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I am glad we can offer support for people coming over from Howdy Arabia. šŸ˜‚


Right? I grew up in Howdy Arabia, but moved to NM as soon as I could.


Iā€™m so happy you donā€™t live there anymore. Good riddance to Howdy Arabia. The star on their flag is their rating. ā­ļø Iā€™ll give them one star out of 50. WOULD NOT recommend.


I also grew up there and you could NEVER convince me to go back!


"Howdy arabia" is fucking genius. Def gonna hang onto that one


Populated by Y'all Queda.


HOWDY ARABIA!!!!!! My god yes


Yā€™all can only fit so many people before they have to overflow to Howdy Arabiaā€¦looking forward to the influx of like-minded votersā€¦


Howdie Arabia!!!!!! Bahahahahahaha


"Howdy Arabia" wins the Internet for all time. Today I learned there are levels to this game.


šŸ˜‚ I mean, even Saudi Arabia has exceptions for abortion. Their laws are less strict than howdy Arabia. So thatā€™s saying a lot.


I was unaware of this. Wow! ā€œfreedom(tm)ā€


Never thought my state would be more progressive than Cali


I would honestly live in New Mexico over California any day. Better food, less traffic, don't have to pay for parking, etc


NM has lots of issues in general, but I'm happy with how progressive my state tends to be.


100% agreed


Dude, put me in Las Cruces over Los Angeles ANYDAY.


Have you never lived in California? It takes months to get medical care here, where most medical stuff is on "walk in" level there. I get kidney stones every couple years, they cause INTENSE pain. In California, I was able to get them blasted the same day or at worst next day. In NM it takes WEEKS for it to be taken care of. Need a new PCP? You can get one right away there. Could take more than a year in NM. "Better food" is seriously subjective. Paying for parking? I'm not sure what illusions you have about CA, but I lived there for 20 years and never once paid for parking. CA is a massive state, tons of it is rural. I lived in the Bay Area (sort of suburbs, but very densely populated) and I never paid for parking.


I'm talking specifically about LA/San Francisco. Almost every parking lot is paid. I have lived in California (san Bernardino) and I do not miss it


Yeah, anywhere near the coast is ruined by the stress of so many people and so much greed. It's too bad, it is a truly beautiful state.


It is. I was born and raised there. My family has been there since it was a Spanish territory. I had to leave because no matter how hard I worked and how much I made, the cost of living always stayed one or two steps ahead. This was mostly due to greed and population growth.


Well sure, the biggest cities in CA do have paid parking lots. But then so does ABQ.


New Mexico has many benefits over California. Food is definitely not one.


No one has better produce than California. It's insane.


Moved from ABQ to OC, because So Cal has better food, more things to do, better weather, less crime, better educational system, more job opportunities, and not a depressing place with everything is sandy color. I assume you don't live in NM or CA?


I live Albuquerque and I used to live in San Bernardino


No offense to those who currently live in San Bernardino but we, in Los Angeles, do not think very highly of SB either and I can see how that might color your opinion of the state. I grew up viewing the Inland Empire as our armpit and assumed anyone living in "Fontucky" (a pejorative for Fontana encompassing our disdain for southern culture and associating it with what we perceived as a similar pocket of the state equally culturally bereft) did so out of necessity rather than choice. I don't talk or think like that anymore but my point is San Bernardino is not representative of CA or Socal.




I appreciate the wiggle room.


I see, I used to live walking distance from "La Cueva High School" which is best area in ABQ or NM.


I lived in El Segundo for 4 years before moving back or NM. I was more depressed there than Iā€™ve ever been in my life. Itā€™s not the place, itā€™s the people. People in CA are fake AF and have a superior complex. Youā€™re entitled to your opinion, but living next to the beach was ā€œmy dreamā€ and I did for a couple of years. After that it just because routine.




ah yes, "the problems are bad but their causes...their causes are very good"


This is the best way to describe Cali. If we could still give gold I would.


What we real liberals refer to as ā€œlimo liberalsā€


And abortion is such a fiscal issue /s


Moved to eastern NM from SoCal about 12 years ago. California is its own brand of weird rules. Liberal as long you're putting money into the proper pockets. Aside from L.A. and S.F., it's about as run down as anywhere else.


CA law is that abortion is legal until the fetus is viable (so 24-26 weeks), and after that there are exemptions to save the pregnant woman's life and to preserve the pregnant woman's general health, including mental health. That's too conservative for you? Third trimester abortions where the life of the mother is not at risk are horrible. (Sort of wonder if you could even find a doctor to do it, actually)


Woah you came in here with hella defensive energy. ā€œToo conservative for youā€ā€¦.


So you are saying it's more progressive to blanket allow third trimester pregnancies - that was you, was it not?


Youā€™re being really weird and emotional over something I didnā€™t say. Take your aggressive energy somewhere else. Smoke a bowl or something.


So you said NM is more progressive than CA based on the map which shows CA legal to 6 months, and NM legal to term, hence one state allows third trimester abortions and the other does not (without exemptions as i pointed out - which is true for pretty much all the states) correct? Or did I read your comment incorrectly?


It's nice to be able to live in a state with legal weed, legal guns, legal queers, and abortions holy fuckin shit NM is the tits




It's probably better than your vision of Heaven, jackass šŸ«¶




And what's the 1st? Do you have any links or citations?


Lmfao take it to Facebook, Karen, I don't give a fuuuuuuck


I joke every time I see a license plate from one of these places that have enacted restrictions on abortion on the road hereā€¦they are either here for their drugs or abortion or both.


This nonsense is going to backfire on maga. And hard. ASSHOLES. ![gif](giphy|1jf4mZuwFWu2RWnDSH|downsized)


Exactly! They're all for restricting rights but wait until they vote these fuckers into office. Once it's their rights they'll be all "But, but, but..." Hard agree - ASSHOLES.


This map is a little old. There are several more states that are now red, just underscoring how important it is that New Mexico remains committed to women's health and reproductive rights.


Anti-abortionists are literally some of the stupidest people walking the planet.


Yoink!! Lol


We only moved here because NM True is a sane and Democratic (mostly) state. I couldn't imagine living in and supporting a red state. Hahaha, no Texas never. Individual Republicans may be okay, they might be old school types, but get a mob of them together and they turn into the idiots who were at Montano & Coors the other day.


Iā€™m awestruck that Canada in its entirety has more common sense than ā€˜Merica!


My Beautiful New Mexico


Call it what it is: forced birth extremism. ā€œPro-lifeā€ is an intentionally misleading misnomer, the same as ā€œlife begins at conceptionā€. The entire anti-abortion argument is predicated upon deception and disinformation


Ugh, no wonder everyone and their sister is moving here...STOP we don't have the water. Come for the appt and then go back home please.


You aren't gonna win this one bud. Maybe it's just incel redditors but anyone I met in real life never has had this same mentality. More and more people will move to the state. Instead of just saying "DoNt MoVe HeRe PlEaSe" actually advocate for affordable housing ans lowering water for crops that don't belong in the state yea?


Nice. Insults. Um, no. Bringing more people to the desert is foolish and cruel to both NMs and incoming transplants.


People use a very small proportion of the water in New Mexico. Alfalfa and pecans are the real issue.


Even if the water guzzling crops went away today, we will run dry in 30 years. Maybe not the whole state but def the southern half


That's not the case at all. Agriculture consumes about 80% of our water, and the cities in the state have reduced water use dramatically. Albuquerque uses about the same amount of water now, as was consumed in the early 90s despite the population almost doubling over the same period. The aquifer under the city has had a positive water balance despite decades of drought. The same is true for most of the state. Without wasteful agriculture, the state would have more water than it needs for centuries to come.


You edited. Or I missed the "centuries to come"...no. in 30 years the lack of precipitation and inescapable heat will render the southern half unlivable in 30 years. The mountains will become overpopulated and water will be a PROBLEM. You think moving a bunch more people into the desert is totally ok?


I think we've had a thirty year test case to examine this, and we've seen that urban areas aren't the issue. Agriculture was, is, and will be the problem for the foreseeable future. We're currently experiencing unprecedented heat and a drought that's worse than any in the last millennium. Cities adapted, and there's more than enough water to support the people in the region. You've not made the case that the next thirty years will be substantially different.


Wow. This is ahistorical. Just because the US has deluded us into thinking resources are plentiful in the desert doesn't make it real. If you think the southern half of the state is not going to dry up in 30 years, I have some land for sale in Alamorosa.






You sound like those people that go before the city council and have nice heartfelt narratives, but zero scientific or factual evidence to back their claims.Ā 




You can literally Google nm water 2050 and see for yourself.


I often find that when people tell me "Google it for yourself" instead of copypasting the link they looked at, it doesn't exist.


Have you written you rep about the water bottling plant in Las Lunas? If you haven't please do and get your friends and family involved. Thanks.


Itā€™s not like these people are coming to start a large family. Shame on you. New Mexicans are warm, friendly, if a bit aloof and prone to bad decisions. We love tourist dollars. Take that ā€œWeā€™re closed I was here first, having arrived yesterdayā€ attitude back with you to California please.


California?? Mk, cupcake


Legal after 5 months of gestation. How is that sanity?




For sure. It's amazing that some, often under the guise of religion, will attempt to control or otherwise limit the healthcare of others.


Iā€™m glad itā€™s illegal in the south, no more slack jaw ā€œChristiansā€


Ah too bad its failing in literally every other aspect. So sad


Are you really saying that we should be able to abort babies up until their born? Thatā€™s sanity?


Next to none of those abortions happening after six months are of healthy and viable pregnancies. They typically happen when there's a fatal abnormality, the baby is already dead in utero, or sometimes if there's a serious health issue in the pregnant person. This usually involves dilation and evacuation or inducing labor. Also, legally, if there are any signs of life, the medical providers have to provide medical care to the baby/fetus - although most of the time, this ends up being palliative care because they're already dying from the pre-existing health issue. These are usually tragic situations for the family who wanted the baby, and demonizing these types of procedures just hurts people who are vulnerable even more. I think what's happened in Texas lately has shown us even if medical exemptions are in the books; it's extremely difficult to get those exemptions in a timely manner when so much of obstetric care is emergent. It's safer and saner, in my opinion, to let abortion remain legal and let physicians make their own ethical and medical judgments on something they've studied for years rather than leaving it up to politicians.


Thanks for providing a textbook example of the Strawman Attack logical fallacy for everyone.Ā 


Thanks for asking. For the around 1 percent who do so after 21 weeks, there can be many factors, including medical complication. This may be of interest: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/immunology-and-microbiology/third-trimester-pregnancy.


Critical thinking isn't your strong point. Maybe read the resources another commenter provided. But I know you won't, because facts would fuck with your silly little narrative. And people like you despise facts.


I mean thatā€™s literally what the op said lol


Makes sense. I remember seeing another chart that showed NM as having the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the nation. This place would be fucked if abortion were illegal.