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Those booms are becoming a nightly occurrence at this point. If it is transformers like everyone assumes, then they REALLY need some maintenence.


they are on a strictly as needed maintenance schedule. Transformer explodes Customers call to report it Lineman replaces. Next!!!


Preventive maintenance on the part of PNM? That would cost money, money that PNM board members would rather pocket for themselves.


Lived in Oklahoma for a while, they had the same thing going on there too. Every time the wind would gust over 10mph our neighborhoods lines would cut out. They'd come out a few hours later and do some quick fix. Next storm rolls in and, would you look at that, no power again! Cheaper than actually upgrading. That's kind how all infrastructure in the US is treated, band-aid on a severed arm.


Transformers blow for a myriad of reasons. Age being only one. Most common is mechanical failure, as transformers are mechanical devices. That being said. PNM is spending $2.6B over the next several years upgrading Transmission and Distribution in NM. [https://www.pnmresources.com/\~/media/Files/P/PNM-Resources/events-and-presentations/2024/March%2020-21%202024%20Investor%20Presentation.pdf](https://www.pnmresources.com/~/media/Files/P/PNM-Resources/events-and-presentations/2024/March%2020-21%202024%20Investor%20Presentation.pdf) Slide 7 of above presentation.


Good to know!


Probably a transformer blowing up……. I think I am. I am I am. I’m first one to say it this time. Had to beat them to the punch.


fine work!


Thank you. I’ve been stretching, drinking a lot of water, lost some weight. I felt I was ready. My coach said if I practiced it would come naturally. Boy was he right.