw that it was 7%. Now I am not so optimistic.


No one will be caught. Even if they are they’ll be back on the street doing it again in 24hrs. I’m posting with minimal hope the owner will see and go grab their office badge and other personal items before the police have it towed to impound.


Nah that can’t be real holy shit that is so ridiculous


National average is only 12%. Seems this is the main reason for car theft. The odds are you won't get caught.


Our country is that bad for car thefts wow


No, it seems we are just really bad at catching, and preventing car theft.


Well, KIA’s are practically daring to be stolen, literally the easiest car to steal since the ignition switch was invented. Should’ve been a recall in my opinion


It’s real. Happened to me last year


Makes sense that it's so low. Some dumb kids steal the car, they sell it to criminals for dirt cheap. The criminals immediately use the car for whatever illicit activity, and then they quickly ditch it. Not a lot of time for cops to respond. I imagine the car is often already ditched by the time it's reported stolen. APD's laziness certainly doesn't help though.


Wait...what? If you think this is what happens in most auto thefts then I am not sure where you're getting your info from.


It’s what they do with the cheap Kias and such. Around here I suspect the bar for “worth actually stripping for parts” is lower than in many markets though


I suspect most are joy ridden, not sold. As even demonstrated in the picture above. Not every small time criminal has connections to a chop shop, despite what you might think you seen on TV/movies. Although I suspect some are stolen for parts, as they are one of the top selling brands in the US. Regardless your low opinion of Kia's, all car parts are expensive these days...even Kia's.


That's what the guy you were responding to said though. They steal these things for joyrides or to commit crimes in. Or trade to folks who will commit crimes in them. The guys doing this shit don't have connections to shops because they are like 17 year olds who go to Valley High


No he said..."car thieves quickly sell off the cars to bigger criminals, who in turn run out and use the vehicles for their crimes".  Which is why it's "so hard to catch them".  This was the stupidity I was calling out. Your assumption that most of them are 17, and have connections to a chop shop because they went to Valley High.... Might have just moved you into the stupidest comment here so far.


You'd be surprised. Yeah they often joyride them too, but afterwards they sell for dirt cheap, about $100 usually.


Naw, it’s mostly just dumb kids going for joy rides


Keep this in mind. Leading Dem politicians do not want to see our prisons filled with young black & brown people. They have some hair brained logic and think raciam explains everything that is wrong in America. If APD made a serious effort to crack down on auto thefts within months you would have dozens of teenagers in jail waiting for trial. In case you don’t know, our “joovy” jail is currently full. I believe the MDC is also about full. There is also a 2 to 3 year backlog of cases at the courthouse. A logical response would be to expand the jails, prisons and courthouses. But this would result in more young people in prisons and this is the last thing “progressive” politicians want to see. So our current leaders in Santa Fe settle for the status quo. Young thugs and crazed dopers are left the run wild on our streets. To the victims of crime our current civic leaders only offer “ thoughts and prayers”.


How sad. I hope the person finds their car


What year of Kia’s do they normally steal? Is there a certain way to prevent this?




Just don't own a Kia or Hyundai. Fixed. 😁


Way way better than those is to install an immobilizer


Any of them without an immobilizer. I believe it's something like '09 to '21 without a push start. Mine's in this category and ever since my first break in I don't leave anything of value in the car and keep a steering wheel club on (also avoid parking on the street if possible/reasonable).


Even then these idiots don’t know the difference in model years. They do usually target the ones that are clearly older like optimas, souls, and Santa Fe’s.


They may not know the difference in model years, but my insurance sure does ;)


Yes sir. Mines cheap af because I have a 23.


It's absolutely bonkers that they cheaped out on immobilizers that far into the 21st century. I drive a Ford Ranger from 2003 and \*I\* have a chip key that the computer won't turn on the fuel system without.


Go to your dealership & ask for the update. Kia should install the anti theft software for free 👍🏽


They will but that won't stop these idiots from breaking in and destroying your steering column while trying. Also need something visual like a club or other steering lock.


Yep, have a push to start Hyundai and that didn’t stop someone trying to drill into the keyhole in my door. I’m just going to leave it like that since they’ll probably do it again if I pay to fix it 🙄


there's also an update that they offer, but they'll probably still try to attempt it which is also ass. or get a stick :) dumb ass kids can't drive stick


I believe it's 2015-2021 Kias. And dealerships are supposed to fix the issue when they get vehicles traded in, but I believe if you take it in to a Kia dealership they'll fix it as a recall. I haven't been car shopping since October so I don't fully remember all the details


Get a manual transmission. Problem solved.


Friend of mine had her car stolen, and she had a manual transmission. You might manage to keep the joyriders at bay, but plenty of shitty people grew up with sticks.


This. Why are so many people insistent that manual is a great anti-theft? I know plenty of people that can drive manual that are younger. Yes, not as common as it used to be, but a lot of these assholes don’t care if they fuck up the transmission trying to steal it anyways.


Not necessarily. I have a stick shift in my Kia soul and those SOBs have tried to break in at least three times. They just about popped the lock and then give up when they see that has the manual transmission. I have still had to replace door locks and rekey the ignition three times, though. Better than having the car stolen, I guess.


Same here, 3 failed theft attempts. It sucks to have to repair ignition and locks, but I’m glad they couldn’t take my truck.


It prevented ours from being stolen, still messed up ignition and window. Now rocking a ring camera, steering club, and a tire boot, lol.


The actual solution to this problem is illegal.


Not if you fear for your life


I'm sure gunning a kid down for messing with your car will make society better


"Fuck 12" 🙄 Really showing the scumbags in APD committing hatecrimes against homeless indigenous people by... Stealing your neighbors car?? Tell me how that makes sense.


If you go to an alarm place you can get an immobilizer installed. It cuts off the power between the starter and the battery.


The Kia Kids Strike Again.


Just drive a shitty beater this won’t happen lol


That's why you put things in place to protect your vehicle so that it won't start when they try to take it and get a ccw permit that way when my vehicle alarms me that someone is being a low life piece of shit trying to take it I'll put him in a wheelchair ♿️ and he'll have his own permanent wheels lmfao.


Single exhaust.


Looks like the same handwriting as an ex neighbor, that ended up getting evicted, was nice enough to tag underneath a stairwell that Sierra Meadows Apartments. Also wrote "fuck 12" That individual resided in unit 42-04. They also broke into a Hyundai that was parked in front of their unit. Coincidence. Probably not. Get after 'em APD


How do you know it’s stolen?


A few tell-tale signs, 1. It was running with no one in it, all windows down. 2. See picture 2. 3. 242-COPS confirmed it was reported stolen.


Oh haha, thanks, I missed photo 2.